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Grade Keeper V4
After reading through the board and seeing other examples, I thought it be best I will keep the most recent verison on the first post (this post.) Starting a new thread to keep it clean and keeping the old for historical thoughts.

So here is the next update!

.zip (Size: 537.68 KB / Downloads: 34)

Code: (Select All)
'|                                                                                  |
'| Grade Keeper Build 4.1.2 - Resolving issues & adding more user-friendly features!|
'|                                                                                  |
'| Release #6 May 23rd, 2023                                                        |
'|                                                                                  |
'| Additions: #1 - Gradebook Fuctionality! - Clear grades and deletion commands     |
'|                 now fuctional (though I don't like the flow for deletion...)     |
'|                                                                                  |
'| Modifications: #1 - All fonts built at start, faster report production!          |
'|                #2 - Duplication of code moved to a sub MENUFRAME (Title)         |
'|                #3 - Arial replaced with Arial Narrow due to rendering issue.     |
'|                #4 - New add student screen. Resolves issues and makes input less |
'|                     tedious (quicker to do and correct mistakes)                 |
'|                                                                                  |
'| Current Limitations: #1 - Printed reports limited to windows                     |
'|                      #2 = Printed reports limited to 1 page                      |
'|                      #3 - Gradebook commands: Add, clear grades, remove          |
'|                           assignment and save and exit (F2, F6, F8, F12)         |
'|                           are fuctional                                          |
'|                      #4 - Gradebook limited to 20 students and about 20          |
'|                           assignments (name length dependent)                    |
'|                                                                                  |
'| Konwn Bugs & Issues: #X - Cancel changing class set will... (Resolved)           |
'|                      #X - Adding an assignment will delay input and cause first  |
'|                           keypress to be loss with GLI (Much less frequent)      |
'|                      #X - Email and address field of add student can overlap     |
'|                           (Resolved with new add student. Old modify student     |
'|                           present until feedback and further testing before      |
'|                           modifying that routinue.                               |
'|                      #1 - GLI word wrap issues here and there, will fix later.   |

The more I use Terry's GLI library, the more powerful and useful I am finding it and how great it works. Do check out the new add student screen (now with mouse support!) to see it in action. Word wrapping is still an issue but it is lower on my list of things to get done. I left the old modify student routinue in place for now, pending on feedback. Then I will also adjust that to be more user-friendly as well!

[Image: image.png]

I believe I got all (or at least most) of the mis-aligned text due to the font change. If you see something funny, please let me know so I can correct it.

Also, though all the files used are in the data.bas file as DATA lines, I also include the raw files in a Dev folder for ease of others to tweak changes.

Finally, I feel like I had to hack the delete assignment command to make it work right. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why the grades were not realigning with the cells after being updated. So after seeing the sub placing them correctly on relaunch, that is exactly what I see a loop up for. To relaunch the gradebook to show the grades right. Don't like such a hack but it works and therefore is staying for now until I have the time to figure out what happened...

Finally, Finally, on a personal note. I am now working (well suppose to starting yesterday) on my master thesis for my master in education. I wanted to get this update out before I unplug for a little bit. I may be a bit slower for a few months but I hope to keep working and improving this program (I do find it relaxing to program Angel ). I feel like I am getting close to calling it a full-on beta here soon!

Current verison:

.zip (Size: 537.68 KB / Downloads: 34)
WHILE NOT EndOfLife(1)
    HappyLife = HappyWife - (Money * Time * Travel * Gifts)
    Kids = (NoTime * LackOfLove) MOD NumOfKids
    IF Retirement <> Rich THEN YearsOnJob = YearsOnJob + 1 ELSE SeeTheWorld
Does the "Save & Done" exit the screen? If so, I'd suggest wording it as "Save & Exit", maybe.
Yes, it's me. Now shut up.
(05-24-2023, 03:12 PM)Ultraman Wrote: Does the "Save & Done" exit the screen? If so, I'd suggest wording it as "Save & Exit", maybe.

Maybe it is redundant in both ways. Maybe, I should just say "Save"? "Save & add another" says it all? What are your thoughts, or do you think the exit should be kept? I think you are right about the done part...
WHILE NOT EndOfLife(1)
    HappyLife = HappyWife - (Money * Time * Travel * Gifts)
    Kids = (NoTime * LackOfLove) MOD NumOfKids
    IF Retirement <> Rich THEN YearsOnJob = YearsOnJob + 1 ELSE SeeTheWorld

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