11-18-2023, 07:19 PM
Another example on how to use SVG graphics from within your QB64 program.
This example shows how dynamically creating/editing the SVG text can be used to generate images for a program.
Gradient behavior is a little wonky due to how gradients use the relative coordinates but it still gets the job done.
This example shows how dynamically creating/editing the SVG text can be used to generate images for a program.
Gradient behavior is a little wonky due to how gradients use the relative coordinates but it still gets the job done.
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'SVG example 2 resizable rectangle
'by James D. Jarvis November 18,2023
'This example is going to use much of the previous example but I'm going to show how the format allows for modification.
Screen _NewImage(800, 500, 32)
'going to have a resizable window along with a resizable rectangle
Dim As Long simg 'we are going to draw the SVG into this image
'default values for the rectangle height, width, and corner radius
HT = 100
WD = 200
RC = 12
'this will result in a centered rectangle being drawn on the screen
xoff$ = _Trim$(Str$(Int(_Width / 20))) '_trim$ needs to be used to trim off the leading space STR$ creates to make sure the value is properly entered
yoff$ = _Trim$(Str$(Int(_Height / 20)))
rw1$ = _Trim$(Str$(WD)) 'convert rectangle width to a string value so it fits in the string definition
rh1$ = _Trim$(Str$(HT)) 'convert rectangle height to a string value so it fits in the string definition
crd$ = _Trim$(Str$(RC)) 'convert rectangle corner radius to a string value so it fits in the string definition
goff$ = _Trim$(Str$(HT - _Height / 10)) 'top gradient offset
'make a minimal header and footer to setup the SVG
'scaling the postion of the rectangle to be drawn relative to the dimension of the window
'the header and gradient definitions were moved into the main loop because dimensions may change
svgheader$ = "<svg x='0' y='0' width='" + _Trim$(Str$(_Width)) + "' height= '" + _Trim$(Str$(_Height)) + "' >" 'makes sure the SVG will match the screen 1 to 1
svgfooter$ = "</svg>" 'this idicates the end of the SVG
'gd$ is going to be the linear gradient
'gradients have to be defined before they can be called later in the SVG
gd$ = " <defs> <linearGradient id='LGrad1' x1='0' y1='0' x2='0' y2='" + rh1$ + "' >" 'x1,y1,x2,y2 establishes the gradient will run from top to bottom
gd$ = gd$ + " <stop class='stop1' offset='0%'stop-color='#550000' />" 'the gradient at this point is starting out dark red
gd$ = gd$ + " <stop class='stop2' offset='50%' stop-color='red' />" 'the gradient at this point is default red
gd$ = gd$ + " <stop class='stop3' offset='" + goff$ + "'stop-color='#550000' />" 'the gradient is ending in dark red
'in the line above we ar setting stop 3 to goff$ so it will match the postion of the rescaled rectangle a little better
gd$ = gd$ + " </linearGradient> "
gd$ = gd$ + " </defs>"
'i$ will hold the actual image data
'rect defines a rectanglt at x,y with height and width, rx,ry define the rounded rectangle corners
i$ = "<rect x='" + xoff$ + "' y='" + yoff$ + "' height='" + rh1$ + "' width='" + rw1$ + "'rx='" + crd$ + "' ry='" + crd$ + "' fill='url(#LGrad1)' stroke='white' stroke-width='9' />"
i$ = i$ + "<rect x='" + xoff$ + "' y='" + yoff$ + "' height='" + rh1$ + "' width='" + rw1$ + "'rx='" + crd$ + "' ry='" + crd$ + "' fill='none' stroke='black' stroke-width='3' />"
'note in the second rectangle definition above that draw the back line is set to a fill='none' as opposed to 'transparent' the library doesn't render 'none' but will render 'transparent' as a grey box
svg$ = svgheader$ + gd$ + i$ + svgfooter$ 'put all the strings together into one string called svg$
simg = _LoadImage(svg$, 32, "memory") 'load and render the defined SVG$ into simg
'put some type inside the rectangle, ideally centered
_Dest simg 'make the destination simg for now
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
tx$ = "X,x,Y,y,R,r"
pax = Val(xoff$) + WD / 2 - (Len(tx$) * 8) / 2
pay = Val(yoff$) + HT / 2 - 16
_PrintString (pax, pay), "X,x,Y,y,R,r"
_PrintString (pax, pay + 16), "to Resize"
_Dest 0 'return the destination to the screen
_PutImage , simg 'put simg on the screen
Print "<ESC> to quit" 'this will show in the same position n the screen regardless of changes
_Display 'refresh our window with no flickering
'let's get some user input
_Limit 30
kk$ = InKey$
Loop Until kk$ <> "" 'wait for a key to be pressed
Select Case kk$ 'handle the keys pressed
Case "X" 'enlarge the rectangle width
If WD < (_Width - _Width / 10) Then WD = WD + 4
Case "Y" 'enlarge the rectangle height
If HT < (_Height - _Height / 10) Then HT = HT + 4
Case "x" 'decrease the rectangle width
If WD - 4 > (Len(tx$) * 8) + RC Then WD = WD - 4
Case "y" 'increase the rectangle height
If HT - 4 > 40 Then HT = HT - 4
Case "r" 'decrease the corner radius
If RC > 1 Then RC = RC - 1 'do not decrease the corner radius beneath 1
Case "R" 'increase the corner radius
RC = RC + 1
End Select
_FreeImage simg 'keep the memory use reasonable, might not always want this in the main loop but it's the best spot for it in this program
Loop Until kk$ = Chr$(27) 'press <ESC> to exit
Print "The SVG last displayed"
Print svg$