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Full Screen Not Working Anymore.
Easiest solution is to maximize rather than go fullscreen.  You probably won't notice much difference, but the menus are going to work for you.

The issue happens to be leftover blank lines in the IDE.

Let's say you have a screen of 1000 pixels in height, and you load a font which is 10 pixels in height.  100 rows of 10 pixels -- life is good!  It all displays as it should with no problems!

But let's say your font is only 11 pixels in height.   You now have 111 rows of 9 pixels, for a total of 999 pxels, with one poor blank pixel left over.   That pixel *should* go to the bottom of the screen where it's not noticable, but it's not.  For ages now, it's been glitching where that blank space goes up top in the IDE (if you look REAAAAAAALLLLY close, you might see that blank black space at the top), and that throws all the IDE coordinates off by that number of pixels as we calculate for the IDE to start at the top of the screen and not with that gap in there.

If you just maximize the IDE, it automatically adjusts itself to the largest size which can fit your screen (111 rows of 9 pixels, in this case), and there's no blank lines involved -- thus there's no blank space at the top of the screen to throw X/Y coodinates off with the mouse.

It's a simple user patch for the issue until we find out exactly where in the 2million lines of source that glitch is and fix it -- and I wouldn't hold my breath on the fix showing up anytime soon.  As bplus mentioned:  This issue has been around forever and ever already.

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