Sounds like an interesting game idea...
Without any further information, it is difficult to understand what you are trying to achieve.
Code: (Select All)
DIM moneyvalue AS INTEGER 'Declare the variables as numbers (Integer)
DIM intelligencevalue AS INTEGER 'Declare the variables as numbers (Integer)
DIM strengthvalue as INTEGER 'Declare the variables as numbers (Integer)
DO 'Start a loop
PRINT "(J)ob / (S)tudy / (G)ym / (H)ome" 'Displays the choices
INPUT "Where do you want to go" ;gowhere$ 'Asks to select one , what you enter will be registered as a STRING
IF gowhere$ = "J" OR gowhere$ = "j" THEN 'If you press the letter J on the keyboard, uppercase or lowercase
PRINT "You went to work."
moneyvalue = moneyvalue + 1 'Gain one stat point
ELSEIF gowhere$ = "S" OR gowhere$ = "s" THEN'If you press the letter S on the keyboard, uppercase or lowercase
intelligencevalue = intelligencevalue + 1 'Gain one stat point
PRINT "You studied at the library."
ELSEIF gowhere$ = "G" or gowhere$ = "g" THEN'If you press the letter G on the keyboard, uppercase or lowercase
strengthvalue = strengthvalue + 1 'Gain one stat point
print "You went to the gym."
ELSEIF gowhere$ = "H" OR gowhere$ = "h" THEN'If you press the letter H on the keyboard, uppercase or lowercase
print "You went home" 'No points added for going home
ELSE 'If another letter or nothing is entered
END ' The program stops
END IF 'End the IF condition
PRINT "" 'Prints a space between the two sections
PRINT "Current stats :"
PRINT "JOB :" moneyvalue 'Displays the name of the stat and its number
PRINT "STUDY :" intelligencevalue 'Displays the name of the stat and its number
PRINT "GYM :" strengthvalue 'Displays the name of the stat and its number
_DELAY 1 'Wait for one second
CLS 'Clear the screen
LOOP 'End of the loop, will go back at the beginning