08-17-2024, 02:12 AM
Code: (Select All)
Dim x, oldx(3) As Long
Dim i, cnt, cy, cx As Integer
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 8)
font = _LoadFont("cyberbit.ttf", 24)
unifont = _LoadFont("cyberbit.ttf", 24, "UNICODE")
_Font font
x = _KeyHit
If x And x <> oldx(1) And x <> oldx(2) And x <> oldx(3) Then
Select Case x
Case Is > 0
Color 10
Print "Pressed "; ' Positive value means key was pressed.
cnt = cnt + 1 ' Tracking on.
oldx(cnt) = x
Case Else ' Negative value means key was released.
Color 2
Print "Released ";
x = -x
i = 0: Do ' Tracking off.
i = i + 1
If oldx(i) = x Then cnt = cnt - 1: oldx(i) = 0: Exit Do
Loop Until i = 3
End Select
Select Case x
Case Is < 256
If x < 256 Then ' ASCII code values.
Print "ASCII "; x;
If x >= 32 And x <= 255 Then Print "[" + Chr$(x) + "]" Else Print
End If
Case 256 To 65536 ' 2 byte key codes.
Print "2-BYTE-COMBO "; x And 255; x \ 256;
x2 = x \ 256
If x2 >= 32 And x2 <= 255 Then Print "[" + Chr$(x2) + "]" Else Print
Case 100000 To 199999 ' QB64 Virtual Key codes.
Print "SDL VK"; x - 100000
Case 200000 To &H3FFFFFFF
Print "QB64 VK"; x - 200000
Case Is >= &H40000000 ' Unicode values. (IME Input mode)
Print "UNICODE "; x - &H40000000; "0x" + Hex$(x - &H40000000) + " ...";
cx = Pos(1): cy = CsrLin
_Font unifont
Locate cy, cx
Color 15
z$ = MKL$(x - &H40000000) + MKL$(0)
Print z$ + z$ + z$;
_Font font
Locate cy, 1: Print
End Select
End If
This modification of the existing version adds tracking the keys so it only prints to the screen once, allowing us to hold down key combinations without the screen scrolling all over hell and half of Georgia. (I've always wondered what half of Georgia that is?)
What I don't get is how to test the unicode case. I'm using a standard laptop keyboard. Any ideas???
Interesting that there are some keys that won't allow a 3 key press like A+S+W. The W will not register. That's probably because those keys are sometimes involved in arrow directions.
Since this would be for the wiki, I'm open to any suggestions, modifications, etc. but I get it, wiki examples should be as short and to the point as possible. Prettying things up is the readers responsibility.
Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.