10-14-2024, 06:11 PM
Forget about hotkeys, now thanks to Pete's handy dandy IDE Helper, we can use a HOT MOUSE, instead!
Folks, are you tired of typing in all those DO/LOOP, FOR/NEXT, and SELECT CASE statements? Are you tired of wishing that blankity-blank Steve would sell off some of his blankity-blank farm to provide us ALL with FREE mega-expensive multi-hot-key programmable keyboards? (Sorry, channeling that blankity-blank Clippy again). If so, here is a cheap-ascii solution for you!
1) Run program.
2) Left click a snippet from the list.
3) Right click in the QB64 IDE where you want the snippet placed then click the "Paste" selection in the QB64 IDE popup window.
Viola, you've got code!
Now if you act now, because we can't do this the whole day, you'll be able to get the one below, which allows you to easily write the code snippets into a database file with Notepad. A sample database is included. (See download below program.)
IDE-helper.7z (Size: 1.44 KB / Downloads: 44)
Includes program and database IDE-Helper.dat file.
To add your own code snippets just write them out or paste them into the database or data statements (if using the first method posted). Now this is how the formatting works: 1) To add a line-break, use </>. To add multiple line breaks like 3, add spaces after the </> symbols...
DO: LOOP - Pastes as
DO</>LOOP Pastes as:
DO</> LOOP Pastes as:
DO</> LOOP Pastes as:
When you run the utility, it should open in the right upper corner of your screen.
It only works with the mouse, no keys except Esc the quit.
I run it so my QB64 IDE resides to the left at an adjusted width so the two windows don't overlap. That makes it easy to go to the right, copy a snippet, and get back into the IDE.
Note: It does not indent code. Let the IDE do that for you.
Note: There will by syntax errors because some areas of the code are intentionally left unfinished so you can type in your own variables, etc.
Let me know if you have any questions about use.
Folks, are you tired of typing in all those DO/LOOP, FOR/NEXT, and SELECT CASE statements? Are you tired of wishing that blankity-blank Steve would sell off some of his blankity-blank farm to provide us ALL with FREE mega-expensive multi-hot-key programmable keyboards? (Sorry, channeling that blankity-blank Clippy again). If so, here is a cheap-ascii solution for you!
1) Run program.
2) Left click a snippet from the list.
3) Right click in the QB64 IDE where you want the snippet placed then click the "Paste" selection in the QB64 IDE popup window.
Viola, you've got code!
Code: (Select All)
' Paste pre-made statements into the QB64 IDE.
' Use </> for page break. Place space(s) after the > symbol for empty lines between statements.
_Title "IDE Helper"
maxheight% = 50
wdth% = 30
Width wdth%, 2
_ScreenMove _DesktopWidth - wdth% * 8, 0
_Font 16
ReDim cbrd$(50), dsp$(50)
cc$ = "</>"
Read a$
If a$ = "eof" Then Exit Do
a1$ = a$: a2$ = a$: dsp$ = Space$(wdth%)
cnt = cnt + 1
q% = InStr(a$, cc$)
q% = InStr(a1$, cc$)
q_end% = InStr(a1$, cc$) + Len(cc$)
If q% Then
a1$ = Mid$(a1$, 1, q% - 1) + ": " + LTrim$(Mid$(a1$, q_end%))
Exit Do
End If
Mid$(dsp$, 2) = Mid$(a1$, 1, wdth% - 2)
dsp$(cnt) = dsp$
q% = InStr(a2$, cc$)
If q% Then
break$ = "": i% = 0
i% = i% + 1
break$ = break$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Loop Until Mid$(a2$, q% + 2 + i%, 1) <> " "
a2$ = Mid$(a2$, 1, q% - 1) + break$ + LTrim$(Mid$(a2$, q% + Len(cc$)))
Exit Do
End If
cbrd$(cnt) = a2$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Loop Until cnt = maxheight%
height% = cnt
Width wdth%, height%
palette_select = 0
Select Case palette_select
Case 0
Palette 3, 7 ' Odd rows.'62
Palette 1, 56 ' Even rows. '20
Palette 7, 63 ' Page background.
Palette 6, 55 ' Odd row mouse click.
Palette 4, 38 ' Even row mouse click
Color 0, 7
Case Else
Palette 3, 62 ' Odd rows.
Palette 1, 20 ' Even rows.
Palette 7, 55 ' Page background.
Palette 6, 38 ' Odd row mouse click.
Palette 4, 36 ' Even row mouse click
Color 0, 7
End Select
_Font 16
For i% = 1 To cnt
If i% / 2 = i% \ 2 Then Color 15, 1 Else Color 0, 3
Locate i%, 1: Print dsp$(i%);
_Limit 30
While _MouseInput: Wend
x = _MouseX
y = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
_Clipboard$ = cbrd$(y)
If y / 2 = y \ 2 Then Color 15, 4 Else Color 0, 6
Locate y, 1: Print dsp$(y);: _Delay .1
Locate y, 1
If y / 2 = y \ 2 Then Color 15, 1 Else Color 0, 3
Print dsp$(y);
End If
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)
Data "_ScreenMove 0, 0"
Data "Width 180, 42"
Data + CHR$(34) + "
Data "If Then</> ELSE</> End IF"
Data "For i% = 1 to</> Next i%"
Data "Do</> Loop"
Data "While</> Wend"
Data "Select Case</> Case</> End Select"
Data "Do</>_Limit 30</>b$ = inkey$</>If Len(b$) Then</>Select Case b$</>Case Chr$(27)</>System</>Case</> Case</> End Select</>End If</>Loop"
Data "Open file$ for Input as #</> Close #"
Data "Open file$ for Output as #</> Close #"
Data "Open file$ for Binary as #</> Close #"
Data "Open dir$+ file$ for Input as #</> Close #"
Data "Open dir$+ file$ for Output as #</> Close #"
Data "Open dir$+ file$ for Binary as #</> Close #"
Data "Get #1, , a$"
Data "Put #1, , a$"
Data "While _MouseInput: Wend"
Data "x = _MouseX"
Data "y = _MouseY"
Data eof
Now if you act now, because we can't do this the whole day, you'll be able to get the one below, which allows you to easily write the code snippets into a database file with Notepad. A sample database is included. (See download below program.)
Code: (Select All)
' Paste pre-made statements into the QB64 IDE.
' Use </> for page break. Place space(s) after the > symbol for empty lines between statements.
_Title "IDE Helper"
maxheight% = 50
wdth% = 30
Width wdth%, 2
_ScreenMove _DesktopWidth - wdth% * 8, 0
_Font 16
ReDim cbrd$(50), dsp$(50)
cc$ = "</>"
file$ = "IDE-Helper.dat"
If Not _FileExists(file$) Then Print "Cannot find data file: "; file$: End
Open file$ For Binary As #1
Line Input #1, a$
a1$ = a$: a2$ = a$: dsp$ = Space$(wdth%)
cnt = cnt + 1
q% = InStr(a$, cc$)
q% = InStr(a1$, cc$)
q_end% = InStr(a1$, cc$) + Len(cc$)
If q% Then
a1$ = Mid$(a1$, 1, q% - 1) + ": " + LTrim$(Mid$(a1$, q_end%))
Exit Do
End If
Mid$(dsp$, 2) = Mid$(a1$, 1, wdth% - 2)
dsp$(cnt) = dsp$
q% = InStr(a2$, cc$)
If q% Then
break$ = "": i% = 0
i% = i% + 1
break$ = break$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Loop Until Mid$(a2$, q% + 2 + i%, 1) <> " "
a2$ = Mid$(a2$, 1, q% - 1) + break$ + LTrim$(Mid$(a2$, q% + Len(cc$)))
Exit Do
End If
cbrd$(cnt) = a2$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Loop Until EOF(1) Or cnt = maxheight%
height% = cnt
Width wdth%, height%
palette_select = 0
Select Case palette_select
Case 0
Palette 3, 7 ' Odd rows.'62
Palette 1, 56 ' Even rows. '20
Palette 7, 63 ' Page background.
Palette 6, 55 ' Odd row mouse click.
Palette 4, 38 ' Even row mouse click
Color 0, 7
Case Else
Palette 3, 62 ' Odd rows.
Palette 1, 20 ' Even rows.
Palette 7, 55 ' Page background.
Palette 6, 38 ' Odd row mouse click.
Palette 4, 36 ' Even row mouse click
Color 0, 7
End Select
_Font 16
For i% = 1 To cnt
If i% / 2 = i% \ 2 Then Color 15, 1 Else Color 0, 3
Locate i%, 1: Print dsp$(i%);
_Limit 30
While _MouseInput: Wend
x = _MouseX
y = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
_Clipboard$ = cbrd$(y)
If y / 2 = y \ 2 Then Color 15, 4 Else Color 0, 6
Locate y, 1: Print dsp$(y);: _Delay .1
Locate y, 1
If y / 2 = y \ 2 Then Color 15, 1 Else Color 0, 3
Print dsp$(y);
End If
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)
To add your own code snippets just write them out or paste them into the database or data statements (if using the first method posted). Now this is how the formatting works: 1) To add a line-break, use </>. To add multiple line breaks like 3, add spaces after the </> symbols...
DO: LOOP - Pastes as
DO</>LOOP Pastes as:
DO</> LOOP Pastes as:
DO</> LOOP Pastes as:
When you run the utility, it should open in the right upper corner of your screen.
It only works with the mouse, no keys except Esc the quit.
I run it so my QB64 IDE resides to the left at an adjusted width so the two windows don't overlap. That makes it easy to go to the right, copy a snippet, and get back into the IDE.
Note: It does not indent code. Let the IDE do that for you.
Note: There will by syntax errors because some areas of the code are intentionally left unfinished so you can type in your own variables, etc.
Let me know if you have any questions about use.