01-01-2025, 09:08 AM
Happy New Year Everyone!
Code: (Select All)
_Title "H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ! ! ! From SierraKen"
' Constants
Const pi = _Pi
Const radius = 275
centerX = 400
centerY = 300
' Rotation angles
Dim angleX As Single, angleY As Single
angleX = 90
angleY = 0
xx = 400: yy = 50
'Dim x As Single, y As Single
dir1 = 1
dir2 = 1
a& = _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Screen a&
Color 1
Locate 1, 32: Print "Happy New Year!!!!"
For I = 248 To 375 Step .15
For j = 0 To 12 Step .15
If Point(I, j) > 0 Then
Line ((I - 211) * 4, j * 4 + 50)-((I - 211) * 4 + 2, j * 4 + 52), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
PSet ((I - 211) * 4, j * 4 + 50), _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
End If
Next j
Next I
a& = _CopyImage(0)
b& = _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Screen b&
_Dest b&
r = 100: g = 10: b = 10
dirc = 1
_PutImage (xx, yy), a&, b&
If dirc = 1 Then
r = r + 5
g = 10
b = 10
End If
If r > 255 Then dirc = 2
If dirc = 2 Then r = r - 5
If dirc = 2 And r < 50 Then dirc = 3
If dirc = 3 Then
r = 10
b = 10
g = g + 5
End If
If g > 255 Then dirc = 4
If dirc = 4 Then g = g - 5
If dirc = 4 And g < 50 Then dirc = 5
If dirc = 5 Then
r = 10
g = 10
b = b + 5
End If
If b > 255 Then dirc = 6
If dirc = 6 Then b = b - 5
If dirc = 6 And b < 50 Then dirc = 1
If dir1 = 1 Then xx = xx + 10
If xx > 150 Then dir1 = 2
If dir1 = 2 Then xx = xx - 10
If xx < -150 Then dir1 = 1
If dir2 = 1 Then yy = yy + 10
If yy > 500 Then dir2 = 2
If dir2 = 2 Then yy = yy - 10
If yy < -50 Then dir2 = 1
' Draw latitude lines
For lat = -pi / 2 To pi / 2 Step pi / 18
Dim prevX As Single, prevY As Single
For lon = 0 To 5 * pi Step pi / 36
Call SphericalTo2D(lat, lon, x, y, angleX, angleY, centerX, centerY)
If lon > 0 Then Line (prevX, prevY)-(x, y), _RGB32(r, g, b)
prevX = x
prevY = y
Next lon
Next lat
' Draw longitude lines
For lon = 0 To 5 * pi Step pi / 12
For lat = -pi / 2 To pi / 2 Step pi / 36
Call SphericalTo2D(lat, lon, x, y, angleX, angleY, centerX, centerY)
If lat > -pi / 2 Then Line (prevX, prevY)-(x, y), _RGB32(r, g, b)
prevX = x
prevY = y
Next lat
Next lon
' Update rotation angles
angleX = angleX + 0.02
angleY = angleY + 0.5
_Delay .1
Loop Until InKey$ <> ""
' Subroutine to convert spherical coordinates to 2D projection
Sub SphericalTo2D (lat As Single, lon As Single, x As Single, y As Single, angleX As Single, angleY As Single, centerx As Single, centery As Single)
' Convert latitude and longitude to 3D coordinates
Dim x3D As Single, y3D As Single, z3D As Single
x3D = radius * Cos(lat) * Cos(lon)
y3D = radius * Cos(lat) * Sin(lon)
z3D = radius * Sin(lat)
' Apply rotation around the X-axis
Dim tempY As Single, tempZ As Single
tempY = y3D * Cos(angleX) - z3D * Sin(angleX)
tempZ = y3D * Sin(angleX) + z3D * Cos(angleX)
y3D = tempY
z3D = tempZ
' Apply rotation around the Y-axis
Dim tempX As Single
tempX = x3D * Cos(angleY) + z3D * Sin(angleY)
z3D = -x3D * Sin(angleY) + z3D * Cos(angleY)
x3D = tempX
' Project the 3D point onto 2D screen
x = centerx + x3D
y = centery - y3D
End Sub