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looking for project manager specifics
Hi friends
playing with a multifile project I have found some difficulties, and going on this issue I remembered that C uses make tool to take track of files changed into a project before to compile it.
Moreover looking around I see tools like Cmake,  SconsBazel, Ant  , gradle....that are a very impressive evolution of the make tool.
So coming back to our QB64pe I pass some questions to you for your feedbacks
1. Is rare or improbable a multifile project into QB64 language?
2. Is useful to use a development tool for manage different version of a library or of a module?
3. How is good to have track of source files (libraries BM/BI, file declaration of CONST or COMMON or SHARED variables with their initialization, resource file paths i.e. images, soundtracks, music, icon files etc etc)?
4. What kind of features must have a similar application?
5. What are its elements and actions?

do you like to imagine / define / create / specifics of a project manager?

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