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A game from PhilOfPerth
No matter the quorum, I'll be first on this Forum!  Big Grin

Here's a game I've nearly finished writing... needs to be tidied up yet though.
Code: (Select All)
Screen 9
DefInt A-Z
Common Shared try$, fail, tries, prev$, tryvert, targets(), target, firstwords$(), first$, lastwords$(), last$, pairnumber$, pairnumber, names$(), name$, ok$, fail$, temp$
Common Shared added$, removed$, ln$, train$()

maxtries = 20: minsize = 2: ok$ = "o3l32cego4c": fail$ = "o2l16co1gec"
Dim firstwords$(20), lastwords$(20), targets(20), names$(20), train$(20)
Randomize Timer



Color 14
Print Tab(36); "ALCHEMY": Color 15
Print " Alchemy (al/ke/mi) can be defined as the process of changing something into"
Print " something different in a mystical way, such as changing ";: Color 14: Print "STONE";: Color 15
Print " into ";: Color 14: Print "GOLD.": Color 15
Print " This game calls upon your skills in this art, to change a word into a"
Print " totally different one, with the least number of changes."
Print " In the usual word-swap game, you repeatedly change one letter of a word for a"
Print " different one, creating a new word, until the target word is produced."
Print " But in Alchemy, you have another tool available to you for the transformation."
Print " You can also ";: Color 14: Print "add";: Color 15: Print " or ";: Color 14: Print "remove";: Color 15: Print " a letter, before re-arranging them, so the word may"
Print " change in length several times as you progress."
Print " As an example, we can change STONE into GOLD with 4 changes:"
Color 14: Print Tab(23); "STONE - TONE - GONE - LONG - GOLD": Color 15
Print " If the wordslists directory is present, each word entered is checked against"
Print " these. If not, they are assumed to be legitimate words."
Print " The wordlist files are the Complete Collins Scrabble Words (2019)."
Print: Color 14
Print Tab(29); "Press a key to continue"
While InKey$ = "": Wend
Play ok$

Choice: '                                                                                     invites replacing best scores in file with defaults
Color 14
Locate 23, 17
Print "Would you like to delete all previous Best Scores (y/n)";
Color 15: y$ = UCase$(InKey$)
If y$ = "Y" Then
    Play ok$
End If

SetPair: '                                                                                     Select pair of words
Color 14: Print Tab(22); "Which pair would you like, from A to T";
pair$ = UCase$(InKey$)
If pair$ = "" Or pair$ = Chr$(13) Then GoTo getpair
If pair$ = Chr$(27) Then Stop
If pair$ < "A" Or pair$ > "T" Then pair$ = Chr$(65 + Int(Rnd * 20))
pairnumber = Asc(pair$) - 64

remain = 21: tries = 0: fail = 0 '                                                             start each game with 21 tries remaining
first$ = firstwords$(pairnumber): last$ = lastwords$(pairnumber)
train$(pairnumber) = first$
target = targets(pairnumber): name$ = names$(pairnumber) '                                      get  selected pair details
prev$ = first$ '                                                                                pretend the first was a previous try
Color 14
Locate 1, 39 - Int(Len(first$) / 2): Print first$; Tab(52); "Record:"; target '                 display the first word in yellow on row 2
Color 15
For a = 2 To maxtries + 1: Locate a, 35
Print String$(9, "."): Next '                                                                   show 9 dots for each try (rows 2 to 21)
Color 14
Locate 22, 39 - Int(Len(last$) / 2): Print last$; '                                             display the last word in yellow on row 23
tryvert = 2 '                                                                                   row 3 will take the first try

If tries = maxtries Then
    Play fail$
    WIPE "23": Color 3:
    Locate 23, 21: Print "You've Used up all of your tries, sorry!"
    WIPE "24"
    Color 15
    Sleep 3
    GoTo StartGame '                                                                             ran out of tries, restart the same pair
    Locate tryvert, 35: Print String$(9, "."); Tab(46); Space$(30)
    WIPE "23": Color 14 '                                                                        refresh remaining tries advice
    Locate 23, 27
    Print "You have"; 20 - tries; "tries remaining"
    Locate tryvert, 3 '                                                                          display invite at tab 10 of current try-line
    Print "Your word (q to quit)";
End If

Locate tryvert, 25
Input try$ '                                                                                     show ? outside try-line and set try to first dot
Color 15
try$ = UCase$(try$)
If try$ = "Q" Then Stop
If try$ < "A" Or try$ > "Z" Then Play fail$: GoTo SetPair
tries = tries + 1
Locate tryvert, 35: Print Space$(12)
Locate tryvert, 39 - Int(Len(try$) / 2): Print try$
CheckWord '                                                                                       Call Sub to Check the Player's Word

Locate tryvert, 1: Print Space$(35)
If fail = 1 Then
    Locate tryvert, 35: Print "         "
    Color 3
    Locate tryvert, 39 - Len(try$) / 2
    Print try$
    Color 15
    tryvert = tryvert + 1
    GoTo InviteTry
    If try$ = last$ Then
        GoTo SetPair
        Locate 23, 30
        Print Space$(50)
        tryvert = tryvert + 1
        GoTo InviteTry
    End If
End If

Sub Refresh
    target = 21: name$ = "Unsolved"
    Open "alchpairs" For Output As #1
    For a = 1 To 20
        Read first$, last$
        Write #1, first$, last$, target, name$, ""
        Print first$; " "; last$; target; name$
End Sub

Sub WIPE (ln$) '                                                                                  call with ln$ string of 2-digit line numbers only  eg "012223"  for lines 1, 22 and 23
    For a = 1 To Len(ln$) - 1 Step 2
        Locate Val(Mid$(ln$, a, 2)): Print Space$(80);
End Sub

Sub LoadPairs
    Color 14: Print Tab(37); "Word Pairs"
    Print Tab(20); "Pair"; Tab(30); "From"; Tab(41); "To"; Tab(50); "Best"; Tab(62); "By"
    Color 15
    If _FileExists("alchpairs") Then
        Open "alchpairs" For Input As #1
        For a = 1 To 20
            Input #1, firstwords$(a), lastwords$(a), targets(a), names$(a), train$(a) '                      loads word-pairs from "alchpairs" file
            Color 14: Print Tab(20); Chr$(a + 64);: Color 15: Print Tab(30); firstwords$(a); Tab(40); lastwords$(a); Tab(50); targets(a); Tab(60); names$(a)
        Close #1
    Else Refresh
    End If
End Sub

Sub CheckWord
    added = 0: added$ = "": removed = 0: removed$ = "": fail = 0 '                                 initialise added, removed and fail flag
    Locate tryvert, 48: Print Space$(32)
    Locate tryvert, 48
    temp$ = prev$ '                                                                                 use temp$ as sacrificial to keep prev$ intact while checking for added
    For a = 1 To Len(try$) '                                                                        for each letter in try$...
        l$ = Mid$(try$, a, 1) '                                                                     take a letter l$ of temp$
        po = InStr(temp$, l$) '                                                                     find its position po in temp$ (if any)
        If po < 1 Then '                                                                            if not found...
            added = added + 1
            added$ = added$ + l$ '                                                                   count it and add to added$
            Mid$(temp$, po, 1) = " "
        End If

    temp$ = try$ '                                                                                     use temp$ as sacrificial to keep prev$ intact while checking for added
    For a = 1 To Len(prev$) '                                                                          for each letter in try$...
        l$ = Mid$(prev$, a, 1) '                                                                       take a letter l$ of temp$
        po = InStr(temp$, l$) '                                                                        find its position po in temp$ (if any)
        If po < 1 Then '                                                                               if not found...
            removed = removed + 1
            removed$ = removed$ + l$ '                                                                 add it to added$
            Mid$(temp$, po, 1) = " "
        End If
    If added > 1 Then Color 3 Else Color 15
    Print "Added "; added$;
    If removed > 1 Then Color 3 Else Color 15
    Print Tab(60); "Removed "; removed$ '                                                               show letters that have been added or removed, colour cyan if too many

    If Not _DirExists("wordlists") Then isaword = 1: GoTo checksfinished
    WIPE "23"
    filename$ = "wordlists/" + Left$(try$, 1) '                                                        select dictionary file of first letter of try-word
    Open filename$ For Input As #1
    isaword = 0
    While Not EOF(1)
        Input #1, dictword$ '                                                                          read each word from dictionary
        If try$ = dictword$ Then isaword = 1: Exit While '                                             if word is found, don't look any further
    Locate 23, 1
    If added > 1 Or removed > 1 Or isaword = 0 Then '                                                  if more than one letter added or removed, or word not found, set fail flag
        Play fail$
        Color 3 '                                                                                      colour of try changed to cyan if word failed
        Print Tab(35); "Word failed";
        Color 15
        fail = 1
        Play ok$
        Print Tab(37); "Word ok"; '                                                                     otherwise, declare word as ok and make this the new prev$
        prev$ = try$
        train$(pairnumber) = train$(pairnumber) + "-" + try$
    End If
    Sleep 1
    WIPE "23"
End Sub

Sub Finished
    Play ok$: Play ok$
    Locate tryvert, 35: Print Space$(12)
    Locate tryvert, 39 - Len(try$) / 2: Print try$
    WIPE "2223"
    Locate 22, 21: Color 14: Print "You did it in"; tries; "changes.  Target was"; targets(pairnumber)
    Sleep 2
    If tries >= targets(pairnumber) Then '                                                              if target is not beaten,
        Exit Sub '                                                                                      go back for next game
        targets(pairnumber) = tries '                                                                   change the target for that pair to the new best score
        Locate 10, 4
        Input "Enter a name for the Best Scores list (or <ENTER> for anonymous)"; winname$ '            get the player's name
        If Len(winname$) < 2 Then winname$ = "ANONYMOUS" '                                              if <ENTER> (or only one character) is given, name is Anonymous
        names$(pairnumber) = UCase$(winname$) '                                                         change the name for that pair to the new name
        Open "alchpairs" For Output As #1
        For a = 1 To 20
            Write #1, firstwords$(a), lastwords$(a), targets(a), names$(a), train$(a) '                            re-write the alchpairs file with the new details
    End If
    Locate 10, 40 - Len(train$(pairnumber)) / 2: Print train$(pairnumber)
    Print: Print Tab(36); "Press a key"
End Sub

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 713.57 KB / Downloads: 39)
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:
Nicely coded. Perfect addition to the new "Programs in Progress" forum. Big Grin

Thanks Pete.

("Works in Progress")

No foul, no harm.
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:
Kind of reminds me of these 2:

It's a nice game.
b = b + ...
(11-03-2022, 03:12 AM)bplus Wrote: Kind of reminds me of these 2:

It's a nice game.
Wow, you spotted it!
Yes, it's the same game, with a few enhancements. It now runs with or without the dictionary, and it keeps a record of the best train of changes.
I haven't included the dictionary as I thought this may have been too large a file (about 3M).
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:
You could include it as an attachment. Just make it a zip file. If you need a great free utility to do so, check out 7-zip.

OK, thanks Pete.
I have it now as a .zip file, but how do I attach a file to my post ? (I see I can attach code, or an image etc. but don't see file. Is it php?)
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:
Go to your 1st post. Select Edit. Select "Full Edit" Scroll down until you see the big rectangular dotted box that says...

Click or drop some files here to upload...

Just drag your zip file from File Explorer into that rectangular box and press the Update button at the bottom of the post.

Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.
Thank you.
I've attached the .zip folder now.
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:

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