just for fun
Code: (Select All)
_Dest _Console
Option _Explicit
Dim As Long d, i, n, dm
Dim As Double t
Const big_base = 1000000000~&&
n = 1
While n > 0
Input "n "; n
If n = 0 Then End
' calculate the number of decimal digits of the factorial using the Strling approximation
d = (.2171472409516259# + .4342944819032518 * n) * Log(n) + .3990899341790576# - .4342944819032518# * n
dm = d \ 9 'divide the number of digits by 9 to get the maximum array dimension
ReDim As _Unsigned Long fac(dm)
Dim As String s, sf
t = Timer(.0001)
fac(0) = 1 ' start with 1
For i = 2 To n
a_mul fac(), i
t = Timer(.0001) - t
' convert the array to string
sf = ""
For i = 0 To dm
s = _Trim$(Str$(fac(i)))
If Len(s) < 9 Then
s = String$(9 - Len(s), "0") + s
End If
sf = s + sf
'strip leading 0's
While Left$(sf, 1) = "0"
sf = Mid$(sf, 2)
Print sf
Print "elapsed time "; t; " seconds"
Sub a_mul (arr1() As _Unsigned Long, m As _Unsigned _Integer64)
Static As Long nlimbs ' start with 1 number of elements (nlimbs = 0)
Dim As Long carry, i
Dim As _Unsigned _Integer64 tmp
carry = 0
For i = 0 To nlimbs
tmp = m * arr1(i) + carry
carry = tmp \ big_base
arr1(i) = tmp Mod big_base
If carry > 0 Then
nlimbs = nlimbs + 1 ' increment the number of elements
arr1(nlimbs) = carry
End If
End Sub