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Winbit - Windows Bitmap Loader.
Winbit.bas by Bob Seguin

[Image: Screenshot-610.png]

Description: A bitmap loader made for QBasic and modified to display 1, 4, 8, and 24bit .bmp files in QB64 SCREEN 12 or SCREEN 13. A 24-bit .bmp file "example.bmp" is included in the zip file. Type in "example" at the prompt for a quick demo.

Download: Download the zip file below. Unzip to either your QB64 folder, or for better organization, to a folder you create like "TheBOB-Winbit".

Install: Compile Winbit.bas with QB64 v1.3 or above, and make sure the compiler output is set to create the .exe file in the same folder. See the option in the QB64 IDE RUN menu and check the RUN option: "Output EXE to Source Folder".

Attached Files
.7z   TheBOB-Winbit.7z (Size: 71.38 KB / Downloads: 85)

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