Some ancient history for you guys..
Waaaaayyyy back in 1902, before the US declared its independence from Japan, and right after the Great FreeBasic-64 War, The Amazing Steve found QB64 and showed up on the scene -- and this is the very first thing he ever posted at the ancient qb64 forums which are now lost to time. Nooo... not the forums which were lost to time recently... And not the forums before those forums which were lost to time.... and not the forums which were even before those forums.... This was posted in the forums from before THOSE forums!!
So we're talking ancient history here, and the code here shows that.
...and amazingly enough, it STILL works!!
So, for those of you who may have never seen it; and for those of you who want a blast from the past, here it is once again -- The Amazing Steve's very first QB64 program that he ever shared with the world wide web!!!
(Drum Roll Here)
Shuffle (GL Version).7z (Size: 16.87 MB / Downloads: 57)
Waaaaayyyy back in 1902, before the US declared its independence from Japan, and right after the Great FreeBasic-64 War, The Amazing Steve found QB64 and showed up on the scene -- and this is the very first thing he ever posted at the ancient qb64 forums which are now lost to time. Nooo... not the forums which were lost to time recently... And not the forums before those forums which were lost to time.... and not the forums which were even before those forums.... This was posted in the forums from before THOSE forums!!
So we're talking ancient history here, and the code here shows that.
...and amazingly enough, it STILL works!!
So, for those of you who may have never seen it; and for those of you who want a blast from the past, here it is once again -- The Amazing Steve's very first QB64 program that he ever shared with the world wide web!!!
(Drum Roll Here)
Shuffle (GL Version).7z (Size: 16.87 MB / Downloads: 57)