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Reverse search and case-insernsitive search routines
i had a need of a routine to do the opposite of INSTR( in which I wanted to find the last appearance of a search field in the target string. So I wrote the following functions:

  1. '  Reverse instr: finds last position of search in target
    Function Rinstr& (Target As String, Search As String)
  2. ' Case insensitive search
    Function Iinstr& (start As Long, Target As String, Search As String)
  3. ' Case insensitive reverse seaarch
    Function RIinstr& (Target As String, Search As String)

I'm not sure how useful this would be, but I suspect someone is going to need one of these at some point.

The functions include a program that runs a set of tests to confirm they work.

Attached Files
.bas   rinstr.bas (Size: 1.95 KB / Downloads: 51)
While 1
   Fix Bugs
   report all bugs fixed
   receive bug report
end while
Glad to see I'm not the only one who is Wikilliterate around here. Anyway, kudos for writing your own version. I dd the same several years back, before _INSTRREV came along. It's a big help for word wrap in WP apps. I had a bit of a go-around with Fell when _INSTRREV first came out, regarding the seed parameter. _INSTRREV keeps the same forward seed counting as INSTR. There are reasons for that, which slip my mind at the moment, but I do recall I made an easy workaround, so it could seed backwards. Compare these two...

Code: (Select All)
For i = 1 To 8
    Print i; _InStrRev(i, "12*456*8", "*")

For i = 1 To 8
    Print i; _InStrRev(Len("12*456*8") - i + 1, "12*456*8", "*")

@Pete The reason is for easy splitting of the string.

a$ = "C:\My Dir\My File.txt"

Now, get the last slash in that string, to break it down to path + file:

path$ = LEFT$(a$, _INSTRREV(a$, "\"))
file$ = MID$(a$, _INSTRREV(a$, "\") + 1)
But your example is SEEDLESS. Great if you're growing grapes, but let's not wine about it...

Code: (Select All)
'        1111111111222222222233333333
file$ = "c:\root\mystuff\basic\qb64\myfile.bas"
seed% = 1
    next_to_last$ = Mid$(file$, _InStrRev(Len(file$) - seed%, file$, "\") + 1)
    Print seed%, next_to_last$
    seed% = Len(next_to_last$) + 1
Loop Until seed% > Len(file$)
seed% = Len(file$)
    next_to_last$ = Mid$(file$, _InStrRev(seed%, file$, "\") + 1)
    Print seed%, next_to_last$
    seed% = _InStrRev(seed%, file$, "\") - 1
Loop Until seed% < 0

So a couple of chop methods, but my initial contention was when we count in reverse, we should seed in reverse. I let that go, because there is at least a since of continuity that even though the searching part of the string has been reversed, the seeding order, from beginning to end, remains constant.

(04-04-2024, 12:38 AM)SMcNeill Wrote:

Hadn't noticed this one! Could be quite useful for some of my little progs.  Smile
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Here are some custom Instr functions.

The first as a string comparison, the second a filename comparison.

The string one allows * and ? where the second one has *, ?, ^ comparison.


Attached Files
.bas   instr1.bas (Size: 2.89 KB / Downloads: 30)
.bas   instr2.bas (Size: 4.31 KB / Downloads: 30)

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