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Think this should have worked
At least in windows it would be nice.  Since special paths exists in windows which are normally hidden as well

_Title "path test"

' test for windows special paths
Open "%APPDATA%\HexChat\logs\rizon\test.txt" For Binary As #1
Line Input #1, d$
Print d$

The test file only included a single line to let me know it happened.  But didn't get there, failed with path not found on open.  There are lot's of other important %paths% that windows has buried in the environment labels.

Suggest.  Can or should we make it work ?
Change that open line to:

Code: (Select All)
OPEN _DIR$("appdata") + "HexChat\logs\rizon\test.txt" FOR BINARY AS #1

See  _DIR$ - QB64 Phoenix Edition Wiki for other standard OS paths.
I knew _dir$ had some work done to it, but I never had time to investigate all the nuances yet.


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