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Relax game - Puzzle

When I was working on the free-select image program, I didn't know that it would have consequences. An idea came during development.

And so this game was born. It's meant to be a relaxing puzzle. It contains 19 photos, some are from my private collection, but there is nothing personal, some are downloaded from the Internet. The principle of the game is simple.

The program uses the photo as if it were a painting on glass and breaks it like you break glass. The resulting pieces  then player put together to create the original image. No score, nothing like that, it's not a competition. Really small parts are banned because no one wants to mouse hunt a 4x3 pixel piece...

Tell us what you think about it.

Finally.... you know how a relaxing game turns into a hellish game? Quite simply, I could write a novel about memory leak detection.
But of course it is fixed in this version.

Code: (Select All)

'Puzzle / Relax Game writed Petr Preclik 09-27-2024 to 09-29-2024

Dim As Long Img, Mask '          Img is image (from directory images), Mask is NewImage image

'                                  easyest loader...too lasy to implant here direntry...

'                                +---------------------------------------+
'                                | Create images names to array ImaArray |
'                                +---------------------------------------+

Dim ImaArray(19) As String '            19 images in images folder
imgIndex = 0 '                          start from zero (0.jpg)
For fillIma = 19 To 0 Step -1
    Path$ = ".\images\" + LTrim$(Str$(fillIma)) + ".jpg"
    ImaArray(fillIma) = Path$

Screen _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 32)
Mask& = _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 32)

'                                +-----------------------------------------+
'                                |My Screen and Mask virtual screen declare|
'                                +-----------------------------------------+

restart: '                        here is used.... GoTo if player's chioce is try next image
ReDim Shared G(0) As Long '        Graphic array (contains indexes array P and this set images order on screen. Ubound is always visible (get to screen as last)
'                                  previous image IMG is deleted from memory in row 316 and IMG is set to 0 if next image is played
Img = _LoadImage(ImaArray(imgIndex), 32)
Text1$ = "Generating Puzzle, please wait..."
CenterX = _Width \ 2 - _PrintWidth(Text1$) \ 2
CenterY = _Height \ 2 - 16
_PrintString (CenterX, CenterY), Text1$

'                                1) Mask border is painted as white line
_Dest Mask&
Cls '                                mask must have black background
Line (0, 1)-(_Width(Mask&) - 1, _Height(Mask&) - 1), _RGB32(255), B

'                                2) To mask is genereated some random form in white color
Dim f As _Unsigned _Byte
For form = 0 To 3
    Randomize Timer
    f = 1 + Rnd * 7
    PlaceForm f, Mask&, _RGB32(255) 'PlaceForm create some white forms
Next form
PlaceForm 7, Mask&, _RGB32(255)
PlaceForm 7, Mask&, _RGB32(255)

'                                +-----------------------------------------+
'                                |  My game declare, arrays and variables  |
'                                +-----------------------------------------+

'                                3) define the Puzzle type, scan the screen, write the shapes in the field and color the individual shapes.

Type Puzz
    As Integer X, Y, pX, pY '    X, Y is real position in image (left upper corner which contains non zero pixel), pX, pY is position on the screen
    As _Unsigned _Byte R, G, B ' mask color - used in program begining (row 83)
    As Long Handle '            image handle (part of complete image)
    As _Byte Locked '          if is image moved to correct place, is this 1 else is 0. If is set to 1, player can't moving this part
    '                          default angle is always 0 in this version, rotation is not used in this first version
End Type

ReDim Shared P(0) As Puzz '    Game array

'                              4) searching and coloring individual parts of the mask
_Source Mask&
_Dest Mask& '                      Part image size is not set here, but on row  528, 529 in SUB GiveForm
B = 150
R = 127
For Y = 0 To _Height(Mask&)
    For X = 0 To _Width(Mask&)
        p~& = Point(X, Y)
        If p~& = _RGB32(0) Then
            B = B + 1
            If B > 255 Then B = 0: G = G + 1
            If G > 255 Then G = 0: R = R + 1
            Paint (X, Y), _RGB32(R, G, B), _RGB32(255)
            UbP = UBound(P)
            P(UbP).R = R
            P(UbP).G = G
            P(UbP).B = B
            UbP = UbP + 1
            ReDim _Preserve P(UbP) As Puzz
        End If
    Next X
Next Y
_Dest 0

'                                +---------------------+
'                                |  Call GiveForm SUB  |
'                                +---------------------+

'                                5) the GiveForm SUB does all of the above:
'                                  1) place one concrete shape on the virtual screen
'                                  2) find the dimensions of the shape (width and height)
'                                  3) create a suitable virtual screen and copies the shape onto it and then closes the original virtual screen
'                                  4) return the image descriptor of this shape in P().handle
GiveForm Mask&, Img, P()
'                                  GiveForm (Mask image contains colored parts, always one part = one color; IMG is loaded image file, P() is game array)

'                                +---------------------+
'                                |    Level logic    |
'                                +---------------------+

'                                5b) calculate how many pieces will be generated (small pieces are not generated) - i try it, but.... move part 1x3 pixels.... NO! NO! NO!
'                                    not all .Handle contains image descriptor. If is image too small, here is 0, this image is not used in game and therefore must be real number calculated.
TotalPieces = 0
For a = 0 To UBound(P) - 1
    If P(a).Handle < -1 Then TotalPieces = TotalPieces + 1
Next a

'                                6) Generate parts start position on the screen - you can delete it, then all parts in game are in left upper corner
For s = 0 To UBound(P)
    imgX = Rnd * _Width
    If imgX > _Width(0) - _Width(P(s).Handle) Then imgX = _Width(0) - _Width(P(s).Handle)
    imgY = Rnd * _Height
    If imgY > _Height(0) - _Height(P(s).Handle) Then imgY = _Height(0) - _Height(P(s).Handle)
    P(s).pX = imgX
    P(s).pY = imgY
Next s
'                                +---------------------+
'                                |      Sort Sub      |
'                                +---------------------+

Sort '                        It calculates the area of ??individual images according to the width and height in the P().Handle array and
'                            arranges them in the G array so that the largest are below and the smallest above. The smallest part is then
'                            rendered last. But.... (keep reading it)
Cls , _RGB32(200)
'                            Show displays parts by field G. Image in UBOUND field G is shown last

Completed = 0 '              Number parts placed to correct image area
Do Until k& = 27
    k& = _KeyHit '          You read source code? You are doing good, keep it up!
    While _MouseInput: Wend
    MX = _MouseX
    MY = _MouseY
    LB = _MouseButton(1)

    For T = UBound(P) - 1 To 0 Step -1

        Id = T
        If P(Id).Handle < 0 Then '                          if Handle is valid,
            If LB = -1 Then '                                if left mouse button is pressed,
                s = _Source
                _Source P(Id).Handle
                sc~& = Point(MX - P(Id).pX, MY - P(Id).pY)
                If _Alpha32(sc~&) > 0 Then '                if mouse is placed on visible area on the part,

                    Xs = P(Id).pX
                    Ys = P(Id).pY
                    Xe = Xs + _Width(P(Id).Handle) - 1
                    Ye = Ys + _Height(P(Id).Handle) - 1

                    If MX >= Xs And MX <= Xe Then
                        If MY >= Ys And MY <= Ye Then
                            If P(T).Locked = 0 Then '        if part is not moved on the screen in correct place (if locked is 1, is not possible moving it)

                                Do Until LB = 0 '            LOOP until left mouse button is pressed

                                    While _MouseInput
                                    MX = _MouseX
                                    MY = _MouseY
                                    LB = _MouseButton(1)

                                    If P(T).Locked = 0 Then 'if part is not moved on the screen in correct place (if locked is 1, is not possible moving it)
                                        MyT = T

                                        If posX = 0 Then '  calculate and memorize mouse position and part left upper corner position - for moving on the screen
                                            posX = MX - Xs
                                            PosY = MY - Ys
                                            oMX = MX
                                            oMY = MY
                                        End If

                                        P(T).pX = MX - posX 'write to array new part position on the screen
                                        P(T).pY = MY - PosY

                                        '                  if we go to the correct position with a tolerance of 10 pixels, it will lock the part
                                        If Abs(P(T).X - P(T).pX) < 10 Then
                                            If Abs(P(T).Y - P(T).pY) < 10 Then
                                                P(T).pX = P(T).X
                                                P(T).pY = P(T).Y
                                                P(T).Locked = 1 'ok
                                                _SetAlpha 220, _RGB32(0) To _RGB32(255), P(T).Handle
                                                Completed = Completed + 1 '                              this is counter for correct placed parts
                                                Sound 250, .5
                                                LB = 0
                                                Exit Do
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                    MoveShow T ' If the part is moved, the display is done by this SUB. The only difference is that it ensures that the piece being moved is always visible.

                                    MovedImage = T '                                      note which piece was moved last
                                    '                                                      congrats, if you study source code: program small hack (move piece to 10, 10 or less)
                                    Hck& = _KeyDown(100303) '                                                                  press and hold right shift for hack
                                    If Hck& Then '                                                                            use if you don't see correct target position for part when is moved!
                                        Locate 3
                                        Print "Move to 10, 10 or less: "; Abs(P(T).X - P(T).pX), Abs(P(T).Y - P(T).pY)
                                    End If

                                    _Limit 30

                                If Completed = TotalPieces Then '                              if all parts are in correct position,
                                    _PrintMode _FillBackground
                                    For a = 0 To UBound(P) - 1
                                        _SetAlpha 255, _RGB32(0) To _RGB32(255), P(a).Handle ' set for all parts full alpha
                                    Next a
                                    Show '                                                    diplay it
                                    Sleep 3
                                    msg = _MessageBox("Puzzle", "Try next image?", "yesno", "question", 1)
                                    Select Case msg
                                        Case 0 '                                                if player doesn't want continue,
                                            Screen 0
                                            Print "Good bye..." '                              print message
                                            For a = 0 To UBound(P)
                                                If P(a).Handle < 0 Then _FreeImage P(a).Handle 'erase all images from memory
                                            Next a
                                            _FreeImage Mask& '                                  erase mask
                                            _FreeImage Img& '                                  erase image loaded in begin
                                            System '                                            exit to system
                                        Case 1
                                            _FreeImage Img& '                                  if player continue to next image,
                                            Img = 0 '                                          erase previous image loaded in begin from memory,
                                            For a = 0 To UBound(P)
                                                If P(a).Handle < 0 Then _FreeImage P(a).Handle 'arase all parts images
                                            Next a
                                            ReDim G(0) As Long '                              reset graphic array to 0
                                            ReDim P(0) As Puzz '                              reset game array to 0
                                            Erase P '                                          delete game array
                                            Erase G '                                          delete graphic array

                                            imgIndex = imgIndex + 1 '                          images counter up to 1 (used in begin)
                                            If imgIndex > UBound(ImaArray) Then imgIndex = LBound(ImaArray)
                                            GoTo restart '                                    skip to program begin
                                    End Select
                                End If

                                '                                +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                                '                                |the program only goes to this area once every time the mouse button is released|
                                '                                +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                                posX = 0 '                        this variable now reset mouse settings used on row 189
                                _Dest 0

                                If MovedImage > -1 Then '        see row 217
                                    MyIndexP = MovedImage '      this block shift images in graphic array so, when you click to part, this is placed to UBOUND,
                                    ShiftIndex = 0 '            se when is mouse button released, is not last moved piece "in backround" behind the other pieces
                                    For srt = 0 To UBound(G) - 1
                                        If G(srt) = MyIndexP Then ShiftIndex = 1
                                        G(srt) = G(srt + ShiftIndex)
                                    Next srt
                                    ubG = UBound(G)
                                    G(ubG) = MyIndexP
                                    MovedImage = -1
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                _Source s
            End If
        End If
    Next T

    '                                                        small program for on-screen text in left upper corner
    Locate 1 '                                                and help - show parts which are not placed when H is pressed
    _PrintMode _KeepBackground
    Print "Done: "; Completed; " / "; TotalPieces; "["; Int((Completed / TotalPieces) * 100); "%]"
    Print "Can't find part? Press H!"
    Kbd$ = InKey$
    If UCase$(Kbd$) = "H" Then
        D = _Dest
        _Dest 0
        For a = 0 To UBound(P)
            If P(a).Handle < -1 And P(a).Locked = 0 Then
                MiddleX = (P(a).pX + _Width(P(a).Handle) \ 2)
                MiddleY = (P(a).pY + _Height(P(a).Handle) \ 2)

                For h = 1 To 5
                    For Circl = 10 To 30
                        Circle (MiddleX, MiddleY), Circl, _RGB32(255 - 128 / circ, 10, 210 / circ)
                    _Delay .01
                    For Circl = 30 To 10 Step -1
                        Circle (MiddleX, MiddleY), Circl, _RGB32(255 - 128 / circ, 10, 210 / circ)
                    _Delay .01
                Next h
            End If
        Next a
        _Dest D
    End If


Sub Show
    _Dest 0
    Cls , _RGB32(200)
    For s = 0 To UBound(G)
        '                                                                  SUB contains two steps: First - display correct placed parts,
        If P(G(s)).Handle < 0 Then
            If P(G(s)).Locked = 1 Then
                imgX = P(G(s)).pX
                If imgX > _Width(0) + _Width(P(G(s)).Handle) Then imgX = _Width(0) - _Width(P(G(s)).Handle)
                imgY = P(G(s)).pY
                If imgY > _Height(0) + _Height(P(G(s)).Handle) Then imgY = _Height(0) - _Height(P(G(s)).Handle)
                _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(G(s)).Handle
            End If
        End If
    Next s

    For s = 0 To UBound(G)
        '                                                                  Second - then show all others parts - so is not possible "hide" free parts
        If P(G(s)).Handle < 0 Then
            If P(G(s)).Locked = 0 Then
                imgX = P(G(s)).pX
                If imgX > _Width(0) + _Width(P(G(s)).Handle) Then imgX = _Width(0) - _Width(P(G(s)).Handle)
                imgY = P(G(s)).pY
                If imgY > _Height(0) + _Height(P(G(s)).Handle) Then imgY = _Height(0) - _Height(P(G(s)).Handle)
                _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(G(s)).Handle
                ' _Delay .1
            End If
        End If
    Next s
End Sub

Sub MoveShow (id)
    If P(id).Handle < 0 Then
        imgX = P(id).pX '                                                  the same as show, but moved part is always displayed on top
        imgY = P(id).pY '                                                  (sub is used when part is moved with mouse)
        _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(id).Handle
    End If
End Sub

Sub Sort '                                                                  according to the area of ??the picture, place the indexes of the P field
    '                                                                      for rendering in the G field. The largest area will be the first (index 0)

    '                                                                  1) Create array P2 and write here area (width * height) for image the same index in array P
    ubP = UBound(P) '                                                    this is not very good method, because transparency pixels are here calculated as full pixels...
    ReDim p2(ubP) As Long
    For copy = 0 To ubP
        p2(copy) = _Width(P(copy).Handle) * _Height(P(copy).Handle)

    '                                                                  go through field P2, find the largest area, write it in field G and then set it to zero in field P2
    ReDim G(ubP) As Long

    Do Until All = ubP
        i = 0
        max = 0
        Rec = 0
        Do Until i = ubP
            If p2(i) > 0 Then
                If max < p2(i) Then max = p2(i): Rec = i
            End If
            i = i + 1

        If max Then
            p2(Rec) = 0
            G(iG) = Rec '                                              set the value of the index of the field P in field G
            iG = iG + 1
        End If

        All = All + 1
    ReDim p2(0) As Long
    Erase p2
End Sub

Sub GiveForm (source As Long, img As Long, images() As Puzz) '            returns individual tiles as individual images
    '                                                                    source is MASK source image, img is input image, images() is array for image parts

    ReDim As Long X, Y, MinX, MinY, MaxX, maxY, Virtual, V2, Allimages, Ui
    For Allimages = 0 To UBound(P) - 1
        Kolor~& = _RGB32(P(Allimages).R, P(Allimages).G, P(Allimages).B) 'read mask color for THIS part
        X = 0
        Y = 0
        MinX = _Width(source)
        MaxX = 0
        MinY = _Height(source)
        maxY = 0

        '                                                                find image size and copy element to virtual screen in 1 step
        Virtual = _NewImage(_Width(source), _Height(source), 32)
        _Source source
        _Dest Virtual
        Cls '                                                            Background color in Virtual must be set as black
        Do Until Y = _Height(source) - 1
            X = 0
            Do Until X = _Width(source) - 1
                CC~& = Point(X, Y)
                If CC~& = Kolor~& Then
                    If MinY > Y Then MinY = Y
                    If maxY < Y Then maxY = Y
                    If MinX > X Then MinX = X
                    If MaxX < X Then MaxX = X
                    PSet (X, Y), Kolor~& '                              draw 1 part to virtual screen (which use the same size as mask image)
                End If '                                                and measure real image width and height
                X = X + 1 '                                            (you draw here only 1 mask for 1 part image to Virtual)
            Y = Y + 1

        P(Allimages).X = MinX '                                        put left upper corner position for this 1 part to array P
        P(Allimages).Y = MinY

        If MaxX - MinX < 10 Or maxY - MinY < 10 Then '                  this condition block creating really very small parts (10x10 pixels and less)                                                                              '
            _FreeImage Virtual '                                        HERE WAS memory leak - miss _freeimage before... - _continue skip _freeimage...
            _Continue '                                                do not create really small pieces
        End If

        _SetAlpha 0, Kolor~&, Virtual '                                set color in mask image as transparent
        V2 = _NewImage(_Width(source), _Height(source), 32) '          create image the same size as mask
        d = _Dest
        _Dest V2
        Cls , _RGB32(50) '                                              set this image background color (also set colors intensity on the game screen)
        _Dest d

        RatioX = _DesktopWidth / _Width(img&) '                        RotioX, RatioY - calculate the aspect ratio of the image
        RatioY = _DesktopHeight / _Height(img&) '                      relative to the aspect ratio of the screen so that the placed image is not stretched
        If RatioX < RatioY Then Ratio = RatioX Else Ratio = RatioY '    and distorted, but reduced (or enlarged) in the aspect ratio, without its deformation
        ImageX = (_DesktopWidth - _Width(img&) * Ratio) \ 2 '                                calculate image position in middle
        MyImage& = _NewImage(_Width(img&) * Ratio, _Height(img&) * Ratio) '                  output image  -  create it in ratio
        _PutImage (0, 0)-(_Width(img&) * Ratio, _Height(img&) * Ratio), img&, MyImage& '      place original image to empty image MyImage - in ratio
        _PutImage (ImageX, 0), MyImage&, V2 '                                                place centered image (complete image) in ratio to V2
        _PutImage , Virtual, V2 '                                                            place mask image to complete centered image in correct ratio

        Ui = UBound(images)
        P(Allimages).Handle = _NewImage(MaxX - MinX + 1, maxY - MinY + 1, 32) '              create image in real size (big as part)
        _PutImage (0, 0), V2, P(Allimages).Handle, (MinX, MinY)-(MaxX, maxY) '                place this part image from V2 to P().handle
        _SetAlpha 0, _RGB32(0), P(Allimages).Handle '                                        set transparent background to P().handle

        _FreeImage V2 '                                                                      clear ram
        _FreeImage Virtual
        _FreeImage MyImage&
        Virtual = 0

        R = 16 / 9 '                                                                        this is for preview only, when parts are created, i show image on the screen
        PreviewWDTH = 150 * R
        PreviewHGHT = 150
        _PutImage (100 + PreviewWDTH, 50 + PreviewHGHT)-(400 + PreviewWDTH * R, 350 + PreviewHGHT), img&
        Text1$ = "Generating Puzzle, please wait..."
        Text2$ = Str$(Allimages) + "/" + LTrim$(Str$(UBound(P)))
        CenterX = _Width(0) \ 2 - _PrintWidth(Text1$) \ 2
        CenterX2 = _Width(0) \ 2 - _PrintWidth(Text2$) \ 2
        CenterY = _Height(0) \ 2 - 16
        Centery2 = CenterY + 20
        _PrintString (CenterX, CenterY), Text1$, 0
        _PrintString (CenterX2, Centery2), Text2$, 0

    Next Allimages
End Sub

Sub PlaceForm (typ As Integer, dest As Long, kolor As _Unsigned Long) '                        generate some parts to mask image in white color. Se easy, so comment here is not needed.
    D = _Dest
    _Dest dest
    W = _Width(dest)
    H = _Height(dest)

    Select Case typ
        Case 1
            Circle (-W / 2 + Rnd * W, -H / 2 + Rnd * H), -W / 4 + Rnd * W / 8, kolor

        Case 2
            Line (-W / 2 + Rnd * W, -H / 2 + Rnd * H)-(-W / 2 + Rnd * W, -H / 2 + Rnd * H), kolor, B

        Case 3, 4, 5, 6
            Dim X(typ) As Integer
            Dim Y(typ) As Integer
            'vygeneruju cilove body
            For Rand = 0 To typ
                X(Rand) = Rand + Rnd * W
                Y(Rand) = Rand + Rnd * H

            PReset (X(0), Y(0))
            For Drw = 0 To typ
                Line -(X(Drw), Y(Drw)), kolor
            Line -(X(0), Y(0)), kolor

        Case 7
            cX = -W / 2 * Rnd + W * Rnd
            cY = -H / 2 * Rnd + H * Rnd
            For a = 0 To 300 Step 60
                PReset (cX, cY)
                For s = 0 To W Step 50
                    aR = _D2R(a)
                    If s < 100 Then noise = 0 Else noise = Rnd * 20
                    nX = cX + Cos(aR) * 2 * s + noise
                    ny = cY + Sin(aR) * 2 * s + noise
                    Line -(nX, ny), kolor
                Next s
            Next a
    End Select
End Sub

[Image: puzz-prev.png]

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.zip (Size: 19.73 MB / Downloads: 21)

(09-29-2024, 07:21 PM)Petr Wrote: Hi.

When I was working on the free-select image program, I didn't know that it would have consequences. An idea came during development.

And so this game was born. It's meant to be a relaxing puzzle. It contains 19 photos, some are from my private collection, but there is nothing personal, some are downloaded from the Internet. The principle of the game is simple.

The program uses the photo as if it were a painting on glass and breaks it like you break glass. The resulting pieces  then player put together to create the original image. No score, nothing like that, it's not a competition. Really small parts are banned because no one wants to mouse hunt a 4x3 pixel piece...

Tell us what you think about it.

Finally.... you know how a relaxing game turns into a hellish game? Quite simply, I could write a novel about memory leak detection.
But of course it is fixed in this version.

Code: (Select All)

'Puzzle / Relax Game writed Petr Preclik 09-27-2024 to 09-29-2024

Dim As Long Img, Mask '          Img is image (from directory images), Mask is NewImage image

'                                  easyest loader...too lasy to implant here direntry...

'                                +---------------------------------------+
'                                | Create images names to array ImaArray |
'                                +---------------------------------------+

Dim ImaArray(19) As String '            19 images in images folder
imgIndex = 0 '                          start from zero (0.jpg)
For fillIma = 19 To 0 Step -1
    Path$ = ".\images\" + LTrim$(Str$(fillIma)) + ".jpg"
    ImaArray(fillIma) = Path$

Screen _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 32)
Mask& = _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 32)

'                                +-----------------------------------------+
'                                |My Screen and Mask virtual screen declare|
'                                +-----------------------------------------+

restart: '                        here is used.... GoTo if player's chioce is try next image
ReDim Shared G(0) As Long '        Graphic array (contains indexes array P and this set images order on screen. Ubound is always visible (get to screen as last)
'                                  previous image IMG is deleted from memory in row 316 and IMG is set to 0 if next image is played
Img = _LoadImage(ImaArray(imgIndex), 32)
Text1$ = "Generating Puzzle, please wait..."
CenterX = _Width \ 2 - _PrintWidth(Text1$) \ 2
CenterY = _Height \ 2 - 16
_PrintString (CenterX, CenterY), Text1$

'                                1) Mask border is painted as white line
_Dest Mask&
Cls '                                mask must have black background
Line (0, 1)-(_Width(Mask&) - 1, _Height(Mask&) - 1), _RGB32(255), B

'                                2) To mask is genereated some random form in white color
Dim f As _Unsigned _Byte
For form = 0 To 3
    Randomize Timer
    f = 1 + Rnd * 7
    PlaceForm f, Mask&, _RGB32(255) 'PlaceForm create some white forms
Next form
PlaceForm 7, Mask&, _RGB32(255)
PlaceForm 7, Mask&, _RGB32(255)

'                                +-----------------------------------------+
'                                |  My game declare, arrays and variables  |
'                                +-----------------------------------------+

'                                3) define the Puzzle type, scan the screen, write the shapes in the field and color the individual shapes.

Type Puzz
    As Integer X, Y, pX, pY '    X, Y is real position in image (left upper corner which contains non zero pixel), pX, pY is position on the screen
    As _Unsigned _Byte R, G, B ' mask color - used in program begining (row 83)
    As Long Handle '            image handle (part of complete image)
    As _Byte Locked '          if is image moved to correct place, is this 1 else is 0. If is set to 1, player can't moving this part
    '                          default angle is always 0 in this version, rotation is not used in this first version
End Type

ReDim Shared P(0) As Puzz '    Game array

'                              4) searching and coloring individual parts of the mask
_Source Mask&
_Dest Mask& '                      Part image size is not set here, but on row  528, 529 in SUB GiveForm
B = 150
R = 127
For Y = 0 To _Height(Mask&)
    For X = 0 To _Width(Mask&)
        p~& = Point(X, Y)
        If p~& = _RGB32(0) Then
            B = B + 1
            If B > 255 Then B = 0: G = G + 1
            If G > 255 Then G = 0: R = R + 1
            Paint (X, Y), _RGB32(R, G, B), _RGB32(255)
            UbP = UBound(P)
            P(UbP).R = R
            P(UbP).G = G
            P(UbP).B = B
            UbP = UbP + 1
            ReDim _Preserve P(UbP) As Puzz
        End If
    Next X
Next Y
_Dest 0

'                                +---------------------+
'                                |  Call GiveForm SUB  |
'                                +---------------------+

'                                5) the GiveForm SUB does all of the above:
'                                  1) place one concrete shape on the virtual screen
'                                  2) find the dimensions of the shape (width and height)
'                                  3) create a suitable virtual screen and copies the shape onto it and then closes the original virtual screen
'                                  4) return the image descriptor of this shape in P().handle
GiveForm Mask&, Img, P()
'                                  GiveForm (Mask image contains colored parts, always one part = one color; IMG is loaded image file, P() is game array)

'                                +---------------------+
'                                |    Level logic    |
'                                +---------------------+

'                                5b) calculate how many pieces will be generated (small pieces are not generated) - i try it, but.... move part 1x3 pixels.... NO! NO! NO!
'                                    not all .Handle contains image descriptor. If is image too small, here is 0, this image is not used in game and therefore must be real number calculated.
TotalPieces = 0
For a = 0 To UBound(P) - 1
    If P(a).Handle < -1 Then TotalPieces = TotalPieces + 1
Next a

'                                6) Generate parts start position on the screen - you can delete it, then all parts in game are in left upper corner
For s = 0 To UBound(P)
    imgX = Rnd * _Width
    If imgX > _Width(0) - _Width(P(s).Handle) Then imgX = _Width(0) - _Width(P(s).Handle)
    imgY = Rnd * _Height
    If imgY > _Height(0) - _Height(P(s).Handle) Then imgY = _Height(0) - _Height(P(s).Handle)
    P(s).pX = imgX
    P(s).pY = imgY
Next s
'                                +---------------------+
'                                |      Sort Sub      |
'                                +---------------------+

Sort '                        It calculates the area of ??individual images according to the width and height in the P().Handle array and
'                            arranges them in the G array so that the largest are below and the smallest above. The smallest part is then
'                            rendered last. But.... (keep reading it)
Cls , _RGB32(200)
'                            Show displays parts by field G. Image in UBOUND field G is shown last

Completed = 0 '              Number parts placed to correct image area
Do Until k& = 27
    k& = _KeyHit '          You read source code? You are doing good, keep it up!
    While _MouseInput: Wend
    MX = _MouseX
    MY = _MouseY
    LB = _MouseButton(1)

    For T = UBound(P) - 1 To 0 Step -1

        Id = T
        If P(Id).Handle < 0 Then '                          if Handle is valid,
            If LB = -1 Then '                                if left mouse button is pressed,
                s = _Source
                _Source P(Id).Handle
                sc~& = Point(MX - P(Id).pX, MY - P(Id).pY)
                If _Alpha32(sc~&) > 0 Then '                if mouse is placed on visible area on the part,

                    Xs = P(Id).pX
                    Ys = P(Id).pY
                    Xe = Xs + _Width(P(Id).Handle) - 1
                    Ye = Ys + _Height(P(Id).Handle) - 1

                    If MX >= Xs And MX <= Xe Then
                        If MY >= Ys And MY <= Ye Then
                            If P(T).Locked = 0 Then '        if part is not moved on the screen in correct place (if locked is 1, is not possible moving it)

                                Do Until LB = 0 '            LOOP until left mouse button is pressed

                                    While _MouseInput
                                    MX = _MouseX
                                    MY = _MouseY
                                    LB = _MouseButton(1)

                                    If P(T).Locked = 0 Then 'if part is not moved on the screen in correct place (if locked is 1, is not possible moving it)
                                        MyT = T

                                        If posX = 0 Then '  calculate and memorize mouse position and part left upper corner position - for moving on the screen
                                            posX = MX - Xs
                                            PosY = MY - Ys
                                            oMX = MX
                                            oMY = MY
                                        End If

                                        P(T).pX = MX - posX 'write to array new part position on the screen
                                        P(T).pY = MY - PosY

                                        '                  if we go to the correct position with a tolerance of 10 pixels, it will lock the part
                                        If Abs(P(T).X - P(T).pX) < 10 Then
                                            If Abs(P(T).Y - P(T).pY) < 10 Then
                                                P(T).pX = P(T).X
                                                P(T).pY = P(T).Y
                                                P(T).Locked = 1 'ok
                                                _SetAlpha 220, _RGB32(0) To _RGB32(255), P(T).Handle
                                                Completed = Completed + 1 '                              this is counter for correct placed parts
                                                Sound 250, .5
                                                LB = 0
                                                Exit Do
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                    MoveShow T ' If the part is moved, the display is done by this SUB. The only difference is that it ensures that the piece being moved is always visible.

                                    MovedImage = T '                                      note which piece was moved last
                                    '                                                      congrats, if you study source code: program small hack (move piece to 10, 10 or less)
                                    Hck& = _KeyDown(100303) '                                                                  press and hold right shift for hack
                                    If Hck& Then '                                                                            use if you don't see correct target position for part when is moved!
                                        Locate 3
                                        Print "Move to 10, 10 or less: "; Abs(P(T).X - P(T).pX), Abs(P(T).Y - P(T).pY)
                                    End If

                                    _Limit 30

                                If Completed = TotalPieces Then '                              if all parts are in correct position,
                                    _PrintMode _FillBackground
                                    For a = 0 To UBound(P) - 1
                                        _SetAlpha 255, _RGB32(0) To _RGB32(255), P(a).Handle ' set for all parts full alpha
                                    Next a
                                    Show '                                                    diplay it
                                    Sleep 3
                                    msg = _MessageBox("Puzzle", "Try next image?", "yesno", "question", 1)
                                    Select Case msg
                                        Case 0 '                                                if player doesn't want continue,
                                            Screen 0
                                            Print "Good bye..." '                              print message
                                            For a = 0 To UBound(P)
                                                If P(a).Handle < 0 Then _FreeImage P(a).Handle 'erase all images from memory
                                            Next a
                                            _FreeImage Mask& '                                  erase mask
                                            _FreeImage Img& '                                  erase image loaded in begin
                                            System '                                            exit to system
                                        Case 1
                                            _FreeImage Img& '                                  if player continue to next image,
                                            Img = 0 '                                          erase previous image loaded in begin from memory,
                                            For a = 0 To UBound(P)
                                                If P(a).Handle < 0 Then _FreeImage P(a).Handle 'arase all parts images
                                            Next a
                                            ReDim G(0) As Long '                              reset graphic array to 0
                                            ReDim P(0) As Puzz '                              reset game array to 0
                                            Erase P '                                          delete game array
                                            Erase G '                                          delete graphic array

                                            imgIndex = imgIndex + 1 '                          images counter up to 1 (used in begin)
                                            If imgIndex > UBound(ImaArray) Then imgIndex = LBound(ImaArray)
                                            GoTo restart '                                    skip to program begin
                                    End Select
                                End If

                                '                                +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                                '                                |the program only goes to this area once every time the mouse button is released|
                                '                                +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                                posX = 0 '                        this variable now reset mouse settings used on row 189
                                _Dest 0

                                If MovedImage > -1 Then '        see row 217
                                    MyIndexP = MovedImage '      this block shift images in graphic array so, when you click to part, this is placed to UBOUND,
                                    ShiftIndex = 0 '            se when is mouse button released, is not last moved piece "in backround" behind the other pieces
                                    For srt = 0 To UBound(G) - 1
                                        If G(srt) = MyIndexP Then ShiftIndex = 1
                                        G(srt) = G(srt + ShiftIndex)
                                    Next srt
                                    ubG = UBound(G)
                                    G(ubG) = MyIndexP
                                    MovedImage = -1
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                _Source s
            End If
        End If
    Next T

    '                                                        small program for on-screen text in left upper corner
    Locate 1 '                                                and help - show parts which are not placed when H is pressed
    _PrintMode _KeepBackground
    Print "Done: "; Completed; " / "; TotalPieces; "["; Int((Completed / TotalPieces) * 100); "%]"
    Print "Can't find part? Press H!"
    Kbd$ = InKey$
    If UCase$(Kbd$) = "H" Then
        D = _Dest
        _Dest 0
        For a = 0 To UBound(P)
            If P(a).Handle < -1 And P(a).Locked = 0 Then
                MiddleX = (P(a).pX + _Width(P(a).Handle) \ 2)
                MiddleY = (P(a).pY + _Height(P(a).Handle) \ 2)

                For h = 1 To 5
                    For Circl = 10 To 30
                        Circle (MiddleX, MiddleY), Circl, _RGB32(255 - 128 / circ, 10, 210 / circ)
                    _Delay .01
                    For Circl = 30 To 10 Step -1
                        Circle (MiddleX, MiddleY), Circl, _RGB32(255 - 128 / circ, 10, 210 / circ)
                    _Delay .01
                Next h
            End If
        Next a
        _Dest D
    End If


Sub Show
    _Dest 0
    Cls , _RGB32(200)
    For s = 0 To UBound(G)
        '                                                                  SUB contains two steps: First - display correct placed parts,
        If P(G(s)).Handle < 0 Then
            If P(G(s)).Locked = 1 Then
                imgX = P(G(s)).pX
                If imgX > _Width(0) + _Width(P(G(s)).Handle) Then imgX = _Width(0) - _Width(P(G(s)).Handle)
                imgY = P(G(s)).pY
                If imgY > _Height(0) + _Height(P(G(s)).Handle) Then imgY = _Height(0) - _Height(P(G(s)).Handle)
                _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(G(s)).Handle
            End If
        End If
    Next s

    For s = 0 To UBound(G)
        '                                                                  Second - then show all others parts - so is not possible "hide" free parts
        If P(G(s)).Handle < 0 Then
            If P(G(s)).Locked = 0 Then
                imgX = P(G(s)).pX
                If imgX > _Width(0) + _Width(P(G(s)).Handle) Then imgX = _Width(0) - _Width(P(G(s)).Handle)
                imgY = P(G(s)).pY
                If imgY > _Height(0) + _Height(P(G(s)).Handle) Then imgY = _Height(0) - _Height(P(G(s)).Handle)
                _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(G(s)).Handle
                ' _Delay .1
            End If
        End If
    Next s
End Sub

Sub MoveShow (id)
    If P(id).Handle < 0 Then
        imgX = P(id).pX '                                                  the same as show, but moved part is always displayed on top
        imgY = P(id).pY '                                                  (sub is used when part is moved with mouse)
        _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(id).Handle
    End If
End Sub

Sub Sort '                                                                  according to the area of ??the picture, place the indexes of the P field
    '                                                                      for rendering in the G field. The largest area will be the first (index 0)

    '                                                                  1) Create array P2 and write here area (width * height) for image the same index in array P
    ubP = UBound(P) '                                                    this is not very good method, because transparency pixels are here calculated as full pixels...
    ReDim p2(ubP) As Long
    For copy = 0 To ubP
        p2(copy) = _Width(P(copy).Handle) * _Height(P(copy).Handle)

    '                                                                  go through field P2, find the largest area, write it in field G and then set it to zero in field P2
    ReDim G(ubP) As Long

    Do Until All = ubP
        i = 0
        max = 0
        Rec = 0
        Do Until i = ubP
            If p2(i) > 0 Then
                If max < p2(i) Then max = p2(i): Rec = i
            End If
            i = i + 1

        If max Then
            p2(Rec) = 0
            G(iG) = Rec '                                              set the value of the index of the field P in field G
            iG = iG + 1
        End If

        All = All + 1
    ReDim p2(0) As Long
    Erase p2
End Sub

Sub GiveForm (source As Long, img As Long, images() As Puzz) '            returns individual tiles as individual images
    '                                                                    source is MASK source image, img is input image, images() is array for image parts

    ReDim As Long X, Y, MinX, MinY, MaxX, maxY, Virtual, V2, Allimages, Ui
    For Allimages = 0 To UBound(P) - 1
        Kolor~& = _RGB32(P(Allimages).R, P(Allimages).G, P(Allimages).B) 'read mask color for THIS part
        X = 0
        Y = 0
        MinX = _Width(source)
        MaxX = 0
        MinY = _Height(source)
        maxY = 0

        '                                                                find image size and copy element to virtual screen in 1 step
        Virtual = _NewImage(_Width(source), _Height(source), 32)
        _Source source
        _Dest Virtual
        Cls '                                                            Background color in Virtual must be set as black
        Do Until Y = _Height(source) - 1
            X = 0
            Do Until X = _Width(source) - 1
                CC~& = Point(X, Y)
                If CC~& = Kolor~& Then
                    If MinY > Y Then MinY = Y
                    If maxY < Y Then maxY = Y
                    If MinX > X Then MinX = X
                    If MaxX < X Then MaxX = X
                    PSet (X, Y), Kolor~& '                              draw 1 part to virtual screen (which use the same size as mask image)
                End If '                                                and measure real image width and height
                X = X + 1 '                                            (you draw here only 1 mask for 1 part image to Virtual)
            Y = Y + 1

        P(Allimages).X = MinX '                                        put left upper corner position for this 1 part to array P
        P(Allimages).Y = MinY

        If MaxX - MinX < 10 Or maxY - MinY < 10 Then '                  this condition block creating really very small parts (10x10 pixels and less)                                                                              '
            _FreeImage Virtual '                                        HERE WAS memory leak - miss _freeimage before... - _continue skip _freeimage...
            _Continue '                                                do not create really small pieces
        End If

        _SetAlpha 0, Kolor~&, Virtual '                                set color in mask image as transparent
        V2 = _NewImage(_Width(source), _Height(source), 32) '          create image the same size as mask
        d = _Dest
        _Dest V2
        Cls , _RGB32(50) '                                              set this image background color (also set colors intensity on the game screen)
        _Dest d

        RatioX = _DesktopWidth / _Width(img&) '                        RotioX, RatioY - calculate the aspect ratio of the image
        RatioY = _DesktopHeight / _Height(img&) '                      relative to the aspect ratio of the screen so that the placed image is not stretched
        If RatioX < RatioY Then Ratio = RatioX Else Ratio = RatioY '    and distorted, but reduced (or enlarged) in the aspect ratio, without its deformation
        ImageX = (_DesktopWidth - _Width(img&) * Ratio) \ 2 '                                calculate image position in middle
        MyImage& = _NewImage(_Width(img&) * Ratio, _Height(img&) * Ratio) '                  output image  -  create it in ratio
        _PutImage (0, 0)-(_Width(img&) * Ratio, _Height(img&) * Ratio), img&, MyImage& '      place original image to empty image MyImage - in ratio
        _PutImage (ImageX, 0), MyImage&, V2 '                                                place centered image (complete image) in ratio to V2
        _PutImage , Virtual, V2 '                                                            place mask image to complete centered image in correct ratio

        Ui = UBound(images)
        P(Allimages).Handle = _NewImage(MaxX - MinX + 1, maxY - MinY + 1, 32) '              create image in real size (big as part)
        _PutImage (0, 0), V2, P(Allimages).Handle, (MinX, MinY)-(MaxX, maxY) '                place this part image from V2 to P().handle
        _SetAlpha 0, _RGB32(0), P(Allimages).Handle '                                        set transparent background to P().handle

        _FreeImage V2 '                                                                      clear ram
        _FreeImage Virtual
        _FreeImage MyImage&
        Virtual = 0

        R = 16 / 9 '                                                                        this is for preview only, when parts are created, i show image on the screen
        PreviewWDTH = 150 * R
        PreviewHGHT = 150
        _PutImage (100 + PreviewWDTH, 50 + PreviewHGHT)-(400 + PreviewWDTH * R, 350 + PreviewHGHT), img&
        Text1$ = "Generating Puzzle, please wait..."
        Text2$ = Str$(Allimages) + "/" + LTrim$(Str$(UBound(P)))
        CenterX = _Width(0) \ 2 - _PrintWidth(Text1$) \ 2
        CenterX2 = _Width(0) \ 2 - _PrintWidth(Text2$) \ 2
        CenterY = _Height(0) \ 2 - 16
        Centery2 = CenterY + 20
        _PrintString (CenterX, CenterY), Text1$, 0
        _PrintString (CenterX2, Centery2), Text2$, 0

    Next Allimages
End Sub

Sub PlaceForm (typ As Integer, dest As Long, kolor As _Unsigned Long) '                        generate some parts to mask image in white color. Se easy, so comment here is not needed.
    D = _Dest
    _Dest dest
    W = _Width(dest)
    H = _Height(dest)

    Select Case typ
        Case 1
            Circle (-W / 2 + Rnd * W, -H / 2 + Rnd * H), -W / 4 + Rnd * W / 8, kolor

        Case 2
            Line (-W / 2 + Rnd * W, -H / 2 + Rnd * H)-(-W / 2 + Rnd * W, -H / 2 + Rnd * H), kolor, B

        Case 3, 4, 5, 6
            Dim X(typ) As Integer
            Dim Y(typ) As Integer
            'vygeneruju cilove body
            For Rand = 0 To typ
                X(Rand) = Rand + Rnd * W
                Y(Rand) = Rand + Rnd * H

            PReset (X(0), Y(0))
            For Drw = 0 To typ
                Line -(X(Drw), Y(Drw)), kolor
            Line -(X(0), Y(0)), kolor

        Case 7
            cX = -W / 2 * Rnd + W * Rnd
            cY = -H / 2 * Rnd + H * Rnd
            For a = 0 To 300 Step 60
                PReset (cX, cY)
                For s = 0 To W Step 50
                    aR = _D2R(a)
                    If s < 100 Then noise = 0 Else noise = Rnd * 20
                    nX = cX + Cos(aR) * 2 * s + noise
                    ny = cY + Sin(aR) * 2 * s + noise
                    Line -(nX, ny), kolor
                Next s
            Next a
    End Select
End Sub

[Image: puzz-prev.png]

Nice one, Petr! I (almost) got the vole picture done, but I couldn't place the last (tiny) piece that s seemed to be hidden under the main pic. Pressing H flashed the piece and the position but it didn't seem to want to go in. I'm sure your code is right, so I'll have another try later. Nice work.
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:
Hi. You can search "hack" in source code.... or just press right shift when you move part with mouse Big Grin 
Then move to 10, 10 or less to target.

I have a big idea in this direction, I will work on the next version.

Really nice work, @Petr!  It is relaxing.  I couldn't seem to get it all put together at the end either, but had fun anyway.  Thanks for sharing your puzzle game.

- Dav

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner
(10-03-2024, 01:48 PM)Dav Wrote: Really nice work, @Petr!  It is relaxing.  I couldn't seem to get it all put together at the end either, but had fun anyway.  Thanks for sharing your puzzle game.

- Dav

Thanks so much for your response, Dav. I am working on upgrading this game. I've already tweaked some new functions (for example auto-completion of a specific puzzle if you can't find the target position) and other adjustments. It's taking me longer because wrote the first version when  was home sick, but now I'm healthy and only have time after work. The upgrade will be finished soon, I'm not working on anything else right now.

Hello, finally have tested (hopefully enough) the second version.

New compared to the previous version:

No more file name and type restrictions, it uses DirEntry.h which works under both Windows and Linux. You can use all types of supported image formats. There may be other files in the "images" folder, or files that QB64 cannot load as images - it doesn't matter, the program will filter everything and take it over. It then shuffles the files in its array and therefore should have a different image order sequence each time.

Accuracy. Now when he clicks on a shard, you will pull out exactly this shard, no other. The original rectangle detection logic has been completely replaced by mask logic.

New shape for image fragmentation - curved line.

There is hatching on the background to better distinguish where parts of the image are still missing and where they are not.

The use of partial transparency is removed, so now you can better orient yourself by color when building.
Related to this is the need to highlight the edges when the shards are no longer visible - that's why I made animated edges for them, using a simple method using MEM and they are now visible well.

Automatic replenishment. If you can't find the place where the shard belongs, left-click on it and then press A. If the indicator in the upper left corner is green, the shard will automatically be smoothly placed in its position. Others can be placed automatically after next 15 seconds.

Another option is to use the right shift, which marks the target position (center) where the shard belongs with a green circle. This is used when the left button is pressed and is unlimited.

Did you mind the mess in the unfinished image? In this version, use the right mouse button to mass-move all the shards to another location (even off the monitor). Then you only need to slide back while pressing the right button and the shards will slide back again. In this case, they will remain laid out as they were.
But there is an option to double-click with the right button. In that case, all the shards will be placed in one pile, from which you can then select with the left button (as in the previous version).

Eventually. If you need to see what the image should look like, press the space bar. After viewing, press it again to return to the game.

But I continue to develop. There will be another version, estimated in two weeks. It depends on when I finish the proper edge detection of the irregular shapes, which is important for my next intention.

The ZIP file contains the source code, the images folder, three photos in it (add your own, or add those from the first version) and the DirEntry.h file that is required for this version.

Have fun and let me know what you think when you try it out. Thank you.

UPDATED SOURCE SOURCE CODE (also in zip file) - In previous code was bug.

Code: (Select All)

'Puzzle / Relax Game writed Petr Preclik 09-27-2024 to 10-06-2024

'Version 2.2 - repaired critical bug - arbitrary declaration the shard as placed, even though it remained in place (the variable was not reset. But only sometimes. So much the worse.)

' You can see image preview - use spaceboard
' You can automatic move segemnt to target - press A or a IF indicator is green
' You can moving all parts at once on the screen out from view and back - use right mouse button
' You can all parts put in one pile - click right twice
' Shard selection is now much more accurate (to one pixel)
' Removed alpha - so you can better orient yourself by colors
' Removed limitation with loading files. Now you can use photos of any supported format with any name - place them in the images folder, the program will recognize unsupported types
' The loaded files are then randomly shuffled, so if there are more photos in the images folder, there is a higher probability that they will not repeat in the same order when the program is launched.
' Since the alpha has been removed, all shards now have animated edges
' The background is now hatched to better highlight the areas where the shard is missing
' Added curved line when generating mask
' On the right side, on the left, there is a box with information in the form of running text (it will be crossed when placing the shard in the places where it is and will be shown again after its placement)
' Small speedup by using MEM functions instead of Point and PSet and moving the calculations before the main loop (GiveForm SUB)


'                                                    Array for deformed line (new)
Type LinePoints
    X As Integer
    Y As Integer
End Type
ReDim Shared LP(0) As LinePoints '                  Array for GetPoints (here added as new)

Type Gtype
    As Long Handle, Index '                          Type for G array, but .Index is not used now
End Type

ReDim FileList(0) As String
ReDim DirList(0) As String
Dim Shared As Long Img, Mask, MY, MX, LB, RB '      Img is image (from directory images), Mask is NewImage image

'pole loaderu a jeho index
ReDim Shared ImaArray(0) As String '
Dim Shared ImgIndex As Long
Dim Shared GridBck As Long
Dim Shared LastSegmentTime As Single
Dim Shared AllowAuto As Single '                    Allow automatic feed to target after 15 seconds (option A, a in game)
Dim Shared TotalPieces, Completed
LastSegmentTime = Timer + 15
GridBck& = Grid(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 15, _RGB32(150))

$If WIN Then
    cw$ = ".\images\"
  cw$ = "./images/"
$End If

GetLists _CWD$ + cw$, DirList(), FileList() '      This version contains loader uses DirEntry.H (Thank you, Steve) - This is Steve's SUB
LoadFiles FileList() '                              This insert to game array just valid and known images file

Screen _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 32)
Mask& = _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 32) 'While in the first version this was only used at the beginning, here it is used all the time!

'                                +-----------------------------------------+
'                                |My Screen and Mask virtual screen declare|
'                                +-----------------------------------------+

restart: '                        here is used.... GoTo if player's chioce is try next image

ReDim Shared G(0) As Gtype '        Graphic array (contains indexes array P and this set images order on screen. Ubound is always visible (get to screen as last)
'                                  previous image IMG is deleted from memory in row 316 and IMG is set to 0 if next image is played
Img = _LoadImage(ImaArray(ImgIndex), 32)

Text1$ = "Generating Puzzle, please wait..."
CenterX = _Width \ 2 - _PrintWidth(Text1$) \ 2
CenterY = _Height \ 2 - 16
_PrintString (CenterX, CenterY), Text1$

'                                1) Mask border is painted as white line
_Dest Mask&
Cls '                                mask must have black background
Line (0, 1)-(_Width(Mask&) - 1, _Height(Mask&) - 1), _RGB32(255), B

'                                2) To mask is genereated some random form in white color
Dim f As _Unsigned _Byte
For form = 0 To 3
    Randomize Timer
    f = 1 + Rnd * 10
    PlaceForm f, Mask&, _RGB32(255) 'PlaceForm create some white forms
Next form
PlaceForm 7, Mask&, _RGB32(255)
'PlaceForm 7, Mask&, _RGB32(255)

'                                +-----------------------------------------+
'                                |  My game declare, arrays and variables  |
'                                +-----------------------------------------+

'                                3) define the Puzzle type, scan the screen, write the shapes in the field and color the individual shapes.

Type Puzz
    As Integer X, Y, pX, pY '    X, Y is real position in image (left upper corner which contains non zero pixel), pX, pY is position on the screen
    As _Unsigned _Byte R, G, B ' mask color - used in program begining (row 83)
    As Long Handle, MskHandle, Brdr '    nove mskhandle bude obsahovat konkretni tvar jednou barvou masky jako obrazek      image handle (part of complete image)
    As _Byte Locked '          if is image moved to correct place, is this 1 else is 0. If is set to 1, player can't moving this part
    '                          default angle is always 0 in this version, rotation is not used in this first version
End Type

ReDim Shared P(1) As Puzz '    Game array

'                              4) searching and coloring individual parts of the mask
_Source Mask&
_Dest Mask& '                      Part image size is not set here, but on row  528, 529 in SUB GiveForm
B = 150
R = 127
For Y = 0 To _Height(Mask&) - 1
    For X = 0 To _Width(Mask&) - 1
        p~& = Point(X, Y)
        If p~& = _RGB32(0) Then
            B = B + 1
            If B > 255 Then B = 0: G = G + 1
            If G > 255 Then G = 0: R = R + 1
            Paint (X, Y), _RGB32(R, G, B), _RGB32(255)
            UbP = UBound(P)
            P(UbP).R = R
            P(UbP).G = G
            P(UbP).B = B
            UbP = UbP + 1
            ReDim _Preserve P(UbP) As Puzz
        End If
    Next X
Next Y
_Dest 0

'                                +---------------------+
'                                |  Call GiveForm SUB  |
'                                +---------------------+

'                                5) the GiveForm SUB does all of the above:
'                                  1) place one concrete shape on the virtual screen
'                                  2) find the dimensions of the shape (width and height)
'                                  3) create a suitable virtual screen and copies the shape onto it and then closes the original virtual screen
'                                  4) return the image descriptor of this shape in P().handle
GiveForm Mask&, Img, P()
'                                  GiveForm (Mask image contains colored parts, always one part = one color; IMG is loaded image file, P() is game array)

'                                +---------------------+
'                                |    Level logic    |
'                                +---------------------+

'                                5b) calculate how many pieces will be generated (small pieces are not generated) - i try it, but.... move part 1x3 pixels.... NO! NO! NO!
'                                    not all .Handle contains image descriptor. If is image too small, here is 0, this image is not used in game and therefore must be real number calculated.
TotalPieces = 0
For A = 0 To UBound(P)
    If P(A).Handle < 0 Then TotalPieces = TotalPieces + 1
Next A

'                                6) Generate parts start position on the screen - you can delete it, then all parts in game are in left upper corner
For s = 0 To UBound(P)
    imgX = Rnd * _Width
    If imgX > _Width(0) - _Width(P(s).Handle) Then imgX = _Width(0) - _Width(P(s).Handle)
    imgY = Rnd * _Height
    If imgY > _Height(0) - _Height(P(s).Handle) Then imgY = _Height(0) - _Height(P(s).Handle)
    P(s).pX = imgX
    P(s).pY = imgY
Next s
'                                +---------------------+
'                                |      Sort Sub      |
'                                +---------------------+

Sort '                        It calculates the area of ??individual images according to the width and height in the P().Handle array and
'                            arranges them in the G array so that the largest are below and the smallest above. The smallest part is then
'                            rendered last. But.... (keep reading it)
Cls , _RGB32(200)
'                            Show displays parts by field G. Image in UBOUND field G is shown last

Completed = 0 '              Number parts placed to correct image area
Do Until k& = 27

    k& = _KeyHit '          You read source code? You are doing good, keep it up!

    For T = UBound(P) To 0 Step -1
        GetMouse MX, MY, LB, RB
        If LB = -1 Then '                                if left mouse button is pressed,

            Id = ShardId(MX, MY)
            'If Id = 0 Then Sound 350, .1: Stop 'pak by to vysvetlovalo bug u autoposuvu  - a toto nebyla pricina, Id nikdy neni 0
            LastT = Id
            Xs = P(Id).pX
            Ys = P(Id).pY
            Xe = Xs + _Width(P(Id).Handle) - 1
            Ye = Ys + _Height(P(Id).Handle) - 1

            If P(Id).Locked = 0 Then '        if part is not moved on the screen in correct place (if locked is 1, is not possible moving it)
                Do Until LB = 0 '            LOOP until left mouse button is pressed

                    GetMouse MX, MY, LB, RB

                    If P(Id).Locked = 0 Then 'if part is not moved on the screen in correct place (if locked is 1, is not possible moving it)
                        MyT = Id
                        LastT = Id '        Variable for automatic move (when press a)
                        If posX = 0 Then '  calculate and memorize mouse position and part left upper corner position - for moving on the screen
                            posX = MX - Xs
                            PosY = MY - Ys
                            omx = MX
                            oMY = MY
                        End If

                        P(Id).pX = MX - posX 'write to array new part position on the screen
                        P(Id).pY = MY - PosY

                        '                  if we go to the correct position with a tolerance of 10 pixels, it will lock the part
                        If Abs(P(Id).X - P(Id).pX) < 10 Then
                            If Abs(P(Id).Y - P(Id).pY) < 10 Then
                                If time = 0 Then time = Timer
                                If Abs(Timer - time) > .45 Then

                                    P(Id).pX = P(Id).X
                                    P(Id).pY = P(Id).Y
                                    P(Id).Locked = 1 'ok
                                    '_SetAlpha 220, _RGB32(0) To _RGB32(255), P(Id).Handle    'Not more need in this version
                                    Completed = Completed + 1 '                              this is counter for correct placed parts
                                    'LastSegmentTime = Timer + 15
                                    Sound 250, .5
                                    LB = 0
                                    time = 0
                                    'pokus o odstraneni bugu autoposuvu - dve promenne nize

                                    MyT = 0
                                    LastT = 0

                                    Exit Do
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If

                    End If

                    MoveShow Id ' If the part is moved, the display is done by this SUB. The only difference is that it ensures that the piece being moved is always visible.

                    MovedImage = Id '                                      note which piece was moved last
                    '                                                      congrats, if you study source code: program small hack (move piece to 10, 10 or less)
                    Hck& = _KeyDown(100303) '                                                                  press and hold right shift for hack
                    If Hck& Then '                                                                            use if you don't see correct target position for part when is moved!

                        '                                                                                      In first version here was just PRINT, it is done graphically now.
                        For h = 0 To 1 '                                                                        Option right shift
                            For Circl = 10 To 25 Step 5
                                CircleFill P(Id).X + _Width(P(Id).MskHandle) \ 2, P(Id).Y + _Height(P(Id).MskHandle) \ 2, Circl, _RGBA32(10 + circ, 255, 25 - circ, 50)
                                _Delay .001
                            Next Circl
                            If LB = 0 Then Show Else MoveShow (Id)
                            _Delay .1
                            For Circl = 25 To 10 Step -5
                                CircleFill P(Id).X + _Width(P(Id).MskHandle) \ 2, P(Id).Y + _Height(P(Id).MskHandle) \ 2, Circl, _RGBA32(10 + circ, 255, 25 - circ, 50)
                                _Delay .001
                            Next Circl
                        If LB = 0 Then Show Else MoveShow (Id)
                        _Dest d
                    End If
                    _Limit 100

                '------------------------------------------------------ When image is done ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                If Completed = TotalPieces Then '                              if all parts are in correct position,
                    _PrintMode _FillBackground
                    _Delay .3
                    Cls , _RGB32(50)
                    ViewImage (Img)
                    Sleep 5
                    msg = _MessageBox("Puzzle", "Try next image?", "yesno", "question", 1) 'why this small .... always flash?
                    _Delay .2
                    Select Case msg
                        Case 0 '                                                if player doesn't want continue,
                            Screen 0
                            Print "Good bye..." '                              print message
                            For A = 0 To UBound(P)
                                If P(A).Handle < 0 Then
                                    _FreeImage P(A).Handle '                    erase all images from memory
                                    _FreeImage P(A).MskHandle
                                    _FreeImage P(A).Brdr
                                End If
                            Next A
                            _FreeImage Mask& '                                  erase mask
                            _FreeImage Img& '                                  erase image loaded in begin
                            System '                                            exit to system
                        Case 1
                            _FreeImage Img& '                                  if player continue to next image,
                            Img = 0 '                                          erase previous image loaded in begin from memory,
                            Id = 0
                            For A = 0 To UBound(P)
                                If P(A).Handle < 0 Then
                                    _FreeImage P(A).Handle '                    erase all parts images
                                    _FreeImage P(A).MskHandle
                                    _FreeImage P(A).Brdr
                                End If
                            Next A
                            ReDim G(0) As Gtype '                              reset graphic array to 0
                            ReDim P(1) As Puzz '                              reset game array to 0
                            Erase P '                                          delete game array
                            Erase G '                                          delete graphic array

                            ImgIndex = ImgIndex + 1 '                          images counter up to 1 (used in LoadFiles, its images array index)
                            If ImgIndex > UBound(ImaArray) Then ImgIndex = LBound(ImaArray)
                            GoTo restart '                                    skip to program begin
                    End Select
                End If

            End If

            '------------------------------------------------------------ GRPAHIC ORDER - when segment is moved, and then is left mouse button released, ----------------------------------------------------------
            '                                                            so is graphic done with Show SUB. Because last moved segment was last used,
            '                                                            and he is above, MUST BE VISIBLE.  Last rendered image is UBOUND (G).
            '                                                            G array contains not image handles, but indexes P() array!
            '                                                            So, when is segment placed to new position, must be placed to ubound array G
            '                                                            and this do this block

            '                                +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
            '                                |the program only goes to this area once every time the mouse button is released|
            '                                +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
            posX = 0 '                        this variable now reset mouse settings used on row 189
            _Dest 0

            If MovedImage > 0 Then
                MyIndexP = LastT '            this block shift images in graphic array so, when you click to part, this is placed to UBOUND,

                ShiftIndex = 0 '              so when is mouse button released, is not last moved piece "in backround" behind the other pieces
                For srt = 0 To UBound(G) - 1
                    If G(srt).Handle = MyIndexP Then
                        ShiftIndex = 1
                        GRec = G(srt).Handle
                    End If
                    G(srt).Handle = G(srt + ShiftIndex).Handle
                    G(srt).Index = G(srt + ShiftIndex).Index
                Next srt
                ubG = UBound(G)
                G(ubG).Handle = GRec
                MovedImage = -1
            End If

            '-------------------------------------------------- 'END FOR GRAPHIC BLOCK (see Show SUB - is used when nothing is not moved and to MoveShow - -------------------------------------------------------
            '                                                                MoveShow is used when segment is moved with left mouse button.

        End If ' End condition LB = -1 (LB is left mouse button)

        '--------------------------------------------------- New: AutoMove block. Cant find segment target? First click with left button to segment. Then --------------------------------------------------------
        '                                                    press A or a  and last selected segment is then automaticaly moved and placed to target!
        Auto& = _KeyDown(65) 'a
        Auto2& = _KeyDown(97) 'A

        '                                                    automatically moves the last tile into position
        If AllowAuto Then '                                  If function is allowed (is green indicator on the screen)
            If Auto& Or Auto2& Then '                        If you press a or A key
                If LastT Then '                              if you before pressing "a" key click on a part with the possibility of movement (with left button)
                    If P(LastT).Locked = 0 Then
                        LastSegmentTime = 0
                        AutoI = LastT '                      memorize this segment (part)
                        LastT = 0
                        AutoDone = 0
                        GETPOINTS P(AutoI).pX, P(AutoI).pY, P(AutoI).X, P(AutoI).Y, LP() 'generate path as array with points

                        Do Until AutoDone >= UBound(LP)
                            AutoDone = AutoDone + 32
                            If AutoDone > UBound(LP) Then AutoDone = UBound(LP) '        This do own auto move. As you can see, not all records are used (then is move too slow)
                            P(AutoI).pX = LP(AutoDone).X
                            P(AutoI).pY = LP(AutoDone).Y
                            If AutoDone Mod 128 = 0 Then AnimB

                        P(AutoI).Locked = 1
                        Completed = Completed + 1 '                                      this is counter for correct placed parts
                        Sound 250, .5 '                                                  tile is in target
                        Auto& = 0
                        Auto2& = 0
                        'pokus o odstraneni bugu autoposuvu kdy nekdy ohlasi ze vlozi ale nozobrazuje.
                        MyT = 0
                        LastT = 0

                        If Completed = TotalPieces Then
                            GoTo complete
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                LastT = 0
            End If
        End If
        '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End AutoMove block ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        '---------------------------------------------------------------------- View image (press space for view image) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Space = _KeyDown(32)
        If Space Then
            SpaceView = Not SpaceView
            _Delay .2
        End If

        If SpaceView Then
            ViewImage (Img)
        End If

        '-------------------------------------------------- New: Move all unused segments out from the screen and back, or group the parts --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        '                              to the center of the screen. Use right mousde button when left mouse button is released. Press right mouse button and move, or
        '                                                  right click twice for group parts near middle the screen (not to real middle)
        GetMouse MX, MY, LB, RB

        If RB = -1 Then
            If Sgn(Timer - FirstRClick) = 1 Then
                If Timer - FirstRClick < .5 Then
                    'double click
                    Nx = 0 '                                  variables for move all pieces at once using right mouse button
                    Ny = 0
                    MoveR = 0
                    MoveS = 0
                    For sa = 0 To UBound(P)
                        If P(sa).Locked = 0 Then
                            P(sa).pX = _DesktopWidth \ 2
                            P(sa).pY = _DesktopHeight \ 2 '    right click twice and group all parts to the screen
                        End If
                End If
            End If

            If FirstRClick = 0 Then FirstRClick = Timer

            Do Until RB = 0
                oRMx = MX
                oRMy = MY

                GetMouse MX, MY, LB, RB
                MoveR = -oRMx + MX
                MoveS = -oRMy + MY

                For sa = 0 To UBound(P)
                    If P(sa).Locked = 0 Then
                        P(sa).pX = P(sa).pX + MoveR
                        P(sa).pY = P(sa).pY + MoveS
                    End If

                _Limit 120

            MoveR = 0
            MoveS = 0
            If FirstRClick Then
                If Timer - FirstRClick > .6 Then FirstRClick = 0
            End If
        End If

        '--------------------------------------------------------- End of block for on screen parts moving ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Next T
    If LB = 0 And RB = 0 Then AnimB
    Kbd$ = InKey$

    ' ---------------------------------------------------------- A! here is us old "Hack" block! Is also upgraded. Press right shift when left mouse button is pressed -----------------------------------------
    If UCase$(Kbd$) = "H" Then '                                                          and green CircleFill show you target
        d = _Dest
        _Dest 0

        ReDim Hlp(0) As LinePoints
        hlp_i = 0
        For A = 0 To UBound(P)
            If P(A).Handle < 0 And P(A).Locked = 0 Then
                ReDim _Preserve Hlp(hlp_i) As LinePoints
                Hlp(hlp_i).X = (P(A).pX + _Width(P(A).Handle) \ 2) 'tady bylo .Px a .Py coz si myslim bylo blbe. Otestovat. COZ BYLO SPRAVNE TY KRETENE, VRACENO.
                Hlp(hlp_i).Y = (P(A).pY + _Height(P(A).Handle) \ 2)
                hlp_i = hlp_i + 1
            End If
        Next A
        For h = 1 To 3
            For Circl = 10 To 25 Step 5
                For A = 0 To UBound(Hlp)
                    If Hlp(A).Y > 0 And Hlp(A).Y < _DesktopHeight Then
                        If Hlp(A).X > 0 And Hlp(A).X < _DesktopWidth Then
                            CircleFill Hlp(A).X, Hlp(A).Y, Circl, _RGBA32(255, 10 + circ, 25 - circ, 50)
                            Locate 4
                            Print "Some parts miss on this screen. Right click twice for move parts to middle screen."
                        End If
                        Locate 4
                        Print "Some parts miss on this screen. Right click twice for move parts to middle screen."
                    End If

                Next A
                _Delay .01
            Next Circl

            _Delay .1

            For Circl = 25 To 10 Step -5
                For A = 0 To UBound(Hlp)
                    If Hlp(A).Y > 0 And Hlp(A).Y < _DesktopHeight Then
                        If Hlp(A).X > 0 And Hlp(A).X < _DesktopWidth Then
                            CircleFill Hlp(A).X, Hlp(A).Y, Circl, _RGBA32(255, 10 + circ, 25 - circ, 50)
                            Locate 4
                            Print "Some parts miss on this screen. Right click twice for move parts to middle screen."
                        End If
                        Locate 4
                        Print "Some parts miss on this screen. Right click twice for move parts to middle screen."
                    End If

                Next A
                _Delay .01
            Next Circl
    End If
    _Dest d


Sub FlyMess '    Do on screen message box in left upper corner
    Static oldTi As Double 'for text moving in the box
    Static FlyPos As Integer

    If oldTi = 0 Then oldTi = Timer + .2
    If Timer >= oldTi Then
        FlyPos = FlyPos + 1 '                          is time for next character in text
        oldTi = Timer + .2
    End If

    If oldT > Timer + 1000 Then oldT = 0 '      midnight security (not tested)

    If FlyPos = 0 Then FlyPos = 1

    If LastSegmentTime = 0 Then LastSegmentTime = Timer + 15 'set time for next A,a option for auto move
    If Timer > LastSegmentTime Then AllowAuto = -1 Else AllowAuto = 0

    u$ = " Done: " + LTrim$(Str$(Completed)) + " / " + LTrim$(Str$(TotalPieces)) + " [" + LTrim$(Str$(Int((Completed / TotalPieces) * 100))) + "%] "

    If AllowAuto Then
        t$ = u$ + "Select part and press A for automatic move!"
        c~& = _RGB32(55, 211, 78)
        t$ = "Wait, recharging..." + u$
        c~& = _RGB32(255, 11, 78)
    End If
    extra$ = " Press H for displaying the position of the parts, or Right Shift for displaying targets. Use right mouse button for moving all parts on the screen. Click right twice for group parts on the screen. Press spacebar for image preview and then again for return. " + Space$(20)
    t$ = Space$(20) + t$ + extra$

    X = 1 '                                box left upper corner coordinate (X)
    Y = 8 '                                box left upper corner coordinate (Y)
    LLen = 200 '                            box lenght in pixels

    Chars = LLen / _FontWidth
    If FlyPos > Len(t$) Then FlyPos = 1
    Msg$ = Mid$(t$, FlyPos, Chars)
    FlyPos = FlyPos + .01

    DeltaT = 15 - (LastSegmentTime - Timer) 'Red/Green line indicator calculation

    ALen = (LLen / 15) * DeltaT
    If ALen > LLen Then ALen = LLen
    Line (X, Y)-(LLen + 9, Y + 36), _RGBA32(100, 100, 100, 150), BF
    _PrintMode _KeepBackground
    _PrintString (X + 4, Y + 2), Msg$
    Color _RGB32(255)

    Line (X + 4, Y + 22)-(X + 4 + ALen, Y + 32), c~&, BF
    Line (X + 2, Y + 20)-(X + LLen + 7, Y + 34), _RGB32(190), B

End Sub

Sub GetMouse (MX As Long, MY As Long, LB As Long, RB As Long)
    While _MouseInput
    MX = _MouseX
    MY = _MouseY
    LB = _MouseButton(1)
    RB = _MouseButton(2)
End Sub

Sub AnimB '            anime borders - according to the edges of the mask, MEMGET and MEMPUT perform the animation of the edges of individual fragments.
    Dim As Long a, o '  It's not perfect because the edge detection isn't quite accurate yet
    Dim As _MEM m
    Dim As _Unsigned Long C, D
    a = 0
    C~& = _RGB32(50) '                                                          mask border color value (is not the same as own mask image)

    Dim gen(49) As _Unsigned Long
    Generate = 0
    Do Until Generate = 49 '                                                    for better speed first random generate colors for all edges in this step
        gen(Generate) = _RGB32(51 + 199 * Rnd)
        Generate = Generate + 1
    iG = 0

    Do Until a = UBound(P)
        If P(a).Handle < -1 Then '                                              condition from first version - if image handle is valid (in this version is valid always)
            If P(a).Locked = 0 Then '                                          if segment can be moved
                If P(a).pX > 0 And P(a).pX < _DesktopWidth Then '              if segment is on the screen (new in this version)
                    If P(a).pY > 0 And P(a).pY < _DesktopHeight Then

                        m = _MemImage(P(a).Brdr) '                              read mask border image
                        Do Until o& >= m.SIZE - 12
                            D~& = gen(iG)
                            iG = iG + 1
                            If _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + o&, _Unsigned Long) > C~& Then _MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o&, D~& 'generate points in border
                            If iG > 49 Then iG = 0
                            o& = o& + 8
                        o& = 0
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        a = a + 1
End Sub

Function ShardId& (X As Integer, Y As Integer) ' ---------------- New Function - Return real P() segment index when is clicke to it. No more rectangle detection for it! Here is used accurate Mask detection! ----------------
    Dim As _Unsigned Long Id, Sc
    Dim As Long A
    S = _Source
    _Source Mask&
    Id = Point(X, Y) '                          Read Mask color (X and Y are mouse graphical coordinates) from Mask virtual screen (you use it hidden so as is used program screen)
    _Source S
    A& = 0
    Do Until A& = UBound(P)
        If P(A&).Handle < 0 Then '                if image handle is valid
            If P(A&).Locked = 0 Then
                Sc = _RGB32(P(A&).R, P(A&).G, P(A&).B) 'read mask color used for this part
                If Sc > 0~& Then
                    If Sc = Id Then
                        ShardId& = A& '
                        Exit Function '  if mask color for this part is the same as on the mask,
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        A& = A& + 1
    ShardId& = 0 '                          return P array index
End Function

Sub Show
    _Dest Mask
    _Dest 0
    Cls , _RGB32(200)
    _PutImage (0, 0), GridBck
    For s = 0 To UBound(G)
        '                                                                  SUB contains two steps: First - display correct placed parts,
        If P(G(s).Handle).Handle < 0 Then
            If P(G(s).Handle).Locked = 1 Then
                imgX = P(G(s).Handle).pX
                imgY = P(G(s).Handle).pY
                _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(G(s).Handle).Handle
                _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(G(s).Handle).MskHandle, Mask& '  place masks to mask
            End If
        End If
    Next s

    For s = 0 To UBound(G)
        '                                                                  Second - then show all others parts - so is not possible "hide" free parts
        If P(G(s).Handle).Handle < 0 Then
            If P(G(s).Handle).Locked = 0 Then
                imgX = P(G(s).Handle).pX
                imgY = P(G(s).Handle).pY
                _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(G(s).Handle).Handle
                _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(G(s).Handle).Brdr '              place animed borders (if segment move is enabled)
                _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(G(s).Handle).MskHandle, Mask&
            End If
        End If
    Next s

End Sub

Sub MoveShow (id)
    If P(id).Handle < 0 Then
        imgX = P(id).pX '                                                  the same as show, but moved part is always displayed on top
        imgY = P(id).pY '                                                  (sub is used when part is moved with mouse)
        _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(id).Handle
        _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(id).Brdr 'okraje
        _PutImage (imgX, imgY), P(id).MskHandle, Mask&
    End If
End Sub

Sub Sort '                                                                  according to the area of the picture, place the indexes of the P field
    '                                                                      for rendering in the G field. The largest area will be the first (index 0)

    '                                                                  1) Create array P2 and write here area (width * height) for image the same index in array P
    ubP = UBound(P) '                                                    this is not very good method, because transparency pixels are here calculated as full pixels...

    ReDim p2(ubP) As Long
    For copy = 0 To ubP
        p2(copy) = _Width(P(copy).Handle) * _Height(P(copy).Handle)

    '                                                                  go through field P2, find the largest area, write it in field G and then set it to zero in field P2
    ReDim G(ubP) As Gtype

    Do Until All = ubP
        I = 0
        Max = 0
        Rec = 0
        Do Until I = ubP
            If p2(I) > 0 Then
                If Max < p2(I) Then Max = p2(I): Rec = I
            End If
            I = I + 1

        If Max Then
            p2(Rec) = 0
            G(iG).Handle = Rec '                                        set the value of the index of the field P in field G
            G(iG).Index = iG 'snad
            iG = iG + 1
        End If
        All = All + 1

    ReDim p2(0) As Long
    Erase p2
End Sub

Sub GiveForm (source As Long, img As Long, images() As Puzz) '            returns individual tiles as individual images
    '                                                                    source is MASK source image, img is input image, images() is array for image parts
    D = _Dest
    ReDim As Long X, Y, MinX, MinY, MaxX, maxY, Virtual, V2, Allimages, Ui, PstOffset, D
    ReDim As _Unsigned Long Kolor

    UnC~& = UnUsedColor~&(img) '                                          find free color for mask (is color, which is not used in source image)

    'this is for preview only, when parts are created, show image on the screen
    'image ratio is now accepted
    PreviewWDTH = 400
    PreviewHGHT = 300
    If _Width(img) > _Height(img) Then SpcRatio = _Width(img) / _Height(img) Else SpcRatio = _Height(img) / _Width(img)
    SpcV_DeltaW = Abs(_Width(img) - PreviewWDTH) '
    SpcV_DeltaH = Abs(_Height(img) - PreviewHGHT) '            look to row 535 for details  - it is for imageview in image correct ratio
    SpcV_PercW = SpcV_DeltaW / (_Width(img) / 100) '
    SpcV_PercH = SpcV_DeltaH / (_Height(img) / 100) '
    If SpcV_PercW > SpcV_PercH Then SpcV_P = SpcV_PercW Else SpcV_P = SpcV_PercH
    SpcV_P = SpcV_P / 100
    FinalRatio = 1 - SpcV_P 'downsizing

    SpcV_W = FinalRatio * _Width(img)
    SpcV_H = FinalRatio * _Height(img)

    'on screen text and text position
    Text1$ = "Generating Puzzle, please wait..."
    CenterX = _Width(0) \ 2 - _PrintWidth(Text1$) \ 2
    LineLen = _PrintWidth(Text1$)
    CenterY = _Height(0) \ 2 - 16
    LineY = CenterY + 20

    'image down sizing in ratio
    RatioX = _DesktopWidth / _Width(img&) '                        RotioX, RatioY - calculate the aspect ratio of the image
    RatioY = _DesktopHeight / _Height(img&) '                      relative to the aspect ratio of the screen so that the placed image is not stretched
    If RatioX < RatioY Then Ratio = RatioX Else Ratio = RatioY '    and distorted, but reduced (or enlarged) in the aspect ratio, without its deformation
    ImageX = (_DesktopWidth - _Width(img&) * Ratio) \ 2 '                                calculate image position in middle
    ImageY = (_DesktopHeight - _Height(img&) * Ratio) \ 2

    Dim As _MEM Pnt, Pst ' Pnt as Point, Pst as PSet
    Pnt = _MemImage(source)
    Hs = _Height(source)
    Ws = _Width(source)

    Dim PNewSize As Long
    PNewSize = 0

    For Allimages = 0 To UBound(P)
        Kolor~& = _RGB32(P(Allimages).R, P(Allimages).G, P(Allimages).B) 'read mask color for THIS part
        X = 0
        Y = 0
        MinX = _Width(source)
        MaxX = 0
        MinY = _Height(source)
        maxY = 0

        '                                                                find image size and copy element to virtual screen in 1 step
        Virtual = _NewImage(_Width(source), _Height(source), 32)

        _Source source
        _Dest Virtual
        Cls , UnC~& '                                                    Background color in Virtual must be set as color, which is not used in image

        Pst = _MemImage(Virtual)

        S = 0
        Do Until Y = Hs
            X = 0
            Do Until X = Ws
                '  CC~& = Point(X, Y)
                PstOffset = (Y * Ws + X) * 4
                CC~& = _MemGet(Pnt, Pnt.OFFSET + PstOffset, _Unsigned Long)
                If CC~& = Kolor~& Then
                    If MinY > Y Then MinY = Y
                    If maxY < Y Then maxY = Y
                    If MinX > X Then MinX = X
                    If MaxX < X Then MaxX = X
                    'PSet (X, Y), Kolor~& '                              draw 1 part to virtual screen (which use the same size as mask image)
                    _MemPut Pst, Pst.OFFSET + PstOffset, CC~&
                    S = S + 1 '                                        valid area without transparent parts
                End If '                                                and measure real image width and height
                X = X + 1 '                                            (you draw here only 1 mask for 1 part image to Virtual)
            Y = Y + 1
        _MemFree Pst
        '                                                              we have done writing points to virtual screen in this SUB
        P(Allimages).X = MinX '                                        put left upper corner position for this 1 part to array P
        P(Allimages).Y = MinY

        NotCreate = 0
        If S < 500 Then NotCreate = 1 '                                this condition block creating really very small parts (15x15 pixels and less)                                                                              '
        If MaxX - MinX < 15 Or maxY - MinY < 15 Then NotCreate = 1 '    S = visible area on the image (S = so much pixels is visible)

        If NotCreate Then
            _FreeImage Virtual '                                        HERE WAS memory leak - miss _freeimage before... - _continue skip _freeimage...
            _Continue '                                                do not create really small pieces
        End If

        _SetAlpha 0, Kolor~&, Virtual '                                set color in mask image as transparent
        V2 = _NewImage(_Width(source), _Height(source), 32) '          create image the same size as mask
        D = _Dest
        _Dest V2
        Cls , _RGB32(50) '                                              set this image background color (also set colors intensity on the game screen)                        barva okraju okolo
        _Dest D

        MyImage& = _NewImage(_Width(img&) * Ratio, _Height(img&) * Ratio) '                  output image  -  create it in ratio
        _PutImage (0, 0)-(_Width(img&) * Ratio, _Height(img&) * Ratio), img&, MyImage& '      place original image to empty image MyImage - in ratio
        _PutImage (ImageX, ImageY), MyImage&, V2 '                                            place centered image (complete image) in ratio to V2              'zde nove pridan ImageY pro centrovani v ose Y a vypada to ze ok
        _PutImage , Virtual, V2 '                                                            place mask image to complete centered image in correct ratio

        Ui = UBound(images)
        P(Allimages).Handle = _NewImage(MaxX - MinX + 1, maxY - MinY + 1, 32) '              create image in real size (big as part)

        _SetAlpha 0, UnC~&, V2 '  upgraded to color not used in img image                    set transparent background to P().handle
        _PutImage (0, 0), V2, P(Allimages).Handle, (MinX, MinY)-(MaxX, maxY) '                place this part image from V2 to P().handle

        _FreeImage V2 '                                                                      clear ram
        ' _MemFree Pst
        _FreeImage Virtual
        _FreeImage MyImage&
        Virtual = 0

        '                                                                                      this is for preview only, when parts are created, show image on the screen
        '                                                                                      image ratio is now accepted
        _PutImage (200, 150)-(200 + SpcV_W, 150 + SpcV_H), img&, 0

        '                                                                                        text "please wait, loading"
        _PrintString (CenterX, CenterY), Text1$, 0

        Line (CenterX - 2, LineY - 2)-(CenterX + LineLen + 2, LineY + 17), _RGB32(255), B
        Line (CenterX, LineY)-(CenterX + LineLen * Allimages / UBound(P), LineY + 15), _RGB32(120, 100, 150), BF ' generate indicator
    Next Allimages

    _MemFree Pnt

    MikroMask '                                                                                                    create masks for all parts

    D = _Dest
    _Dest Mask
    _Dest D
End Sub

Function UnUsedColor~& (ImageHandle As Long) 'cca 0.1 sec to find unused color
    Dim BGRA(255, 255, 255) As _Unsigned _Byte 'return first free (in image not used) color
    Dim As Long S
    Dim As _Unsigned _Byte B, G, R, A

    Dim As _MEM m

    m = _MemImage(ImageHandle&)
    Do Until S = m.SIZE - 4
        _MemGet m, m.OFFSET + S, B
        _MemGet m, m.OFFSET + S + 1, G
        _MemGet m, m.OFFSET + S + 2, R
        _MemGet m, m.OFFSET + S + 3, A
        BGRA(R, G, B) = 1
        S = S + 4

    R = 0
    G = 0
    B = 0
    Do Until R = 255 Or BGRA(R, G, B) = 0
        G = 0
        Do Until G = 255 Or BGRA(R, G, B) = 0
            B = 0
            Do Until B = 255 Or BGRA(R, G, B) = 0
                B = B + 1
            G = G + 1
        R = R + 1
    '                        none owerflow conditions here, because it is 16 777 216 colors. How big is this screen, if each pixel use own 1 color? 4096x4096 pixels. Who writes programs in 8K here?
    _MemFree m '
    Erase BGRA
    UnUsedColor = _RGB32(R, G, B)
End Function

Sub MikroMask '              with the help of a saved image in .handle, made a mask image in .mskhandle in one color
    Dim As _MEM m, n
    Dim As Long o
    Dim As _Unsigned Long K
    Do Until a = UBound(P)
        If P(a).Handle < 0 Then
            m = _MemImage(P(a).Handle) 'zdroj
            w = _Width(P(a).Handle)
            h = _Height(P(a).Handle)
            P(a).MskHandle = _NewImage(w, h, 32)
            n = _MemImage(P(a).MskHandle) 'cil
            K = _RGB32(P(a).R, P(a).G, P(a).B)
            Do Until o& = n.SIZE - 4
                If _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + o&, _Unsigned Long) Then _MemPut n, n.OFFSET + o&, K~&
                o& = o& + 4
            _MemFree m
            _MemFree n
        End If
        a = a + 1
        o& = 0
End Sub

Sub LightMask '                                            Creates an image with mask boundaries (this is then only used to animate the boundaries of the shape,
    Dim As _MEM m '                                        where, if you look closely, you'll see that the edge detection can't be used for anything else, because it's bad).
    Dim As Long o, a
    Dim As _Unsigned Long K, L
    D = _Dest
    Do Until a = UBound(P)
        If P(a).Handle < 0 Then
            w = _Width(P(a).Handle)
            h = _Height(P(a).Handle)
            K~& = _RGB32(P(a).R, P(a).G, P(a).B)
            L = _RGB32(255 - P(a).R, 255 - P(a).G, 255 - P(a).B)

            Percents = 0
            '                                                version for reducion the mask for the edges and its insertion into the original mask:

            Po = 6 '                                        edge size

            If w >= h Then Percents = Po / (w / 100) Else Percents = Po / (h / 100)
            Percents = 1 - Percents / 100 '                                          downsize
            NewW = CInt(w * Percents)
            NewH = CInt(h * Percents)
            DeltaW = CInt((w - NewW) \ 2) '                                          target coordinates for original mask in new bigger mask
            DeltaH = CInt((h - NewH) \ 2)
            DnMask& = _NewImage(w, h, 32) '                                          image for inserting two masks. First original (bigger) mask
            _Dest DnMask&
            Cls '                                                                    set black background
            _Dest D
            _PutImage , P(a).MskHandle, DnMask& '                                    insert original (big) mask - size as segment
            _SetAlpha 0, _RGB32(0), DnMask& '                                        set transparency

            m = _MemImage(DnMask&)
            Do Until o = m.SIZE - 4
                If _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + o&, _Unsigned Long) = K~& Then _MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o&, L~& 'colorize original mask to color L
                o = o + 4
            _PutImage (DeltaW, DeltaH)-(NewW, NewH), P(a).MskHandle, DnMask& '        deposit of the original mask in a reduced size in the middle (even the edges with the color L will remain)
            _SetAlpha 0, K~&, DnMask& '                                                set transparency for K color - is reduced mask color, so now exist BAD image with edges)

            '                                                                          developing better versions for this now.
            o = 0
            Do Until o = m.SIZE - 4 '                                                  for edeges colorizing set first pixels here
                If _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + o&, _Unsigned Long) = L~& Then
                    K~& = _RGB32(55 + 200 * Rnd)
                    _MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o&, K~& '                                    as you can see here, image set to color K is here random filled
                End If
                o = o + 4
            P(a).Brdr = _CopyImage(DnMask&, 32) '                                    save border mask to array P
            _MemFree m
            _FreeImage DnMask&
        End If
        a = a + 1
        o& = 0
    _Dest D
End Sub

Sub PlaceForm (typ As Integer, dest As Long, kolor As _Unsigned Long) '              generate some parts to mask image in white color. Se easy, so comment here is not needed.
    D = _Dest
    _Dest dest
    W = _Width(dest)
    H = _Height(dest)

    Select Case typ
        Case 1
            Circle (-W / 2 + Rnd * W, -H / 2 + Rnd * H), -W / 4 + Rnd * W / 8, kolor

        Case 2
            Line (-W / 2 + Rnd * W, -H / 2 + Rnd * H)-(-W / 2 + Rnd * W, -H / 2 + Rnd * H), kolor, B

        Case 3, 4, 5, 6
            Dim X(typ) As Integer
            Dim Y(typ) As Integer
            'vygeneruju cilove body
            For Rand = 0 To typ
                X(Rand) = Rand + Rnd * W
                Y(Rand) = Rand + Rnd * H

            PReset (X(0), Y(0))
            For Drw = 0 To typ - 1
                GETPOINTS X(Drw), Y(Drw), X(Drw + 1), Y(Drw + 1), LP()
                Color kolor
                'Line -(X(Drw), Y(Drw)), kolor
            Line -(X(0), Y(0)), kolor

        Case 7
            cX = -W / 2 * Rnd + W * Rnd
            cY = -H / 2 * Rnd + H * Rnd
            For a = 0 To 300 Step 60
                PReset (cX, cY)
                For s = 0 To W Step 50
                    aR = _D2R(a)
                    If s < 100 Then noise = 0 Else noise = Rnd * 20
                    nX = cX + Cos(aR) * 2 * s + noise
                    ny = cY + Sin(aR) * 2 * s + noise
                    Line -(nX, ny), kolor
                Next s
            Next a

        Case 8, 9, 10, 11
            Dim X(typ) As Integer
            Dim Y(typ) As Integer
            'vygeneruju cilove body
            For Rand = 0 To typ
                X(Rand) = Rand + Rnd * W
                Y(Rand) = Rand + Rnd * H

            PReset (X(0), Y(0))
            For Drw = 0 To typ - 1
                Line -(X(Drw), Y(Drw)), kolor
            Line -(X(0), Y(0)), kolor
    End Select
End Sub

Sub DeformedLine '                                              1) get array with points as normal line (LP is shared output array GETPOINTS SUB)
    Static n, noise '                                            2) do not fill it point to point but in step + use random points in small range

    noise = noise + n
    If noise > 18 Then n = -1
    If noise < 3 Then n = 1

    If LP(0).X > 0 And LP(0).Y > 0 Then PReset (LP(0).X, LP(0).Y)
    For e = 0 To UBound(LP) Step 10
        If LP(e).X < 0 Or LP(e).Y < 0 Then
            PReset (LP(e).X * -1, LP(e).Y * -1)
        End If
        x = -noise / 2 + noise * Rnd + LP(e).X
        y = -noise / 2 + noise * Rnd + LP(e).Y

        Line -(x, y)

    Next e
    e = UBound(LP) - 1
    If LP(e).X > 0 And LP(e).Y > 0 Then Line -(LP(e).X, LP(e).Y)
End Sub

Sub GETPOINTS (x1, y1, x2, y2, A() As LinePoints) '            Return points in LP() array - points so as line statement works

    Dim lenght As Integer
    lenght = _Hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2) 'Fellippe Heitor show me using this great function.
    ReDim A(lenght) As LinePoints
    For fill = 0 To lenght
        If x1 > x2 Then A(fill).X = x1 - fill * ((x1 - x2) / lenght)
        If x1 < x2 Then A(fill).X = x1 + fill * ((x2 - x1) / lenght)
        If x1 = x2 Then A(fill).X = x1
        If y1 > y2 Then A(fill).Y = y1 - fill * ((y1 - y2) / lenght)
        If y1 < y2 Then A(fill).Y = y1 + fill * ((y2 - y1) / lenght)
        If y1 = y2 Then A(fill).Y = y1
End Sub

Sub CircleFill (cx As Integer, cy As Integer, r As Integer, c As _Unsigned Long) 'SMcNeill routine
    Dim a As Long, b As Long
    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    Dim xx As Long, yy As Long
    Dim sx As Long, sy As Long
    Dim e As Long
    Dim rx As Integer, ry As Integer
    rx = r: ry = r

    a = 2 * rx * rx
    b = 2 * ry * ry
    x = rx
    xx = ry * ry * (1 - rx - rx)
    yy = rx * rx
    sx = b * rx

    Do While sx >= sy
        Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), c, BF
        If y <> 0 Then Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), c, BF

        y = y + 1
        sy = sy + a
        e = e + yy
        yy = yy + a

        If (e + e + xx) > 0 Then
            x = x - 1
            sx = sx - b
            e = e + xx
            xx = xx + b
        End If

    x = 0
    y = ry
    xx = rx * ry
    yy = rx * rx * (1 - ry - ry)
    e = 0
    sx = 0
    sy = a * ry

    Do While sx <= sy
        Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), c, BF
        Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), c, BF

            x = x + 1
            sx = sx + b
            e = e + xx
            xx = xx + b
        Loop Until (e + e + yy) > 0

        y = y - 1
        sy = sy - a
        e = e + yy
        yy = yy + a


End Sub

Sub GetLists (SearchDirectory As String, DirList() As String, FileList() As String) 'copy from XMas program 02-12-2021  - Steve's work
    Declare CustomType Library ".\direntry"
        Function load_dir& (s As String)
        Function has_next_entry& ()
        Sub close_dir ()
        Sub get_next_entry (s As String, flags As Long, file_size As Long)
    End Declare

    Dim flags As Long, file_size As Long, DirCount As Long, FileCount As Long, length As Long
    Dim nam$, slash$
    ReDim _Preserve DirList(1000), FileList(1000)
    DirCount = 0: FileCount = 0
    $If WIN Then
        slash$ = "\"
        slash$ = "/"
    $End If
    If Right$(SearchDirectory$, 1) <> "/" And Right$(SearchDirectory$, 1) <> "\" Then SearchDirectory$ = SearchDirectory$ + slash$

    If load_dir(SearchDirectory + Chr$(0)) Then
            length = has_next_entry
            If length > -1 Then
                nam$ = Space$(length)
                get_next_entry nam$, flags, file_size
                If _DirExists(SearchDirectory + nam$) Then
                    DirCount = DirCount + 1
                    If DirCount > UBound(DirList) Then ReDim _Preserve DirList(UBound(DirList) + 100)
                    DirList(DirCount) = nam$
                ElseIf _FileExists(SearchDirectory + nam$) Then
                    FileCount = FileCount + 1
                    If FileCount > UBound(FileList) Then ReDim _Preserve FileList(UBound(FileList) + 100)
                    FileList(FileCount) = nam$
                Else 'This else should never actually trigger
                    Print: Print: Print "zzz...  Unknown file found: "; SearchDirectory; slash$; nam$, _DirExists(nam$)
                    Beep: Sleep ' alert the user to
                End If
            End If
        Loop Until length = -1
    End If

    ReDim _Preserve DirList(DirCount)
    ReDim _Preserve FileList(FileCount)
End Sub

Sub LoadFiles (FileA() As String)
    '1) SUB load ALL files from images subdirectory to array FileA, check if file extension is valid, this place to array FileB.
    '2) in FileB array check file format validity, if is not valid in first step create array, which contains invalid records indexes numbers,
    '3) in next step all invalid files shift to ubound (example - if 6 files has known extension, but unknown format, program shift it to
    '  Ubound(FileB), Ubound(FileB) - 1 to Ubound(FileB) -6.
    '4) in next step this records are deleted from memory using _Preserve, so then FileB array contains only compatible image files.
    '5) Then is in RandomizeArr created random index mix and records in FileB are randomly replaced.
    '6) This is then placed to ImaArray (this was used in first version for this program)

    Print "Checking image files in images folder:"
    test = 0
    '                                                Check files by extension to array FileB
    ReDim FileB(0) As String '        note:          Index 0 in array FileA contains none record, it start from 1

    Do Until test = UBound(FileA) + 1 '              +1 must be here or 1 file miss!
        Select Case UCase$(Right$(RTrim$(FileA(test)), 3))
            Case "JPG", "PNG", "TGA", "BMP", "PSD", "GIF", "HDR", "PIC", "PNM", "PCX", "SVG", "ICO", "CUR", "QOI"
                ib = ib + 1 '                          select files mask
                ReDim _Preserve FileB(ib) As String
                FileB(ib) = FileA(test)
        End Select
        test = test + 1

    $If WIN Then
        pth$ = "images\"
        pth$ = "images/"
    $End If

    UboP = UBound(FileB)

    test = 1
    ReDim InvalidRec(0) As Long
    Do Until test = UboP + 1
        testf& = _LoadImage(pth$ + FileB(test), 32)
        If testf& < -1 Then
            Color 7 'grey                                        Here it all starts, it is Screen 0
            Print "File: "; FileB(test);
            Color 2 'green
            Print " PASS"
            Ti = Ti + 1
            _FreeImage testf&
            Color 7
            Print "File: "; FileB(test);
            Color 4 'red
            Print " FAIL";

            '                                                  note the number of the index where there is an invalid entry in the InvalidRec field from 1
            removed = removed + 1
            ReDim _Preserve InvalidRec(removed) As Long
            InvalidRec(removed) = test

            Print " - selected as invalid record"
            Color 7
        End If
        test = test + 1

    '                                                            now move the invalid records to the ubound of the FileB field
    i = 0
    For eraseit = 1 To removed
        index = InvalidRec(eraseit) - i
        invalid$ = FileB(index) '                                store the invalid record in the invalid$ variable
        i = i + 1 '                                i variable:    because every time a record is deleted, all invalid records are moved to the end of the field,
        For t = index To UboP - 1 '                              the indexes of the original invalid records also change (always by -1). That is why it is necessary
            FileB(t) = FileB(t + 1) '                            to take the shift in the variable into account.
        Next t
        FileB(UboP) = invalid$

    ReDim _Preserve FileB(UboP - removed) As String '            Delete invalid recors in array FileB

    If UBound(FileB) < 1 Then
        Print "No record."

        Print "Not valid files or none file in "; pth$; " subdirectory."
        Print "Please create images subfolder and copy here some valid"
        Print "image files (JPG, BMP, GIF, PCX, PNG....)"
        Print "Press any key to end."
    End If

    ReDim ImaArray(UBound(FileB) - 1) As String '              This was array for files in first version this program and start from zero. So here is used also (program use it)

    'Here, random shuffling of indices in the FileB array is resolved so that images do not follow each other in the same order each time it is run. But first the reference to index 0 is removed,
    'because it contains no record, but the original ImaArray field uses index 0.

    ReDim s(UBound(FileB) - 1) As Long '                        records here are replaced, so index 0 now also contains valid value
    For d = 0 To UBound(s) '                      fill array
        s(d) = d + 1 '                                          To RandomizeArr only the field with the index numbers of another field as they follow one another in it is sent.
        '                                                      The output is an array of the same size, but each array index already contains a random value. In development, chose a procedure
        '                                                      that guarantees that no value is repeated unless it is repeated in the input field.

    RandomizeArr s()

    For d = 0 To UBound(s)
        ImaArray(d) = pth$ + FileB(s(d)) '                      place randomized valid records (path and file name) according to random index to array ImaArray

    Erase FileA
    Erase FileB
    Erase InvalidRec
    Erase s
End Sub

Sub RandomizeArr (s() As Long) '                              randomize number in Long type array
    If UBound(s) < 2 Then Exit Sub
    Dim size As Long
    size& = UBound(s)

    If size& <= 10 Then
        For mix = 0 To 2
            For small = 0 To size
                numA = 0
                numB = 0
                Randomize Timer
                Do Until numA <> numB
                    numA = Rnd * (size& - small)
                    numB = 1 + Rnd * (size& - mix)
                    If numA < 0 Then numA = 0
                    If numA > size& Then numA = size&
                    If numB < 0 Then numB = 0
                    If numB > size& Then numB = size&
                Swap s(numA), s(numB)
        Next small, mix
        For e = 10 To 0 Step -1
            For c = 0 To size& - 10 Step 10
                For d = c To c + 10 + e
                    numA = 0
                    numB = 0
                    Randomize Timer
                    Do Until numA <> numB
                        numA = c + Rnd * (size& - c)
                        numB = c + Rnd * (size& - c)

                        If numA < 0 Then numA = 0
                        If numA > size& Then numA = size&
                        If numB < 0 Then numB = 0
                        If numB > size& Then numB = size&
                    Swap s(numA), s(numB)
                Next d
            Next c
        Next e
    End If
End Sub

Function Grid& (W As Long, H As Long, Density As Integer, Kolor As _Unsigned Long) 'Draw and return grid image handle (in background)
    Gr& = _NewImage(W, H, 32)
    D = _Dest
    _Dest Gr&
    L = _Hypot(H, LStep)
    Color Kolor
    For X = -W To W Step Density
        a = _Atan2(0, Density) + _D2R(90)
        x2 = X + Sin(a) * L
        y2 = H + Cos(a) * L
        Line (X, 0)-(x2, y2)
        Line (X, H)-(x2, 0)
    _Dest D
    Grid& = Gr&
End Function

Sub ViewImage (Img As Long)
    'I've gotten a little carried away with aspect ratios, so it's time for my favorite percentages...
    If _Width(Img) > _Height(Img) Then SpcRatio = _Width(Img) / _Height(Img) Else SpcRatio = _Height(Img) / _Width(Img)

    SpcV_DeltaW = Abs(_Width(Img) - _DesktopWidth) '              img and screen width difference
    SpcV_DeltaH = Abs(_Height(Img) - _DesktopHeight) '            img and screen height difference
    SpcV_PercW = SpcV_DeltaW / (_Width(Img) / 100) '              what percentage is it from the total width of the img
    SpcV_PercH = SpcV_DeltaH / (_Height(Img) / 100) '            what percentage is it from the total height of the img
    If SpcV_PercW > SpcV_PercH Then SpcV_P = SpcV_PercW Else SpcV_P = SpcV_PercH 'choose a higher ratio (here in percentage)
    SpcV_P = SpcV_P / 100
    FinalRatio = 1 - SpcV_P '  downsizing

    SpcV_W = FinalRatio * _Width(Img) '                            X position on the screen
    SpcV_H = FinalRatio * _Height(Img) '                          Y position on the screen
    SpcV_DeltaX = (_DesktopWidth - SpcV_W) \ 2 '                  center image in X axis
    _PutImage (SpcV_DeltaX, 0)-(SpcV_DeltaX + SpcV_W, SpcV_H), Img&, 0
End Sub

'continue next time 

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