12-10-2024, 01:00 AM
Hi friends
yesterday I was looking for a new washdishes machine in a store. The operator had used a modern PC on which it was running a database software managing the resource of the store. Well it was in SCREEN 0!
So programs in text mode interface are still running in commercial software!
And this little demo/tutorial to build a text window is not so obsolete!
Of course the setting of characters to use in the making of window frame can be different or moreover flexible.
![[Image: Text-windows-in-SCREEN-0-Immagine-2024-12-10-015612.png]](https://i.ibb.co/2ZtQ3KW/Text-windows-in-SCREEN-0-Immagine-2024-12-10-015612.png)
Thanks for feedbacks
yesterday I was looking for a new washdishes machine in a store. The operator had used a modern PC on which it was running a database software managing the resource of the store. Well it was in SCREEN 0!
So programs in text mode interface are still running in commercial software!
And this little demo/tutorial to build a text window is not so obsolete!
Code: (Select All)
' a little demonstration about making windows with text characters in Screen 0
' --------------------- a bit of theory on windows in screen 0
' ANATOMY of a Text Window
' Upper Left corner Title Bar Title Upper Right Corner
' \ | | /
' \ | | /
' º º
' º º
' lateralº area of window º
' bar ->º º
' º º
' º º
' >ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ text on the status bar ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ<
' / | | \
' / | | \
'Bottom Left corner Status Bar Status Bottom Right corner
'the frame (cornice) of the window has its necessary elements: 4 corners (Upper Left, Upper Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right)
' the title bar, the status bar and 2 lateral bars
' the space within the frame is the area of the window: here text is scrolling by user input
Screen 0
_ControlChr Off
'global SHARED variables
Dim Shared As String UL, UR, BL, BR, HO, VE
Dim FC(1 To 3) As Integer, BC(1 To 3) As Integer ' it declares Foregroundcolor & Background color variables
' initialization
UL = "É": UR = "»": BL = "È": BR = "¼": HO = "Í": VE = "º"
FC(1) = 15: BC(1) = 1
FC(2) = 11: BC(2) = 2
FC(3) = 12: BC(3) = 3
'here it makes windows' frames
Color FC(1), BC(1)
makeWindow 1, 1, 80, 15, " Editor "
Color FC(2), BC(2)
makeWindow 15, 1, 80, 6, " Output "
Color FC(3), BC(3)
makeWindow 20, 1, 80, 7, " Help "
Color 15, 0
Sub makeWindow (row As Integer, col As Integer, widthW As Integer, heightW As Integer, TitleW As String)
If Len(TitleW) > widthW Then TitleW = Left$(_Trim$(TitleW), 3)
Locate row, col
Print UL + String$(widthW - 2, HO) + UR;
For a% = row + 1 To row + heightW - 2
Locate a%, col
Print VE + Space$(widthW - 2) + VE;
Next a%
Locate , col
Print BL + String$(widthW - 2, HO) + BR;
Locate row, col + Fix((widthW - Len(TitleW)) / 2)
Print TitleW;
End Sub
Of course the setting of characters to use in the making of window frame can be different or moreover flexible.
![[Image: Text-windows-in-SCREEN-0-Immagine-2024-12-10-015612.png]](https://i.ibb.co/2ZtQ3KW/Text-windows-in-SCREEN-0-Immagine-2024-12-10-015612.png)
Thanks for feedbacks