The link to The Dungeon still remains at:
For the following is:
Note: Tasm 4.1 can be found on vetusware
The Dungeon contains assembly to trap ctrl-break and can be removed from the source by deleting Call Setint/Call Restint.
This program and source are completely 16-bit and won't load in QB64 because it contains arrays in UDTs..
For it contains no assembly.
Attached is: for VB10. for QB64.
The readme.txt is:
![[Image: screen1.jpg]](
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For the following is:
Note: Tasm 4.1 can be found on vetusware
The Dungeon contains assembly to trap ctrl-break and can be removed from the source by deleting Call Setint/Call Restint.
This program and source are completely 16-bit and won't load in QB64 because it contains arrays in UDTs..
For it contains no assembly.
Attached is: for VB10. for QB64.
The readme.txt is:
Code: (Select All)
Welcome to The Dungeon Adventure Game v12.0 r3.0. These files, documents,
and programs are public domain. Anyone may use, rewrite, or distribute
them without any fee, charge for use, or packaging requirements.
Separate the .zip file with the PKWare utility into the directory:
cd \
md dngeon12
cd \dngeon12
copy \temp\ \dngeon12
with the command
The .zip file contains the files:
ansi.bas -- opening screen source
ansi.exe -- opening screen program
compile.bat -- compiling batch program
compile.txt -- compile instructions
desc.sdi -- program description
dungeon.bas -- main dungeon source
dungeon.doc -- short documentation
dungeon.exe -- main dungeon program
edit.bas -- edit utility source
edit.exe -- edit utility program
file_id.diz -- program description
features.txt -- list of features
go.bat -- startup batch file
help.bas -- help menu source
help.exe -- help menu program
keytrap.asm -- assembly utility source
list.bat -- lists source to printer
mapedit.bas -- map edit utility source
mapedit.exe -- map edit utility program -- display utility
print.bat -- prints documentation
program.txt -- description of program
readme.bat -- displays readme file
readme.txt -- readme text file
swapbas.asm -- assembly utility source
util.bas -- display utility
util.exe -- display utility source
Dungeon creates the files:
datafile.00x -- player data file
players.dat -- player data file
ranklist.dat -- ranking list bulletin
The Dungeon is designed to operate on any standard PC, XT, or AT with
minimum of 256K memory, a floppy or fixed disk, and any color graphics
The DUNGEON v12.0 r3.0 Documentation Page i
Starting the game:
Enter one of the following commands at the DOS prompt:
go -- read documentation and start the program
print -- print the documentation
readme -- display the readme text file
Playing is done by entry on the numeric keypad. Keys 0, 1, .., 9, and
other symbols like -, +, and = are used for commands. Be sure you have
turned on numlock before game play. The Dungeon also recognizes cursor
keys for moving in the game without numlock.
Program compiling:
This disk contains the compile batch files, BASIC source, and additional
utility for the dungeon v12.0. These files, documents, and programs are
public domain. Anyone may use, rewrite, or distribute them without any
fee, charge for use, or packaging requirements.
Compiling requirements:
The compile program is designed to operate on any standard PC, XT, or AT
with 512K, fixed disk, and any monitor.
Starting the compiler:
Enter one of the following commands at the DOS prompt:
compile -- start the compiling process
list -- print the source
Compiling instructions:
Compiling is done by entering the subprogram name to create with the
compile.bat program. You should have the required compiler and library
listed in the compile.txt file. Example to start: compile dungeon. Also,
the dungeon comes with a makefile containing instructions for nmake.exe
to compile the dungeon programs by date of .exe files.
Maintenance release v12.0 r2.0 Fixed/added:
Alt-Tab to add the globe of power to player inventory.
Clearing monster array between changing dungeon levels.
Dungeon level replenish to avoid placing items in rooms.
Overflow error in info screen for levels greater than 50.
More than eight monsters attacking player at once.
Distance to monsters for evade/approach fixed.
Count loops inside searching for empty dungeon cell.
Timer beyond midnight pause loop corrected.
Bulletin report utility display cleaned.
Added F11/F12 display/clear dungeon symbols.
Fixed page length in util display.
Eat keystrokes in second timer pause routine.
Remove monsters beyond player from attack array.
Update some counting variables during player movement.
Trapped interrupt service error during program shells.
Error with trapped control-break being returned as two-byte null.
Problem restoring current directory during shells.
The DUNGEON v12.0 r3.0 Documentation Page ii
![[Image: screen1.jpg]](
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