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What am I doing wrong with _FreeImage?
I have written a small test using _loadimage and _FreeImage, and all goes well except when I try to clear the images (as I believe is necessary after using them).
I get an Illegal function call message at that point. Why is it so???
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(1500, 800, 32)

Locate 15, 66
Print "Choose a grid size, 1 to 4 (for 12, 20, 30 or 42 tiles)"
Play move$
_KeyClear: k = 0
While k < 1
    _Limit 30
    k = _KeyHit
Select Case k
    Case Is = 49
        numtiles = 12 '                                                                      numtiles is number of tiles for that size grid
        numcols = 3 '                                                                        numcols is number of columns in the grid
    Case Is = 50
        numtiles = 20
        numcols = 5
    Case Is = 51
        numtiles = 30
        numcols = 5
    Case Is = 52
        numtiles = 42
        numcols = 7
    Case Else
        GoTo Getsize
End Select

DisplayTiles: '
numrows = numtiles / numcols '                                                                set number of rows needed for the numtiles and numcols
Dim tiles(numtiles) As Long
For a = 1 To numtiles
    tiles(a) = _LoadImage("RecPics/test.jpg", 32) '                                          set tiles array with numpics copies of test.jpg
For a = 1 To numtiles / 2
    _PutImage (60 * a, 60), tiles(a) '                                                      display first half of tiles  array
For a = numtiles / 2 + 1 To numtiles
    _PutImage (60 * (a - numtiles / 2), 120), tiles(a) '                                    display second half of tiles array
Sleep 2

For a = 1 To numtiles
    _FreeImage (a) '                                                                            free all of the images from memory
Print "I get an error message here: Illegal function call line 45 (the _FreeImage line)"
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
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Code: (Select All)
_FreeImage (a) '                         free all of the images from memory

Why is the "a" inside ()'s ?

_FreeImage is a Sub / Statement not a Function

If it's not that, DIM a as Long.

Oh! Should be:
_FreeImage tiles(a) ' <<< missing tiles
b = b + ...
You should check if all _LoadImage calls are succeeding.

I am quite certain that _FreeImage is throwing an "illegal function call" because it is trying to free an invalid image handle.

Quote:Oh! Should be:

_FreeImage tiles(a) ' <<< missing tiles

^this.  Big Grin
(02-24-2023, 01:13 AM)bplus Wrote:
Code: (Select All)
_FreeImage (a) '                         free all of the images from memory

Why is the "a" inside ()'s ?

_FreeImage is a Sub / Statement not a Function

If it's not that, DIM a as Long.

Oh! Should be:
_FreeImage tiles(a)  ' <<< missing tiles

The "(a)" is the loop variable. It loads the same image into each of the tiles() positions - there's only one image, called test.jpg ( which I attached - I hope!) Edit: I mis-named the image, by including its path. it should just be "test.jpg".
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
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(02-24-2023, 06:00 AM)PhilOfPerth Wrote:
(02-24-2023, 01:13 AM)bplus Wrote:
Code: (Select All)
_FreeImage (a) '                         free all of the images from memory

Why is the "a" inside ()'s ?

_FreeImage is a Sub / Statement not a Function

If it's not that, DIM a as Long.

Oh! Should be:
_FreeImage tiles(a)  ' <<< missing tiles

The "(a)" is the loop variable. It loads the same image into each of the tiles() positions - there's only one image, called test.jpg ( which I attached - I hope!) Edit: I mis-named the image, by including its path. it should just be "test.jpg".

You got it b+! I didn't get what you meant by "missing tiles" - I thought you meant there were tiles missing ( apart from mine Big Grin), but then it dawned on me. 
You were both correct, of course - it was trying to free a mis-named image. Thanks both for your help.
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
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