09-22-2023, 07:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2023, 07:54 PM by James D Jarvis.)
How do I get the color of text and the color of the background in screen 0 from a particular character? I figured out how to grab both using mem but I'm not certain how to split those up from the value I grabbed.
Here's a sample program where a section of characters and the overall color attributes is read from a screen and saved into an array so the characters (with color attributes) can be reprinted elsewhere on the screen. getctext let's me grab a run of characters and their overall color attributes. putctext let's me slap that run of characters back on the screen with the accurate color atributes but I'm just not sure how to break the color attributes apart.
I'd also like to write a routine like this pritntctext(x,y,txt$,tcolor,bgcolor) but I can't figure out how to correctly pull the text color and background colors out of that byte. Anyone know how the color data is shoved in those 8 bits? I do know how it get and change bits , just not the order and how that one byte holds both the foreground and background.
Here's a sample program where a section of characters and the overall color attributes is read from a screen and saved into an array so the characters (with color attributes) can be reprinted elsewhere on the screen. getctext let's me grab a run of characters and their overall color attributes. putctext let's me slap that run of characters back on the screen with the accurate color atributes but I'm just not sure how to break the color attributes apart.
Code: (Select All)
ms = _NewImage(80, 28, 0)
Screen ms
Dim tx(0, 0)
Randomize Timer
For y = 1 To 12
For x = 1 To 80
Color Int(Rnd * 32), Int(Rnd * 16)
_PrintString (x, y), Chr$(65 + Rnd * 26)
Next x
Next y
getctext 1, 1, 960, ms, tx()
putctext 1, 15, tx(), ms
Sub getctext (x, y, cl, hndl, ar())
'get text with color attributes from tetx screen at hndl upt ot cl charcaters starting at x,y and retunf that as a two dimensional array
Dim o As _MEM
ReDim ar(cl, 2)
A$ = ""
o = _MemImage(hndl)
w = (_Width(hndl)) * 2
ts = (y - 1) * w + (x - 1) * 2
n = 0
For px = 0 To (cl * 2 - 1) Step 2
v = _MemGet(o, o.OFFSET + ts + px, _Unsigned _Byte) 'a PEEK
c = _MemGet(o, o.OFFSET + ts + px + 1, _Unsigned _Byte)
n = n + 1
ar(n, 1) = v: ar(n, 2) = c
Next px
_MemFree o
End Sub
Sub putctext (x, y, ar(), hndl)
'take a two dimensional array representing a colored text string ( ar() ) and place the charcters with proper color attributes on the screen
Dim o As _MEM
cl = UBound(ar)
A$ = ""
o = _MemImage(hndl)
w = (_Width(hndl)) * 2
ts = (y - 1) * w + (x - 1) * 2
n = 0
For cx = 1 To cl
v = ar(cx, 1)
c = ar(cx, 2)
_MemPut o, o.OFFSET + ts + (cx - 1) * 2, v As _UNSIGNED _BYTE
_MemPut o, o.OFFSET + ts + (cx - 1) * 2 + 1, c As _UNSIGNED _BYTE
Next cx
_MemFree o
End Sub
I'd also like to write a routine like this pritntctext(x,y,txt$,tcolor,bgcolor) but I can't figure out how to correctly pull the text color and background colors out of that byte. Anyone know how the color data is shoved in those 8 bits? I do know how it get and change bits , just not the order and how that one byte holds both the foreground and background.