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Simple Rummy-based game
This is a simple game based on the Rummy card game.
It may appeal to those who just want to relax and play an uncomplicated game. 
I may have gone a bit overboard with comments, which were mostly for my own benefit while writing.  Big Grin

Code: (Select All)
wwidth = 1120: wheight = 800: mode = 32: size = 24 '                                    choose window 32 rows, 80 columns, full _RGB colours
Screen _NewImage(wwidth, wheight, mode)

Common Shared cpl, names$(), np, plr, scores(), hands(), discard, discard$, nexttile, ok$, bad$, fin$, setpos, pickup$, set(), settype$, allsame, runhigh, runlow, tiles(), wild()
ok$ = "o3l64ceg": bad$ = "o2l16gec": fin$ = "t120o3l16msc,e,g,o4msc,e,g,o5msc,e,gp64o3l1mlc,e,g,o4c,e,g,o5c,e,g" '            game sounds

SetFont: f& = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\fonts\courbd.ttf", size, "monospace"): _Font f& '   use Monospace font
lhs = (_DesktopWidth - wwidth) / 2: top = (_DesktopHeight - wheight) / 2 '              find top and left of window
_ScreenMove lhs, top '                                                                  centre the window
cpl = _Width / _PrintWidth("X") '                                                       find characters per line (columns)

Randomize Timer
Dim tiles(101, 2), names$(4), scores(4), hands(4, 11)

For a = 0 To 11 '                                                                       first 96 tiles letter numbers are 1 to 8 for A-H (adding 64 gives 65 to 72)
    For b = 1 To 8
        tiles(a * 8 + b, 1) = b
For a = 1 To 96 '                                                                        second parameter sets colours as 1, 2 or 3 for tile groups
    If a < 33 Then tiles(a, 2) = 1 '                                                     first 32 are red
    If a > 32 Then tiles(a, 2) = 2 '                                                     next 32 are green
    If a > 64 Then tiles(a, 2) = 3 '                                                     next 32 are magenta
For a = 97 To 100: tiles(a, 1) = -22: tiles(a, 2) = 4: Next
tiles(101, 1) = -19: tiles(101, 2) = 4 '                                                 adding 64 to -19 gives 45;  chr$(45) is white - sign for vacant hand-positions

Play ok$



GetNames '                                                                               get player names and number of players, and randomize first player

For a = 1 To 99 '                                                                        shuffle 100 tiles, leave 101 as is
    swop = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1
    Swap tiles(a, 1), tiles(swop, 1): Swap tiles(a, 2), tiles(swop, 2)

AssignTiles '                                                                            deal hands and Discard, NextTile is set to next tile after Discard (i.e. 42 with 4 players)

centre "New Round!", 2: Sleep 1: Cls
plr = plr + 1: If plr > np Then plr = 1
yellow: Locate 3, 1: white
For a = 1 To np
    Print Tab(2); names$(a); Tab(10); scores(a)

ShowHand '                                                                              show current player's hand (position 11 is vacant), and Discard below

ChoosePickUp '                                                                          player can pick Discard or from Stack

LayDown '                                                                               player can lay down a set, or hold for further improvement

LayDownDone '                                                                           finished laying down a set


Sleep 1: WIPE "062728": GoTo GetPlayer ' next player's turn

Finish ' all Stack tiles used - finish game

' ---------------------------- subs below ------------------------------

Sub GetNames
    np = 0
    Locate 15, 18
    Print "Name of Player"; np + 1; "(or <Enter> for no more)";: Input nm$ '                nm$ is temp name for player, np is number of players"
    If nm$ = "" Then GoTo FinalName '                                                   if no name, jump to FinalName line
    nm$ = UCase$(nm$) '                                                                 capitalise name
    If nm$ < "A" Then WIPE "15": Play bad$: GoTo GetAName '                             if invalid name, try again
    np = np + 1: names$(np) = nm$
    If np = 4 Then GoTo FinalName Else Play ok$: GoTo GetAName '                                                     max of 4 players

    Play ok$: Play ok$
    If np < 2 Then
        red: centre "We need 2 to 4 players", 16: yellow: Play bad$: Sleep 1: WIPE "1516": GoTo GetPlayerNames ' ensure at least 2 players
    End If
    plr = Int(Rnd * np) + 1 '                                                            randomize first player
    Play ok$
End Sub

Sub AssignTiles
    For a = 1 To np '                                                                    deal 10 tiles to each player
        For b = 1 To 10
            nexttile = nexttile + 1
            hands(a, b) = nexttile
        hands(a, 11) = 101 '                                                             set each player's 11th tile to tile 101 (white -)
    nexttile = nexttile + 1
    discard = nexttile '                                                                 next tile will be the Discard
    nexttile = nexttile + 1 '                                                            move NextTile on past Discard tile
End Sub

Sub ShowHand
    yellow: centre msg$, 9
    msg$ = names$(plr) + " playing"
    centre msg$, 10
    centre "Your Hand", 12
    ' Print: Print Tab(24);
    centre "1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11", 14
    Locate 15, 25

    For a = 1 To 11
        Select Case tiles(hands(plr, a), 2) '                                           second parameter of tiles() sets colour of the tile
            Case Is = 1
            Case Is = 2
            Case Is = 3
            Case Is = 4
        End Select

        Print Chr$(tiles(hands(plr, a), 1) + 64); "  ";
    white: PSet (310, 300): Draw "r480d70l480u70": yellow
    Locate 18, 35: Print " Discard"
    discard$ = Chr$(tiles(discard, 1) + 64)
    Select Case tiles(discard, 2)
        Case Is = 1
        Case Is = 2
        Case Is = 3
        Case Is = 4
    End Select
    Print Tab(39); Chr$(tiles(discard, 1) + 64) '                                            show Discard tile in its colour
    msg$ = "Remaining Stack tiles:" + Str$(101 - nexttile)
    WIPE "30": yellow: centre msg$, 30
End Sub

Sub ChoosePickUp
    WIPE "01"
    yellow: centre "Will you pick from Stack or Discard (S or D) ?", 21
    pickup$ = InKey$
    If pickup$ = "" Then GoTo PickupChoice
    If pickup$ = Chr$(13) Then pickup$ = "D"
    pickup$ = UCase$(pickup$)
    If pickup$ <> "S" And pickup$ <> "D" Then Play bad$: GoTo WhereFrom
    WIPE "21"
    Locate 15, 55
    If pickup$ = "D" Then '                                                               if player picks Discard...
        hands(plr, 11) = discard '                                                            transfer Discard to player's 11th tile position (don't change NextTile)
        Select Case tiles(hands(plr, 11), 2) '                                            get its colour
            Case Is = 1
            Case Is = 2
            Case Is = 3
            Case Is = 4
        End Select
        Print Chr$(tiles(hands(plr, 11), 1) + 64) '                                        display new 11th tile

    ElseIf pickup$ = "S" Then '                                                            or if player picks from Stack...
        hands(plr, 11) = nexttile: nexttile = nexttile + 1 '                               transfer NextTile to player's 11th tile position, and increment NextTile
        Locate 15, 55
        Select Case tiles(hands(plr, 11), 2) '                                             get its colour
            Case Is = 1
            Case Is = 2
            Case Is = 3
            Case Is = 4
        End Select
        Print Chr$(tiles(hands(plr, 11), 1) + 64) '                                       display new 11th tile
    End If
    Play ok$
    WIPE "181930": yellow: Locate 30, 28: Print "Remaining Stack tiles:"; 101 - nexttile
    Sleep 1
End Sub

Sub LayDown '                                                                             setpos is the position of this tile in the set
    ReDim set(11) '                                                                       set() will hold position in player's hand of each laid-down tile
    setpos = 1: _KeyClear
    num$ = "" '                                                                           this will be the position in the player's hand
    WIPE "22"
    Locate 20, 12
    yellow: centre "Enter a tile number to lay down for a set (Enter to finish)", 20
    Locate 22, 40: Input num$
    If num$ = "" Then Play ok$: Exit Sub '                                                if player pressed Enter, they have no more to lay down
    num = Val(num$)
    If num < 1 Or num > 11 Then '                                                         validate number of the tile
        Play bad$: WIPE "27": red: centre "Invalid tile-number!", 27
        Sleep 1: WIPE "27": yellow
        GoTo GetaSetTile '                                                               if not 1 to 11, try again
    End If

    Select Case setpos
        Case Is = 1 '                                                                     first pick for the set
            If tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) = -22 Then
                Play bad$: red: centre "First can't be Wild!", 27
                Sleep 1: WIPE "27": GoTo GetaSetTile
            End If
            set(1) = num '                                                                num has been validated so accept this tile as first of set
            runlow = tiles(hands(plr, num), 1): runhigh = tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) '     first num is always lowest and highest of a run
            GoTo LaydownAccepted '                                                        process the accepted lay-down tile

        Case Is = 2 '                                                                     second pick of set; is already validated and we have already accepted first as set(1)
            If tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) = -22 Then
                Play bad$: red: centre "You must have a set before adding Wilds!", 27 '   must be at least 2 selected before Wildcard
                Sleep 1: WIPE "27": GoTo GetaSetTile
            End If
            If num = set(1) Then
                Play bad$: red: centre "Tile already picked!", 27 '                       if this is the same tile as the first, reject it and get another
                Sleep 1: WIPE "27": GoTo GetaSetTile
            End If
            If tiles(hands(plr, set(1)), 1) = tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) Then '             if the letters on set(1) and set(2) are the same, they're a Match
                settype$ = "Matches"
                centre "The Set Type is Matches", 18
            ElseIf Abs(tiles(hands(plr, set(1)), 1) - tiles(hands(plr, num), 1)) = 1 Then
                settype$ = "Run" '                                                         if letters on set(1) and set(2) are consecutive (1 up or 1 down), they're a Run
                centre "The Set Type is Run", 18
                Play bad$: red: centre "These two tiles can't start a Run or Matches set!", 17
                Sleep 1: WIPE "17": yellow: GoTo GetaSetTile '                                     if not same letter as first (for a match), or one higher than highest or one lower than lowest (for a run), it can't form a set
            End If
            Play ok$: yellow
            If runhigh < tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) Then
                runhigh = tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) '                                      if letter on set(1)1 is lower than letter on set(2), set runhigh to this letter
                runlow = tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) '                                       if not, set runlow to this letter
            End If
            set(2) = num '                                                                 accept it as set(2)
            GoTo LaydownAccepted
        Case Is >= 3 '                                                                     for third pick and on
            If tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) = -22 Then
                Play ok$: Play ok$: Print Tab(15); "WILD!": Sleep 1: Locate 23, 15: Print Space$(5)
                GoTo LaydownAccepted
            End If
            dup = 0
            For a = 1 To 11
                If num = set(a) Then dup = 1 '                                              if the tile number is already in the set, it's a duplicated pick
            If dup = 1 Then
                Play bad$: red: centre "Tile already picked!", 17
                Sleep 1: WIPE "17": GoTo GetaSetTile
            End If
            If settype$ = "Matches" Then '                                                   if a Matches set has been started...
                If tiles(hands(plr, set(1)), 1) = tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) Then '           check this laydown's letter against first of set
                    GoTo LaydownAccepted '                                                   if it is the same letter, accept it for the Matches set
                    Play bad$: red: centre "This tile is not part of your set!", 17 '        otherwise, reject it for Matches and get another
                    Sleep 1: WIPE "17": GoTo GetaSetTile
                End If
            Else '                                                                           but if a Run set has started...
                dup = 0
                For a = 1 To setpos
                    If tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) = tiles(hands(plr, set(a)), 1) Then
                        dup = 1
                    End If
                If dup = 1 Then
                    Play bad$: red: centre "Letter already picked!", 17 '                     if it duplicates a Run set letter, reject for Run set and get another
                    Sleep 1: WIPE "17": GoTo GetaSetTile
                End If
                If tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) - runhigh = 1 Then '                             if this letter is one letter higher than the highest in the run
                    runhigh = tiles(hands(plr, num), 1)
                    GoTo LaydownAccepted '                                                    change runhigh to this letter and accept it
                ElseIf runlow - tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) = 1 Then '                          if this letter is one letter lower than the lowest in the run...
                    runlow = tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) '
                    GoTo LaydownAccepted '                                                     change runlow to this letter and accept it
                Else '                                                                         but if not exactly one higher or exactly one lower
                    Play bad$: red: centre "This tile is not part of your Run!", 17 '          reject it and get another
                    Sleep 1: WIPE "17": yellow: GoTo GetaSetTile
                End If
            End If
    End Select

    set(setpos) = num '                                                                        accept it into the set
    white: Locate 15, 22 + num * 3: Print "-" '                                                replace this tile in Hand with a - symbol
    Locate 25, 23 + setpos * 5: Print set(setpos) '                                            show the laid-down tile's hand position number
    Select Case tiles(hands(plr, num), 2) '                                                    get its colour
        Case Is = 1
        Case Is = 2
        Case Is = 3
        Case Is = 4
    End Select
    Locate 23, 24 + setpos * 5
    Print Chr$(tiles(hands(plr, num), 1) + 64): yellow '                                        display the picked tile in its colour
    setpos = setpos + 1
    GoTo GetaSetTile
End Sub

Sub CalcPoints
    tempv = 0: tileval = 0
    If settype$ = "Matches" Then '                                                               calculate base score for Matches set
        For a = 1 To setpos - 1
            tileval = tileval + 10
            tempv = tempv + tileval
    ElseIf settype$ = "Run" Then '                                                               calculate base score for Run set
        For a = 1 To setpos - 1
            tileval = tileval + 5
            tempv = tempv + tileval
        Exit Sub
    End If
    WIPE "27"
    allsame = 1
    firsttnum = hands(plr, set(1))
    For a = 1 To setpos - 1
        If tiles(hands(plr, (set(a))), 2) <> tiles(hands(plr, (set(1))), 2) And tiles(hands(plr, (set(a))), 2) <> 4 Then
            allsame = 0
        End If
    If allsame = 1 Then '                                                                          if they are all the same colour
        tempv = tempv * 2 '                                                                        double the points value
    End If
    WIPE "02": centre "Points:", 2: Locate 2, 44: Print tempv
End Sub

Sub LayDownDone
    yellow: Locate 30, 28: Print "Remaining Stack tiles:"; 101 - nexttile
    setpos = setpos - 1 '                                                                          cancel last (unused) pick
    WIPE "2022"
    centre "Which tile will you throw back", 20
    Locate 20, 57
    Input throw$
    throw = Val(throw$)
    Locate 27, 1
    If throw < 1 Or throw > 11 Then
        Play bad$: red: centre "You must throw back 1 tile!", 17
        Sleep 1: WIPE "17": GoTo GetThrow
    End If
    For a = 1 To setpos
        If throw = set(a) Then
            Play bad$: red: centre "You can't throw out a Laid-down tile!", 17
            Sleep 1: WIPE "17": GoTo GetThrow '                                                     can't discard part of set, so get another throw"
        End If
    discard = hands(plr, throw)
    throw = hands(plr, 11)

    yellow: Locate 30, 28: Print "Remaining Stack tiles:"; 101 - nexttile
    WIPE "1820"
End Sub

Sub FindPoints
    points = 0: tileval = 0: Locate 31, 24
    If settype$ = "Matches" Then '                                                                   calculate score for Matches set
        For a = 1 To setpos
            tileval = tileval + 10
            points = points + tileval
    Else '                                                                                           calculate score for Run set
        For a = 1 To setpos
            tileval = tileval + 5
            points = points + tileval
    End If
    WIPE "27"
    allsame = 1
    firsttnum = hands(plr, set(1))
    For a = 1 To setpos
        If tiles(hands(plr, (set(a))), 2) <> tiles(hands(plr, (set(1))), 2) And tiles(hands(plr, (set(a))), 2) <> 4 Then
            allsame = 0
        End If
    If allsame = 1 Then '                                                                             if they are all the same colour
        points = points * 2 '                                                                         double the points value
        Locate 27, 20
        Print settype$; ", all the same colour -"; points; "points"
        Locate 27, 23
        Print settype$; ", mixed colours -"; points; "points"
    End If
    For a = 1 To setpos '                                                                              refill all picks from stack
        hands(plr, set(a)) = nexttile
        nexttile = nexttile + 1
        If nexttile >= 100 Then Exit For '                                                             if last tile drawn from stack, move on to get their throwback
    If setpos < 3 Then
        WIPE "27": points = 0:: red: centre "Minimum set size not reached - no score!", 27: yellow
    End If
    Sleep 1
    scores(plr) = scores(plr) + points
    hands(plr, 11) = 101
    If nexttile > 100 Then Finish '                                                                    if last Stock tile has been used, finish
    WIPE "23252729"
End Sub

Sub Finish
    Play fin$
    yellow: centre "Finished!", 10: Print
    Locate 12, 1
    For a = 1 To np
        Print Tab(30); names$(a); Tab(45); scores(a)
    winr = 1: best = scores(1) '                                                                         assume winner is player 1
    For a = 2 To np
        If scores(a) > best Then best = scores(a): winr = a '                                            if this player's score is higher, make this player the winner
    Locate 14, 30: Print "Congratulations, "; names$(winr)
    Sleep: System
End Sub

Sub white:
    Color _RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub

Sub red:
    Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub

Sub green
    Color _RGB(0, 255, 0)
End Sub

Sub yellow
    Color _RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub

Sub magenta
    Color _RGB(255, 55, 255)
End Sub

Sub WIPE (ln$) '                                                                                        call with string of 2-digit line numbers only  eg "0122"  for lines 1 and 22
    For a = 1 To Len(ln$) - 1 Step 2
        wl = Val(Mid$(ln$, a, 2))
        Locate wl, 1: Print Space$(73)
End Sub

Sub centre (txt$, linenum)
    ctr = Int(cpl / 2 - Len(txt$) / 2) + 1 '                                                            ctr is column number for start of centred text
    Locate linenum, ctr
    Print txt$
End Sub

Sub Intro
    yellow: centre "Rummage", 2
    centre " A simple strategy game based on the card game Rummy", 3
    centre "for 2 to 4 players", 4
    Print Tab(18);
    For a = 1 To 100
        Select Case tiles(a, 2)
            Case Is = 1
            Case Is = 2
            Case Is = 3
            Case Is = 4
        End Select
        Print Chr$(tiles(a, 1) + 64); " ";
        If a Mod 24 = 0 Then Print: Print Tab(18);
    Locate 12, 1
    Print "     Rummage uses 100 tiles, the first 96 of which hold a letter"
    Print "     from A to H, with 4 of each letter, in each of 3 colours, as"
    Print "     shown above. The next four are ";: yellow: Print "Wildcards";: white: Print "."
    Print "     All 100 are shuffled, and the players are each dealt 10 tiles."
    Print "     The next tile becomes the first ";: yellow: Print "Discard";: white: Print ", and the remainder"
    Print "     form the ";: yellow: Print "Stack";: white: Print ".": Print
    Print "     Players then take turns to:"
    Print "          1. Pick up a tile, either the Discard";: white: Print " or from the Stack.";
    Print "          2. Lay down a set and score points, if they wish"
    Print "             (but they may choose to wait to form a better set)."
    Print "          3. Throw back one tile, which then becomes the Discard."
    Print "     Their hand is re-filled from the Stack and the next player plays.": Print
    Print "     When the last tile is taken from the Stack by a player (either by"
    Print "     pick-up or re-fill of their hand) the game ends. That player can"
    Print "     complete their turn and this is included in their final score."
    yellow: centre "Press a key", 29
    Sleep: Cls
End Sub

Sub Scoring
    centre "Points are scored as follows:", 2: Print
    Print "     Matches";: white
    Print " (minimum of 3 tiles with the same letter, e.g. ";
    red: Print "E";: green: Print "E";: magenta: Print "E";: green: Print "E";: white: Print ") will score"
    Print "     10 points for first tile, 20 for second, 30 for third etc. So this set"
    Print "     scores 10+20+30+40 = 100 points.": Print: yellow
    Print "     Runs";: white: Print " (minimum of 3 tiles with consecutive letters, e.g. ";
    magenta: Print "B";: green: Print "C";: magenta: Print "D";: magenta: Print "E";: white: Print ") will score"
    Print "     5 points for first tile, 10 for second, 15 for third etc. So this set"
    Print "     scores 5+10+15+20 = 50 points.": Print: yellow
    Print "     Sets with only 2 tiles";: white: Print " are accepted, but score no points.": Print: yellow
    Print "     Single-Colour sets";: white: Print " score double. So ";: magenta: Print "CCCC";: white: Print " scores";
    Print " (10+20+30+40)*2 = 200,"
    Print "     and ";: magenta: Print "CDEF";: white: Print " scores (5+10+15+20)*2 = 100.": Print: yellow
    Print "     Wildcards";: white
    Print " are displayed as a white star, and can be added to any set"
    Print "     before laying it down, adding one tile to the length of that set."
    Print "     They may only be added after 2 or more tiles have already been chosen"
    Print "     for the set. The type of set (Run or Matches) is not afffected, and"
    Print "     Wildcards take the colour of the previous tile of the set, which means"
    Print "     that Single-Colour sets can include Wildcards. Multiple Wildcards may"
    Print "     be used in a set.": Print
    Print "     Sets may be kept in the hand while the player builds to form a better"
    Print "     set, but they have no value until laid down, and once a Set has been"
    Print "     laid down, it can't be changed or added to.": Print
    Print "     The number of Stack tiles remaining is always displayed, allowing players"
    Print "     to lay down any sets they still hold when the game end is near."
    yellow: centre "Press a key", 31
    Sleep: Play ok$: Cls
End Sub
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
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You can never go overboard with comments Smile
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
QB64 Tutorial
(11-24-2023, 07:46 AM)TerryRitchie Wrote: You can never go overboard with comments Smile

+1 For yourself 3 months many X years down the line... hopefully Smile

A quick glance at Intro Code says 100 tiles 96 of which... and goes by name Rummage, so this is not Gin Rummy?

So the playing pieces are colored tiles with a single letter... abit like cards with numbers and suits.
b = b + ...
Yes, it's based on Rummy, with a few changes.

There are more "cards"; 
There are  "WildCards" 
Any card can be discarded, including the pickup;
The game ends when all tiles have been used, not when a player empties their hand;
and the "legal sets" have different priorities and values.
I chose to use coloured letters for simplicity in coding, but essentially it's the same thing as card denominations.
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:

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