04-26-2022, 02:38 AM
Here's a buttons ui scheme and demo I've been fiddling with on and off the past few weeks. It's rude crude and a little ugly. I'm likely going to wrap this up into another UI scheme I'm working on but there's enough functionality here to share for someone else to get some use out of. The main gimmick is the use a color image buffer used to track button locations graphically. You can pretty much draw and forget their specific x and y coordinates elsewhere in a program with this setup.
Code: (Select All)
' a graphical UI demo by James D. Jarvis
' this program uses 2 calls to new image to create a pair of screens at the same size
' s1& is the display screen that the user will see
'bt& is the button tracking screen
'the button tracking screen duplicates the positions of each button on the display screen
'on the display screen buttons can be drawn in any manner the user wishes
'on the tracking screen each button is drawn as a solid shape in the same color reference as the button number
' there are currently 256 reference colors setup in the program and as such 255 buttons are allowed
'0 is ignored as it is used to cleanup inactive buttons on the button tracking screen
' more buttons can probably be created by altering the buttoncount variable and using additional reference colors
' when creating additional reference colors please keep in mind the colors values defined previously to avoid duplication
'the mouse positions on the display screen is identical to the position on the button tracking screen
'a call to pset(x,y) where x and y are the mouse position will return the coloron the button tracking screen
' buttons can be resized, moved, erased, as the programmer wishes. it is even possibl1 to pair a button with sprites
' or image click areas in a largere graphic should the technique be programmed to do so, Just use a 1 color version of the sprite or click area
' current commands are
' drawallbuttons which draws all buttons on the display scrren s1& and the button tracking screen bt%
' draw button(b) which draw a specific button at its previouslt defiend coordinates
' hidebutton(b) will chnage a button.state to off and erase the button from both screens, a call to drawallbutton is alwasy made in this subroutine
' turnonbutton(b) will changethe state of a button and redraw it on the both screens. this will bring an overlapping button to the top
' erasbutton(b) is normally called from inside hidebutton(b) but is its own subroutine this will remove a button
' from both screens but WILL NOT change the button state
'button type
' name is a String that hold the name of the button , this is not normally the displayed text
' shape is an Integer this is a flag 1- simple box button 2- round button 3- text button
' text is a String this is the button text that will be printed on the display screen inside the button is SHOWTEXT is in the container
' x is an Integer this is the topleft X coordinate of a button
' y is an Integer this is the topleft Y coordinate of a button
' HH i an Integer the button height in pixels
' WW is an Integer the button width in pixels
' state is a String the button state "OFF" and "ON" are the usualy values,
' container is a String this is a multi puroiose datat store for the button that will include the SHOWTEXT flag or any other fstrign data the porgrammer wishes
' borderK is an long the outline color of the button this will also be the text color of a button
' fillK is an long the fill color of the button this is ignored with textbuttons
' currently the program supports very simple buttons
' bbox : is a simple box button
' bcircle is a simple circle
' btext alows a text string to be used as a button
' btbevel is a rectangle image that look lile a slightly fancier button
' not YET FULLY IMPLEMENTED .... there is aholder function that gives a big old ugly button
' BTFRAME is an expanded text box with a frame structure of defined charcters held in the button container
'...............#FCTRnnn# frame value for top right corner of frame nnn is ascii value
'...............#FCTLnnn# top left
'...............#FCBRnnn# bottom right
'...............#FCBLnnn# bottom left
'...............#FCHHnnn# horizontal rule
'...............#FCVVnnn# verticalrule
_Title "G_Buttons_32"
Dim Shared ff&
Dim Shared S1&, bt&
Dim Shared block$, fsize
Dim Shared buttoncount
buttoncount = 255
Dim Shared Klr&(0 To 255), kl As _Unsigned Long
block$ = Chr$(219)
S1& = _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
Screen S1&
bt& = _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
rootpath$ = Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") 'normally "C:\WINDOWS"
fontname$ = "comic" 'oh yeah an ugly font for an ugly demo
fontfile$ = rootpath$ + "\Fonts\" + fontname$ + ".ttf" 'TTF file in Windows
fsize = 16
style$ = ""
ff& = _LoadFont(fontfile$, fsize, style$)
_Font ff&
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
'building the reference colors this is to keep track of them probably don't have to actually do this
Klr&(0) = _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
Klr&(1) = _RGB32(0, 0, 168)
Klr&(2) = _RGB32(0, 168, 0)
Klr&(3) = _RGB32(0, 168, 168)
Klr&(4) = _RGB32(168, 0, 0)
Klr&(5) = _RGB32(168, 0, 168)
Klr&(6) = _RGB32(168, 84, 0)
Klr&(7) = _RGB32(168, 168, 168)
Klr&(8) = _RGB32(84, 84, 84)
Klr&(9) = _RGB32(84, 84, 252)
Klr&(10) = _RGB32(84, 252, 84)
Klr&(11) = _RGB32(84, 252, 252)
Klr&(12) = _RGB32(252, 84, 84)
Klr&(13) = _RGB32(252, 84, 252)
Klr&(14) = _RGB32(252, 252, 84)
Klr&(15) = _RGB32(252, 252, 252)
For c = 16 To 255
Klr&(c) = _RGB32(1, 1, c)
Next c
Const bbox = 1 'plain box buttons
Const bcircle = 2 'a circle button
Const btext = 3 ' text as button
Const bframe = 4 'a framed text button.... still not implemented
Const btbevel = 5 'a rectangular button with a bevelish look
Const bzone = 6 'a whole panel zone as a button used to note a click in a panel or the area of a panel, panel buttons drawn under all other buttons
Type buttontype
name As String
shape As Integer
text As String
x As Integer
y As Integer
HH As Integer
WW As Integer
state As String
container As String
borderK As Long 'border and type color of a button, this uses one of the reference colors for now, might ditch this idea entirely
fillK As Long
End Type
Dim Shared btn(buttoncount) As buttontype
btn(1).name = "One"
btn(1).text = "BEEP"
btn(1).state = "ON"
btn(1).shape = bbox
btn(1).x = 50: btn(1).y = 50: btn(1).HH = 50: btn(1).WW = 50
btn(1).container = "SHOWTEXT SHOWFILL"
btn(1).borderK = Klr&(14)
btn(1).fillK = Klr&(1)
btn(2).name = "Two"
btn(2).state = "ON"
btn(2).text = "4?"
btn(2).shape = bbox
btn(2).x = 50: btn(2).y = 100: btn(2).HH = 50: btn(2).WW = 50
btn(2).container = "SHOWTEXT SHOWFILL"
btn(2).borderK = Klr&(14)
btn(2).fillK = Klr&(7)
btn(3).name = "Three"
btn(3).text = "Move4"
btn(3).state = "ON"
btn(3).shape = bcircle
btn(3).x = 200: btn(3).y = 200: btn(3).HH = 30: btn(3).WW = 0
btn(3).container = "SHOWFILL SHOWTEXT"
btn(3).borderK = Klr&(14)
btn(3).fillK = Klr&(4)
btn(4).name = "Four"
btn(4).text = "Button 4"
btn(4).state = "ON"
btn(4).shape = btext
btn(4).x = 200: btn(4).y = 200: btn(4).HH = 30: btn(4).WW = 0
btn(4).container = ""
btn(4).borderK = Klr&(14)
btn(4).fillK = Klr&(5)
btn(5).name = "Five"
btn(5).state = "ON"
btn(5).text = "+6"
btn(5).shape = bbox
btn(5).x = 50: btn(5).y = 151: btn(5).HH = 50: btn(5).WW = 50
btn(5).container = "SHOWTEXT"
btn(5).borderK = Klr&(14)
btn(5).fillK = Klr&(6)
btn(6).name = "Six"
btn(6).state = "OFF"
btn(6).text = "Beep2"
btn(6).shape = bbox
btn(6).x = 50: btn(6).y = 201: btn(6).HH = 50: btn(6).WW = 50
btn(6).container = ""
btn(6).borderK = Klr&(14)
btn(6).fillK = Klr&(7)
btn(7).name = "Seven"
btn(7).text = "Shrink8"
btn(7).state = "ON"
btn(7).shape = btbevel
btn(7).x = 250: btn(7).y = 50: btn(7).HH = 30: btn(7).WW = 120
btn(7).container = "SHOWFILL SHOWTEXT"
btn(7).borderK = Klr&(14)
btn(7).fillK = Klr&(5)
btn(8).name = "zone"
btn(8).text = ""
btn(8).state = "ON"
btn(8).shape = bzone
btn(8).x = 10: btn(8).y = 10: btn(8).HH = 50: btn(8).WW = 120
btn(8).container = ""
btn(8).borderK = Klr&(0)
btn(8).fillK = Klr&(0)
bbx = 400
by = 1
For z = 9 To buttoncount
If z = 97 Then
bbx = 450
by = 1
End If
If z = 187 Then
bbx = 500
by = 1
End If
btn(z).name = "Button" + Str$(z)
btn(z).state = "ON"
btn(z).shape = bbox
btn(z).x = bbx: btn(z).y = by * 5: btn(z).HH = 4: btn(z).WW = 20
btn(z).container = "SHOWFILL"
btn(z).borderK = Klr&(z)
btn(z).fillK = Klr&(Int(z / 2))
by = by + 1
Next z
btn(8).name = "Seven"
btn(8).text = "Kill 7"
btn(8).state = "ON"
btn(8).shape = btbevel
btn(8).x = 250: btn(8).y = 85: btn(8).HH = 30: btn(8).WW = 120
btn(8).container = "SHOWFILL SHOWTEXT"
btn(8).borderK = Klr&(14)
btn(8).fillK = Klr&(5)
_PrintString (10, 360), "Simple graphic buttons demo"
_PrintString (10, 375), "Press Q to quit at any time"
_PrintString (10, 390), "for no good reason at all you cna scribble"
_PrintString (10, 405), " on the screen by holding down the mouse button"
_PrintString (10, 420), "when you do quit the program exits to"
_PrintString (10, 435), " a view of the button buffer"
kl = 14
_Limit 1000
Line (10, 50)-(15, 55), Klr&(kl), BF
ask$ = InKey$
If ask$ <> "" Then
Select Case ask$
Case Chr$(27)
GoTo exitmain
Case "<", Chr$(44)
kl = kl - 1
If kl < 0 Then kl = 255
Case ">", Chr$(46)
kl = kl + 1
If kl > 255 Then kl = 0
End Select
ask$ = ""
End If
Mouser mx, my, mb
If mb Then
PSet (mx, my), Klr&(kl)
Locate 2, 2
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Print " "
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Do While mb 'wait for button release
Mouser mx, my, mb
PSet (mx, my), Klr&(kl)
_Source bt&
bk& = Point(mx, my)
_Dest S1&
' button handling code
For kc = 0 To buttoncount
If bk& = Klr&(kc) Then
bk& = kc
kb& = -1
End If
Next kc
If bk& > 0 And bk& < buttoncount + 1 Then
If btn(bk&).state <> "OFF" Then
Select Case bk&
Case 1
Locate 2, 2
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Print "Click on BUTTON ONE "
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
bk& = -1
Case 2
Locate 2, 2
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Print "click on Button TWO "
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
turnonbutton 4
remove_container 4, "_LOCKED"
bk& = -1
Case 3
Locate 2, 2
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Print "click on Button Three "
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
move_button 4, 4, 4
bk& = -1
Case 4
Locate 2, 2
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Print "click on Button Four "
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
bk& = -1
hidebutton 4
Case 5
Locate 2, 2
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Print "click on Button Five "
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
bk& = -1
add_container 6, "SHOWTEXT"
turnonbutton (6)
Case 6
Locate 2, 2
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Print "Click on BUTTON six "
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
bk& = -1
Case 7
Locate 2, 2
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Print "Click on BUTTON Seven "
erasebutton (8)
btn(8).x = btn(8).x + 1
btn(8).WW = btn(8).WW - 2
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
drawbutton (8)
Case 8
Locate 2, 2
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Print "Click on BUTTON Eight "
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
bk& = -1
hidebutton 7
Case 9 TO 255
Locate 2, 2
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Print "Click on BUTTON "; Str$(bk&)
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
End Select
End If
End If
End If
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)
Screen bt&
Sub Mouser (x, y, b)
mi = _MouseInput
b = _MouseButton(1)
x = _MouseX
y = _MouseY
End Sub
Sub drawallbuttons ()
For b = 1 To buttoncount
kl = b
If btn(b).state = "OFF" Then
' erasebutton (b)
End If
If btn(b).state = "ON" Then
drawbutton (b)
End If
Next b
End Sub
Sub drawbutton (b)
If btn(b).state <> "OFF" Then
Select Case btn(b).shape
Case bbox
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + btn(b).WW, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH), btn(b).borderK, B
_Dest bt&
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + btn(b).WW, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH), Klr&(b), BF
_Dest S1&
If InStr(btn(b).container, "SHOWFILL") > 0 Then Line (btn(b).x + 1, btn(b).y + 1)-(btn(b).x + btn(b).WW - 1, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH - 1), btn(b).fillK, BF
If InStr(btn(b).container, "SHOWTEXT") > 0 Then
cx = (btn(b).x * 2 + btn(b).WW) / 2
cy = btn(b).y + btn(b).HH / 2 - (fsize / 2)
pw = _PrintWidth(btn(b).text)
pw = Int(pw / 2)
Color btn(b).borderK
_PrintString (cx - pw, cy), btn(b).text
End If
Case bcircle
_Dest bt&
Circle (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), btn(b).HH, Klr&(b)
Circle (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), btn(b).HH - 1, Klr&(0)
Paint (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), Klr&(0), Klr&(0)
Paint (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), Klr&(b), Klr&(b)
_Dest st&
Circle (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), btn(b).HH, btn(b).borderK
If InStr(btn(b).container, "SHOWFILL") > 0 Then
Circle (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), btn(b).HH - 1, Klr&(0)
Paint (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), Klr&(0), Klr&(0)
Paint (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), btn(b).fillK, btn(b).borderK
End If
pw = _PrintWidth(btn(b).text)
pw = Int(pw / 2)
If InStr(btn(b).container, "SHOWTEXT") > 0 Then _PrintString (btn(b).x - pw + 1, btn(b).y - (fsize / 2) + 1), btn(b).text
Case btext
_Dest bt&
kl = b
Color Klr&(kl)
btxt$ = ""
btxt$ = btn(b).text
tl = Len(btxt$)
btxt$ = ""
For tt = 1 To tl: btxt$ = btxt$ + block$: Next tt
_PrintString (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), btxt$
_Dest S1&
pw = _PrintWidth(btn(b).text)
Color btn(b).borderK
_PrintString (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), btn(b).text
Case btframe
_Dest bt&
kl = b
Color Klr&(kl)
btxt$ = ""
btxt$ = Chr$(186) + btn(b).text + Chr$(186)
' tl = _PrintWidth(btxt$)
thl = _FontHeight: th = thl * 3
cw = Len(btn(b).text)
ft$ = Chr$(201): fb$ = Chr$(200)
For r = 1 To cw
ft$ = ft$ + Chr$(205): fb$ = fb$ + Chr$(205)
Next r
ft$ = ft$ + Chr$(187): fb$ = fb$ + Chr$(188)
tl = _PrintWidth(ft$) + 18
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + tl, btn(b).y + th), Klr&(kl), BF
_Dest S1&
' pw = _PrintWidth(btn(b).text)
Color btn(b).borderK
_PrintMode _FillBackground
If InStr(btn(b).container, "SHOWFILL") > 0 Then Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + tl, btn(b).y + th), btn(b).fillK, BF
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
_PrintString (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), ft$
_PrintString (btn(b).x, btn(b).y + thl), btxt$
_PrintString (btn(b).x, btn(b).y + thl + thl), fb$
Case btbevel
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + btn(b).WW, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH), btn(b).borderK, B
_Dest bt&
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + btn(b).WW, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH), Klr&(b), BF
_Dest S1&
If InStr(btn(b).container, "SHOWFILL") > 0 Then Line (btn(b).x + 1, btn(b).y + 1)-(btn(b).x + btn(b).WW - 1, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH - 1), btn(b).fillK, BF
bevoff = Int(btn(b).HH / 5)
inxl = btn(b).x + bevoff: inxr = btn(b).WW + btn(b).x - bevoff
inytop = btn(b).y + bevoff: inybot = btn(b).y + btn(b).HH - bevoff
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(inxl, inytop), btn(b).borderK
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH)-(inxl, inybot), btn(b).borderK
Line (btn(b).x + btn(b).WW, btn(b).y)-(inxr, inytop), btn(b).borderK
Line (btn(b).x + btn(b).WW, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH)-(inxr, inybot), btn(b).borderK
Line (inxl, inytop)-(inxr, inybot), btn(b).borderK, B
If InStr(btn(b).container, "SHOWTEXT") > 0 Then
cx = btn(b).x + (btn(b).WW) / 2
cy = btn(b).y + btn(b).HH / 2 - (fsize / 2) + bevoff / 3
pw = _PrintWidth(btn(b).text)
pw = Int(pw / 2)
Color btn(b).borderK
_PrintString (cx - pw, cy), btn(b).text
End If
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub hidebutton (bb)
_Dest bt&
erasebutton (bb)
btn(bb).state = "OFF"
End Sub
Sub erasebutton (bb)
b = bb
If btn(b).state <> "OFF" Then
_Dest bt&
Select Case btn(b).shape
Case bbox
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + btn(b).WW, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH), Klr&(0), BF
_Dest S1&
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + btn(b).WW, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH), Klr&(0), BF
Case bcircle
Circle (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), btn(b).HH, Klr&(0)
Paint (btn(b).x, btn(b).y), Klr&(0), Klr&(0)
Case btext
_Dest bt&
pw = _PrintWidth(btn(b).text)
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + pw, btn(b).y + 16), Klr&(0), BF
_Dest S1&
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + pw, btn(b).y + 16), Klr&(0), BF
Case btbevel
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + btn(b).WW, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH), Klr&(0), BF
_Dest S1&
Line (btn(b).x, btn(b).y)-(btn(b).x + btn(b).WW, btn(b).y + btn(b).HH), Klr&(0), BF
End Select
_Dest S1&
End If
End Sub
Sub turnonbutton (bb)
btn(bb).state = "ON"
drawbutton bb
End Sub
Sub replace_container (b, a$, c$)
'repalces string a$ in a buttons container with c$
'if a$ is not in contiar the string is simnply added to the container"
pc = InStr(btn(b).container, a$)
If pc > 0 Then
wl = Len(a$)
ec = Len(btn(b).container)
fr$ = Mid$(btn(b).container, 1, pc - 1)
bck$ = Mid$(btn(b).container, pc + wl, ec - wl)
btn(b).container = fr$ + c$ + bck$
End If
End Sub
Sub add_container (b, a$)
'adds the string a$ to the container of a button
btn(b).container = btn(b).container + a$
End Sub
Sub remove_container (b, a$)
pc = InStr(btn(b).container, a$)
If pc > 0 Then
wl = Len(a$)
ec = Len(btn(b).container)
fr$ = Mid$(btn(b).container, 1, pc - 1)
bck$ = Mid$(btn(b).container, pc + wl, ec - wl)
btn(b).container = fr$ + bck$
End If
End Sub
Sub move_button (bb, mvx, mvy)
'lckc = InStr(btn(b).container, "_LOCKED")
' If lckc < 1 Then
erasebutton (bb)
btn(bb).x = btn(bb).x + mvx
btn(bb).y = btn(bb).y + mvy
' End If
End Sub