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04-29-2024, 07:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2024, 10:40 PM by bplus.)
Code: (Select All) _Title "LoadSort Demo" ' fixed 2024-04-29
ReDim dat$(1 To 1)
Read insert$
If insert$ <> "EOD" Then loadSort insert$, dat$() Else Exit Do
For i = LBound(dat$) To UBound(dat$)
Print dat$(i); " ";
If concat$ = "" Then
lastWord$ = dat$(i)
cntWord = 1
concat$ = dat$(i) + "#" + _Trim$(Str$(cntWord))
If dat$(i) = lastWord$ Then cntWord = cntWord + 1 Else cntWord = 1: lastWord$ = dat$(i)
concat$ = concat$ + ", " + dat$(i) + "#" + _Trim$(Str$(cntWord))
End If
Print: Print: Print concat$
Data dog,cat,rabbit,frog,horse,dog,mouse,pig,cat,bat,cat,dog,bird,fish,cat,pig,dog,EOD
'this requires a separate dynamic array (used redim instead of dim) to load and sort array
Sub loadSort (insertN As String, dynArr() As String) ' version 2024-04-29
'note this leaves dynArr(0) empty! so ubound of array is also number of items in list
Dim ub, j, k
ub = UBound(dynArr)
If LBound(dynarr) = ub And dynArr(ub) = "" Then ' array not started yet
dynArr(ub) = insertN
ReDim _Preserve dynArr(LBound(dynArr) To ub + 1) As String
For j = 1 To ub
If insertN < dynArr(j) Then ' GT to LT according to descending or ascending sort
For k = ub + 1 To j + 1 Step -1
dynArr(k) = dynArr(k - 1)
Exit For
End If
dynArr(j) = insertN
End If
End Sub
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here is load sort setup to compare with gnome sort PLUS a couple of other sorts for collectors to compare
Code: (Select All) Option _Explicit
_Title "Gnome Sort vrs Load Sort" ' b+ 2024-04-28
Randomize Timer ' so we have a different array each time we compare
DefLng A-Z
Const nItems = 25000
Dim sa$(1 To nItems) ' setup a string array sa$() to sort
Dim copy$(1 To nItems) ' make a copy of sa$() to compare another sort to
Dim As Long i, j ' indexes to array for building and displaying the arrays
Dim As Long r ' a random posw integer = 2 to 6
Dim t##, qtime##, ctime##
Dim b$ ' building string
For i = 1 To nItems ' make a random list to sort
b$ = ""
r = (Rnd * 5) \ 1 + 2
For j = 0 To r
b$ = b$ + Mid$("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.?", (Rnd * 64) \ 1 + 1, 1)
sa$(i) = b$
copy$(i) = b$
Print b$,
Print "Press any to Load Sort"
t## = Timer(.001)
ReDim loadMe$(1 To 1) ' match lower bound of sa$
For i = 1 To UBound(sa$)
loadSort sa$(i), loadMe$()
qtime## = Timer(.001) - t##
For i = 1 To 10
Print loadMe$(i),
Print: Print
For i = nItems - 9 To nItems
Print loadMe$(i),
Print: Print
Print " Load Sort time:"; qtime##
Print " Press any to Gnome Sort with array copy, zzz..."
t## = Timer(.001)
gnomesort copy$()
ctime## = Timer(.001) - t##
For i = 1 To 10
Print copy$(i),
Print: Print
For i = nItems - 9 To nItems
Print copy$(i),
Print: Print
Print " Gnome Sort time:"; ctime##
If ctime## < qtime## Then Print " Gnome wins!" Else Print " Load Sort wins!"
Sub QuickSort (start As Long, finish As Long, arr$())
Dim Hi As Long, Lo As Long, Middle$
Hi = finish: Lo = start
Middle$ = arr$((Lo + Hi) / 2) 'find middle of arr$
Do While arr$(Lo) < Middle$: Lo = Lo + 1: Loop
Do While arr$(Hi) > Middle$: Hi = Hi - 1: Loop
If Lo <= Hi Then
Swap arr$(Lo), arr$(Hi)
Lo = Lo + 1: Hi = Hi - 1
End If
Loop Until Lo > Hi
If Hi > start Then Call QuickSort(start, Hi, arr$())
If Lo < finish Then Call QuickSort(Lo, finish, arr$())
End Sub
' trans from johnno ref:
Sub CombSort (arr$())
Dim As Long itemCount, start, fini, swaps, gap, i
start = LBound(arr$)
itemCount = UBound(arr$) - start + 1
fini = start + itemCount - 1
gap = itemCount
While gap > 1 Or swaps <> 0
gap = Int(gap / 1.25)
If gap < 1 Then gap = 1
swaps = 0
For i = start To itemCount - gap
If arr$(i) > arr$(i + gap) Then
Swap arr$(i), arr$(i + gap)
swaps = 1
End If
End Sub
Sub gnomesort (array$())
'sort a one dimensional array of any size using gnomesort
Dim As Long i, j
i = LBound(array$) + 1 'find the lowest element in the array and add 1 for the sorting routine
j = i + 1
While i <= UBound(array$)
If array$(i - 1) <= array$(i) Then
i = j
j = j + 1
Else If array$(i - 1) > array$(i) Then
Swap array$(i - 1), array$(i)
i = i - 1
If i = LBound(array$) Then
i = j
j = j + 1
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
'this requires a separate dynamic array (used redim instead of dim) to load and sort array
Sub loadSort (insertN As String, dynArr() As String) ' version 2024-04-29
'note this leaves dynArr(0) empty! so ubound of array is also number of items in list
Dim ub, j, k
ub = UBound(dynArr)
If LBound(dynarr) = ub And dynArr(ub) = "" Then ' array not started yet
dynArr(ub) = insertN
ReDim _Preserve dynArr(LBound(dynArr) To ub + 1) As String
For j = 1 To ub
If insertN < dynArr(j) Then ' GT to LT according to descending or ascending sort
For k = ub + 1 To j + 1 Step -1
dynArr(k) = dynArr(k - 1)
Exit For
End If
dynArr(j) = insertN
End If
End Sub
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This really isn't a very efficient sort. ;(
For starters, your find the index on a linear search -- from start to finish. For 1000 items, that's 1000 comparisons to just *find* where to do the insert. At least swap that to a binary search method.
1000 items. Check 500. 250. 125. 62. 31. 15. 7. 3. 1. 0 <-- 10 checks MAX just found where to insert that new data, rather than 1000 max sequential checks.
Then inserting the data is a case of "shift every item right 1 element" from insert point to end of array. Again, not very efficient. Use _MEM, grab the whole block, move it all at once.
I've got a copy of this Binary Insertion Sort which uses mem either floating around here, or on the old forums somewhere. I'll see if I can dig it up for you later sometime, if you're interested in comparing its speed to yours.
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04-29-2024, 08:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2024, 08:22 PM by bplus.)
i know this isn't very effcient it is meant for little arrays and adding info whenever an item here an item there, instead of sorting an entire array at once, still it beats gnome???
i've got binary search apps too around here some place... non with mem for serious sorts though.
btw i swear i posted this before and same complaint and same response but couldn't find anything through search?
b = b + ...
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04-30-2024, 02:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-30-2024, 02:34 AM by bplus.)
loadsort2 with binary search for insert point
Code: (Select All) Option _Explicit
_Title "LoadSort2 Demo" ' fixed 2024-04-29
Randomize Timer
Dim insert$, i
ReDim dat$(1 To 1)
Read insert$
If insert$ <> "EOD" Then
loadSort2 insert$, dat$()
'For i = 1 To UBound(dat$)
' Print dat$(i); " ";
Exit Do
End If
For i = LBound(dat$) To UBound(dat$)
Print dat$(i); " ";
Print "press any for number load and sort, zzz..."
Dim start#, theTime#
start# = Timer(.001)
ReDim dat$(1 To 1)
i = 1
While i <= 20000
loadSort2 Right$(Space$(6) + Str$(Int(Rnd * 20000)), 6), dat$()
i = i + 1
theTime# = Timer(.001) - start#
For i = 1 To 20000
Print dat$(i);
Print "20000 random numbers created, loaded and sorted Time:"; theTime#
Data dog,cat,rabbit,frog,horse,dog,mouse,pig,cat,bat,cat,dog,bird,fish,cat,pig,dog,EOD
'this requires a separate dynamic array (used redim instead of dim) to load and sort array
Sub loadSort (insertN As String, dynArr() As String) ' version 2024-04-29
'note this leaves dynArr(0) empty! so ubound of array is also number of items in list
Dim ub, j, k
ub = UBound(dynArr)
If LBound(dynarr) = ub And dynArr(ub) = "" Then ' array not started yet
dynArr(ub) = insertN
ReDim _Preserve dynArr(LBound(dynArr) To ub + 1) As String
For j = 1 To ub
If insertN < dynArr(j) Then ' GT to LT according to descending or ascending sort
For k = ub + 1 To j + 1 Step -1
dynArr(k) = dynArr(k - 1)
Exit For
End If
dynArr(j) = insertN
End If
End Sub
Sub loadSort2 (insertN As String, dynArr() As String) ' version 2024-04-29
'note this leaves dynArr(0) empty! so ubound of array is also number of items in list
Dim As Long lb, ub, j, lo, hi, test, ins, i
lb = LBound(dynArr)
ub = UBound(dynArr)
If lb = ub And dynArr(ub) = "" Then ' array not started yet
dynArr(ub) = insertN
ub = ub + 1
ReDim _Preserve dynArr(lb To ub) As String
If insertN >= dynArr(ub - 1) Then
dynArr(ub) = insertN
ElseIf insertN <= dynArr(1) Then
j = ub
While j >= lb + 1
dynArr(j) = dynArr(j - 1)
j = j - 1
dynArr(lb) = insertN
lo = lb: hi = ub
While lo <= hi
test = Int((lo + hi) / 2)
If dynArr(test) = insertN Then
j = ub
While j >= test + 1
dynArr(j) = dynArr(j - 1)
j = j - 1
dynArr(test) = insertN
Exit Sub
If dynArr(test) < insertN Then lo = test + 1 Else hi = test - 1
End If
For i = test To test + 1
If insertN < dynArr(i) Then ins = i: Exit For
j = ub
While j >= ins + 1
dynArr(j) = dynArr(j - 1)
j = j - 1
dynArr(ins) = insertN
End If
End If
End Sub
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Quote:Use _MEM, grab the whole block, move it all at once.
maybe with fixed strings but not variable length strings
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(04-30-2024, 08:27 PM)bplus Wrote: Quote:Use _MEM, grab the whole block, move it all at once.
maybe with fixed strings but not variable length strings Aye. _MEM doesn't work with variable length strings, but it'd work with any numeric type and fixed-length strings.