05-26-2024, 05:37 PM
The example is a random file that is connected to an index file. A kind of ISAM file management. The practical sense should be:
One cannot simply delete a record from a random file; For example, the data record with the item number (key) 2345 should be deleted.
To make this possible, entry 2345 in the index file must first be deleted, but the data record number, which is also saved and refers to the random file, remains intact. By deleting entry 2345 in the index file, all occupied entries in the index file move down, while the "deleted" entry with the data record number is stored as the first free field above it. The effect is that if a new data record is written, then the "deleted" data record is overwritten. In this respect, a random data record has been deleted after all. - So much for the theory.
The template for the example is from a book. There is no error message, but the result is not convincing! I can't figure out why nothing useful is displayed. But there must be a logical error somewhere.
Maybe someone could look at the whole thing and find the error. Thanks!
Create random file:
Output of the data
One cannot simply delete a record from a random file; For example, the data record with the item number (key) 2345 should be deleted.
To make this possible, entry 2345 in the index file must first be deleted, but the data record number, which is also saved and refers to the random file, remains intact. By deleting entry 2345 in the index file, all occupied entries in the index file move down, while the "deleted" entry with the data record number is stored as the first free field above it. The effect is that if a new data record is written, then the "deleted" data record is overwritten. In this respect, a random data record has been deleted after all. - So much for the theory.
The template for the example is from a book. There is no error message, but the result is not convincing! I can't figure out why nothing useful is displayed. But there must be a logical error somewhere.
Maybe someone could look at the whole thing and find the error. Thanks!
Create random file:
Code: (Select All)
'Randomdatei mit Index, Hueckstaedt S. 321 - 13. Mai 2024
Option _Explicit
Type Warenposten
nummer As String * 4
artikel As String * 10
preis As Double
End Type
'Variable von Warenposten
Dim datensatz As Warenposten
Declare Sub AddiereSchluessel(i As Integer, nummer As String, index() As String)
Dim As Integer maxAnzahl, i, k
'Indexdatei fuer maximal 20 Datensaetze anlegen
maxAnzahl = 10
Dim As String index(maxAnzahl)
For i = 1 To maxAnzahl
index(i) = "9999":
Next i
'Randomdatei anlegen bzw. oeffnen.
'Len muss dem laengsten Datensatz entsprechen
Open "RandomIndex.dat" For Random As #5 Len = Len(datensatz)
i = 1
'Daten aus Datazeile einlesen
Read datensatz.nummer
Read datensatz.artikel
Read datensatz.preis
'Datensatz in Datei schreiben
Put #5, i, datensatz
'Index aktuallisiren
Call AddiereSchluessel(i, datensatz.nummer, index())
'Zeiger erhoehen
i = i + 1
Loop Until datensatz.nummer = "9999"
'Datenbank schliesen
Close #5
'Indexdatei schreiben
Open "RandomIndex.ind" For Output As #3
For k = 1 To maxAnzahl
Print #3, index(k)
Next k
Close #3
Data 1233,Lenker,245.99
Data 0891,Lampe,188.90
Data 1122,Telegabel,499.95
Data 2301,Tank,377.50
Data 1755,Sitzbank,321.00
Data 9999,"",0
Sub AddiereSchluessel (i As Integer, nummer As String, index() As String)
Dim As String zahl, einfuegen
Dim As Integer k
zahl = " ": RSet zahl = Str$(i)
k = 1: einfuegen = nummer + zahl
Do While einfuegen > index(k) And k <= i
k = k + 1
Do While k <= i
Swap einfuegen, index(k)
k = k + 1
index(k) = einfuegen
End Sub
Output of the data
Code: (Select All)
'Die erstellte Randomsatei mit Index lesen - Hueck S.324 - 26. Mai 2024
Option _Explicit
Type Warenposten
nummer As String * 4
artikel As String * 10
preis As Double
End Type
'Variable von Warenposten
Dim datensatz As Warenposten
Dim As Integer maxAnzahl, i, k, z
'Indexdatei einlesen
maxAnzahl = 10
Dim As String index(maxAnzahl)
i = 0
Open "RandomIndex.ind" For Input As #3
Do While Not EOF(3) And index(i) <> "9999"
i = i + 1
Input #3, index(i)
Close #3
k = i - 1
'Randomdatei oeffnen
Open "RandomIndex.dat" For Random As #5 Len = Len(datensatz)
Print "Nr. Artikel Preis"
i = 1
Do While Not i > k
z = Val(Right$(index(i), 4))
'Datensatz lesen
Get #5, z, datensatz
'Dateiende Kennzeichnung
If datensatz.nummer = "9999" Then Exit Do
'Datensatz ausgeben
Print Using "\ \"; datensatz.nummer;
Print " ";
Print Using "\ \"; datensatz.artikel;
Print " ";
Print Using "####.##"; datensatz.preis
'Zeiger erhoehen
i = i + 1
Close #5
End 'Hauptprogramm