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For a guy who was so active on this forum daily to be completely inactive for many months, I feel the loss. I was wondering if it might be an idea to have a Wall of Fame, for those who have contributed so much and are gone. Maybe Pete could have his own Prolific Programmer where we could access all his witty posts and code suggestions. Or, if not all his posts. then a selection of those that captured his talent and wit. Maybe it's too early to even consider this as we have many examples of coders who disappear for many months and turn up again. Maybe a Wall of Fame would be for those who we know are no longer with us.
This is something well-known by the people that could go into Discord, right?
(03-12-2023, 03:08 PM)Dimster Wrote: For a guy who was so active on this forum daily to be completely inactive for many months, I feel the loss. I was wondering if it might be an idea to have a Wall of Fame, for those who have contributed so much and are gone. Maybe Pete could have his own Prolific Programmer where we could access all his witty posts and code suggestions. Or, if not all his posts. then a selection of those that captured his talent and wit. Maybe it's too early to even consider this as we have many examples of coders who disappear for many months and turn up again. Maybe a Wall of Fame would be for those who we know are no longer with us.

It happens, he'll more than likely be back at some point. Over the past 13 years I was away for a year back around 2015 and then 2 years from 2018 to 2020. Personal reasons, burnout, etc.. sometimes you just need a change of pace to recharge the creative juices.
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
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I'm not on Discord. This forum is pretty well the limit of my online presences in the digital world. And I remember your absence Terry, both of them, as well as a period by Tempodibasic that had me make the comment about members who return after a long absence. I guess it's a pretty personal matter for each member to decide if they want to withdraw from this forum without notice, but for me  I feel the loss of a good friend. I'm planning on saying good bye should I leave, even if it directions I give the executor of my estate. In my case I would expect to make the Wall of Shame - shame he never came up with anything good.
You guys are lucky; I've stuck around more-or-less this year.  Most years, once Halloween rolls around, we get so busy here on the farm that I just disappear from October till January.  (Pumpkins in October, Christmas Trees after.)  The strain of dealing with the seasonal work, plus family obligations, leads to a massive case of Steve Burnout(tm), and then the cold weather settles in and my arthritis *really* starts to flare up.  Generally, from New Years to April's Fools, I tend to just grumpily hide under my covers and hibernate for the whole Winter season.  This year, I skipped out on the seasonal sales (I had open heart surgery in September and said, "Shit on it.  Let 'em get a tree or pumpkin elsewhere.  I'm doped up, grumpy, AND moody!"), so I've been here more or less the whole time.  

Big Grin

Pete'll be back soon, as long as the flooding and snows and weather didn't wash his golf bag out into the Pacific somewhere.  If that happened, then I imagine it'll take him a while to swim out and paddle back with the strap between his teeth.  All I've got to say is he better enjoy his time off THIS year, because next year, I'm definitely going to take MY vacation again!  

I guess Steve I have gone down a road here that is obviously not warranted. So I have a new idea. Forget a Wall of Fame, we should be creating an AI driven avatar of you guys and girls who contribute so much to this forum. The AI would use all your past guidance, the way you turn a phrase and where you most focused your coding expertise. You guys would be eternally available to future generations of QB64PE coders/programmers, all the future need do is click on your avatar to have this wealth of knowledge, all ready on the forum, available. The bonus for me is no one need say good bye and you can take vacations whenever you want.



Pete Big Grin

- And no, Steve, you can't name it , "The Wall of Lame."

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