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A Screensaver
Here's my screen saver. Big Grin It's not snowflakes, but it's as close as I can get to them. Smile 
Plus this is mostly code from my Asteroids game (the math from ChatGPT), but I added the lines between the crystals and also made the sides the same angles myself. I'm learning!

Code removed because of one useless loop. Scroll down to the next post to get the new one, thanks.
Sorry, had to remove it again. The big fix is the next post.
Here is a big fix on it. Some of the inner lines didn't connect to all the points when the points were an uneven number, so to fix it all it needed was a INT on line 66. Smile 
I also removed a couple of not-used DIM statements. 

Code: (Select All)

'Ken's Crystals Screen Saver
'Feb. 8, 2025

_Title "Crystals Screen Saver - Space Bar To Restart - Esc To Quit"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Print: Print: Print
Input "Number of crystals (1-100): ", num
If num < 1 Or num > 100 Or num <> Int(num) Then GoTo go:
Input "Number of points (1-30): ", points
If points < 1 Or points > 30 Or points <> Int(points) Then GoTo go:
Input "Radius (1-100): ", radius
If radius < 1 Or radius > 100 Or radius <> Int(radius) Then GoTo go:

Dim cx2(num), cy2(num), dx(num), dy(num)
Dim x2(num, points), y2(num, points)
Dim angle2(num), xrot(num, points), yrot(num, points)


' Initialize crystals
For a = 0 To num - 1
    cx2(a) = Int(Rnd * 680) + 55 ' Random start X
    cy2(a) = Int(Rnd * 480) + 55 ' Random start Y
    angle2(a) = Rnd * 360 ' Random starting rotation
    dx(a) = (Rnd - 0.5) * 2 ' Random speed X (-1 to 1)
    dy(a) = (Rnd - 0.5) * 2 ' Random speed Y (-1 to 1)

    ' Generate random crystal shape
    For i = 0 To points
        ang = i * (360 / points)
        rOffset = radius + Int(.5 * 15 - 7) ' Vary radius randomly
        x2(a, i) = Cos(ang * _Pi / 180) * rOffset
        y2(a, i) = Sin(ang * _Pi / 180) * rOffset


    _Limit 20
    a$ = InKey$

    If a$ = " " Then GoTo start:
    If a$ = Chr$(27) Then End

    ' Update and draw each crystal
    For a = 0 To num - 1
        angle2(a) = angle2(a) + 1 ' Rotate
        If angle2(a) >= 360 Then angle2(a) = 0

        ' Rotate crystal points
        rad = angle2(a) * _Pi / 180
        For i = 0 To points
            xrot(a, i) = cx2(a) + (x2(a, i) * Cos(rad) - y2(a, i) * Sin(rad))
            yrot(a, i) = cy2(a) + (x2(a, i) * Sin(rad) + y2(a, i) * Cos(rad))

        ' Draw crystal
        For i = 0 To points
            j = (i + 1) Mod points
            jj = (i + Int(points / 2)) Mod points
            Line (xrot(a, i), yrot(a, i))-(xrot(a, j), yrot(a, j)), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
            Line (xrot(a, i), yrot(a, i))-(xrot(a, jj), yrot(a, jj)), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)

        ' Move crystal
        cx2(a) = cx2(a) + dx(a)
        cy2(a) = cy2(a) + dy(a)

        ' Wrap around screen edges
        If cx2(a) < 0 Then cx2(a) = 800
        If cx2(a) > 800 Then cx2(a) = 0
        If cy2(a) < 0 Then cy2(a) = 600
        If cy2(a) > 600 Then cy2(a) = 0

A couple of mods
Code: (Select All)
'Ken's Crystals Screen Saver
'Feb. 8, 2025

_Title "Crystals Screen Saver - Space Bar To Restart - Esc To Quit"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
'Print: Print: Print
'Input "Number of crystals (1-100): ", num
'If num < 1 Or num > 100 Or num <> Int(num) Then GoTo go:
'Input "Number of points (1-30): ", points
'If points < 1 Or points > 30 Or points <> Int(points) Then GoTo go:
'Input "Radius (1-100): ", radius
'If radius < 1 Or radius > 100 Or radius <> Int(radius) Then GoTo go:
num = 1000
points = 6
radius = 5
Dim cx2(num), cy2(num), dx(num), dy(num)
Dim x2(num, points), y2(num, points)
Dim angle2(num), xrot(num, points), yrot(num, points)


' Initialize crystals
For a = 0 To num - 1
    cx2(a) = Int(Rnd * 800) ' Random start X
    cy2(a) = Int(Rnd * 600) ' Random start Y
    'If cx2(a) > 250 And cx2(a) < 550 And cy2(a) > 150 And cy2(a) < 450 Then GoTo more:
    angle2(a) = Rnd * 360 ' Random starting rotation
    dx(a) = (Rnd - 0.5) * 3 ' Random speed X (-1 to 1)
    dy(a) = (Rnd - 0.05) * 3 ' Random speed Y (-1 to 1)

    ' Generate random crystal shape
    For i = 0 To points
        ang = i * (360 / points)
        rOffset = radius + Int(.5 * 15 - 7) ' Vary radius randomly
        x2(a, i) = Cos(ang * _Pi / 180) * rOffset
        y2(a, i) = Sin(ang * _Pi / 180) * rOffset


    _Limit 20
    a$ = InKey$

    If a$ = " " Then GoTo start:
    If a$ = Chr$(27) Then End

    ' Update and draw each crystal
    For a = 0 To num - 1
        angle2(a) = angle2(a) + 1 ' Rotate
        If angle2(a) >= 360 Then angle2(a) = 0

        ' Rotate crystal points
        rad = angle2(a) * _Pi / 180
        For i = 0 To points
            xrot(a, i) = cx2(a) + (x2(a, i) * Cos(rad) - y2(a, i) * Sin(rad))
            yrot(a, i) = cy2(a) + (x2(a, i) * Sin(rad) + y2(a, i) * Cos(rad))

        ' Draw crystal
        For i = 0 To points
            j = (i + 1) Mod points
            jj = (i + Int(points / 2)) Mod points
            'Line (xrot(a, i), yrot(a, i))-(xrot(a, j), yrot(a, j)), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
            Line (xrot(a, i), yrot(a, i))-(xrot(a, jj), yrot(a, jj)), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)

        ' Move crystal
        cx2(a) = cx2(a) + dx(a)
        cy2(a) = cy2(a) + dy(a)

        ' Wrap around screen edges
        If cx2(a) < 0 Then cx2(a) = 800
        If cx2(a) > 800 Then cx2(a) = 0
        If cy2(a) < 0 Then cy2(a) = 600
        If cy2(a) > 600 Then cy2(a) = 0

b = b + ...
LOL that's neat, thanks B+.

I know what I'll do, I'll change the GOTOs to change the variables to the highest or lowest instead.
OK, I removed all the GOTO statements, I even put the whole thing in another DO/LOOP so when you press the Space Bar, it just does Exit Do and goes back to the beginning. 

Code: (Select All)

'Ken's Crystals Screen Saver
'Feb. 8, 2025

_Title "Crystals Screen Saver - Space Bar To Restart - Esc To Quit"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
    Print: Print: Print
    Input "Number of crystals (1-100): ", num
    If num < 1 Then num = 1: Print "Amount changed to 1."
    If num > 100 Then num = 100: Print "Amount changed to 100."
    If num <> Int(num) Then num = Int(num): Print "Amount changed to " + Str$(num) + "."
    Input "Number of points (2-30): ", points
    If points < 2 Then points = 2: Print "Points changed to 2."
    If points > 30 Then points = 30: Print "Points changed to 30."
    If points <> Int(points) Then points = Int(points): Print "Amount changed to " + Str$(points) + "."
    Input "Radius (2-100): ", radius
    If radius < 2 Then
        radius = 2
        Print "Radius changed to 2."
        Input "Press Enter to start.", a$
    End If
    If radius > 100 Then
        radius = 100
        Print "Radius changed to 100."
        Input "Press Enter to start.", a$
    End If
    If radius <> Int(radius) Then
        radius = Int(radius)
        Print "Radius changed to " + Str$(radius) + "."
        Input "Press Enter to start.", a$
    End If

    Dim cx2(num), cy2(num), dx(num), dy(num)
    Dim x2(num, points), y2(num, points)
    Dim angle2(num), xrot(num, points), yrot(num, points)


    ' Initialize crystals
    For a = 0 To num - 1
        cx2(a) = Int(Rnd * 680) + 55 ' Random start X
        cy2(a) = Int(Rnd * 480) + 55 ' Random start Y
        angle2(a) = Rnd * 360 ' Random starting rotation
        dx(a) = (Rnd - 0.5) * 2 ' Random speed X (-1 to 1)
        dy(a) = (Rnd - 0.5) * 2 ' Random speed Y (-1 to 1)

        ' Generate random crystal shape
        For i = 0 To points
            ang = i * (360 / points)
            rOffset = radius + Int(.5 * 15 - 7) ' Vary radius randomly
            x2(a, i) = Cos(ang * _Pi / 180) * rOffset
            y2(a, i) = Sin(ang * _Pi / 180) * rOffset


        _Limit 20
        a$ = InKey$

        If a$ = " " Then Exit Do
        If a$ = Chr$(27) Then End

        ' Update and draw each crystal
        For a = 0 To num - 1
            angle2(a) = angle2(a) + 1 ' Rotate
            If angle2(a) >= 360 Then angle2(a) = 0

            ' Rotate crystal points
            rad = angle2(a) * _Pi / 180
            For i = 0 To points
                xrot(a, i) = cx2(a) + (x2(a, i) * Cos(rad) - y2(a, i) * Sin(rad))
                yrot(a, i) = cy2(a) + (x2(a, i) * Sin(rad) + y2(a, i) * Cos(rad))

            ' Draw crystal
            For i = 0 To points
                j = (i + 1) Mod points
                jj = (i + Int(points / 2)) Mod points
                Line (xrot(a, i), yrot(a, i))-(xrot(a, j), yrot(a, j)), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
                Line (xrot(a, i), yrot(a, i))-(xrot(a, jj), yrot(a, jj)), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)

            ' Move crystal
            cx2(a) = cx2(a) + dx(a)
            cy2(a) = cy2(a) + dy(a)

            ' Wrap around screen edges
            If cx2(a) < 0 Then cx2(a) = 800
            If cx2(a) > 800 Then cx2(a) = 0
            If cy2(a) < 0 Then cy2(a) = 600
            If cy2(a) > 600 Then cy2(a) = 0

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