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Poker hand evaluator
I built a game called Pecos Pete Poker around a couple of decades ago. I recently updated it to play on QB64, and I also got together with TheBOB who offered his graphics playing cards if I wanted to make a graphics version. I've been working on that, and since I love reinventing the wheel, I came up with a completely new poker hand evaluator to go with it. This hand evaluation model is written in SCREEN 0 but can be converted to evaluate graphics hands, which I'll work on next week.

You need jacks or better to display a "Pair" with a payout. Other lesser pairs are marked in grey. Press Enter or any non-number key to draw the next hand. Since it takes awhile to get hands like 4 of a kind, and especially a royal flush, I put number buttons in a menu. Press 1 to wait on a royal flush, 2 for a straight flush, 3 for 4 of a kind, 4 for a full house, etc. Press esc if you get tired of waiting, it will go back to one at a time display.

Code: (Select All)
' Jacks or better poker evaluator demo.
' Use keys 1 - 9 to search for particular hands, Royal Flush, Full HOuse, etc.
sw% = 55
sh% = 17
WIDTH sw%, sh%
fontpath$ = ENVIRON$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\fonts\lucon.ttf"
font& = _LOADFONT(fontpath$, 40, "monospace")
_FONT font&
_DELAY .25
msg$ = "Poker Hand Evaluator"
LOCATE 1, (sw% / 2) - (LEN(msg$) / 2): PRINT msg$;
msg$ = "Any Key or 1=RF 2=SF 3=4K 4=FH 5=F 6=S 7=3K 8=2P 9=P"
LOCATE sh%, (sw% / 2) - (LEN(msg$) / 2): PRINT msg$;
VIEW PRINT 3 TO sh% - 2: LOCATE 4, 1

h = 1 ' Number of hands.
noc = 5 ' Number of card.

    REDIM cardID$(1, 5)
    REDIM taken(5)
    taken(3) = 13: taken(4) = 26: taken(5) = 39
    FOR i = 1 TO noc
            card = INT(RND * 52) + 1
            FOR j = 1 TO i
                IF taken(j) = card THEN flag = -1: EXIT FOR
            IF flag = 0 THEN taken(i) = card: EXIT DO ELSE flag = 0
        cardID$(h, i) = LTRIM$(STR$(y)) + "|" + LTRIM$(STR$(scol + (i - 1) * 120 + x)) + "#" + LTRIM$(STR$(card))


    LOCATE , 3

    FOR j = 1 TO 5
        a = VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, j), INSTR(cardID$(h, j), "#") + 1))
        a1 = (a - 1) MOD 13 + 1
        x$ = LTRIM$(STR$(a1))
        b = (a + 12) \ 13
        suite$ = CHR$(2 + b)
        REM PRINT x$; suite$; "  ";
        IF suite$ = CHR$(3) OR suite$ = CHR$(4) THEN COLOR 4 ELSE COLOR 0
        SELECT CASE VAL(x$)
            CASE 1: PRINT "A"; suite$; "   ";
            CASE 13: PRINT "K"; suite$; "   ";
            CASE 12: PRINT "Q"; suite$; "   ";
            CASE 11: PRINT "J"; suite$; "   ";
            CASE 10: PRINT "10"; suite$; "  ";
            CASE ELSE: PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(VAL(x$))); suite$; "   ";
        END SELECT

    GOSUB eval

    COLOR 1
    LOCATE , 28
    IF hand$ = "Pair" THEN
        IF highkind >= 11 THEN COLOR 1: PRINT hand$; " (Pay Out)"; ELSE COLOR 8: PRINT hand$;
        PRINT hand$;
    END IF
    COLOR 1

    IF search$ = "" THEN GOSUB getkey ELSE IF INKEY$ = CHR$(27) THEN search$ = ""

    IF LEN(search$) THEN
        IF hand$ = search$ THEN SLEEP: search$ = ""
    END IF


hand$ = ""
    ' Look for flush, same suit.
    samesuit = 0
    FOR j = 1 TO noc
        a = VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, j), INSTR(cardID$(h, j), "#") + 1))
        b = (a + 12) \ 13
        IF j > 1 AND b <> samesuit THEN flag = -1: EXIT FOR
        samesuit = b
    IF flag = 0 THEN
        ' Flush or better.
        hand$ = "Flush"
        flag = 0
    END IF

    ' Look for staright, sequential order.
    high = 0: low = 0: match$ = ""
    FOR j = 1 TO noc
        a = VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, j), INSTR(cardID$(h, j), "#") + 1))
        a1 = (a - 1) MOD 13 + 1
        match$ = match$ + CHR$(a1 + 64)
    IF INSTR(match$, CHR$(1 + 64)) THEN
        IF INSTR(match$, CHR$(13 + 64)) THEN high = 14 ' Ace high straight possible.
    END IF

    FOR j = 1 TO noc
        a = VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, j), INSTR(cardID$(h, j), "#") + 1))
        a1 = (a - 1) MOD 13 + 1
        IF j > 1 AND INSTR(match$, CHR$(a1 + 64)) <> j THEN match$ = "": EXIT FOR
        IF low = 0 OR low > a1 THEN
            IF a1 = 1 AND high = 14 THEN ELSE low = a1
        END IF
        IF high = 0 OR high < a1 THEN high = a1

    IF LEN(match$) AND high - low = noc - 1 THEN
        IF hand$ = "Flush" THEN
            IF high = 14 THEN
                hand$ = "Royal Flush"
                hand$ = "Straight Flush": EXIT DO
            END IF
            hand$ = "Straight": EXIT DO
        END IF
    END IF

    ' Look for number of kinds.
    kinds = 1: highkind = -1
    FOR j = 1 TO noc
        kindcnt = 0
        a = VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, j), INSTR(cardID$(h, j), "#") + 1))
        a1 = (a - 1) MOD 13 + 1
        IF a1 = 1 THEN ' Convert ace high.
            a1 = 14
            '' cardID$(h, j) = MID$(cardID$(h, j), 1, INSTR(cardID$(h, j), "#")) + "14"
        END IF
        FOR k = 1 TO noc
            IF j <> k THEN
                IF a1 = (VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, k), INSTR(cardID$(h, k), "#") + 1)) - 1) MOD 13 + 1 OR a1 = 14 AND (VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, k), INSTR(cardID$(h, k), "#") + 1)) - 1) MOD 13 + 1 = 1 THEN
                    kindcnt = kindcnt + 1: IF highkind < a1 OR highkind = 0 THEN highkind = a1
                END IF
            END IF
            IF kinds <= kindcnt THEN kinds = kindcnt + 1
        NEXT k
    NEXT j

    IF kinds = 4 THEN hand$ = "Four of a Kind": EXIT DO

    IF kinds = 3 THEN ' Look for full house.
        kinds = 0
        FOR j = 1 TO noc
            kindcnt = 0
            a = VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, j), INSTR(cardID$(h, j), "#") + 1))
            a1 = (a - 1) MOD 13 + 1
            FOR k = 1 TO noc
                IF j <> k AND a1 <> highkind THEN
                    IF a1 = (VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, k), INSTR(cardID$(h, k), "#") + 1)) - 1) MOD 13 + 1 THEN
                        kindcnt = kindcnt + 1
                    END IF
                END IF
            NEXT k
            IF kinds < kindcnt THEN kinds = kindcnt + 1
        NEXT j
        IF kinds = 2 THEN
            hand$ = "Full House": EXIT DO
            hand$ = "Three of a Kind": EXIT DO
        END IF
    END IF

    IF kinds = 2 THEN
        ' Look for two pair.
        kinds = 0
        FOR j = 1 TO noc
            kindcnt = 0
            a = VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, j), INSTR(cardID$(h, j), "#") + 1))
            a1 = (a - 1) MOD 13 + 1
            FOR k = 1 TO noc
                IF j <> k AND a1 <> highkind THEN
                    IF a1 = 1 AND highkind = 14 THEN
                        ' Checks for ace as 1 here after previous highkind converion to 14.
                        IF a1 = (VAL(MID$(cardID$(h, k), INSTR(cardID$(h, k), "#") + 1)) - 1) MOD 13 + 1 THEN
                            kindcnt = kindcnt + 1
                        END IF
                    END IF
                END IF
            NEXT k
            IF kinds < kindcnt THEN kinds = kindcnt + 1
        NEXT j
        IF kinds = 2 THEN
            hand$ = "Two Pair": EXIT DO
            hand$ = "Pair": EXIT DO
        END IF
    END IF

    _LIMIT 30
    b$ = INKEY$
    IF LEN(b$) THEN
        IF b$ = CHR$(27) THEN SYSTEM
        IF b$ >= "1" AND b$ <= "9" THEN
            SELECT CASE VAL(b$)
                CASE 1: search$ = "Royal Flush"
                CASE 2: search$ = "Straight Flush"
                CASE 3: search$ = "Four of a Kind"
                CASE 4: search$ = "Full House"
                CASE 5: search$ = "Flush"
                CASE 6: search$ = "Straight"
                CASE 7: search$ = "Three of a Kind"
                CASE 8: search$ = "Two Pair"
                CASE 9: search$ = "Pair"
            END SELECT
            EXIT DO
        END IF
        EXIT DO
    END IF

    card = 13: i = 3: cardID$(h, i) = LTRIM$(STR$(y)) + "|" + LTRIM$(STR$(scol + (i - 1) * 120 + x)) + "#" + LTRIM$(STR$(card))
    card = 26: i = 4: cardID$(h, i) = LTRIM$(STR$(y)) + "|" + LTRIM$(STR$(scol + (i - 1) * 120 + x)) + "#" + LTRIM$(STR$(card))
    card = 39: i = 5: cardID$(h, i) = LTRIM$(STR$(y)) + "|" + LTRIM$(STR$(scol + (i - 1) * 120 + x)) + "#" + LTRIM$(STR$(card))
    card = 1: i = 1: cardID$(h, i) = LTRIM$(STR$(y)) + "|" + LTRIM$(STR$(scol + (i - 1) * 120 + x)) + "#" + LTRIM$(STR$(card))
    card = 14: i = 2: cardID$(h, i) = LTRIM$(STR$(y)) + "|" + LTRIM$(STR$(scol + (i - 1) * 120 + x)) + "#" + LTRIM$(STR$(card))

Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.

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