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Goldwave looks incredible! Reminds me of the time I made ocean waves.
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06-09-2022, 10:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2022, 10:41 PM by bplus.)
I think we have to thank Johnno for that because he brought it to SmallBASIC from Basic256, I made it Gold or yellow to match the title and converted drawPoly's to triangle fills.
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Here's a fun one from All4Baisc, Charlie's BAM translation:
Code: (Select All) _Title "Bird Math - BAM translation to QB64" 'b+ 2022-06-22
' ref Charlie's post
' The trigonometric functions by Hamid Naderi Yeganeh from his original artwork (Parrot)
' Missing parts of functions found at
Dim pi, k, k1, k2, a, b As Double
Screen _NewImage(751, 720, 32): _ScreenMove 250, 20
pi = 3.1415929: k1 = -10000: k2 = 10000: c~& = _RGB32(130, 0, 0)
Window (0, 0)-(6000, -5750)
Color , &HFF8888FF: Cls
For k = k1 To k2
a = Int(((3 * k / 20000) + (Cos(37 * pi * k / 10000)) ^ 6 * Sin((k / 10000) ^ 7 * (3 * pi / 5)) + (9 / 7) * (Cos(37 * pi * k / 10000)) ^ 16 * (Cos(pi * k / 20000)) ^ 12 * Sin(pi * k / 10000)) * 1000)
b = -1 * Int(((-5 / 4) * (Cos(37 * pi * k / 10000)) ^ 6 * Cos((k / 10000) ^ 7 * (3 * pi / 5)) * (1 + 3 * (Cos(pi * k / 20000) * Cos(3 * pi * k / 20000)) ^ 8) + (2 / 3) * (Cos(3 * pi * k / 200000) * Cos(9 * pi * k / 200000) * Cos(9 * pi * k / 100000)) ^ 12) * 1000)
Circle (3000 - a, -1000 - b), 60, c~&
Next k
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this is an incredible bird, bplus
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Very cool looking! A lot of life forms are symmetrical in shape so if you have one side you can reverse it and get the other.
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07-13-2022, 06:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-13-2022, 06:21 PM by bplus.)
Oh dang! I need a DeskTop Minute Timer for my revamped laptop:
Code: (Select All) _Title "Minutes Timer"
Screen _NewImage(300, 33, 32)
Input "Enter the minutes to alarm "; minutes##
start## = Timer
startT$ = Time$
Locate 1, 1: Print startT$; " Minute Timer Set:";
Print Using "####.##"; minutes##;
Locate 2, 1: Print Time$; " Minutes so far:";
Print Using "####.##"; MinutesPassed##(start##);
If minutes## <= MinutesPassed##(start##) Then
_Title "Press any to stop beeping..."
If Len(InKey$) Then System
End If
_Limit 10
Loop Until theCowsComeHome
Function MinutesPassed## (started##)
If started## > Timer Then started## = started## - 86400 ' midnight problem fix
MinutesPassed## = Int(100 * (Timer - started##) / 60) / 100
End Function
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100 Prisoners Problem
' I saw this last night and just have to check out the solution in code!
' So 100 prisoners go into a room one at a time and have 50 chances to draw their number from mailbox slots
' they must return the numbers in same box they checked.
' If all the prisoners find their number they go free else they are all executed. Whew!
' But there is a strategy that if used gives them around a 31% chance of being set free!
' A 31% Change of being set free, how can this be!?
' Here is the startegy, go into the room and pull the number from slot that matches your number.
' From that number go to the number found in the box, contimue in this manner until you find your
' number or you've drawn from 50 slots. If you hit 50 then everyone is doomed might as well start
' another run on the experiment.
' If we run this strategy 100000 times will we get around 31,000 Set Frees and 69,000 Executions?
' Let's see...
' Wow! as predicted
' Let's see...
Code: (Select All) _Title "100 Prisoners Problem"
Randomize Timer
Dim slots(1 To 100) As Long
For i = 1 To 100
slots(i) = i
freed = 0: executions = 0
GoSub shuffle
For p = 1 To 100 ' prisoner number
count = 1: test = p: madeit = -1
While count <= 50
If slots(test) = p Then Exit While Else test = slots(test)
count = count + 1
If count > 50 Then madeit = 0: Exit For
If madeit Then freed = freed + 1 Else executions = executions + 1
Loop Until (freed + executions) = 100000
Print "Freed"; freed
Print "Exceutions"; executions
Print "Press any for another run of 100,000... "
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
For i = 100 To 2 Step -1
Swap slots(Int(Rnd * i) + 1), slots(i)
' I saw this last night and just have to check out the solution in code!
' So 100 prisoners go into a room one at a time and have 50 chances to draw their number from mailbox slots
' they must return the numbers in same box they checked.
' If all the prisoners find their number they go free else they are all executed. Whew!
' But there is a strategy that if used gives them around a 31% chance of being set free!
' A 31% Change of being set free, how can this be!?
' Here is the startegy, go into the room and pull the number from slot that matches your number.
' From that number go to the number found in the box, contimue in this manner until you find your
' number or you've drawn from 50 slots. If you hit 50 then everyone is doomed might as well start
' another run on the experiment.
' If we run this strategy 100000 times will we get around 31,000 Set Frees and 69,000 Executions?
' Let's see...
' Wow! as predicted
b = b + ...
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07-19-2022, 07:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-19-2022, 07:23 PM by bplus.)
All the way back to 2015
Rotating Star Mouse Chaser
Code: (Select All) Option _Explicit
_Title "Rotating Star Mouse Chaser" 'b+ 2022-07-19 trans from:
'Rotating Stars Mouse Chaser.bas for SmallBASIC 0.12.0 2015-11-09 MGA/B+
'code is based on code: mouse chaser by tsh73
'for the Just Basic contest, November 2008, I am 7 years later
Const nPoints = 20, xMax = 1280, yMax = 700, pi = _Pi
Screen _NewImage(xMax, yMax, 32)
Dim Shared x(nPoints), y(nPoints), i, twist
Dim As Long mx, my
Dim As Single dx, dy, v, r, dxN, dyN
For i = 1 To nPoints
x(i) = xMax
y(i) = yMax 'set it offscreen
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
twist = twist + .05
While _MouseInput: Wend
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
For i = 1 To nPoints
If i = 1 Then 'first sees mouse
dx = mx - x(i)
dy = my - y(i)
v = 4
Else 'others see previous
dx = x(i - 1) - x(i)
dy = y(i - 1) - y(i)
v = 0.6 * v + 0.2 * 3 * (2 - i / nPoints) 'use 0.8 v of previous, to pick up speed
End If
r = Sqr(dx ^ 2 + dy ^ 2)
dxN = dx / r
dyN = dy / r
x(i) = x(i) + v * dxN
y(i) = y(i) + v * dyN
Next i
_Limit 60
Sub drawstar ()
Dim sp, s, t, u, j, b, v, w
sp = (nPoints + 1 - i) * 2 + 3 'star points when i is low, points are high
s = 5 * (50 ^ (1 / nPoints)) ^ (nPoints + 1 - i)
t = x(i) + s * Cos(0 + twist)
u = y(i) + s * Sin(0 + twist)
For j = 1 To sp
b = b + Int(sp / 2) * 2 * pi / sp
v = x(i) + s * Cos(b + twist)
w = y(i) + s * Sin(b + twist)
Line (t, u)-(v, w), _RGB32(255, 255, 100)
t = v: u = w
End Sub
Shared at QBJS (maybe)
yes! dbox will be happy!
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Wow B+, very impressive mod (perhaps inspired by the shape maker polygon talk?) and how nice is it to just click and run in the browser
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