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Fireworks thru the years
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Fireworks 3 translation to QB64 2017-12-26 bplus"
'fireworks 3.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.2 [B+=MGA] 2015-05-09
'fireworks 2.bas 2016-05-05 now with Gravity, Newtonian bounce, smoke debris
'fireworks 3.bas try with map variables make bursts around a central point

Const xmax = 1000
Const ymax = 720

Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_ScreenMove 180, 0
Type placeType
    x As Single
    y As Single
End Type
Type flareType
    x As Single
    y As Single
    dx As Single
    dy As Single
    c As Long
End Type
Type debrisType
    x As Single
    y As Single
    c As Long
End Type
Common Shared debris() As debrisType
flareMax = 1000: debrisMax = 5000: debrisStack = 0
Dim flare(flareMax) As flareType
Dim debris(debrisMax) As debrisType
Dim burst As placeType
While 1
    rndCycle = Rnd * 30
    loopCount = 0
    burst.x = .75 * xmax * Rnd + .125 * xmax
    burst.y = .5 * ymax * Rnd + .125 * ymax
    While loopCount < 7
        'color 14 : locate 0,0: ? debris_stack; " Debris" 'debug line
        For i = 1 To 200 'new burst using random old flames to sim burnout
            nxt = Int(Rnd * flareMax)
            angle = Rnd * _Pi(2)
            flare(nxt).x = burst.x + Rnd * 5 * Cos(angle)
            flare(nxt).y = burst.y + Rnd * 5 * Sin(angle)
            angle = Rnd * _Pi(2)
            flare(nxt).dx = Rnd * 15 * Cos(angle)
            flare(nxt).dy = Rnd * 15 * Sin(angle)
            rc = Int(Rnd * 3)
            If rc = 0 Then
                flare(nxt).c = _RGB32(255, 100, 0)
            ElseIf rc = 1 Then
                flare(nxt).c = _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
                flare(nxt).c = _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
            End If
        For i = 0 To flareMax
            If flare(i).dy <> 0 Then 'while still moving vertically
                Line (flare(i).x, flare(i).y)-Step(flare(i).dx, flare(i).dy), _RGB32(98, 98, 98)
                flare(i).x = flare(i).x + flare(i).dx
                flare(i).y = flare(i).y + flare(i).dy
                Color flare(i).c
                Circle (flare(i).x, flare(i).y), 1
                flare(i).dy = flare(i).dy + .4 'add  gravity
                flare(i).dx = flare(i).dx * .95 'add some air resistance
                If flare(i).x < 0 Or flare(i).x > xmax Then flare(i).dy = 0 'outside of screen
                'add some spark bouncing here
                If flare(i).y > ymax Then
                    If Abs(flare(i).dy) > .5 Then
                        flare(i).y = ymax: flare(i).dy = flare(i).dy * -.25
                        flare(i).dy = 0
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        For i = 0 To debrisStack
            PSet (debris(i).x, debris(i).y), debris(i).c
            debris(i).x = debris(i).x + Rnd * 3 - 1.5
            debris(i).y = debris(i).y + Rnd * 3.5 - 1.5
            If debris(i).x < 0 Or debris(i).y < 0 Or debris(i).x > xmax Or debris(i).y > ymax Then NewDebris (i)
        _Limit 20
        loopCount = loopCount + 1
    If debrisStack < debrisMax Then
        For i = 1 To 20
            NewDebris i + debrisStack
        debrisStack = debrisStack + 20
    End If
Sub NewDebris (i)
    debris(i).x = Rnd * xmax
    debris(i).y = Rnd * ymax
    c = Rnd * 255
    debris(i).c = _RGB32(c, c, c)
End Sub

State of the Art
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Happy Trails 2020" 'from Happy Trails 2018
' 2017-12-29 another redesign of fireworks
' 2017-12-28 redesign fireworks
' now with lake refelction 2017-12-27 forget the bouncing sparks
' combine Welcome Plasma Font with landscape
'_title "Fireworks 3 translation to QB64 2017-12-26 bplus"
'fireworks 3.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.2 [B+=MGA] 2015-05-09
'fireworks 2.bas 2016-05-05 now with Gravity, Newtonian bounce, smoke debris
'fireworks 3.bas try with map variables make bursts around a central point

Randomize Timer
Const xmax = 1200
Const ymax = 720
Const waterline = 600 ' 600 = ratio 5 to 1 sky to water
'                       raise and lower waterline as desired  highest about 400?
Const lTail = 15
Const bluey = 5 * 256 ^ 2 + 256 * 5 + 5
Const debrisMax = 28000

Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_ScreenMove 120, 20

Type fireWorkType
    x As Integer
    y As Integer
    seed As Integer
    age As Integer
    life As Integer
End Type

Type debrisType
    x As Single
    y As Single
    c As Long
End Type

Common Shared fw() As fireWorkType
Common Shared debris() As debrisType
Common Shared cN, pR!, pG!, pB!

Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)

'prepare message font
mess$ = " Happy New Year 2020"
Print mess$
w = 8 * Len(mess$): h = 16
Dim p(w, h)
black&& = Point(0, 10)
For y = 0 To h
    For x = 0 To w
        If Point(x, y) <> black&& Then
            p(x, y) = 1
        End If
xo = 0: yo = 15: m = 7.2

'prepare landscape
land& = _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_Dest land&
_Dest 0

'prepare fire works
nFW = 3
Dim fw(1 To 10) As fireWorkType
For i = 1 To nFW
    initFireWork (i)

''debris feild
'DIM debris(debrisMax) AS debrisType

'OK start the show
While 1
    'cls screen with land image
    _PutImage , land&, 0

    'draw fireworks
    For f = 1 To nFW
        If fw(f).age <= fw(f).life Then drawfw (f) Else initFireWork f

    'FOR i = 0 TO debrisStack
    '    PSET (debris(i).x, debris(i).y), debris(i).c
    '    debris(i).x = debris(i).x + RND * 3 - 1.5
    '    debris(i).y = debris(i).y + RND * 3.5 - 1.5
    '    IF debris(i).x < 0 OR debris(i).y < 0 OR debris(i).x > xmax OR debris(i).y > waterline + RND * 20 THEN NewDebris (i)

    'text message in plasma
    For y = 0 To h - 1
        For x = 0 To w - 1
            If p(x, y) Then
                Color 0
            End If
            Line (xo + x * m, yo + y * m)-(xo + x * m + m, yo + y * m + m), , BF
    lc = lc + 1
    If lc Mod 200 = 0 Then resetPlasma

    'reflect sky
    skyWaterRatio = waterline / (ymax - waterline) - .05
    For y = waterline To ymax
        For x = 0 To xmax
            c&& = Point(x, waterline - ((y - waterline - 1) * skyWaterRatio) + Rnd * 5)
            PSet (x, y + 1), c&& + bluey

    _Limit 200 'no limit needed on my system!

    ''accumulate debris
    'IF lc MOD 2000 THEN
    '    IF debrisStack < debrisMax THEN
    '        FOR i = 1 TO 2
    '            NewDebris i + debrisStack
    '        NEXT
    '        debrisStack = debrisStack + 2
    '    END IF
    'END IF

'SUB NewDebris (i)
'    debris(i).x = RND * xmax
'    debris(i).y = RND * ymax
'    c = RND * 155
'    debris(i).c = _RGB32(c, c, c)

Sub changePlasma ()
    cN = cN + .01
    Color _RGB(127 + 127 * Sin(pR! * .3 * cN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pG! * .3 * cN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pB! * .3 * cN))
End Sub

Sub resetPlasma ()
    pR! = Rnd ^ 2: pG! = Rnd ^ 2: pB! = Rnd ^ 2
End Sub

Sub drawLandscape
    'the sky
    For i = 0 To ymax
        midInk 0, 0, 0, 78, 28, 68, i / ymax
        Line (0, i)-(xmax, i)
    'the land
    startH = waterline - 80
    rr = 10: gg = 20: bb = 15
    For mountain = 1 To 6
        Xright = 0
        y = startH
        While Xright < xmax
            ' upDown = local up / down over range, change along Y
            ' range = how far up / down, along X
            upDown = (Rnd * .8 - .35) * (1 / (1 * mountain))
            range = Xright + rand&&(5, 35) * 2.5 / mountain
            lastx = Xright - 1
            For X = Xright To range
                y = y + upDown
                Color _RGB32(rr, gg, bb)
                Line (lastx, y)-(X, ymax), , BF 'just lines weren't filling right
                lastx = X
            Xright = range
        rr = rand&&(rr + 5, rr): gg = rand&&(gg + 5, gg): bb = rand&&(bb + 4, bb)
        If rr < 0 Then rr = 0
        If gg < 0 Then gg = 0
        If bb < 0 Then bb = 0
        startH = startH + rand&&(1, 10)
    'LINE (0, waterline)-(xmax, ymax), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
End Sub

Sub midInk (r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, fr)
    Color _RGB(r1 + (r2 - r1) * fr, g1 + (g2 - g1) * fr, b1 + (b2 - b1) * fr)
End Sub

Function rand&& (lo&&, hi&&)
    rand&& = Int(Rnd * (hi&& - lo&& + 1)) + lo&&
End Function

Sub drawfw (i)
    'here's how to "save" a bunch of random numbers without data and arrays but tons of redundant calculations
    Randomize Using fw(i).seed 'this repeats all random numbers generated by seed in same sequence
    'recreate our firework from scratch!
    red = rand&&(200, 255)
    green = rand&&(200, 255)
    blue = rand&&(200, 255)
    x = rand&&(1, 4)
    If x = 1 Then
        red = 0
    ElseIf x = 2 Then
        green = 0
    ElseIf x = 3 Then
        blue = 0
        x = rand&&(1, 4)
        If x = 1 Then
            red = 0: green = 0
        ElseIf x = 2 Then
            green = 0: blue = 0
        ElseIf x = 3 Then
            blue = 0: red = 0
        End If
    End If
    ne = rand&&(80, 300)
    Dim embers(ne, 1)
    For e = 0 To ne
        r = Rnd * 3
        embers(e, 0) = r * Cos(e * _Pi(2) / 101)
        embers(e, 1) = r * Sin(e * _Pi(2) / 101)
    start = fw(i).age - lTail ' don't let tails get longer than lTail const
    If start < 1 Then start = 1
    For e = 0 To ne
        cx = fw(i).x: cy = fw(i).y: dx = embers(e, 0): dy = embers(e, 1)
        For t = 1 To fw(i).age
            cx = cx + dx
            cy = cy + dy
            If t >= start Then
                'too much like a flower?
                midInk 60, 60, 60, red, green, blue, (t - start) / lTail
                'midInk 60, 60, 60, 128, 160, 150, (t - start) / lTail
                fcirc cx, cy, (t - start) / lTail
            End If

            dx = dx * .99 'air resitance
            dy = dy + .01 'gravity
        Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
        'COLOR _RGB32(red, green, blue)
        cx = cx + dx: cy = cy + dy
        fcirc cx, cy, (t - start) / lTail
    fw(i).age = fw(i).age + 1
End Sub

Sub initFireWork (i)
    fw(i).x = rand&&(.1 * xmax, .9 * xmax)
    fw(i).y = rand&&(.1 * ymax, .5 * ymax)
    fw(i).seed = rand&&(0, 32000)
    fw(i).age = 0
    fw(i).life = rand&&(20, 120)
End Sub

'Steve McNeil's  copied from his forum   note: Radius is too common a name
Sub fcirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long)
    Dim subRadius As Long, RadiusError As Long
    Dim X As Long, Y As Long

    subRadius = Abs(R)
    RadiusError = -subRadius
    X = subRadius
    Y = 0

    If subRadius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY): Exit Sub

    ' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
    ' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
    Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), , BF

    While X > Y
        RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
        If RadiusError >= 0 Then
            If X <> Y + 1 Then
                Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), , BF
                Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), , BF
            End If
            X = X - 1
            RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
        End If
        Y = Y + 1
        Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), , BF
        Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), , BF
End Sub

Ascii move mousewheel or Dave for Pete
Code: (Select All)
DefInt A-Z
_Title "ASCII Fireworks  !!! Move Mousewheel !!! to Expand or Contract #2" '2020-01-01
' 2020-01-02 update with graivity effect by tsh73 from JB forum
' 2020-08-11 modified for xpanding and contracting screen size
' 2020-08-11 Steve catches memory leak, fixed!
' 2020-08-12 manstersoft gives me idea for Font 8, added more works and switched color to more! RGB32

Const nR = 9, t = "     Happy New Year QB64 Forum, ASCII Fireworks Brought To You By Bplus Inspired by Pete, TempodiBasic and Code Hunter Recent Efforts, Gravity Effect by tsh73 at JB Forum, Thanks Steve for saving memory and manstersoft for Font 8 idea, Go In Peace 2020!....."
Type rocket
    x As Single
    y As Single
    bang As Integer
    age As Integer
    c As _Unsigned Long
End Type

Dim Shared r(1 To nR) As rocket
For i = 1 To nR
    new i
Dim Shared fire&
fire& = _NewImage(640, 400, 32)
Dim tmp&(0 To 10)
lastt = 20
sc& = _NewImage(640, 400, 32)
_Font 8
    _Dest fire&
    _Font 16
    Color &HFFFF88AA
    lc = lc + 1
    If lc Mod 3 = 0 Then p = (p + 1) Mod Len(t)
    Locate 2, 20: Print Mid$(t, p + 1, 40);
    _Font 8
    rocs = rocs + 1
    If rocs > nR Then rocs = nR
    For i = 1 To rocs
        drawRocket i

    _Dest 0
    While _MouseInput
        scroll = scroll + _MouseWheel
    If scroll < 800 And scroll > -400 Then
        tp = (tp + 1) Mod 10
        tmp&(tp) = _NewImage(640 + scroll, 400 + scroll, 32)
        Screen tmp&(tp)
        _PutImage , fire&, 0
        lastt = 20
    End If

    'COLOR qb(15)
    'LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT lastt, tp, scroll

    If lastt <> 20 Then _FreeImage tmp&(lastt)
    lastt = tp

    _Limit 20
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)

Sub new (i)
    r(i).x = Rnd * 60 + 10
    r(i).y = 50
    r(i).bang = Rnd * 30
    r(i).age = 0
    r(i).c = _RGB32(200 * Rnd + 55, 200 * Rnd + 55, 200 * Rnd + 55)
End Sub

Sub drawRocket (i)
    If r(i).y > r(i).bang Then
        Color r(i).c
        Locate r(i).y, r(i).x: Print Chr$(24);
        r(i).y = r(i).y - 1
        r(i).age = r(i).age + 1
        If r(i).age > 50 Then
            new i
            Color r(i).c
            If r(i).age > 4 Then start = r(i).age - 4 Else start = 1
            For a = start To r(i).age
                For j = 1 To 12
                    xx = r(i).x + 1 * a * Cos(j * _Pi / 6)
                    yy = r(i).y + .5 * a * Sin(j * _Pi / 6)
                    yy = yy + (r(i).y - a) ^ 2 / 15 '<<<< tsh73 gravity
                    If xx > 0 And xx < 81 And yy > 0 And yy < 51 Then
                        Locate Int(yy), Int(xx)
                        Print "*";
                    End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub
b = b + ...
I haven't coded anything is over two months now, so for this 4th of July, I'm just going to light my laptop on fire.

That's a very nice collection. I questioned why TheBOB never coded a 4th of July routine, to which he replied, The 4th of July, ey?

Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.
TheBOB live in Canada? they have a Canadian Day before us, I think.
b = b + ...
(07-04-2024, 06:48 PM)Pete Wrote: I haven't coded anything is over two months now, so for this 4th of July, I'm just going to light my laptop on fire.

grymmjack (gj!)
GitHubYouTube | Soundcloud |
Awesome fireworks!!
Thanks Ken.

Oh I found another one, pretty nice one too. Use spacebar to toggle between graphics and ansii.



The animations are far better than screen shots!

Attached Files
.zip   b+ Fireworks 2 sep (Size: 363.05 KB / Downloads: 5)
b = b + ...
W O W ! ! ! ! ! ! This is very realistic.. I'll have to experiment. Smile

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