12-22-2022, 06:28 PM
It's rude, it's crude, it's a classic that works most of the time.
X-Racer is a text mode racing game where you are in a timed trial to get to the finish line.
Avoid the barriers and the sides or you are going to crash. The game is key driven but doesn't wait for you to press the enter key for long.
space bar - to accelerate
< - turn (screen) left
> - turn (screen) right
b - to brake
(there's still a few problems with the code but if you don't explode at the start of the race you might be able to race to the end)
X-Racer is a text mode racing game where you are in a timed trial to get to the finish line.
Avoid the barriers and the sides or you are going to crash. The game is key driven but doesn't wait for you to press the enter key for long.
space bar - to accelerate
< - turn (screen) left
> - turn (screen) right
b - to brake
(there's still a few problems with the code but if you don't explode at the start of the race you might be able to race to the end)
Code: (Select All)
'X-racer is an old school racing game using text graphics only
'press spacebar to get that engine going and < or > to steer b to brake!
_Title "X-RACER"
track$ = "####OOO................OOO####"
n = 13
trend = 0
obstacle = 10
Randomize Timer
Dim b$(2010)
Dim nn(2010)
ask$ = "."
spd = 1
For x = 1 To 2010
A$ = String$(n, 32)
b$(x) = A$ + track$
If x > 100 And x Mod obstacle Then
If Rnd * 100 < obstacle Then Mid$(b$(x), n + Int(3 + Rnd * 18), 1) = "O"
End If
n = n + Int(Rnd * 2) - Int(Rnd * 2) + trend
If n < 2 Then n = 2
If n > 35 Then n = 35
nn(x) = n
If Rnd * 100 < 3 Then
Select Case Int(Rnd * 3)
Case 0
trend = 0
Case 1
trend = -1
Case 2
trend = 1
End Select
End If
Next x
b$(1995) = A$ + "####O============O####"
b$(1991) = A$ + "####O============O####"
b$(1992) = A$ + "####O O####"
b$(1993) = A$ + "####O FINISH O####"
b$(1994) = A$ + "####O O####"
b$(1995) = A$ + "####O============O####"
For x = 1996 To 2010
b$(x) = A$ + "####O O####"
Next x
dp = nn(1) + 11
op = dp
For x = 1 To 2010
_Limit 20
If x > 10 Then Color 12: _PrintString (dp, 10), "X": Color 15
_PrintString (op, 9), "."
Print b$(x);
If x > 12 Then
If Mid$(b$(x - 13), dp, 1) = "O" Then GoTo crash
End If
op = dp
If x Mod 20 = 0 Then
Print " - "; x * 5
End If
If x > 10 Then
gg = 0
_Limit 60
gg = gg + 1
kk$ = InKey$
Loop Until kk$ <> "" Or gg = 30 - spd
End If
If x = 12 Then t1 = Timer
Select Case kk$
Case ".", ">"
op = dp
dp = dp + 1
Case ",", "<"
op = dp
dp = dp - 1.
Case " "
spd = spd + 1
If spd > 28 Then spd = 28
Case "b"
spd = spd - 2
If spd < 1 Then spd = 1
End Select
mph$ = "MPH : " + Str$(spd * 10)
_PrintString (1, 2), mph$
Next x
t2 = Timer
Print "Finished Course !"
Print "Finish Time "; t2 - t1
Input "Play again (Y or N) ", ask$
ask$ = UCase$(ask$)
If ask$ = "N" Then GoTo alldone
For c = 1 To 6
_Limit 8
Color 12
For cx = dp - c To dp + c
For cy = 10 - c To c + 10
If Rnd * 6 < 3 Then _PrintString (cx, cy), "@"
Next cy
Next cx
Next c
Color 15
Input "Play again (Y or N) ", ask$
ask$ = UCase$(ask$)
If ask$ = "N" Then GoTo alldone
GoTo start