On IRC back in the day, we used to play "neverending story".
How it worked:
The first person would provide a sentence or paragraph.
The next person picks up where that last person left off and continues.
First person: Once upon a time there was a pig that
Second person: had smelly breath and could talk like a human.
Story then is concatenated from that point:
"Once upon a time there was a pig that had smelly breath and could talk like a human."
... repeat ...
Let's try the same thing with qbjs!
The only change would be that you have to copy and paste the code from what you make into a new one in the qbjs.org site to get your version to persist for everyone. The other thing would be we should try to preserve what already is there, but extend on it. That is, don't do asshole things like in a SCREEN 0 text start thing, CLS the damned screen (be kind and have fun)?
Let's see what happens and where it goes.
@dbox you go first!
How it worked:
The first person would provide a sentence or paragraph.
The next person picks up where that last person left off and continues.
First person: Once upon a time there was a pig that
Second person: had smelly breath and could talk like a human.
Story then is concatenated from that point:
"Once upon a time there was a pig that had smelly breath and could talk like a human."
... repeat ...
Let's try the same thing with qbjs!
The only change would be that you have to copy and paste the code from what you make into a new one in the qbjs.org site to get your version to persist for everyone. The other thing would be we should try to preserve what already is there, but extend on it. That is, don't do asshole things like in a SCREEN 0 text start thing, CLS the damned screen (be kind and have fun)?
Let's see what happens and where it goes.
@dbox you go first!