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Fall Banner 2023 Idea - Dev Diary
last random thoughts tonight:

pumpkin teeth don't have to be rectangular. they can be triangles too.
pumpkin mouths don't need to be half circles, they could be rectangles too.
pumpkin eyes don't need to be triangles, they could be rectangles or ellipses too.
pumpkin eyes if they are triangles don't need to be perfect, and can be upside down, or rotated.
the charm of a picture isn't in it's perfection it's in it's imperfections.
imperfect shapes are more charming therefore than perfect shapes.
lines don't need to be perfectly symmetrical, they could be thin parallelograms too.
the more i decompose the shapes the closer i get to vectors, and bezier curves. i don't want to go there. it's scary there.


a ghost could wander through the neighborhood.
the pumpkins lights could flicker randomly.
the clouds could move slowly.
random creatures could pop up in the windows.
sets of eyes could show up, blink, and disappear in the background.
a witch could fly across the moon.
bats could fly across the sky.
leaves could blow passed (rectangles colored like leaves? - like @bplus)
trees could move slightly with the wind when leaves blow passed.


can cookies be set or localstorage on a qbjs banner? if so we could add a little speaker icon default to muted, but then when a user clicks, enables sounds? we wouldn't want these to be on all the time. but clicking it might be fun to have some audio in the banner (or whatever qbjs thing we make).

Thanks @dbox for making qbjs it's great.
grymmjack (gj!)
GitHubYouTube | Soundcloud |
(09-02-2023, 03:29 AM)grymmjack Wrote: can cookies be set or localstorage on a qbjs banner? if so we could add a little speaker icon default to muted, but then when a user clicks, enables sounds? we wouldn't want these to be on all the time. but clicking it might be fun to have some audio in the banner (or whatever qbjs thing we make).

Thanks @dbox for making qbjs it's great.
Thanks @grymmjack, glad you're enjoying it!

You can use local storage by importing the Storage library.

One thing to keep in mind is that audio will not play automatically due to browser security rules and must be initiated by a user action.  (This is partially why there is a "play" mode vs. "auto".)

You may also want to consider the 2D graphics library extension in QBJS for some of the drawing primitives you have outlined:

(09-02-2023, 03:37 AM)dbox Wrote:
(09-02-2023, 03:29 AM)grymmjack Wrote: can cookies be set or localstorage on a qbjs banner? if so we could add a little speaker icon default to muted, but then when a user clicks, enables sounds? we wouldn't want these to be on all the time. but clicking it might be fun to have some audio in the banner (or whatever qbjs thing we make).

Thanks @dbox for making qbjs it's great.
Thanks @grymmjack, glad you're enjoying it!

You can use local storage by importing the Storage library.

One thing to keep in mind is that audio will not play automatically due to browser security rules and must be initiated by a user action.  (This is partially why there is a "play" mode vs. "auto".)

You may also want to consider the 2D graphics library extension in QBJS for some of the drawing primitives you have outlined:
Wow, yes! Definitely will be using these! Thanks man, saved loads of time right there.

I'd eventually love to have these features in QB64PE too Smile but for now, I won't sweat that too much.

Thanks @dbox
grymmjack (gj!)
GitHubYouTube | Soundcloud |
@dbox question - are these drawing primitives also part of GX for QB64? That would be great!
grymmjack (gj!)
GitHubYouTube | Soundcloud |
No, GX doesn’t have drawing routines.  It is an event-driven framework focused on 2d game specific tasks like sprite animations, tilemaps, simple physics, etc..
Thumbs Up 
Wow looks like the ideas Muse has struck again! 

@grymmjack luv idea of watching you develop this, we all might learn as you go.

Do you have plans for scroller? Maybe some characters dressed with Pumpkin heads strolling down sidewalk visiting houses?
b = b + ...
(09-02-2023, 03:29 PM)bplus Wrote: Wow looks like the ideas Muse has struck again! 

@grymmjack luv idea of watching you develop this, we all might learn as you go.

Do you have plans for scroller? Maybe some characters dressed with Pumpkin heads strolling down sidewalk visiting houses?

@bplus cheers!

Glad you are enjoying the dev diary approach.

So, yeah I thought about that, and some kind of pathing between the characters on the sidewalk. Think like micro scale characters with costumes walking around.

That seems a bit ambitious given the timing constraints and I have to get the basics done first. If I can pull that off, I'll give it a shot.

I don't know how to animate yet (I know, it's a loop, you animate the x/y position, the scale, etc. i get the how part, just haven't done it yet.)

No scrolling though, a fixed random scene is my intention. Smile
grymmjack (gj!)
GitHubYouTube | Soundcloud |
@grymmjack how is this coming along?

I am tempted to fool around with those assets. I have terrible luck trying to get assets off Internet either can't find license or transparencies aren't, mostly both. johnno56 was huge help for this.

DYO - Draw your own, for me anyway.
b = b + ...
(09-06-2023, 01:59 PM)bplus Wrote: @grymmjack how is this coming along?

I am tempted to fool around with those assets. I have terrible luck trying to get assets off Internet either can't find license or transparencies aren't, mostly both. johnno56 was huge help for this.

DYO - Draw your own, for me anyway.

Hey @bplus feel free to take the assets and do whatever you like with them!

I created several other shapes the other night. Attaching.

[Image: assets-images.png]

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 2.56 MB / Downloads: 43)
grymmjack (gj!)
GitHubYouTube | Soundcloud |
@bplus the images above are just ideas that i came up with for further turn-into-code work, etc. but feel free to use the original asset images however you like, these latest doodles are meant just for ideas.

I haven't had any time to work on it. Sad Probably going to be a weekend only thing for me. Which is why I'm trying to stay humble Wink
grymmjack (gj!)
GitHubYouTube | Soundcloud |

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