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Really nice one!  I never really noticed before this that LINE can be called without have to specify a color or B/BF every time.

Really nice effect.  Fun to tweak!

- Dav

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner
That "Star Swirl" could almost be named "Black Hole", if you put a central "hole" in it - stars being sucked into the hole!
Great job.
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
Please visit my Website at:
2001: A Space Odyssey... "It's full of stars!"
May your journey be free of incident. Live long and prosper.
Update: It is very curious that I can't get johnno's quote here where I wanted it originally!

Ha! I actually posted that at 2 other forums Smile

Just need to hear first seconds from this (2001: A Space Odyssey) :
b = b + ...
This is inspired by vince proggie for QBJS here:
Code: (Select All)

_Title "Mod for vince mod for b+" ' b+ 2023-09-03
Dim w, h
w = 640
h = 640
Screen _NewImage(w, h, 32)
_ScreenMove 340, 60
Dim i, t, x, y, p(1 To 4)
p(1) = &HFFFF0000: p(2) = &HFF009900: p(3) = &HFF0000FF: p(4) = &HFFAAFF00
    t = t + 0.1
    Line (0, 0)-(w, h), &H15000000, BF
    For i = 1 To 4
        Color p(i)
        For x = 0 To w
            y = 100 * Sin(_Pi * x / w) * Sin(1 * _Pi * x / w + t + i * t * _Pi * 0.01)
            PSet (x, h / 2 + y)
            y = 100 * Sin(_Pi * x / w) * Sin(1 * _Pi * x / w + t + i * t * _Pi * 0.01)
            PSet (w / 2 + y, x)
    _Limit 30
b = b + ...
May need to clear cookies/cache and see if that changes anything.  LOL, I think bplus is trying to take over my role as finding the oddest bugs possible!  Wink
(09-03-2023, 05:22 PM)SMcNeill Wrote: May need to clear cookies/cache and see if that changes anything.  LOL, I think bplus is trying to take over my role as finding the oddest bugs possible!  Wink

I was looking into that but could not find a way to clear just this forum cookies.

I was looking into that but could not find a way for just this forum's cookies.

Update: cleared cookies and the Quote mark on #93 is out of here.
b = b + ...
And Fresh Reply editor is clear! Problem solved. I was worried that clearing cookies would clear passwords, not so.

OK say goodbye to all these comments ;-))
b = b + ...
(09-03-2023, 02:47 PM)bplus Wrote: This is inspired by vince proggie for QBJS here:
Code: (Select All)

_Title "Mod for vince mod for b+" ' b+ 2023-09-03
Dim w, h
w = 640
h = 640
Screen _NewImage(w, h, 32)
_ScreenMove 340, 60
Dim i, t, x, y, p(1 To 4)
p(1) = &HFFFF0000: p(2) = &HFF009900: p(3) = &HFF0000FF: p(4) = &HFFAAFF00
    t = t + 0.1
    Line (0, 0)-(w, h), &H15000000, BF
    For i = 1 To 4
        Color p(i)
        For x = 0 To w
            y = 100 * Sin(_Pi * x / w) * Sin(1 * _Pi * x / w + t + i * t * _Pi * 0.01)
            PSet (x, h / 2 + y)
            y = 100 * Sin(_Pi * x / w) * Sin(1 * _Pi * x / w + t + i * t * _Pi * 0.01)
            PSet (w / 2 + y, x)
    _Limit 30
now if that's not a mod. to be fair, I stole the idea from pretty smooth mod
more modding ;-))
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Mod for vince mod for b+" ' b+ 2023-09-03
Dim w, h
w = 640
h = 640
Screen _NewImage(w, h, 32)
_ScreenMove 340, 60
Dim i, t, x, y, p(1 To 4)
p(1) = &HFFFF0000: p(2) = &HFF009900: p(3) = &HFF0000FF: p(4) = &HFFAAFF00
    t = t + 0.1
    Line (0, 0)-(w, h), &H25000000, BF
    For i = 1 To 4
        Color p(i)
        For x = 0 To w
            y = 100 * Sin(_Pi * x / w) * Sin(1 * _Pi * x / w + t + i * t * _Pi * 0.01)
            Circle (x, h / 2 + y), 2
            y = 100 * Sin(_Pi * x / w) * Sin(1 * _Pi * x / w + t + i * t * _Pi * 0.01)
            Circle (w / 2 + y, x), 2
    _Limit 30
b = b + ...

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