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QBJS Color Problem (Solved!)
@dbox another QB64 to QBJS translation problem.

In attempts to fix the ellipse drawing in QBJS I had to use QBJS ellipse sub because QBJS was messing up my own in QB64.

I WAS using Color statement to change color for drawing triangles in this code:
Code: (Select All)

Option _Explicit
'_Title "Fall Foliage Banner Move Leaves" ' work file for updating
' started 2017-10-21 by bplus as: fall foliage.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.9 (B+=MGA) 2017-10-21

' 2023-08-30 start of QBJS Banner
' 2023-08-31 Logo and Hills added

' 2023-09-01 Fellippe I see contributed allot to orig code with moving leaves
' Also thanks to grymmjack for getting me starting of PFont and font patterns.
' Also thanks to dbox for catching all my errors with QBJS.

' 2023-09-03 try to fix font print to print while leaves are falling
' tweak numbers for falling leaves for more and not too leaden.

' 2023-09-03 FontFlag to signal FPrint is done

' 2023-09-04 do not stop leaves falling when on a tree trunk
' Ran into problems with QBJS handling Point see commented code in MoveLeaf
' So this keeps moving leaves without Point
' Clean up code a bit fix letters shadows, toss junk subs
' Aha! found a way to get leaves off tree trunks = redraw trunks!
' New Type Tree

' 2023-09-05A fix wind and make (less) leaves more responsive to wind
' 2023-09-05 1:40P added pumpkin but cheeky in QBJS

' 2023-09-06 add ships

' 2023-09-07 another attempt to fix ellipse drawing in pumpkin with QBJS
' remove ships, QNJS having a problem with that too!
' to use the damn ellipse draw function in QBJS because it screws up mine in QB64
' chaneg color and everything drawn with it old color is changed too

$If WEB Then
Import G2D From "lib/graphics/2d.bas"
$End If

Type treeType
x As Single
y As Single
r As Single
h As Single
End Type

Type new_Leaf
x As Single
y As Single
w As Single
h As Single
c As _Unsigned Long
isFree As Integer
rx As Integer
ry As Integer
yvel As Single
yacc As Single
End Type

Const gravity = .0010

Dim Shared totalLeaves As Long
Dim Shared horizon
Dim Shared wind
Dim Shared stopFrame As Long
Dim Shared FontFlag As Long ' to signal Font has been finished
Dim Shared sx

Dim As Long Logo
$If WEB Then
Logo = _LoadImage("", 32)

Logo = _LoadImage("peLogo.png", 32)
$End If

'now for full viewing enjoyment xmx = screen width, ymx = screen height
Dim Shared xmx, ymx
xmx = 1200 ' for banner 1400 doesn't fit my screen so using 1200 for broader expanse look
ymx = 256
Screen _NewImage(xmx, ymx, 32) ' grymmjack set on making this 1400 it appears OK

Dim spattern$(0 To 255) ' for 9x9 fonts from string patterns some reworked or added for banner
LoadPatterns9x9 spattern$()
Dim As Long i, scene, trees, windChange, pumpkinImage, lp, pr, d
Dim gust
pr = 100
While 1
'Draw scene:
ReDim Shared leaf(30000) As new_Leaf
totalLeaves = 0
stopFrame = 0
FontFlag = 0
windChange = 1
gust = .01


horizon = rand&(.8 * ymx, .9 * ymx)

'sky and hill background
For i = horizon To ymx
midInk 160, 188, 50, 100, 60, 25, (i - horizon) / (ymx - horizon)
Line (0, i)-(xmx, i)

'fallen leaves:
For i = 1 To 300 'less of these at start, as they'll grow in number anyway
createLeaf rand&(0, xmx), rand&(horizon + 5, ymx)

' trees
trees = rand&(5, 12)
ReDim tree(1 To trees) As treeType
For i = 1 To trees
tree(i).x = rand&(50, xmx - 50)
tree(i).y = horizon + .04 * ymx + i / trees * (ymx - horizon - .1 * ymx)
tree(i).r = .01 * tree(i).y
tree(i).h = rand&(tree(i).y * .15, tree(i).y * .18)
branch tree(i).x, tree(i).y, tree(i).r, 90, tree(i).h, 0, 7

If scene < -1 Then _FreeImage scene
scene = _CopyImage(0) ' take a picture of bare trees before they are clothed with leaves

'Animate scene:
While FontFlag < 2500 ' keep going more loops to drop allot of leaves allow trees to become bare
lp = (lp + 1) Mod 10
If lp = 1 Then
If pumpkinImage < -1 Then _FreeImage pumpkinImage
pumpkinImage = _NewImage(300, 200, 32)
_Dest pumpkinImage
sx = sx + rand&(-4, 4)
If sx > .7 * pr / 10 Then d = -1 * d: sx = 0
If sx < -.7 * pr / 10 Then d = -1 * d: sx = 0

pumpkin 149, 100, pr, 2
_Dest 0
End If
If wind + windChange * gust < 0 Then windChange = -windChange
If wind + windChange * gust > 5 Then windChange = -windChange
wind = wind + windChange * gust
_PutImage , scene
For i = 1 To totalLeaves
moveLeaf leaf(i)
Line (leaf(i).x, leaf(i).y)-Step(leaf(i).w, leaf(i).h), leaf(i).c, BF
_PutImage (20, 80)-(150, 210), Logo, 0
_PutImage (xmx - 150, 80)-(xmx - 20, 210), Logo, 0

' this draws one letter squares at a time until title is complete
' the FontFlag is increased by 1 for 1500 loops after letters are complete
FPrint "QB64PE FALL EDITION", spattern$(), 12, 20, 5, 1, &HFFAAFF00

' draw tree trunks again
For i = 1 To trees
branch tree(i).x, tree(i).y, tree(i).r, 90, tree(i).h, 0, -1

' hey pumpkin!
_PutImage (690, 80), pumpkinImage, 0
' debugging wind and changes
'_Title "Wind:" + Str$(wind) + " WindChange:" + Str$(windChange)


_Limit 30

Sub branch (xx, yy, startrr, angDD, lengthh, levv, stopLev)
Dim x, y, lev, length, angD, startr, x2, y2, dx, dy, i
Dim bc~&
x = xx: y = yy
lev = levv
length = lengthh
angD = angDD
startr = startrr
x2 = x + Cos(_D2R(angD)) * length
y2 = y - Sin(_D2R(angD)) * length
dx = (x2 - x) / length
dy = (y2 - y) / length
bc~& = _RGB32(60 + 12 * lev, 30 + 7 * lev, 15 + 5 * lev)
If 2 * startr <= 1 Then
Line (x, y)-(x2, y2), bc~&
For i = 0 To length
fCirc x + dx * i, y + dy * i, startr, bc~&
End If
If lev > 1 Then createLeaf x2, y2
If .8 * startr < .1 Or lev > stopLev Or length < 3 Then Exit Sub
lev = lev + 1
branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD + 22 + rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev, stopLev
branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD - 22 - rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev, stopLev
End Sub

Sub fCirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
Dim subRadius As Long, RadiusError As Long
Dim X As Long, Y As Long

subRadius = Abs(R)
RadiusError = -subRadius
X = subRadius
Y = 0

If subRadius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY): Exit Sub

' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), c, BF

While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), c, BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), c, BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), c, BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), c, BF
End Sub

Sub createLeaf (x, y)
Dim sp, xoff, yoff, woff, hoff
If Rnd < .6 Then
sp = 15
xoff = x + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
yoff = y + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
woff = 3 + Rnd * 3
hoff = 3 + Rnd * 3
totalLeaves = totalLeaves + 1
If totalLeaves > UBound(leaf) Then ReDim _Preserve leaf(1 To UBound(leaf) + 5000) As new_Leaf
leaf(totalLeaves).x = xoff
leaf(totalLeaves).y = yoff
leaf(totalLeaves).w = woff
leaf(totalLeaves).h = hoff
leaf(totalLeaves).c = _RGB32(rand&(100, 250), rand&(50, 255), rand&(0, 40))
If Rnd < .5 Then leaf(totalLeaves).rx = -2 Else leaf(totalLeaves).rx = 2
If Rnd < .5 Then leaf(totalLeaves).ry = -1 Else leaf(totalLeaves).ry = 1
End If
End Sub

Sub moveLeaf (idx As new_Leaf)

If idx.isFree Then 'leaves falling
If idx.y < horizon Then ' above ground
idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
Else ' below horizon and falling time to stop
idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
If idx.y > horizon Then ' stop leaves from going to bottom of screen
idx.isFree = 0
End If
End If
idx.x = idx.x + wind


If idx.y < horizon Then 'leaves waving in their branch
If Rnd <= wind / 500 Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.rx: idx.rx = -idx.rx
If Rnd <= wind / 500 Then idx.y = idx.y + idx.ry: idx.ry = -idx.ry

Else 'leaves are on ground but can move too down and to right only
If Rnd <= wind / 500 Then ' move down wind
idx.x = idx.x + 2
If Rnd < wind / 500 Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.rx: idx.rx = -idx.rx
End If
If Rnd <= wind / 500 Then ' move down wind
idx.y = idx.y + 1
If Rnd < wind / 500 Then idx.y = idx.y + idx.ry: idx.ry = -idx.ry
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub letLeafGo
Dim which&, i&
For i& = 1 To 5
If Rnd <= wind / 30 Then
which& = rand&(1, totalLeaves)
'If which& < 1 Then which& = 1
'If which& > totalLeaves Then which& = totalLeaves
leaf(which&).isFree = -1
End If
End Sub

Sub midInk (r1%, g1%, b1%, r2%, g2%, b2%, fr##)
Color _RGB(r1% + (r2% - r1%) * fr##, g1% + (g2% - g1%) * fr##, b1% + (b2% - b1%) * fr##)
End Sub

Function rand& (lo%, hi%)
rand& = Int(Rnd * (hi% - lo% + 1)) + lo%
End Function

Sub drawLandscape
'needs midInk, rand&

Dim i As Long, startH As Single, rr As Long, gg As Long, bb As Long
Dim mountain As Long, Xright As Single, y As Single, upDown As Single, range As Single
Dim lastx As Single, X As Long
'the sky
For i = 0 To ymx
midInk 150, 150, 220, 255, 255, 255, i / ymx
Line (0, i)-(xmx, i)
'the land
startH = ymx - 200
rr = 125: gg = 140: bb = 120
For mountain = 1 To 4
Xright = 0
y = startH
While Xright < xmx
' upDown = local up / down over range, change along Y
' range = how far up / down, along X
upDown = (Rnd * .8 - .35) * (mountain * .5)
range = Xright + rand(15, 25) * 2.5 / mountain
lastx = Xright - 1
For X = Xright To range
y = y + upDown
Color _RGB(rr, gg, bb)
Line (lastx, y)-(X, ymx), , BF 'just lines weren't filling right
lastx = X
Xright = range
rr = rand&(rr + 65, rr): gg = rand&(gg + 45, gg): bb = rand&(bb - 25, bb)
If rr < 0 Then rr = 0
If gg < 0 Then gg = 0
If bb < 0 Then bb = 0
startH = startH + rand&(5, 20)
End Sub

Sub FPrint (s$, PA$(), x%, y%, scale%, spacing%, colr~&)
' s$ is string to "print" out
' PA$() is the array of string holding the font THE SQUARE pattern (must be NxN pattern)
' x, y top, left corner of print just like _PrintString
' scale is multiplier of pixeled font at NxN so now is Scale * N x Scale * N
' spacing is amount of pixels * scale between letters
' color~& type allows up to _RGB32() colors
Dim As Integer ls, l, a, sq, r, c, i, digi
Dim As Long frame
Dim d$

ls = Len(s$)
For l = 1 To ls
a = Asc(s$, l)
If Len(PA$(a)) Then ' do we have a pattern
sq = Sqr(Len(PA$(a)))
'Print Chr$(a), sq 'debug
For digi = 1 To 9
d$ = _Trim$(Str$(digi))
For r = 0 To sq - 1 ' row and col of letter block
For c = 0 To sq - 1
i = (r * sq) + c + 1
$If WEB Then
i = i + 1
$End If
If Mid$(PA$(a), i, 1) = d$ Then
Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% + 4, y% + r * scale% + 4)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFF000000, BF
Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% - 1, y% + r * scale% - 1)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale%, y% + r * scale%)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), colr~&, BF
frame = frame + 1
If frame >= stopFrame Then
stopFrame = stopFrame + 1
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
FontFlag = FontFlag + 1
' _Title Str$(FontFlag) ' checking how long it needs to cycle after letters are complete
End Sub

Sub pumpkin (cx, cy, pr, limit)
Dim As Long u, i
Dim lastr, dx, tx1, tx2, tx3, ty1, ty3, ty2, ty22, sxs

'carve this!
fEllipse cx, cy, pr, 29 / 35 * pr, &HFFFF5500
lastr = 2 / 7 * pr
If limit = 2 Then
$If WEB Then
G2D.Ellipse cx, cy, lastr, 29 / 35 * pr, &HFF000000
ellipse cx, cy, lastr, 29 / 35 * pr, &HFF000000
$End If
lastr = .5 * (pr - lastr) + lastr + 1 / 35 * pr
If pr - lastr < 1 / 80 * pr Then Exit Do
End If
' 'flickering candle light
Color _RGB(Rnd * 55 + 200, Rnd * 55 + 200, 120)

' eye sockets
ftri cx - 9 * pr / 12, cy - 2 * pr / 12, cx - 7 * pr / 12, cy - 6 * pr / 12, cx - 3 * pr / 12, cy - 0 * pr / 12
ftri cx - 7 * pr / 12, cy - 6 * pr / 12, cx - 3 * pr / 12, cy - 0 * pr / 12, cx - 2 * pr / 12, cy - 3 * pr / 12
ftri cx + 9 * pr / 12, cy - 2 * pr / 12, cx + 7 * pr / 12, cy - 6 * pr / 12, cx + 3 * pr / 12, cy - 0 * pr / 12
ftri cx + 7 * pr / 12, cy - 6 * pr / 12, cx + 3 * pr / 12, cy - 0 * pr / 12, cx + 2 * pr / 12, cy - 3 * pr / 12

' nose
ftri cx, cy - rand&(2, 5) * pr / 12, cx - 2 * pr / 12, cy + 2 * pr / 12, cx + rand&(1, 2) * pr / 12, cy + 2 * pr / 12

' evil grin
ftri cx - 9 * pr / 12, cy + 1 * pr / 12, cx - 7 * pr / 12, cy + 7 * pr / 12, cx - 6 * pr / 12, cy + 5 * pr / 12
ftri cx + 9 * pr / 12, cy + 1 * pr / 12, cx + 7 * pr / 12, cy + 7 * pr / 12, cx + 6 * pr / 12, cy + 5 * pr / 12

' moving teeth/talk/grrrr..
u = rand&(4, 8)
dx = pr / u
For i = 1 To u
tx1 = cx - 6 * pr / 12 + (i - 1) * dx
tx2 = tx1 + .5 * dx
tx3 = tx1 + dx
ty1 = cy + 5 * pr / 12
ty3 = cy + 5 * pr / 12
ty2 = cy + (4 - Rnd) * pr / 12
ty22 = cy + (6 + Rnd) * pr / 12
ftri tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, tx3, ty3
ftri tx1 + .5 * dx, ty1, tx2 + .5 * dx, ty22, tx3 + .5 * dx, ty3
If limit Then

'shifty eyes
If limit = 2 Then sxs = sx Else sxs = .1 * sx
pumpkin sxs + cx - 5 * pr / 12, cy - 2.5 * pr / 12, .15 * pr, Int(limit - 1)
pumpkin sxs + cx + 5 * pr / 12, cy - 2.5 * pr / 12, .15 * pr, Int(limit - 1)
End If
End Sub

'Andy Amaya's triangle fill modified for QB64, use if color already set
Sub ftri (xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, xx3, yy3)
Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single, x3 As Single, y3 As Single
Dim slope1 As Single, slope2 As Single, length As Single, x As Single, lastx%, y As Single
Dim slope3 As Single
'make copies before swapping
x1 = xx1: y1 = yy1: x2 = xx2: y2 = yy2: x3 = xx3: y3 = yy3

'triangle coordinates must be ordered: where x1 < x2 < x3
If x2 < x1 Then Swap x1, x2: Swap y1, y2
If x3 < x1 Then Swap x1, x3: Swap y1, y3
If x3 < x2 Then Swap x2, x3: Swap y2, y3
If x1 <> x3 Then slope1 = (y3 - y1) / (x3 - x1)

'draw the first half of the triangle
length = x2 - x1
If length <> 0 Then
slope2 = (y2 - y1) / length
For x = 0 To length
Line (Int(x + x1), Int(x * slope1 + y1))-(Int(x + x1), Int(x * slope2 + y1))
lastx% = Int(x + x1)
End If

'draw the second half of the triangle
y = length * slope1 + y1: length = x3 - x2
If length <> 0 Then
slope3 = (y3 - y2) / length
For x = 0 To length
If Int(x + x2) <> lastx% Then
Line (Int(x + x2), Int(x * slope1 + y))-(Int(x + x2), Int(x * slope3 + y2))
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub fEllipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xRadius As Long, yRadius As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
Dim scale As Single, x As Long, y As Long
scale = yRadius / xRadius
Line (CX, CY - yRadius)-(CX, CY + yRadius), c, BF
For x = 1 To xRadius
y = scale * Sqr(xRadius * xRadius - x * x)
Line (CX + x, CY - y)-(CX + x, CY + y), c
Line (CX - x, CY - y)-(CX - x, CY + y), c
End Sub

Sub drawShip (x, y, scale, ls, colr As _Unsigned Long) 'shipType collisions same as circle x, y radius = 30
Dim light As Long, r As Long, g As Long, b As Long
r = _Red32(colr): g = _Green32(colr): b = _Blue32(colr)
fEllipse x, y, 6 * scale, 15 * scale, _RGB32(r, g - 120, b - 100)
fEllipse x, y, 18 * scale, 11 * scale, _RGB32(r, g - 60, b - 50)
fEllipse x, y, 30 * scale, 7 * scale, _RGB32(r, g, b)
For light = 0 To 5
fCirc x - 30 * scale + 11 * scale * light + ls, y, 1, _RGB32(ls * 50, ls * 50, ls * 50)
ls = ls + 1
If ls > 5 Then ls = 0
End Sub

Sub ellipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xRadius As Long, yRadius As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
Dim scale As Single, xs As Single, x As Single, y As Single
Dim lastx As Single, lasty As Single
scale = yRadius / xRadius: xs = xRadius * xRadius
PSet (CX, CY - yRadius), c: PSet (CX, CY + yRadius), c
lastx = 0: lasty = yRadius
For x = 0 To xRadius
y = scale * Sqr(xs - x * x)
$If WEB Then
y = y + 1
$End If

Line (CX + lastx, CY - lasty)-(CX + x, CY - y), c
Line (CX + lastx, CY + lasty)-(CX + x, CY + y), c
Line (CX - lastx, CY - lasty)-(CX - x, CY - y), c
Line (CX - lastx, CY + lasty)-(CX - x, CY + y), c

lastx = x: lasty = y
End Sub

Sub LoadPatterns9x9 (SPattern() As String)
Dim As Integer a
a = Asc("S")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..111111."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..3......"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...333..."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "......4.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "5555555.."
a = Asc("T")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
a = Asc("A")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...133..."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...3.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...3.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1222223."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
a = Asc("F")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
a = Asc("I")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
a = Asc("G")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1111111."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....4444"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......5"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2......35"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....3.5"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".33333..5"
a = Asc("Q")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....5..4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....5.4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2....55."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.5"
a = Asc("O")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
a = Asc("D")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."

a = Asc("6")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.444444."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "24......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
a = Asc("H")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "133333332"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
a = Asc("4")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...1....3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1.....3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222223"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"

a = Asc("E")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2444444.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "233333333"
a = Asc("N")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "12......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.2.....3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1..2....3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1...2...3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1....2..3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....2.3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......23"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
a = Asc("B")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."
a = Asc("L")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
a = Asc("U")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2222222."
a = Asc("P")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
a = Asc("R")
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....4.."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
End Sub

BUT QBJS starts changing the color of the ellipse line in the pumpkin to the Color statements color value completely ignoring the color I used in ellipse call???
Its supposed to be Black and remain Black. When I change the Color value, the ellipse line changes with it. But finally the correct line shape is showing.

Color glitch using QBJS Ellipse

Getting this stupid ellipse to draw correctly is getting frustrating! I wasted so much time trying to get it working as it does in QB64.

I was able to fix it for QB64 and QBJS by adding a color parameter to fTri sub but are all the 2d graphics from QBJS going to react that way to Color changes ie using a General Color changeValue~& statement?
Or maybe just the ellipse sub?
b = b + ...
Hey @blus, I think I see the problem...

The G2D.FillEllipse method takes 6 parameters:

G2D.FillEllipse x&, y&, radiusX&, radiusY& [, rotation& ][, clr~&]

The last two parameters are optional.  But if you want to specify color you should just use 0 for rotation or leave that parameter blank.

Code: (Select All)
G2D.Ellipse cx, cy, lastr, 29 / 35 * pr, 0, &HFF000000

Code: (Select All)
G2D.Ellipse cx, cy, lastr, 29 / 35 * pr, , &HFF000000
(09-07-2023, 03:51 PM)dbox Wrote: Hey @blus, I think I see the problem...

The G2D.FillEllipse method takes 6 parameters:

G2D.FillEllipse x&, y&, radiusX&, radiusY& [, rotation& ][, clr~&]

The last two parameters are optional.  But if you want to specify color you should just use 0 for rotation or leave that parameter blank.

Code: (Select All)
G2D.Ellipse cx, cy, lastr, 29 / 35 * pr, 0, &HFF000000

Code: (Select All)
G2D.Ellipse cx, cy, lastr, 29 / 35 * pr, , &HFF000000

OK thanks, but it is odd it draws the ellipse once but changes that color to Color value updated in Color statement. Could be an asset as well as a glitch.

I will try ellipse with black as 6th argument but already changed drawing with Color value ink.

Never did figure out why my own ellipse code didn't draw correctly, I tested the sub independent of all the other code and it worked fine in QBJS.
b = b + ...
(09-07-2023, 04:01 PM)bplus Wrote: OK thanks, but it is odd it draws the ellipse once but changes that color to Color value updated in Color statement. Could be an asset as well as a glitch.

I'm not sure I understand where the issue is.  I tried to follow the precedent of other drawing commands in QBasic for all of the relevant G2D library drawing commands: if the optional color parameter is left blank it uses the last value set with a Color statement.  Is this not the behavior you are seeing?  Or, perhaps, not the behavior you were expecting?

(09-07-2023, 04:52 PM)dbox Wrote:
(09-07-2023, 04:01 PM)bplus Wrote: OK thanks, but it is odd it draws the ellipse once but changes that color to Color value updated in Color statement. Could be an asset as well as a glitch.

I'm not sure I understand where the issue is.  I tried to follow the precedent of other drawing commands in QBasic for all of the relevant G2D library drawing commands: if the optional color parameter is left blank it uses the last value set with a Color statement.  Is this not the behavior you are seeing?  Or, perhaps, not the behavior you were expecting?

Hi @dbox every time I changed Color colorValue2, every ellipse drawn using Color colorVlaue1 switched to ColorValue2 as well, without any redraw. You can see it in the pumpkin lines in my last QBJS code link. The Color statement was used to change the light inside eyes, nose, mouth like a candle flicker but the ellipse lines supposed to be and remain black were switching color to same value as the Candle Light Color for eyes, nose and mouth. Update: they were being redrawn, my mistake!

I don't know maybe it was remembering the last Color change and redrawing the ellipse with that color. It wasn't black but I might have misdiagnosed what was happening. Yes I bet! it was using the last color change to redraw the ellipses. OK my bad on that.

But what was wrong with my ellipse code that QBJS couldn't complete the ellipse lines of the pumpkin and I had to resort to G2D.Ellipse in the first place. See old code in banners where I just started drawing the pumpkins. The ellipse lines would not complete along the x axis of ellipse in QBJS.

My ellipse code I tried all kinds of +/- 1 to get it to complete the lines

sample of attempted fix
Code: (Select All)
Sub ellipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xRadius As Long, yRadius As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim scale As Single, xs As Single, x As Single, y As Single
    Dim lastx As Single, lasty As Single
    scale = yRadius / xRadius: xs = xRadius * xRadius
    PSet (CX, CY - yRadius), c: PSet (CX, CY + yRadius), c
    lastx = 0: lasty = yRadius
    For x = 0 To xRadius
        y = scale * Sqr(xs - x * x)
        $If WEB Then
                y = y + 1 ' tried -1 too I think
        $End If

        Line (CX + lastx, CY - lasty)-(CX + x, CY - y), c
        Line (CX + lastx, CY + lasty)-(CX + x, CY + y), c
        Line (CX - lastx, CY - lasty)-(CX - x, CY - y), c
        Line (CX - lastx, CY + lasty)-(CX - x, CY + y), c

        lastx = x: lasty = y
End Sub
b = b + ...
Interesting, your ellipse method seems to work fine in qbjs:

Looking at the screenshots it looks like there were a couple of orange filled ellipses being drawn on top of the pumpkin at each cheek.
I took out the recursive calling of pumpkin in case some rogue extra call was being made and then even the carving, just the ellipse fill and ellipsi for pumpkin sections and still get something strange in QBJS:

Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
'_Title "Fall Foliage Banner Move Leaves" ' work file for updating
' started 2017-10-21 by bplus as: fall foliage.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.9 (B+=MGA) 2017-10-21

' 2023-08-30 start of QBJS Banner
' 2023-08-31 Logo and Hills added

' 2023-09-01 Fellippe I see contributed allot to orig code with moving leaves
' Also thanks to grymmjack for getting me starting of PFont and font patterns.
' Also thanks to dbox for catching all my errors with QBJS.

' 2023-09-03 try to fix font print to print while leaves are falling
' tweak numbers for falling leaves for more and not too leaden.

' 2023-09-03 FontFlag to signal FPrint is done

' 2023-09-04 do not stop leaves falling when on a tree trunk
' Ran into problems with QBJS handling Point see commented code in MoveLeaf
' So this keeps moving leaves without Point
' Clean up code a bit fix letters shadows, toss junk subs
' Aha! found a way to get leaves off tree trunks = redraw trunks!
' New Type Tree

' 2023-09-05A fix wind and make (less) leaves more responsive to wind
' 2023-09-05 1:40P added pumpkin but cheeky in QBJS

' 2023-09-06 add ships

' 2023-09-07 another attempt to fix ellipse drawing in pumpkin with QBJS
' remove ships.
' To use the  2d ellipse draw function in QBJS because it screws up my QB64
' change color and everything drawn with it old color is changed too.
' Fixed my fTri function with a Color parameter.

$If WEB Then
        Import G2D From "lib/graphics/2d.bas"
$End If

Type treeType
    x As Single
    y As Single
    r As Single
    h As Single
End Type

Type new_Leaf
    x As Single
    y As Single
    w As Single
    h As Single
    c As _Unsigned Long
    isFree As Integer
    rx As Integer
    ry As Integer
    yvel As Single
    yacc As Single
End Type

Const gravity = .0010

Dim Shared totalLeaves As Long
Dim Shared horizon
Dim Shared wind
Dim Shared stopFrame As Long
Dim Shared FontFlag As Long ' to signal Font has been finished
Dim Shared sx

Dim As Long Logo
$If WEB Then
        Logo = _LoadImage("", 32)

    Logo = _LoadImage("peLogo.png", 32)
$End If

'now for full viewing enjoyment xmx = screen width, ymx = screen height
Dim Shared xmx, ymx
xmx = 1200 ' for banner 1400 doesn't fit my screen so using 1200 for broader expanse look
ymx = 256
Screen _NewImage(xmx, ymx, 32) ' grymmjack set on making this 1400 it appears OK

Dim spattern$(0 To 255) ' for 9x9 fonts from string patterns some reworked or added for banner
LoadPatterns9x9 spattern$()
Dim As Long i, scene, trees, windChange, pumpkinImage, lp, pr, d
Dim gust
pr = 100
While 1
    'Draw scene:
    ReDim Shared leaf(30000) As new_Leaf
    totalLeaves = 0
    stopFrame = 0
    FontFlag = 0
    windChange = 1
    gust = .01


    horizon = rand&(.8 * ymx, .9 * ymx)

    'sky and hill background
    For i = horizon To ymx
        midInk 160, 188, 50, 100, 60, 25, (i - horizon) / (ymx - horizon)
        Line (0, i)-(xmx, i)

    'fallen leaves:
    For i = 1 To 300 'less of these at start, as they'll grow in number anyway
        createLeaf rand&(0, xmx), rand&(horizon + 5, ymx)

    ' trees
    trees = rand&(5, 12)
    ReDim tree(1 To trees) As treeType
    For i = 1 To trees
        tree(i).x = rand&(50, xmx - 50)
        tree(i).y = horizon + .04 * ymx + i / trees * (ymx - horizon - .1 * ymx)
        tree(i).r = .01 * tree(i).y
        tree(i).h = rand&(tree(i).y * .15, tree(i).y * .18)
        branch tree(i).x, tree(i).y, tree(i).r, 90, tree(i).h, 0, 7

    If scene < -1 Then _FreeImage scene
    scene = _CopyImage(0) ' take a picture of bare trees before they are clothed with leaves

    'Animate scene:
    While FontFlag < 2500 ' keep going more loops to drop allot of leaves allow trees to become bare
        lp = (lp + 1) Mod 10
        If lp = 1 Then
            If pumpkinImage < -1 Then _FreeImage pumpkinImage
            pumpkinImage = _NewImage(300, 200, 32)
            _Dest pumpkinImage
            sx = sx + rand&(-4, 4)
            If sx > .7 * pr / 10 Then d = -1 * d: sx = 0
            If sx < -.7 * pr / 10 Then d = -1 * d: sx = 0

            pumpkin 149, 100, pr, 2
            _Dest 0
        End If
        If wind + windChange * gust < 0 Then windChange = -windChange
        If wind + windChange * gust > 5 Then windChange = -windChange
        wind = wind + windChange * gust
        _PutImage , scene
        For i = 1 To totalLeaves
            moveLeaf leaf(i)
            Line (leaf(i).x, leaf(i).y)-Step(leaf(i).w, leaf(i).h), leaf(i).c, BF
        _PutImage (20, 80)-(150, 210), Logo, 0
        _PutImage (xmx - 150, 80)-(xmx - 20, 210), Logo, 0

        ' this draws one letter squares at a time until title is complete
        ' the FontFlag is increased by 1 for 1500 loops after letters are complete
        FPrint "QB64PE FALL EDITION", spattern$(), 12, 20, 5, 1, &HFFAAFF00

        ' draw tree trunks again
        For i = 1 To trees
            branch tree(i).x, tree(i).y, tree(i).r, 90, tree(i).h, 0, -1

        ' hey pumpkin!
        _PutImage (690, 80), pumpkinImage, 0
        ' debugging wind and changes
        '_Title "Wind:" + Str$(wind) + "  WindChange:" + Str$(windChange)


        _Limit 30

Sub branch (xx, yy, startrr, angDD, lengthh, levv, stopLev)
    Dim x, y, lev, length, angD, startr, x2, y2, dx, dy, i
    Dim bc~&
    x = xx: y = yy
    lev = levv
    length = lengthh
    angD = angDD
    startr = startrr
    x2 = x + Cos(_D2R(angD)) * length
    y2 = y - Sin(_D2R(angD)) * length
    dx = (x2 - x) / length
    dy = (y2 - y) / length
    bc~& = _RGB32(60 + 12 * lev, 30 + 7 * lev, 15 + 5 * lev)
    If 2 * startr <= 1 Then
        Line (x, y)-(x2, y2), bc~&
        For i = 0 To length
            fCirc x + dx * i, y + dy * i, startr, bc~&
    End If
    If lev > 1 Then createLeaf x2, y2
    If .8 * startr < .1 Or lev > stopLev Or length < 3 Then Exit Sub
    lev = lev + 1
    branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD + 22 + rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev, stopLev
    branch x2, y2, .8 * startr, angD - 22 - rand&(-10, 19), rand&(.75 * length, .9 * length), lev, stopLev
End Sub

Sub fCirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim subRadius As Long, RadiusError As Long
    Dim X As Long, Y As Long

    subRadius = Abs(R)
    RadiusError = -subRadius
    X = subRadius
    Y = 0

    If subRadius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY): Exit Sub

    ' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
    ' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
    Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), c, BF

    While X > Y
        RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
        If RadiusError >= 0 Then
            If X <> Y + 1 Then
                Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), c, BF
                Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), c, BF
            End If
            X = X - 1
            RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
        End If
        Y = Y + 1
        Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), c, BF
        Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), c, BF
End Sub

Sub createLeaf (x, y)
    Dim sp, xoff, yoff, woff, hoff
    If Rnd < .6 Then
        sp = 15
        xoff = x + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
        yoff = y + Rnd * sp - Rnd * sp
        woff = 3 + Rnd * 3
        hoff = 3 + Rnd * 3
        totalLeaves = totalLeaves + 1
        If totalLeaves > UBound(leaf) Then ReDim _Preserve leaf(1 To UBound(leaf) + 5000) As new_Leaf
        leaf(totalLeaves).x = xoff
        leaf(totalLeaves).y = yoff
        leaf(totalLeaves).w = woff
        leaf(totalLeaves).h = hoff
        leaf(totalLeaves).c = _RGB32(rand&(100, 250), rand&(50, 255), rand&(0, 40))
        If Rnd < .5 Then leaf(totalLeaves).rx = -2 Else leaf(totalLeaves).rx = 2
        If Rnd < .5 Then leaf(totalLeaves).ry = -1 Else leaf(totalLeaves).ry = 1
    End If
End Sub

Sub moveLeaf (idx As new_Leaf)

    If idx.isFree Then 'leaves falling
        If idx.y < horizon Then ' above ground
            idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
            idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
            idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
        Else ' below horizon  and falling time to stop
            idx.yacc = idx.yacc + 3 * gravity
            idx.yvel = idx.yvel + idx.yacc
            idx.y = idx.y + idx.yvel
            If idx.y > horizon Then ' stop leaves from going to bottom of screen
                idx.isFree = 0
            End If
        End If
        idx.x = idx.x + wind


        If idx.y < horizon Then 'leaves waving in their branch
            If Rnd <= wind / 500 Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.rx: idx.rx = -idx.rx
            If Rnd <= wind / 500 Then idx.y = idx.y + idx.ry: idx.ry = -idx.ry

        Else 'leaves are on ground but can move too  down and to right only
            If Rnd <= wind / 500 Then ' move down wind
                idx.x = idx.x + 2
                If Rnd < wind / 500 Then idx.x = idx.x + idx.rx: idx.rx = -idx.rx
            End If
            If Rnd <= wind / 500 Then ' move down wind
                idx.y = idx.y + 1
                If Rnd < wind / 500 Then idx.y = idx.y + idx.ry: idx.ry = -idx.ry
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub letLeafGo
    Dim which&, i&
    For i& = 1 To 5
        If Rnd <= wind / 30 Then
            which& = rand&(1, totalLeaves)
            'If which& < 1 Then which& = 1
            'If which& > totalLeaves Then which& = totalLeaves
            leaf(which&).isFree = -1
        End If
End Sub

Sub midInk (r1%, g1%, b1%, r2%, g2%, b2%, fr##)
    Color _RGB(r1% + (r2% - r1%) * fr##, g1% + (g2% - g1%) * fr##, b1% + (b2% - b1%) * fr##)
End Sub

Function rand& (lo%, hi%)
    rand& = Int(Rnd * (hi% - lo% + 1)) + lo%
End Function

Sub drawLandscape
    'needs midInk, rand&

    Dim i As Long, startH As Single, rr As Long, gg As Long, bb As Long
    Dim mountain As Long, Xright As Single, y As Single, upDown As Single, range As Single
    Dim lastx As Single, X As Long
    'the sky
    For i = 0 To ymx
        midInk 150, 150, 220, 255, 255, 255, i / ymx
        Line (0, i)-(xmx, i)
    'the land
    startH = ymx - 200
    rr = 125: gg = 140: bb = 120
    For mountain = 1 To 4
        Xright = 0
        y = startH
        While Xright < xmx
            ' upDown = local up / down over range, change along Y
            ' range = how far up / down, along X
            upDown = (Rnd * .8 - .35) * (mountain * .5)
            range = Xright + rand(15, 25) * 2.5 / mountain
            lastx = Xright - 1
            For X = Xright To range
                y = y + upDown
                Color _RGB(rr, gg, bb)
                Line (lastx, y)-(X, ymx), , BF 'just lines weren't filling right
                lastx = X
            Xright = range
        rr = rand&(rr + 65, rr): gg = rand&(gg + 45, gg): bb = rand&(bb - 25, bb)
        If rr < 0 Then rr = 0
        If gg < 0 Then gg = 0
        If bb < 0 Then bb = 0
        startH = startH + rand&(5, 20)
End Sub

Sub FPrint (s$, PA$(), x%, y%, scale%, spacing%, colr~&)
    ' s$ is string to "print" out
    ' PA$() is the array of string holding the font THE SQUARE pattern (must be NxN pattern)
    ' x, y top, left corner of print just like _PrintString
    ' scale is multiplier of pixeled font at NxN so now is Scale * N x Scale * N
    ' spacing is amount of pixels * scale between letters
    ' color~& type allows up to _RGB32() colors
    Dim As Integer ls, l, a, sq, r, c, i, digi
    Dim As Long frame
    Dim d$

    ls = Len(s$)
    For l = 1 To ls
        a = Asc(s$, l)
        If Len(PA$(a)) Then ' do we have a pattern
            sq = Sqr(Len(PA$(a)))
            'Print Chr$(a), sq  'debug
            For digi = 1 To 9
                d$ = _Trim$(Str$(digi))
                For r = 0 To sq - 1 ' row and col of letter block
                    For c = 0 To sq - 1
                        i = (r * sq) + c + 1
                        $If WEB Then
                                i = i + 1
                        $End If
                        If Mid$(PA$(a), i, 1) = d$ Then
                            Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% + 4, y% + r * scale% + 4)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFF000000, BF
                            Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale% - 1, y% + r * scale% - 1)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
                            Line (x% + ((l - 1) * (sq + spacing%) + c) * scale%, y% + r * scale%)-Step(scale% - 1, scale% - 1), colr~&, BF
                            frame = frame + 1
                            If frame >= stopFrame Then
                                stopFrame = stopFrame + 1
                                Exit Sub
                            End If
                        End If
        End If
    FontFlag = FontFlag + 1
    ' _Title Str$(FontFlag) ' checking how long it needs to cycle after letters are complete
End Sub

Sub pumpkin (cx, cy, pr, limit As Integer)
    Dim As Long u, i
    Dim lastr, dx, tx1, tx2, tx3, ty1, ty3, ty2, ty22, sxs
    Dim c As _Unsigned Long
    If limit = 0 Then Exit Sub
    'carve this!
    fEllipse cx, cy, pr, 29 / 35 * pr, &HFFFF5500 ' fill ellipse called with color
    lastr = 2 / 7 * pr
    If limit = 2 Then
            ' $If WEB Then
            ' G2D.Ellipse cx, cy, lastr, 29 / 35 * pr, 0, &HFF000000
            ' $Else
            ellipse cx, cy, lastr, 29 / 35 * pr, &HFF000000
            ' $End If
            lastr = .5 * (pr - lastr) + lastr + 1 / 35 * pr
            If pr - lastr < 1 / 80 * pr Then Exit Do
    End If
    '' 'flickering candle light
    'c = _RGB(Rnd * 55 + 200, Rnd * 55 + 200, 120)

    '' eye sockets
    'ftri cx - 9 * pr / 12, cy - 2 * pr / 12, cx - 7 * pr / 12, cy - 6 * pr / 12, cx - 3 * pr / 12, cy - 0 * pr / 12, c
    'ftri cx - 7 * pr / 12, cy - 6 * pr / 12, cx - 3 * pr / 12, cy - 0 * pr / 12, cx - 2 * pr / 12, cy - 3 * pr / 12, c
    'ftri cx + 9 * pr / 12, cy - 2 * pr / 12, cx + 7 * pr / 12, cy - 6 * pr / 12, cx + 3 * pr / 12, cy - 0 * pr / 12, c
    'ftri cx + 7 * pr / 12, cy - 6 * pr / 12, cx + 3 * pr / 12, cy - 0 * pr / 12, cx + 2 * pr / 12, cy - 3 * pr / 12, c

    '' nose
    'ftri cx, cy - rand&(2, 5) * pr / 12, cx - 2 * pr / 12, cy + 2 * pr / 12, cx + rand&(1, 2) * pr / 12, cy + 2 * pr / 12, c

    '' evil grin
    'ftri cx - 9 * pr / 12, cy + 1 * pr / 12, cx - 7 * pr / 12, cy + 7 * pr / 12, cx - 6 * pr / 12, cy + 5 * pr / 12, c
    'ftri cx + 9 * pr / 12, cy + 1 * pr / 12, cx + 7 * pr / 12, cy + 7 * pr / 12, cx + 6 * pr / 12, cy + 5 * pr / 12, c

    '' moving teeth/talk/grrrr..
    'u = rand&(4, 8)
    'dx = pr / u
    'For i = 1 To u
    '    tx1 = cx - 6 * pr / 12 + (i - 1) * dx
    '    tx2 = tx1 + .5 * dx
    '    tx3 = tx1 + dx
    '    ty1 = cy + 5 * pr / 12
    '    ty3 = cy + 5 * pr / 12
    '    ty2 = cy + (4 - Rnd) * pr / 12
    '    ty22 = cy + (6 + Rnd) * pr / 12
    '    ftri tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, tx3, ty3, c
    '    ftri tx1 + .5 * dx, ty1, tx2 + .5 * dx, ty22, tx3 + .5 * dx, ty3, c
    'If limit = 2 Then
    '    sxs = sx
    '    pumpkin sxs + cx - 5 * pr / 12, cy - 2.5 * pr / 12, .15 * pr, Int(limit - 1)
    '    pumpkin sxs + cx + 5 * pr / 12, cy - 2.5 * pr / 12, .15 * pr, Int(limit - 1)
    'End If
End Sub

'Andy Amaya's triangle fill modified for QB64, use if color already set
Sub ftri (xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, xx3, yy3, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single, x3 As Single, y3 As Single
    Dim slope1 As Single, slope2 As Single, length As Single, x As Single, lastx%, y As Single
    Dim slope3 As Single
    'make copies before swapping
    x1 = xx1: y1 = yy1: x2 = xx2: y2 = yy2: x3 = xx3: y3 = yy3

    'triangle coordinates must be ordered: where x1 < x2 < x3
    If x2 < x1 Then Swap x1, x2: Swap y1, y2
    If x3 < x1 Then Swap x1, x3: Swap y1, y3
    If x3 < x2 Then Swap x2, x3: Swap y2, y3
    If x1 <> x3 Then slope1 = (y3 - y1) / (x3 - x1)

    'draw the first half of the triangle
    length = x2 - x1
    If length <> 0 Then
        slope2 = (y2 - y1) / length
        For x = 0 To length
            Line (Int(x + x1), Int(x * slope1 + y1))-(Int(x + x1), Int(x * slope2 + y1)), c
            lastx% = Int(x + x1)
    End If

    'draw the second half of the triangle
    y = length * slope1 + y1: length = x3 - x2
    If length <> 0 Then
        slope3 = (y3 - y2) / length
        For x = 0 To length
            If Int(x + x2) <> lastx% Then
                Line (Int(x + x2), Int(x * slope1 + y))-(Int(x + x2), Int(x * slope3 + y2)), c
            End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub fEllipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xRadius As Long, yRadius As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim scale As Single, x As Long, y As Long
    scale = yRadius / xRadius
    Line (CX, CY - yRadius)-(CX, CY + yRadius), c, BF
    For x = 1 To xRadius
        y = scale * Sqr(xRadius * xRadius - x * x)
        Line (CX + x, CY - y)-(CX + x, CY + y), c
        Line (CX - x, CY - y)-(CX - x, CY + y), c
End Sub

Sub ellipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xRadius As Long, yRadius As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim scale As Single, xs As Single, x As Single, y As Single
    Dim lastx As Single, lasty As Single
    scale = yRadius / xRadius: xs = xRadius * xRadius
    PSet (CX, CY - yRadius), c: PSet (CX, CY + yRadius), c
    lastx = 0: lasty = yRadius
    For x = 0 To xRadius
        y = scale * Sqr(xs - x * x)
        Line (CX + lastx, CY - lasty)-(CX + x, CY - y), c
        Line (CX + lastx, CY + lasty)-(CX + x, CY + y), c
        Line (CX - lastx, CY - lasty)-(CX - x, CY - y), c
        Line (CX - lastx, CY + lasty)-(CX - x, CY + y), c
        lastx = x: lasty = y
End Sub

Sub LoadPatterns9x9 (SPattern() As String)
    Dim As Integer a
    a = Asc("S")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..111111."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..3......"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...333..."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "......4.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "5555555.."
    a = Asc("T")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    a = Asc("A")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...133..."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...3.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1...3.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1222223."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1.....3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    a = Asc("F")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    a = Asc("I")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "....2...."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
    a = Asc("G")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1111111."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....4444"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......5"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2......35"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....3.5"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".33333..5"
    a = Asc("Q")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2....5..4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.....5.4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2....55."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.5"
    a = Asc("O")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
    a = Asc("D")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."

    a = Asc("6")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..11111.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2......."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.444444."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "24......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2.....4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..33333.."
    a = Asc("H")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "133333332"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    a = Asc("4")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "...1....3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "..1.....3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".1......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222223"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "........3"

    a = Asc("E")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "111111111"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2444444.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "2........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "233333333"
    a = Asc("N")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "12......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.2.....3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1..2....3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1...2...3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1....2..3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....2.3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......23"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    a = Asc("B")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......3."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333333.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1444444.."
    a = Asc("L")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "122222222"
    a = Asc("U")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......3"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + ".2222222."
    a = Asc("P")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1........"
    a = Asc("R")
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1222222.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......2"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......2."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1333332.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.....4.."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1......4."
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
    SPattern(a) = SPattern(a) + "1.......4"
End Sub

ellipse code bug in QBJS

Attached Files Image(s)
b = b + ...
Code: (Select All)
G2D.Ellipse cx, cy, lastr, 29 / 35 * pr, 0, &HFF000000

Code: (Select All)
ellipse cx, cy, lastr, 29 / 35 * pr, &HFF000000

You're still missing one parameter before 32-bit color which is last.

Your sub headers to draw ellipse:

Code: (Select All)
Sub fEllipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xRadius As Long, yRadius As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)

Sub ellipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xRadius As Long, yRadius As Long, c As _Unsigned Long)

As dbox already said, you need "rotation" before "color" parameter.
(09-07-2023, 08:12 PM)bplus Wrote: I took out the recursive calling of pumpkin in case some rogue extra call was being made and then even the carving, just the ellipse fill and ellipsi for pumpkin sections and still get something strange in QBJS

Aha! I see the issue.  QBJS is not doing implicit rounding when passing a floating point number to a method parameter that has an integer type.  I'll put this on the fix list for the next release.  In the meantime, you could use a workaround like this:

Thumbs Up 
Ah @dbox thankyou once again.

I found a solution using G2D.Ellipse but glad this mystery is solved. It has nagged at me since first encountered.
b = b + ...

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