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Thanks @Dav that is interesting effect I will play with later. Right now tied up with a couple other projects otherwise I'd be more active with several of your posts. But I Like what you've done with your balls LOL!
b = b + ...
DRAW Contest Fun Mod is having a contest practicing with DRAW command.

MG posted something that I started playing with and came up with this nice mod:
Code: (Select All)
' Mod MG DRAW by bplus 2023-10-08

Dim i As Integer, ai As Integer, cc As Integer, u As Integer
Dim a$, s$

Randomize Timer
Screen 13
    a$ = ""
    Do Until Len(a$) > 20
        If Random1(2) = 1 Then
            If Random1(2) = 1 Then a$ = a$ + "L" Else a$ = a$ + "R"
            If Random1(2) = 1 Then a$ = a$ + "D" Else a$ = a$ + "U"
        End If
        a$ = a$ + Str$(Rand(1, 15))
    s$ = a$
    For i = 1 To 24
        stepper = Val(Mid$(" 10 12 15 18 20 30 40 45 60 72 90120180", Int(Rnd * 13) + 1, 3))
        For ai = 0 To 360 - stepper Step stepper
            cc = Rand(64, 160)
            If i > 10 Then u = 10 Else u = i
            If i Mod 2 Then cc = 9 Else cc = 15
            PSet (160, 100)
            'Draw "ta0"  ' this needed?
            a$ = "S" + Str$(22 - u * 2) + "TA" + Str$(ai) + "C" + Str$(cc) + s$
            Draw a$
    Print "spacebar for another, esc to quit"
Loop Until Asc(InKey$) = 27

Function Rand& (fromval&, toval&)
    Dim sg%, f&, t&
    If fromval& = toval& Then
        Rand& = fromval&
        Exit Function
    End If
    f& = fromval&
    t& = toval&
    If (f& < 0) And (t& < 0) Then
        sg% = -1
        f& = f& * -1
        t& = t& * -1
        sg% = 1
    End If
    If f& > t& Then Swap f&, t&
    Rand& = Int(Rnd * (t& - f& + 1) + f&) * sg%
End Function

Function Random1& (maxvaluu&)
    Dim sg%
    sg% = Sgn(maxvaluu&)
    If sg% = 0 Then
        Random1& = 0
        If sg% = -1 Then maxvaluu& = maxvaluu& * -1
        Random1& = Int(Rnd * maxvaluu& + 1) * sg%
    End If
End Function

Wow I like all the variations this thing can make! Maybe we can call these hairy balls.
Update: Wow this works in QBJS without a single change!!!
DRAW contest b+ mod of MG

Dav I am gonna try your thing next ;-)
b = b + ...
That's a neat one.  DRAW is such a powerful command.  I'll try to come up with something too.

- Dav

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner
Here's a small DRAW screen saver, @bplus.  Haven't come up with a good color changing method yet, but it makes nice spinning patterns.  Press ENTER to change patterns.  ESC to quit.  You may mod and/or share this elsewhere if you wish. Smile

- Dav

Code: (Select All)

'Spinning patterns using DRAW.
'Press ENTER to change pattern, ESC to quit.
'Coded by Dav, OCT/2023

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32)

seed = 123 + (RND * 123): px = 3 + RND * 3

        p = p + px: ang = ang + seed
        DRAW "D" + STR$(p) + "TA" + STR$(ang + a)
    LOOP UNTIL POINT(0) < 0 AND POINT(1) < 0
    p = 0: a = a + .01: IF ang >= (a * seed) THEN ang = 0
    seed = seed + .03: IF seed > 245 THEN seed = 123
    IF INKEY$ = CHR$(13) THEN seed = 123 + (RND * 123): px = 3 + RND * 3
    _LIMIT 30

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner
Thumbs Up 
Wow Dav, a tour de force!

BTW I find escape key works for Inp(&H60) not seen it presented like that before.
b = b + ...
Added some color.  The changing color adds another depth to the patterns.

- Dav

Code: (Select All)

'DRAWSPIN.BAS - v2, added some color
'Spinning patterns using DRAW.
'Press ENTER to change pattern, ESC to quit.
'Coded by Dav, OCT/2023

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32)

seed = 123 + (RND * 123): px = 3 + RND * 3

        p = p + px: ang = ang + seed
        c$ = "C" + STR$(_RGB(seed MOD p / 2, p / 6, p MOD seed * 2))
        DRAW "D" + STR$(p) + "TA" + STR$(ang + a) + c$
    LOOP UNTIL POINT(0) < 0 AND POINT(1) < 0
    p = 0: a = a + .01: IF ang >= (a * seed) THEN ang = 0
    seed = seed + .03: IF seed > 245 THEN seed = 123
    IF INKEY$ = CHR$(13) THEN seed = 123 + (RND * 123): px = 3 + RND * 3
    _LIMIT 30

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner
I'm mind-boggled that this can be done in so few lines!
Well done, Dav.
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
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It's good to know somebody else is using the subprograms I wrote and giving me proper credit. Smile

I didn't think anybody else was going to care a lot about "You're the Bandit!" away from this forum. That program was sort of an example to teach young people how to program a game. Not a good example of an algorithm for the computer-controlled opponents in a single-player-only effort.
Hi mnrvovrfc. Not sure if your post was a response to mine, had to reply to be sure. I make it a habit to give credit when using someone’s routines. That one I came up with on my own, truly. If it’s similar to code elsewhere, then it’s the two minds thinking alike at play.

- Dav

Find my programs here in Dav's QB64 Corner
(10-09-2023, 12:33 PM)Dav Wrote: Hi mnrvovrfc. Not sure if your post was a response to mine, had to reply to be sure. I make it a habit to give credit when using someone’s routines. That one I came up with on my own, truly. If it’s similar to code elsewhere, then it’s the two minds thinking alike at play.

- Dav

I think mnr... is referring to my post, a mod of MG. MG has mnr's trademark random number functions that I think,.. well not my first choice; I kept them in because too lazy to replace with my own.

I think mnr..., roquedrivel and MG are very tight friends or heck maybe even same person under different name for each forum?

@Dav I am considering posting your code at the other place but I don't want to piss off any forum owner with my sharing others work, so am perplexed, bad enough my own stuff I am guessing. But well I guess I will share my mods if they make significant difference. Playing politics not my thing...
b = b + ...

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