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suggestion: create a custom puppy linux distro that includes QB64PE out of the box
you don't need to have big space need only a puppy on USB and remastering tool
or even better maybe tool which can make live snapshot of your OS in this case Puppy derivative

yes ..there are LXDE based puppies but most of them kind of sucks ..there is one myade by
Fred..Freak ..something like that but i cannot find ISO
still nobody ....
i was thinking that penguin force is strong here Big Grin
(02-07-2024, 11:04 AM)aurel Wrote: still nobody ....
i was thinking that penguin force is strong here Big Grin
I just had the idea - as for actual Linux knowhow and skills with rolling custom OS distributions, I got nothing, LoL.

The force IS strong here, when the people come together! But they might just be in hibernation. Or busy. I'm a little busy myself, so I did what I could and dropped a couple idea-seeds. Whether they grow is to be seen. Some things take time!

When I do get a chance, I might try my hand at rolling a puppy distro, but probably will get more traction with someone who actually knows that stuff. 

Peace out!
I played around with Puppy Linux after reading this post (Bionic Pup 8.0 64bit). You need to be somewhat of a Linux specialist to get it up and running. You need to partition the drive yourself using Gparted during the install process, not difficult for someone that has had to do this in the past, but for new users to Linux it can be quite confusing.

After getting Puppy installed I tried to install the latest version of QB64PE. The installer first complained that it was attempting to install as root and exited. I edited the script to remove that check but the installer still failed to install QB64PE. It was getting late so I shelved the task for later. I'll try creating a user account and give the install another go.

Has anyone successfully gotten QB64PE to install in Puppy? If so, which version.
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
QB64 Tutorial

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