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QB4PE Spring Banner Contest!

Share your best banner which depicts Spring and Easter and QB64PE and how awesome Steve is!   Come April 1st, we'll gather banners together with a nice topic to vote on your favorite, and depending on which gets the most votes, we'll set that as our forum banner for this season.

Voting will start as soon as one of our mods/admin gets the topic all nicely created for us on/after April 1st and will last until April 7th, giving everyone one week to get in their votes.

Banners should be 1400x256 pixels in size to fit our current formatting, for those who might not know or who need a friendly reminder.  Wink
Ha! While you were posting this I was posting this;

Great minds thinking alike again! ;-))

wait... easter?

how awesome Steve is?

that's a joke right?

how about how awesome easter colors are? how about how awesome what easter represents ie a new light coming into a cool damp dawn?

Symbolic of QB64 being reborn as pe and a new light for beginner programmers.
b = b + ...
ell then, there are two(!) drafts, or can you only submit one? There was some confusion there.

Inspired by bplus!  Big Grin

[Image: QB64-Logo-Fruehling-GR2024.jpg]

Ok, one off!
Choose your best draft and kindly mark it as "I WANNA SUBMIT THIS ONE!!!", or else just expect the LAST one you submitted to be your official entry.

Seems kinda a little cray-cray to allow 47.5 entries all from the same person, doesn't it?

One official entry per person, please and thank you!  Big Grin
well we need a place to post banners and get feedback on them to which we can change or remain stubborn in our rightful thinking...

for instance @Kernelpanic, yours looks pieced together towards the right.

Quote:Inspired by bplus! Big Grin
thumbs up!

luv to be inspiring, luv to be inspired which is more? both are great!

Actually I got an amazing idea about fonts when Pete was pushing back on The Kernel's little side track video Big Grin
b = b + ...
I didn't know poppies grew in Virginia. No, not the flowers depicted in Steve's photo... The crop Steve harvested, extracted seeds from, and then smoked to come up with that photo.

Okay, here's my one and only official entry. Where do I go to collect my winnings?


Pete Big Grin
Quote:@bplus - for instance @Kernelpanic, yours looks pieced together towards the right.
This is a collage. An art direction. By the way, there are three pictures that were included in the collage.
This is also a collage: This is my home screen.

[Image: Startbild-Win10-Pro-Kl.jpg]
I'm quantum tunneling through your bar, as we speak. By the way, love your podcast, "Fun with Flags."

Pete Big Grin
Only about a week left to get your entries in.  Right now, I'm voting for Pete's!  Big Grin

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