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QB64 GPT Just Rewrote My Code
I gave QB64 GPT my sub for handling any argument as a MEM block. I asked it to rewrite the sub. Here is the original code:

Code: (Select All)
Sub anyArg (args() As _MEM)
    Dim As _Unsigned Integer x, y
    Dim As _Unsigned _Offset z
    Dim As _Unsigned Long size, elementsize
    For x = LBound(args) To UBound(args)
        If _MemExists(args(x)) Then
            z = 0
            size = Val(Str$(args(x).SIZE))
            elementsize = Val(Str$(args(x).ELEMENTSIZE))
            If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 7) And _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 13) = 0 Then '_BYTE, INTEGER, LONG, _INTEGER64
                If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 10) Then
                    If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 16) Then
                        Select Case args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                            Case 1
                                Dim As _Unsigned _Byte unsignedbytearray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                                For y = LBound(unsignedbytearray) To UBound(unsignedbytearray)
                                    _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, unsignedbytearray(y)
                                    z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                                    Print unsignedbytearray(y), "UBYTE ARRAY"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 2
                                Dim As _Unsigned Integer unsignedintarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                                For y = LBound(unsignedintarray) To UBound(unsignedintarray)
                                    _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, unsignedintarray(y)
                                    z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                                    Print unsignedintarray(y), "USHORT ARRAY"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 4
                                Dim As _Unsigned Long unsignedlongarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                                For y = LBound(unsignedlongarray) To UBound(unsignedlongarray)
                                    _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, unsignedlongarray(y)
                                    z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                                    Print unsignedlongarray(y), "ULONG ARRAY"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 8
                                Dim As _Unsigned _Integer64 unsignedint64array(1 To (size / elementsize))
                                For y = LBound(unsignedint64array) To UBound(unsignedint64array)
                                    _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, unsignedint64array(y)
                                    z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                                    Print unsignedint64array(y), "UINT64 ARRAY"
                                Exit Select
                        End Select
                        Select Case args(x).SIZE
                            Case 1
                                Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, _Unsigned _Byte), "UBYTE"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 2
                                Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, _Unsigned Integer), "USHORT"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 4
                                Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, _Unsigned Long), "ULONG"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 8
                                Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, _Unsigned _Integer64), "UINT64"
                                Exit Select
                        End Select
                    End If
                    If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 16) Then
                        Select Case args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                            Case 1
                                Dim As _Byte bytearray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                                For y = LBound(bytearray) To UBound(bytearray)
                                    _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, bytearray(y)
                                    z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                                    Print bytearray(y), "BYTE ARRAY"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 2
                                Dim As Integer intarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                                For y = LBound(intarray) To UBound(intarray)
                                    _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, intarray(y)
                                    z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                                    Print unsignedintarray(y), "SHORT ARRAY"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 4
                                Dim As Long longarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                                For y = LBound(longarray) To UBound(longarray)
                                    _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, longarray(y)
                                    z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                                    Print longarray(y), "LONG ARRAY"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 8
                                Dim As _Integer64 int64array(1 To (size / elementsize))
                                For y = LBound(int64array) To UBound(int64array)
                                    _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, int64array(y)
                                    z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                                    Print int64array(y), "INT64 ARRAY"
                                Exit Select
                        End Select
                        Select Case args(x).SIZE
                            Case 1
                                Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, _Byte), "BYTE"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 2
                                Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, Integer), "SHORT"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 4
                                Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, Long), "LONG"
                                Exit Select
                            Case 8
                                Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, _Integer64), "INT64"
                                Exit Select
                        End Select
                    End If
                End If
            ElseIf _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 8) Then 'SINGLE, DOUBLE, FLOAT
                If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 16) Then
                    Select Case args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                        Case 4
                            Dim As Single singlearray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                            For y = LBound(singlearray) To UBound(singlearray)
                                _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, singlearray(y)
                                z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                                Print singlearray(y), "SINGLE ARRAY"
                            Exit Select
                        Case 8
                            Dim As Double doublearray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                            For y = LBound(doublearray) To UBound(doublearray)
                                _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, doublearray(y)
                                z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                                Print doublearray(y), "DOUBLE ARRAY"
                            Exit Select
                        Case 32
                            Dim As _Float floatarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                            For y = LBound(floatarray) To UBound(floatarray)
                                _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, floatarray(y)
                                z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE / 2
                                Print floatarray(y), "FLOAT ARRAY"
                            Exit Select
                    End Select
                    Select Case args(x).SIZE
                        Case 4
                            Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, Single), "SINGLE"
                            Exit Select
                        Case 8
                            Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, Double), "DOUBLE"
                            Exit Select
                        Case 32
                            Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, _Float), "FLOAT"
                            Exit Select
                    End Select
                End If
            ElseIf _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 9) Then 'STRING
                If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 16) Then
                    Dim As String stringarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                    For y = LBound(stringarray) To UBound(stringarray)
                        stringarray(y) = Space$(args(x).ELEMENTSIZE)
                        _MemGet args(x), (args(x).OFFSET) + (y * args(x).ELEMENTSIZE - args(x).ELEMENTSIZE), stringarray(y)
                        Print stringarray(y), "STRING ARRAY"
                    Dim As String stringtest: stringtest = Space$(args(x).ELEMENTSIZE)
                    _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET, stringtest
                    Print stringtest
                End If
            ElseIf _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 13) And _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 7) Then '_OFFSET
                If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 10) Then
                    If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 16) Then
                        Dim As _Unsigned _Offset unsignedoffsetarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                        For y = LBound(unsignedoffsetarray) To UBound(unsignedoffsetarray)
                            _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, unsignedoffsetarray(y)
                            z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                            Print unsignedoffsetarray(y), "ULONG_PTR ARRAY"
                        Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, _Unsigned _Offset), "ULONG_PTR"
                    End If
                    If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 16) Then
                        Dim As _Offset offsetarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                        For y = LBound(offsetarray) To UBound(offsetarray)
                            _MemGet args(x), args(x).OFFSET + z, offsetarray(y)
                            z = z + args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
                            Print unsignedoffsetarray(y), "LONG_PTR ARRAY"
                        Print _MemGet(args(x), args(x).OFFSET, _Offset), "LONG_PTR"
                    End If
                End If
            ElseIf args(x).TYPE = 0 And args(x).SIZE > 0 Then '_MEMSOUND
                If Not _SndPlaying(args(x).SOUND) Then
                    _SndPlay (args(x).SOUND)
                End If
                Print "SOUND", args(x).SIZE, args(x).ELEMENTSIZE
            ElseIf _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 14) Then
                Print args(x).SIZE, "MEM"
            End If
            If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 11) Then '_MEMIMAGE
                Screen args(x).IMAGE
            End If
        End If
End Sub

And the revisions QB64 GPT made (after minor changes and me asking it to redo some syntax errors):
Code: (Select All)
Sub anyArg (args() As _MEM)
    Dim As _Unsigned Integer x, y
    Dim As _Unsigned _Offset z
    Dim As _Unsigned Long size, elementsize

    For x = LBound(args) To UBound(args)
        If _MemExists(args(x)) Then
            z = 0
            size = Val(Str$(args(x).SIZE))
            elementsize = Val(Str$(args(x).ELEMENTSIZE))

            If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 7) And _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 13) = 0 Then
                HandleNumericType args(x), size, elementsize, z
            ElseIf _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 8) Then
                HandleFloatingType args(x), size, elementsize, z
            ElseIf _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 9) Then
                HandleStringType args(x), size, elementsize
            ElseIf _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 13) And _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 7) Then
                HandleOffsetType args(x), size, elementsize, z
            ElseIf args(x).TYPE = 0 And args(x).SIZE > 0 Then
                HandleSoundType args(x)
            ElseIf _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 14) Then
                Print args(x).SIZE, "MEM"
                ' TODO: Handle other types if necessary
            End If

            If _ReadBit(args(x).TYPE, 11) Then
                Screen args(x).IMAGE
            End If
        End If
End Sub

' Subroutines for handling specific types
Sub HandleNumericType (arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset)
    If _ReadBit(arg.TYPE, 10) Then
        If _ReadBit(arg.TYPE, 16) Then
            Select Case elementsize
                Case 1
                    Dim As _Unsigned _Byte unsignedbytearray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                    ProcessArray_UByte unsignedbytearray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "UBYTE ARRAY"
                Case 2
                    Dim As _Unsigned Integer unsignedintarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                    ProcessArray_UInteger unsignedintarray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "USHORT ARRAY"
                Case 4
                    Dim As _Unsigned Long unsignedlongarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                    ProcessArray_ULong unsignedlongarray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "ULONG ARRAY"
                Case 8
                    Dim As _Unsigned _Integer64 unsignedint64array(1 To (size / elementsize))
                    ProcessArray_UInt64 unsignedint64array(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "UINT64 ARRAY"
            End Select
            PrintSingleValue arg, size, elementsize
        End If
        If _ReadBit(arg.TYPE, 16) Then
            Select Case elementsize
                Case 1
                    Dim As _Byte bytearray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                    ProcessArray_Byte bytearray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "BYTE ARRAY"
                Case 2
                    Dim As Integer intarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                    ProcessArray_Integer intarray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "SHORT ARRAY"
                Case 4
                    Dim As Long longarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                    ProcessArray_Long longarray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "LONG ARRAY"
                Case 8
                    Dim As _Integer64 int64array(1 To (size / elementsize))
                    ProcessArray_Int64 int64array(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "INT64 ARRAY"
            End Select
            PrintSingleValue arg, size, elementsize
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub HandleFloatingType (arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset)
    If _ReadBit(arg.TYPE, 16) Then
        Select Case elementsize
            Case 4
                Dim As Single singlearray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                ProcessArray_Single singlearray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "SINGLE ARRAY"
            Case 8
                Dim As Double doublearray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                ProcessArray_Double doublearray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "DOUBLE ARRAY"
            Case 32
                Dim As _Float floatarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
                ProcessArray_Float floatarray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "FLOAT ARRAY"
        End Select
        Select Case size
            Case 4
                Print _MemGet(arg, arg.OFFSET, Single), "SINGLE"
            Case 8
                Print _MemGet(arg, arg.OFFSET, Double), "DOUBLE"
            Case 32
                Print _MemGet(arg, arg.OFFSET, _Float), "FLOAT"
        End Select
    End If
End Sub

Sub HandleStringType (arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long)
    If _ReadBit(arg.TYPE, 16) Then
        Dim As String stringarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
        Dim As _Unsigned Long y
        For y = LBound(stringarray) To UBound(stringarray)
            stringarray(y) = Space$(elementsize)
            _MemGet arg, (arg.OFFSET) + (y * elementsize - elementsize), stringarray(y)
            Print stringarray(y), "STRING ARRAY"
        Dim As String stringtest: stringtest = Space$(elementsize)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET, stringtest
        Print stringtest
    End If
End Sub

Sub HandleOffsetType (arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset)
    If _ReadBit(arg.TYPE, 10) Then
        If _ReadBit(arg.TYPE, 16) Then
            Dim As _Unsigned _Offset unsignedoffsetarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
            ProcessArray_UOffset unsignedoffsetarray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "ULONG_PTR ARRAY"
            Print _MemGet(arg, arg.OFFSET, _Unsigned _Offset), "ULONG_PTR"
        End If
        If _ReadBit(arg.TYPE, 16) Then
            Dim As _Offset offsetarray(1 To (size / elementsize))
            ProcessArray_Offset offsetarray(), arg, size, elementsize, z, "LONG_PTR ARRAY"
            Print _MemGet(arg, arg.OFFSET, _Offset), "LONG_PTR"
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub HandleSoundType (arg As _MEM)
    If Not _SndPlaying(arg.SOUND) Then
        _SndPlay (arg.SOUND)
    End If
    Print "SOUND", arg.SIZE, arg.ELEMENTSIZE
End Sub

' Subroutines for processing arrays
Sub ProcessArray_UByte (unsignedbytearray() As _Unsigned _Byte, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(unsignedbytearray) To UBound(unsignedbytearray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, unsignedbytearray(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print unsignedbytearray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_UInteger (unsignedintarray() As _Unsigned Integer, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(unsignedintarray) To UBound(unsignedintarray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, unsignedintarray(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print unsignedintarray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_ULong (unsignedlongarray() As _Unsigned Long, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(unsignedlongarray) To UBound(unsignedlongarray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, unsignedlongarray(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print unsignedlongarray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_UInt64 (unsignedint64array() As _Unsigned _Integer64, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(unsignedint64array) To UBound(unsignedint64array)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, unsignedint64array(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print unsignedint64array(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_Byte (bytearray() As _Byte, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(bytearray) To UBound(bytearray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, bytearray(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print bytearray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_Integer (intarray() As Integer, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(intarray) To UBound(intarray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, intarray(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print intarray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_Long (longarray() As Long, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(longarray) To UBound(longarray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, longarray(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print longarray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_Int64 (int64array() As _Integer64, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(int64array) To UBound(int64array)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, int64array(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print int64array(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_Single (singlearray() As Single, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(singlearray) To UBound(singlearray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, singlearray(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print singlearray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_Double (doublearray() As Double, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(doublearray) To UBound(doublearray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, doublearray(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print doublearray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_Float (floatarray() As _Float, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(floatarray) To UBound(floatarray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, floatarray(y)
        z = z + elementsize / 2
        Print floatarray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_UOffset (unsignedoffsetarray() As _Unsigned _Offset, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(unsignedoffsetarray) To UBound(unsignedoffsetarray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, unsignedoffsetarray(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print unsignedoffsetarray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub ProcessArray_Offset (offsetarray() As _Offset, arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long, z As _Unsigned _Offset, typeName As String)
    Dim As _Unsigned Long y
    For y = LBound(offsetarray) To UBound(offsetarray)
        _MemGet arg, arg.OFFSET + z, offsetarray(y)
        z = z + elementsize
        Print offsetarray(y), typeName
End Sub

Sub PrintSingleValue (arg As _MEM, size As _Unsigned Long, elementsize As _Unsigned Long)
    Select Case size
        Case 1
            Print _MemGet(arg, arg.OFFSET, _Byte), "BYTE"
        Case 2
            Print _MemGet(arg, arg.OFFSET, Integer), "SHORT"
        Case 4
            Print _MemGet(arg, arg.OFFSET, Long), "LONG"
        Case 8
            Print _MemGet(arg, arg.OFFSET, _Integer64), "INT64"
    End Select
End Sub

It separated out a lot of processing out to separate subs. It is quite impressive how little input I had to give it to fix its mistakes. The code actually worked just as well as it did before the changes, which blows my mind.

Note: I didn't post the sample code I used.

It actually even listened to me when I told it that it would need to cast an OFFSET type by using VAL(STR$(var)).
Tread on those who tread on you

To be fair, I had to tell it "ByRef" was invalid and a couple of other things. I also had to declare "y" each time it was used. But the last iteration only required me to declare "y". I think that is a decent enough result. Too bad I can't get it to be this good every time.
Tread on those who tread on you

Which version of ChatGPT are you utilizing? I've played around with the free version (3.5 I believe) and it wasn't nearly as useful as the results you are getting.
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
QB64 Tutorial
(05-28-2024, 04:25 AM)TerryRitchie Wrote: Which version of ChatGPT are you utilizing? I've played around with the free version (3.5 I believe) and it wasn't nearly as useful as the results you are getting.

Hi I believe spriggsySprigg use GPT-4o.
this version is interesting. 

Gaslouk Hi from beautiful Greece.

(05-28-2024, 04:38 AM)gaslouk Wrote:
(05-28-2024, 04:25 AM)TerryRitchie Wrote: Which version of ChatGPT are you utilizing? I've played around with the free version (3.5 I believe) and it wasn't nearly as useful as the results you are getting.

Hi I believe spriggsySprigg use GPT-4o.
this version is interesting. 

Gaslouk Hi from beautiful Greece.

Thank you for the reply. I see from a few of his other posts he referenced GPT-4o as well. GPT is getting scary good at this. Is it possible to train GPT to do just one thing, for instance train it as a QB64 programming assistant instead of a generalized LLM?
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
QB64 Tutorial
I asked AI to make me a ham sandwich. It replied I'd have to be a pig to make that possible... Then it said, "Coming right up!"

Ewwww I hates AI!

Quote:It replied I'd have to be a pig to make that possible... 
This is a big mistake! Why doesn't the AI take into account that one want a beef sandwich? - A real great error!  Angry
(05-28-2024, 07:54 PM)Kernelpanic Wrote:
Quote:It replied I'd have to be a pig to make that possible... 
This is a big mistake! Why doesn't the AI take into account that one want a beef sandwich? - A real great error!  Angry

A ham sandwich.... made out of beef?? ....   You make it, and I'll have to try it!!

What would we call it?  A Ham-burger?
(05-28-2024, 07:54 PM)Kernelpanic Wrote:
Quote:It replied I'd have to be a pig to make that possible... 
This is a big mistake! Why doesn't the AI take into account that one want a beef sandwich? - A real great error!  Angry

a ham sandwich is a mis-steak
b = b + ...
Wait a minute - there's no beef ham?  Rolleyes

Rinderschinken (Beef ham)

Rinderschinken - air-dried

Beef ham tender and juicy

Bedford Rindersaftschinken

. . . and so on.  Tongue

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