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05-25-2022, 11:56 PM
I see again and again that Basic is apparently only used as a programming language for games etc., for example, but so Basic never gets rid of the "little-kids" level. Not that I want to deny games etc., but you can also develop serious programs with Basic, not just colorful circles and jumping who-knows-where.
So you can for example, write a program that calculates an additional payment to the pension.
An example: You take out an additional insurance into which you pay 3400.00 €/$ per year for 25 years. If you then go in pension, the program shows how much you can then have paid out from the supplementary insurance per month and for how many years. For me, this is a really practical program. There is certainly room for improvement, but this is something that can be used practically.
And in my very personal opinion, this is the only way to get Basic out of the gaming level and make it (again) a serious programming language.
That's my point of view.
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I've never actually written a computer "game". I tend to do utilities for table top role playing games or I code work related applications. I've seen some great games here, but with the exception of a painfully slowly progressing billiards simulation, I've never had the urge to do one myself.
I used it to program a grain harvest database. It tracks truckloads as they come in to our elevator. For each load, it accepts a gross weight and test moisture, then computes totals by farm and field, and calculates average drying shrinkage. I probably could have used a spread sheet program, but all I'd learn was the spreadsheet. I've been using it for over 20 years and it's evolved as QBasic/QB64 and my skills have.
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The truth is that most of the programs that are seen are more oriented towards games.
I have commercialized a program for warehouse management, invoicing and accounting, with a SQL database connection made in QB64. With Qb64 it works very well with databases and it is a satisfaction to have updated my programs that were originally made in QB45.
It would be interesting to further develop access to reports by printer and work with a database. It would give a boost to the use of Qb64 in management programs.
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It feels we are on the verge of a world with robots, cars which are more computers than mechanical machines and communication devices which are hand held supercomputers. The sophication is already beyond the layman/woman's' ability to fully appreciate or control.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to add QB64 into that robot cutting the grass and program it to identify weeds and give them a squirt of a weed killer potion. Or QB64 in your car's brain to scan the license plates of other vehicles and let you know if a family member or friend happens to be passing by. The point being, a basic easy to learn computer program which the average person can learn and use to add input and control over some of these future smart things of all kinds coming in the future. All we need is an access port.
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Qbasic was not fast enough for involved graphics games, but the page flipping capability made games like Defender easy enough to clone. Qb64 is a great improvement in memory and speed, and is fine for games, including 3D games with OpenGL.
QNasic was okay for running my office, but I needed 14 programs sharing a database. With QB64, I was able to manage with just one.Both had networking, so I was able to have all five office computers communicate with each other.
Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.
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I dont not use QB64 for games. Not very much. (Yes I made a Sudoku -creating/solving program, or a Str8ts -creating/solving- one )
But QB64 is very usefull for making little very usefull .exe prgrams .
For instance, I made a program pour searching the EXIF information in pictures (using EXIFTOOL). Here, with the qb64 program, you choice a file, and the program gives orders to EXIFTOOL and analyses informations. (First date of creation, gps, ..., aso)
Why not yes ?