slightly cleaner archival version but cbf to do screen resizing, though ive noticed both on chromium and smartphone that the browser can simply resize the canvas so that's that
Code: (Select All)
type ptype
x as double
y as double
vx as double
vy as double
end type
dim shared sw, sh, mx, my, mb, mw
sw = 800
sh = 600
screen _newimage(sw, sh, 32)
if _resize then
sw = _resizewidth - 20
sh = _resizeheight - 20
screen _newimage(sw, sh, 32)
end if
img = _newimage(sw, sh, 32)
'cls ,_rgba(0,0,0,0)
score = 500
amount = 10
h = 50
rp = 7
rb = 12
redim pin(1000) as ptype
rows = 8
x = sw/2 - 2*h
y = (sh - rows*h)/2
for i=2 to rows + 2
for j=1 to i + 1
if j=1 then
pin(m).vx = 1
elseif j=i+1 then
pin(m).vx = -1
pin(m).vx = 0
end if
pin(m).x = x + j*h
pin(m).y = y
'circle (pin(m).x, pin(m).y), rp
m = m + 1
x = x - h/2
y = y + h
redim ball(2) as ptype
n = -1
for i=0 to n
ball(i).x = sw/2 - h + rp + (2*h - rp)*rnd
ball(i).y = (sh - rows*h)/2 - h*0.5
ball(i).vx = 0
ball(i).vy = 0
score = score - amount
_dest img
for i=0 to m-1
circle(pin(i).x, pin(i).y), rp, _rgb(200,200,200)
y0 = (sh - rows*h)/2
'line (0, sh - y)-step(sw, 0)
for i=0 to rows+1
if i=0 or i=rows+1 then
color _rgb(255,0,0)
_printstring ((sw - (rows+2)*h)/2 + i*h, sh - y0 + h/2), " 10x"
elseif i=1 or i=rows then
color _rgb(255,80,0)
_printstring ((sw - (rows+2)*h)/2 + i*h, sh - y0 + h/2), " 4x"
elseif i=2 or i=rows-1 then
color _rgb(255,150,0)
_printstring ((sw - (rows+2)*h)/2 + i*h, sh - y0 + h/2), " 2x"
elseif i>2 or i<rows-1 then
color _rgb(155,155,0)
_printstring ((sw - (rows+2)*h)/2 + i*h, sh - y0 + h/2), " 0.2x"
end if
x0 = (sw - (rows+2)*h)/2
line (x0, y0-200)-step((rows+2)*h,140),_rgb(155,155,155),b
q = ""
_dest 0
mb_state = 0
mx = _mousex
my = _mousey
mb = _mousebutton(1)
_putimage (0,0),img
for i=0 to n
for r=1 to rb
circle(ball(i).x, ball(i).y), r, _rgb(155,0,0)
circle(ball(i).x, ball(i).y), rb, _rgb(255,0,0)
circle(ball(i).x, ball(i).y), rb-3, _rgb(255,0,0)
ball(i).x = ball(i).x + ball(i).vx
ball(i).y = ball(i).y + ball(i).vy
ball(i).vy = ball(i).vy + 0.2
for j=0 to m-1
d = (ball(i).x - pin(j).x)^2 + (ball(i).y - pin(j).y)^2
if d <= (rp + rb)^2 then
a = atan2(ball(i).y - pin(j).y, ball(i).x - pin(j).x)
if abs(a + pi/2) < 0.0001 then
ball(i).vx = 0.1*ball(i).vx
ball(i).vy = 0.1*ball(i).vy
if rnd > 0.5 then aa = 1 else aa = -1
if abs(pin(j).vx)>0.0001 then aa = pin(j).vx
ball(i).x = pin(j).x + (rp + rb + 0)*cos(a + aa*0.2)
ball(i).y = pin(j).y + (rp + rb + 0)*sin(a + aa*0.2)
v = sqr(ball(i).vx^2 + ball(i).vy^2)
ball(i).vx = 0.5*v*cos(a)
ball(i).vy = 0.5*v*sin(a)
ball(i).x = pin(j).x + (rp + rb + 0)*cos(a )
ball(i).y = pin(j).y + (rp + rb + 0)*sin(a )
end if
circle (pin(j).x, pin(j).y), rb, _rgb(255,255,255)
end if
if ball(i).y > sh - (sh - rows*h)/2 then
if ball(i).x > x0 and ball(i).x < x0+h then
q = q + ", 10x"
score = score + amount*10
elseif ball(i).x > x0+9*h and ball(i).x < x0+10*h then
q = q + ", 10x"
score = score + amount*10
elseif ball(i).x > x0+1*h and ball(i).x < x0+2*h then
q = q + ", 4x"
score = score + amount*4
elseif ball(i).x > x0+8*h and ball(i).x < x0+9*h then
q = q + ", 4x"
score = score + amount*4
elseif ball(i).x > x0+2*h and ball(i).x < x0+3*h then
q = q + ", 2x"
score = score + amount*2
elseif ball(i).x > x0+7*h and ball(i).x < x0+8*h then
q = q + ", 2x"
score = score + amount*2
elseif ball(i).x > x0+3*h and ball(i).x < x0+6*h then
q = q + ", 0.2x"
score = score + amount*0.2
end if
for j=i to n-1
ball(j).x = ball(j + 1).x
ball(j).y = ball(j + 1).y
ball(j).vx = ball(j + 1).vx
ball(j).vy = ball(j + 1).vy
n = n - 1
redim _preserve ball(n)
end if
w0 = (rows+2)*h
color _rgb(0,255,0)
_printstring (x0 + 10, y0-200+10), "$"+_trim(str(int(score)))
color _rgb(255,0,0)
a = "$"+_trim(str(int(amount)))
_printstring(x0 +(rows+2)*h - len(a)*8 - 10, y0-200+10), a
color _rgb(155,155,0)
_printstring (x0 + 10, y0-200+140-16-10), right(q, w0/8 - 2)
if mx > x0 and mx < x0+w0 and my>y0-200 and my<y0-200+140 then
color _rgb(255,0,0)
if mb then mb_state = -1
if mb_state and mb = 0 then
mb_state = 0
n = n + 1
redim _preserve ball(n)
ball(n).x = sw/2 - h + rp + (2*h - rp)*rnd
ball(n).y = (sh - rows*h)/2 - h*0.5
ball(n).vx = 0
ball(n).vy = 0
score = score - amount
end if
color _rgb(155,155,155)
end if
_printstring (sw/2 - 15, y0-200+60), "Play"
if _keydown(18432) then amount = amount + 1
if amount > 1 then
if _keydown(20480) then amount = amount - 1
end if
_limit 60
loop until _keyhit = 27