Vantiro is my second finished project in QB64pe, the project started out in august as a RPG originally meant as a simple school project, which with time got converted into a zombie shooter.
![Tongue Tongue](
Check it out on!
![[Image: vantirologo.png]](
Source code for the 1.0 version below:
(Game is still having updates since people seemed to like it)
![Big Grin Big Grin](
![Tongue Tongue](
Check it out on!
![[Image: vantirologo.png]](
Source code for the 1.0 version below:
(Game is still having updates since people seemed to like it)
Code: (Select All)
Rem File creation date: 27-Aug-24 (1:02 PM)
Rem Apps used: TILED e QB64pe
Rem TILED: -=- QB64pe:
Rem Vantiro.bas:
Icon = _LoadImage("assets/pc/vantirologo.png")
_Icon Icon, Icon
_Title "Vantiro"
MenuTransitionImage = _NewImage(32, 32, 32)
Const PI = 3.14159265359
Const PIDIV180 = PI / 180
Randomize Timer
Dim Shared MainScreen
Dim Shared SecondScreen
MainScreen = _NewImage(1230, 662, 32)
SecondScreen = _NewImage(1230, 662, 32)
Screen MainScreen
_Dest MainScreen
Type Mouse
x As Long
y As Long
x1 As Long
y1 As Long
x2 As Long
y2 As Long
xbz As Double
ybz As Double
xaz As Double
yaz As Double
click As Integer
click2 As Integer
scroll As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared Mouse As Mouse
Type Map
MaxWidth As Long
MaxHeight As Long
Layers As Long
TileSize As Long
Title As String
TextureSize As Long
Triggers As Long
End Type
Dim Shared Map As Map
Type Entity
x As Double
y As Double
x1 As Long
y1 As Long
x2 As Long
y2 As Long
size As Double
sizeFirst As Double
xm As Double
ym As Double
rotation As Double
health As Double
healthFirst As Double
damage As Double
attacking As Integer
attackcooldown As Integer
tick As Integer
active As Integer
DistanceFromPlayer As Integer
weight As Double
maxspeed As Integer
speeding As Double
knockback As Double
onfire As Integer
special As String
SpecialDelay As Double
DamageCooldown As Double
DamageTaken As Double
End Type
Type DefEntity
maxspeed As Double
maxhealth As Integer
minhealth As Integer
maxdelay As Integer
mindelay As Integer
tickrate As Integer
mindamage As Integer
maxdamage As Integer
size As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared ZombieMax As Long
Dim Shared VileMax As Integer
Dim Shared SnarkMax As Integer
Dim Shared SummonerMax As Integer
PlayerSkin = 1
Dim Shared PlayerSprite(4)
Dim Shared PlayerHand(4)
PlayerSprite(1) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/player/player1.png")
PlayerHand(1) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/player/hand1.png")
PlayerSprite(2) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/player/player2.png")
PlayerHand(2) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/player/hand1.png")
PlayerSprite(3) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/player/player3.png")
PlayerHand(3) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/player/hand3.png")
PlayerSprite(4) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/player/player4.png")
PlayerHand(4) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/player/hand4.png")
BloodDrop = _LoadImage("assets/pc/Blooddrop.png")
Dim Shared PlayerDamage
Dim Shared PlayerDeath
PlayerDamage = _SndOpen("assets/pc/player/sounds/au.wav")
PlayerDeath = _SndOpen("assets/pc/player/sounds/ua.wav")
FlameThrowerSound = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/interior_fire01_stereo.wav")
Dim Shared ZombieWalk(4)
ZombieWalk(1) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/headless_1.wav")
ZombieWalk(2) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/headless_2.wav")
ZombieWalk(3) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/headless_3.wav")
ZombieWalk(4) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/headless_4.wav")
Dim Shared ZombieShot(16)
ZombieShot(1) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_01.wav")
ZombieShot(2) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_02.wav")
ZombieShot(3) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_03.wav")
ZombieShot(4) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_04.wav")
ZombieShot(5) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_05.wav")
ZombieShot(6) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_06.wav")
ZombieShot(7) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_07.wav")
ZombieShot(8) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_08.wav")
ZombieShot(9) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_09.wav")
ZombieShot(10) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_10.wav")
ZombieShot(11) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_11.wav")
ZombieShot(12) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_12.wav")
ZombieShot(13) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_13.wav")
ZombieShot(14) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_14.wav")
ZombieShot(15) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_15.wav")
ZombieShot(16) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/mobs/sounds/shot/been_shot_16.wav")
ZombieMax = 190
Dim Shared Zombie(ZombieMax) As Entity
Dim Shared DefZombie As DefEntity
DefZombie.maxspeed = 820
DefZombie.size = 26
DefZombie.tickrate = 15
DefZombie.maxdamage = 10
DefZombie.mindamage = 4
DefZombie.maxhealth = 100
DefZombie.minhealth = 70
Type Player
x As Double
y As Double
xb As Double
yb As Double
x1 As Long
x2 As Long
y1 As Long
y2 As Long
size As Integer
xm As Double
ym As Double
Rotation As Double
TouchX As Integer
TouchY As Integer
Health As Double
DamageToTake As Integer
DamageCooldown As Integer
Armor As Double
shooting As Double
weapon1id As Integer
weapon2id As Integer
End Type
PlayerLimit = 1
Dim Shared Player(PlayerLimit) As Player
Type PlayerMembers
x As Double
y As Double
xo As Double
yo As Double
xbe As Double
ybe As Double
angle As Single
xvector As Double
yvector As Double
mode As Double
visible As Double
speed As Double
angleanim As Double
distanim As Double
End Type
Dim Shared PlayerMember(2) As PlayerMembers
Type Raycast
x As Double
y As Double
angle As Double
damage As Double
knockback As Double
owner As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared Ray As Raycast
Dim Shared RayM(3) As Raycast
Type Tiles
ID As Long
solid As Integer
animationframe As Integer
rend_spritex As Long
rend_spritey As Long
PlayerStand As Integer
associated As Integer
x1y1 As Integer
x2y1 As Integer
x1y2 As Integer
x2y2 As Integer
fragile As Integer
transparent As Integer
End Type
Type Weapon
x As Double
y As Double
xm As Double
ym As Double
visible As Integer
cangrab As Integer
rotation As Double
wtype As Integer
shooting As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared Gun(2) As Weapon
Dim Shared GunDisplay(2) As Weapon
Type Menu
x1d As Double
x2d As Double
y1d As Double
y2d As Double
x1 As Long
x2 As Long
y1 As Long
y2 As Long
Colors As Long
red As Integer
green As Integer
blue As Integer
text As String
textsize As Integer
hex As String
style As Integer
clicktogo As String
extra As Integer
extra2 As Integer
extra3 As Integer
visual As Integer
visual2 As String
d_hover As Integer
d_clicked As Integer
OffsetY As Double
OffsetX As Double
End Type
Type Hud
x1 As Long
x2 As Long
y1 As Long
y2 As Long
x As Double
y As Double
xm As Double
ym As Double
xbe As Double
ybe As Double
rotation As Double
rotationbe As Double
rotationoffset As Double
stringered As Long
size As Long
textsize As Integer
End Type
Type Trigger
x1 As Double
y1 As Double
x2 As Double
y2 As Double
sizex As Double
sizey As Double
class As String
val1 As Double
val2 As Double
val3 As Double
val4 As Double
text As String
textspeed As Double
triggername As String
needclick As Integer
End Type
VantiroTitulo = _LoadImage("assets/pc/Vantiro.png")
Background1 = _LoadImage("assets/pc/Background.png")
Dim Shared Hud(9) As Hud
Dim Shared Minimap As Hud
TXTGlint = _LoadImage("assets/begs world/textures/glint.png")
Dim Shared MenuMax
MenuMax = 64
Dim Shared Menu(MenuMax) As Menu
Dim Shared MenuAnim As Menu
For i = 1 To MenuMax
Menu(i).x1 = 0: Menu(i).x2 = 0: Menu(i).y1 = 0: Menu(i).y2 = 0: Menu(i).Colors = 0: Menu(i).red = 0: Menu(i).green = 0: Menu(i).blue = 0
Menu(i).text = " "
Menu(i).textsize = -1
Menu(i).hex = ""
Menu(i).style = 0
Menu(i).clicktogo = ""
Menu(i).extra = 0
Menu(i).d_hover = 0
Menu(i).d_clicked = 0
Dim Shared Colors As Long
Begsfont$ = "assets\begs world\mouse.ttf"
Dim Shared BegsFontSizes(1024)
Dim Shared MenusImages(128)
For i = 1 To 1024
BegsFontSizes(i) = _LoadFont(Begsfont$, i, "")
CanLeave = 0
ToLoad$ = "menu"
ToLoad2$ = "menu"
GoSub load
_Dest MainScreen
_Limit 75
GoSub MenuSystem
Loop While quit = 0
'Input "Select a map", Map$
Map$ = "Forest"
MinimapTxtSize = 8
MapLoaded = LoadMapSettings(Map$)
Dim Shared Trigger(Map.Triggers) As Trigger
MinimapIMG = _NewImage(Map.MaxWidth * 8, Map.MaxHeight * 8, 32)
Dim Shared Tile(Map.MaxWidth + 20, Map.MaxHeight + 20, Map.Layers) As Tiles
MapLoaded = LoadMap(Map$)
Dim Shared LastPart As Integer
Dim Shared Tileset
Tileset = _LoadImage("assets/pc/tileset.png")
E_KeyIcon = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/ekeyicon.png")
Guns_Pistol = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/pistol.png")
Guns_Shotgun = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/shotgun.png")
Guns_SMG = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/smg.png")
Guns_Flame = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/flamethrower.png")
Guns_Grenade = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/grenade.png")
HudSelected = _LoadImage("assets/pc/Selected.png")
HudNotSelected = _LoadImage("assets/pc/NotSelected.png")
HudNoAmmo = _LoadImage("assets/pc/NoAmmo.png")
Zombie = _LoadImage("assets/pc/mobs/zombie.png")
ZombieRunner = _LoadImage("assets/pc/mobs/fastzombie.png")
ZombieSlower = _LoadImage("assets/pc/mobs/slowzombie.png")
ZombieBomber = _LoadImage("assets/pc/mobs/bomberzombie.png")
ZombieBiohazard = _LoadImage("assets/pc/mobs/zombie.png") ' GIVE ME IMAGE
ZombieBrute = _LoadImage("assets/pc/mobs/zombie.png") 'GIVE ME IMAGE
ZombieFire = _LoadImage("assets/pc/mobs/firezombie.png")
ShellShotgunAmmo = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/shotgunammo.png")
PistolShellAmmo = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/pistolammo.png")
GasCanAmmo = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/gascan.png")
Dim Shared WallShot
WallShot = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/wallshot.png")
GlassShard = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/glassshard.png")
Dim Shared Bloodsplat
BloodsplatGreen = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/bloodsplatgreen.png")
BloodsplatRed = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/bloodsplatred.png")
Gib_Skull = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/skull.png")
Gib_Bone = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/bone.png")
Dim Shared Bloodonground
Bloodonground = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/bloodonground.png")
Guns_Sound_PistolShot = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/pistolshot.wav")
Guns_Sound_ShotgunShot = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/shotgunshot.wav")
Dim Shared FireParticles(3)
FireParticle = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/fire1.png")
FireParticles(1) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/fire1.png")
FireParticles(2) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/fire2.png")
FireParticles(3) = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/fire3.png")
Dim SMGSounds(3)
SMGSounds(1) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/hks1.wav")
SMGSounds(2) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/hks2.wav")
SMGSounds(3) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/hks3.wav")
Dim ShellSounds(3)
ShellSounds(1) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/sshell1.wav")
ShellSounds(2) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/sshell2.wav")
ShellSounds(3) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/sshell3.wav")
Dim PistolShellSounds(3)
PistolShellSounds(1) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/pl_shell1.wav")
PistolShellSounds(2) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/pl_shell2.wav")
PistolShellSounds(3) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/pl_shell3.wav")
Dim BloodSounds(6)
BloodSounds(1) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/flesh1.wav")
BloodSounds(2) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/flesh2.wav")
BloodSounds(3) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/flesh3.wav")
BloodSounds(4) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/flesh5.wav")
BloodSounds(5) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/flesh6.wav")
BloodSounds(6) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/flesh7.wav")
Dim Shared GlassShadder(3)
GlassShadder(1) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/bustglass1.wav")
GlassShadder(2) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/bustglass2.wav")
GlassShadder(3) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/bustglass3.wav")
Dim GlassSound(4)
GlassSound(1) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/glass1.wav")
GlassSound(2) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/glass2.wav")
GlassSound(3) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/glass3.wav")
GlassSound(4) = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/glass4.wav")
HudImageHealth = _NewImage(128, 128, 32)
Hud_Health_Icon = _LoadImage("assets/pc/BloodIcon.png")
Hud_Health_Fluid = _LoadImage("assets/pc/BloodHealth.png")
SND_Explosion = _SndOpen("assets/pc/sounds/explode.mp3")
Particle_Shotgun_Shell = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/shotgunshell.png")
Particle_Pistol_Shell = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/pistolshell.png")
Particle_Smoke = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/smoke.png")
Particle_Explosion = _LoadImage("assets/pc/items/explosion.png")
Dim Shared CameraX As Double
Dim Shared CameraY As Double
Dim Shared CameraXM As Double
Dim Shared CameraYM As Double
Dim Shared Zoom As Double
Type Particle
x As Double
y As Double
z As Double
txt As Integer
xm As Double
ym As Double
zm As Double
froozen As Integer
rotation As Double
rotationspeed As Double
visible As Integer
partid As String
playwhatsound As String
BloodColor As String
special As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared GrenadeMax
Dim Shared FireMax
FireMax = 80
GrenadeMax = 8
Dim Shared BloodPart(32) As Particle
Dim Shared ParticlesMax
Dim Shared BloodMax
Dim Shared LastBlood
ParticlesMax = 816
Dim Shared Grenade(GrenadeMax) As Particle
Dim Shared Fire(FireMax) As Particle
Dim Shared Part(ParticlesMax) As Particle
HudAmmo = _NewImage(300, 300, 32)
Dim Shared PlayerInteract
FlameAmmoMax = 200
SMGAmmoMax = 350
ShotgunAmmoMax = 40
GrenadeAmmoMax = 5
GoSub RestartEverything
PlayerSkin2 = PlayerSkin
LastHealth = Player(1).Health
If FlameAmmo > FlameAmmoMax Then FlameAmmo = FlameAmmoMax
If SMGAmmo > SMGAmmoMax Then SMGAmmo = SMGAmmoMax
If ShotgunAmmo > ShotgunAmmoMax Then ShotgunAmmo = ShotgunAmmoMax
If GrenadeAmmo > GrenadeAmmoMax Then GrenadeAmmo = GrenadeAmmoMax
Mouse.scroll = 0
Do While _MouseInput
Mouse.x = _MouseX
Mouse.y = _MouseY = _MouseButton(1)
Mouse.click2 = _MouseButton(2)
If _MouseWheel <> 0 Then Mouse.scroll = _MouseWheel
PlayerInteract = 0
If PlayerInteract = 0 And _KeyDown(101) = -1 And PlayerInteractPre = 0 Then PlayerInteract = 1
PlayerInteractPre = _KeyDown(101)
If _KeyDown(15104) And delay = 0 And debug = 1 Then HideUI = HideUI + 1: delay = 20: If HideUI = 2 Then HideUI = 0
If _KeyDown(17408) And delay = 0 And debug = 1 Then NoAI = NoAI + 1: delay = 20: If NoAI = 2 Then NoAI = 0
If _KeyDown(118) And delay = 0 And debug = 1 Then Noclip = Noclip + 1: delay = 20: If Noclip = 2 Then Noclip = 0
If Player(1).Health > 101 Then Player(1).Health = Player(1).Health - 0.1
If Player(1).Health < -1 Then Player(1).Health = -1
_Limit 62
ff% = ff% + 1
If Timer - start! >= 1 Then fps% = ff%: ff% = 0: start! = Timer
If delay > 0 Then delay = delay - 1
If ShootDelay > 0 Then ShootDelay = ShootDelay - 1
'Camera Control
If _KeyDown(114) And debug = 1 Then Player(1).Health = 100: PlayerCantMove = 0: DeathTimer = 0
GoSub RenderSprites
GoSub ParticleLogic
If PlayerCantMove = 0 Then GoSub PlayerMovement
GoSub HandsCode
GoSub GrenadeLogic
If NoAI = 0 Then GoSub ZombieAI
GoSub RenderMobs
GoSub RenderPlayer
Player(1).shooting = 0
GoSub GunCode
GoSub Fire
GoSub RenderLayer3
GoSub TriggerPlayer
CameraXM = CameraXM / 1.1
CameraYM = CameraYM / 1.1
If Freecam = 0 Then CameraX = (Player(1).x / Map.TileSize) - (_Width / (Map.TileSize * 2)): CameraY = (Player(1).y / Map.TileSize) - (_Height / (Map.TileSize * 2)): CameraX = CameraX + CameraXM / 100: CameraY = CameraY + CameraYM / 100
' If Debug = 1 Then Tile(Fix(Player(1).x / Map.TileSize), Fix(Player(1).y / Map.TileSize), 1).PlayerStand = 1
If _KeyDown(15616) And delay = 0 Then debug = debug + 1: delay = 20: If debug = 2 Then debug = 0
If _KeyDown(102) And delay = 0 And debug = 1 Then Freecam = Freecam + 1: delay = 20: If Freecam = 2 Then Freecam = 0
If Freecam = 1 Then
If _KeyDown(19200) Then CameraX = CameraX - 0.1
If _KeyDown(19712) Then CameraX = CameraX + 0.1
If _KeyDown(18432) Then CameraY = CameraY - 0.1
If _KeyDown(20480) Then CameraY = CameraY + 0.1
End If
Player(1).Health = Player(1).Health - Player(1).DamageToTake: Player(1).DamageToTake = 0
If Player(1).Health <= 0 And DeathTimer = 0 Then DeathTimer = 1
If DeathTimer > 0 Then GoSub PlayerDeath
If Mouse.scroll = -1 And PlayerCantMove = 0 Then HudChange = 1: WantSlot = 0
If Mouse.scroll = 1 And PlayerCantMove = 0 Then HudChange = -1: WantSlot = 0
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), _RGBA32(ShadeRed, 0, 0, DayAmount), BF
If WaveWait > 0 Then GoSub WaveChange
GoSub DrawHud
If HideUI = 0 Then GoSub MiniMapCode
If WaveBudget = 0 Then GoSub WaveChange
If Wave = 16 Then GoSub TurningDay
If HideUI = 0 Then _PutImage (_Width - 128, _Height - 128)-(_Width, _Height), HudImageHealth
GoSub HealthHud
If _WindowHasFocus Then GoSub ResizeScreen
If LastHealth > Player(1).Health Then
For x = 1 To Fix(Fix((LastHealth) - Int(Player(1).Health)) / 4)
LastBloodPart = LastBloodPart + 1: If LastBloodPart > 32 Then LastBloodPart = 1
BloodPart(LastBloodPart).x = 64 ' Int(Rnd * _Width(HeartPercent))
BloodPart(LastBloodPart).y = _Width(HeartPercent)
BloodPart(LastBloodPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 100) - 50
BloodPart(LastBloodPart).ym = -(80 + Int(Rnd * 50))
BloodPart(LastBloodPart).visible = 1
End If
If LastHealth <> Player(1).Health Then
FontSizeUse = 60
If Player(1).Health < 0 Then Player(1).Health = 0
Text$ = LTrim$(Str$(Fix(Player(1).Health)) + "%")
GoSub HudText
HeartThx = thx
HeartThy = thy
If HeartPercent <> 0 Then _FreeImage HeartPercent
HeartPercent = _CopyImage(ImgToMenu)
_SetAlpha 64, _RGBA32(1, 1, 1, 1) To _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), HeartPercent
End If
_Dest HudImageHealth
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
For i = 1 To 32
If BloodPart(i).visible = 1 Then
BloodPart(i).x = BloodPart(i).x + BloodPart(i).xm / 10
BloodPart(i).y = BloodPart(i).y + BloodPart(i).ym / 10
If BloodPart(i).x > _Width Then BloodPart(i).x = _Width: BloodPart(i).xm = -BloodPart(i).xm
If BloodPart(i).x < 0 Then BloodPart(i).x = 0: BloodPart(i).xm = -BloodPart(i).xm
If BloodPart(i).ym > 0 Then RotoZoom BloodPart(i).x, BloodPart(i).y, BloodDrop, 1.5, BloodPart(i).xm / 15
If BloodPart(i).ym < 0 Then RotoZoom BloodPart(i).x, BloodPart(i).y, BloodDrop, 1.5, 180 + BloodPart(i).xm / 15
If BloodPart(i).y > _Width(HeartPercent) + 10 Then BloodPart(i).visible = 0
If BloodPart(i).y < -32 Then BloodPart(i).visible = 0
End If
RotHeartDisplay = -(Player(1).xm / 6)
If RotHeartDisplay > 45 Then RotHearDisplay = 45
If RotHeartDisplay < -45 Then RotHearDisplay = -45
RotoZoom _Width / 2 + (Player(1).xm / 50), ((Abs(Player(1).Health - 100) * (_Height / 100))), Hud_Health_Fluid, 2.2, RotHeartDisplay
'_PutImage ((_Width / 2) + (_Width(HeartPercent) / 2), (_Height / 2) + (_Height(HeartPercent) / 2)), HeartPercent
_PutImage ((_Width / 2) - HeartThx / 2, (_Height / 2) - HeartThy / 2), HeartPercent
If PlayerIsOnFire > 0 Then firechoosen = (Int(Rnd * 3) + 1): _PutImage (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), FireParticles(firechoosen)
_PutImage (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), Hud_Health_Icon
_Dest MainScreen
_ClearColor _RGB32(0, 255, 0), HudImageHealth
If Player(1).Health < 60 And ShadeRed > Abs(60 - Player(1).Health) Then ShadeRed = ShadeRed - 1
If Player(1).Health < 60 And ShadeRed < Abs(60 - Player(1).Health) Then ShadeRed = ShadeRed + 1
If Player(1).Health > 60 And ShadeRed > 0 Then ShadeRed = ShadeRed - 1
SizeDelayMinimap = 6
Hud(1).rotation = 200
Wave = 0
WaveWait = 0
WaveBudget = 0
FlameAmmo = 0
SMGAmmo = 200
ShotgunAmmo = 5
GrenadeAmmo = 1
'Generate Minimap Texture
GoSub GenerateMiniMap
PlayerOnFire = 0
RayM(1).x = (_Width / 2) - (_Height / 2)
RayM(1).y = 0
RayM(2).x = (_Width / 2) + (_Height / 2)
RayM(2).y = _Height
MiniMapGoBack = 20
DayAmount = 138
Player(1).x = 2064 * 2
Player(1).y = 2064 * 2
Player(1).size = 25
GunDisplay(1).visible = 1
GunDisplay(1).wtype = 2 = 0
For i = 1 To GrenadeMax
Grenade(i).x = 64
Grenade(i).y = 64
Grenade(i).z = 1
Grenade(i).xm = 64
Grenade(i).ym = 64
Grenade(i).froozen = 0
Grenade(i).rotation = 0
Grenade(i).rotationspeed = 0
Grenade(i).visible = 0
For i = 1 To ZombieMax
Zombie(i).active = 0
Zombie(i).onfire = 0
For i = 1 To FireMax
Fire(i).visible = 0
Fire(i).txt = 0
Fire(i).xm = 0
Fire(i).ym = 0
Fire(i).froozen = 0
RenderLayer1 = 1
RenderLayer2 = 1
RenderLayer3 = 1
delay = 100
For i = 1 To ParticlesMax
Part(i).froozen = 0
Part(i).visible = 0
Zoom = 1
PlayerCantMove = 0
DeathTimer = 0
PlayerIsOnFire = 0
Player(1).Health = 150
Player(1).DamageToTake = 0
If Player(1).Health <= 0 Then Wave = 1
If DelayUntilStart > 0 Then DelayUntilStart = DelayUntilStart - 1
If DelayUntilStart = 0 And DayAmount > 0 Then DayAmount = DayAmount / 1.005
If DayAmount < 20 And Tile(Fix(Player(1).x / Map.TileSize), Fix(Player(1).y / Map.TileSize), 1).ID = 66 Then PlayerIsOnFire = 5
If DayAmount < 1 Then DayAmount = 0
If DayAmount = 0 And Player(1).Health > 0 Then
If Showtext = 1 Then WaveDisplayY = -thy * 2
Showtext = 2
Darkening = Darkening + 0.5
If Darkening > 400 Then System
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, Darkening), BF
Text$ = "Rest Well"
FontSizeUse = 70
GoSub HudText
dist = (Abs(WaveDisplayY - _Width / 2) / 50): WaveDisplayY = WaveDisplayY + 1 / (dist / 15)
WaveDisplayTHX = thx: WaveDisplayTHY = thy
_PutImage (_Width / 2 - WaveDisplayTHX / 2, WaveDisplayY - WaveDisplayTHY / 2), ImgToMenu
Text$ = ("They will return tomorrow...")
FontSizeUse = 40
GoSub HudText
WaveDisplayTHX = thx
_PutImage (_Width / 2 - WaveDisplayTHX / 2, WaveDisplayY + WaveDisplayTHY / 2), ImgToMenu
End If
If Showtext = 1 Then
Text$ = "Go inside the house."
FontSizeUse = 70
GoSub HudText
dist = (Abs(WaveDisplayY - _Width / 2) / 50): WaveDisplayY = WaveDisplayY + 1 / (dist / 15)
WaveDisplayTHX = thx: WaveDisplayTHY = thy
_PutImage (_Width / 2 - WaveDisplayTHX / 2, WaveDisplayY - WaveDisplayTHY / 2), ImgToMenu
Text$ = ("The sun is coming.")
FontSizeUse = 40
GoSub HudText
WaveDisplayTHX = thx
_PutImage (_Width / 2 - WaveDisplayTHX / 2, WaveDisplayY + WaveDisplayTHY / 2), ImgToMenu
End If
RenderZombiesMinimap = 1
UpdateMiniMap = UpdateMiniMap - 1
If UpdateMiniMap < 0 Then GoSub GenerateMiniMap
If MiniMapGoBack > 0 Then MiniMapGoBack = MiniMapGoBack - 1
CheckMiniMapKey = 0
If CheckMiniMapKey = 0 And _KeyDown(9) = -1 And CheckMiniMapKeyPre = 0 Then CheckMiniMapKey = 1
CheckMiniMapKeyPre = _KeyDown(9)
If CheckMiniMapKey = 1 Then ToggleMinimapBig = ToggleMinimapBig + 1: If ToggleMinimapBig = 2 Then ToggleMinimapBig = 0
If MiniMapGoBack = 1 Then ToggleMinimapBig = 0: CheckMiniMapKey = 1
If ToggleMinimapBig = 1 And CheckMiniMapKey = 1 Then
RayM(1).x = Minimap.x1: RayM(1).y = Minimap.y1
RayM(1).damage = (_Width / 2) - (_Height / 2)
RayM(1).knockback = 0: RayM(1).owner = 1
RayM(2).x = Minimap.x2: RayM(2).y = Minimap.y2
RayM(2).damage = (_Width / 2) + (_Height / 2)
RayM(2).knockback = _Height
RayM(2).owner = 1
MiniMapGoBack = 360
End If
If ToggleMinimapBig = 0 And CheckMiniMapKey = 1 Then
RayM(1).x = Minimap.x1: RayM(1).y = Minimap.y1
RayM(1).damage = _Width - 200
RayM(1).knockback = 0: RayM(1).owner = 1
RayM(2).x = Minimap.x2: RayM(2).y = Minimap.y2
RayM(2).damage = _Width
RayM(2).knockback = 200
RayM(2).owner = 1
MiniMapGoBack = 0
End If
For i = 1 To 2
If RayM(i).owner = 1 Then
dx = RayM(i).x - RayM(i).damage: dy = RayM(i).y - RayM(i).knockback
rotation = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
RayM(i).angle = (rotation * 180 / PI) + 90
If RayM(i).angle > 180 Then RayM(i).angle = RayM(i).angle - 179.9
xvector = Sin(RayM(i).angle * PIDIV180): yvector = -Cos(RayM(i).angle * PIDIV180)
RayM(i).x = RayM(i).x + xvector * (0.1 + (Distance(RayM(i).x, RayM(i).y, RayM(i).damage, RayM(i).knockback) / 5))
RayM(i).y = RayM(i).y + yvector * (0.1 + (Distance(RayM(i).x, RayM(i).y, RayM(i).damage, RayM(i).knockback) / 5))
If Int(RayM(i).x) = Int(RayM(i).damage) And Int(RayM(i).y) = Int(RayM(i).knockback) Then RayM(i).owner = 0
End If
Minimap.x1 = RayM(1).x
Minimap.y1 = RayM(1).y
Minimap.x2 = RayM(2).x
Minimap.y2 = RayM(2).y
If MiniMapGoBack = 0 Then MinimapSize = Int((Minimap.x2 - Minimap.x1) / SizeDelayMinimap): If SizeDelayMinimap < 6 Then SizeDelayMinimap = SizeDelayMinimap + 0.5
If MiniMapGoBack <> 0 Then MinimapSize = Int((Minimap.x2 - Minimap.x1) / SizeDelayMinimap): If SizeDelayMinimap > 2 Then SizeDelayMinimap = SizeDelayMinimap - 1
Offset = Abs((Int(Player(1).xm) + Int(Player(1).ym) / 2) / 10) + 100 + MinimapSize
_PutImage (Minimap.x1, Minimap.y1)-(Minimap.x2, Minimap.y2), MinimapIMG, MainScreen, ((Player(1).x / 8) - Offset, (Player(1).y / 8) - Offset)-((Player(1).x / 8) + Offset, (Player(1).y / 8) + Offset)
Line (Minimap.x1, Minimap.y1)-(Minimap.x2, Minimap.y2), _RGBA32(0, 255, 0, UpdateMiniMap / 1.5), BF
UpdateMiniMap = 60
_Dest MinimapIMG
For x = 0 To Map.MaxWidth
For y = 0 To Map.MaxHeight
z = 1
xs = x * MinimapTxtSize
ys = y * MinimapTxtSize
If Tile(x, y, z).ID <> 0 Then _PutImage (xs, ys)-(xs + (MinimapTxtSize), ys + (MinimapTxtSize)), Tileset, MinimapIMG, (Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex * Map.TextureSize, Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey * Map.TextureSize)-(Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex * Map.TextureSize + (Map.TextureSize - 1), Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey * Map.TextureSize + (Map.TextureSize - 1))
Line (xs, ys)-(xs + (MinimapTxtSize), ys + (MinimapTxtSize)), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 64), BF
z = 2
If Tile(x, y, z).ID <> 0 Then _PutImage (xs, ys)-(xs + (MinimapTxtSize), ys + (MinimapTxtSize)), Tileset, MinimapIMG, (Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex * Map.TextureSize, Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey * Map.TextureSize)-(Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex * Map.TextureSize + (Map.TextureSize - 1), Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey * Map.TextureSize + (Map.TextureSize - 1))
If RenderZombiesMinimap = 1 Then
For i = 1 To ZombieMax
If Zombie(i).active = 1 Then
If Zombie(i).special = "Runner" Then Line (Zombie(i).x1 / 8, Zombie(i).y1 / 8)-(Zombie(i).x2 / 8, Zombie(i).y2 / 8), _RGB32(255, 0, 255), BF
If Zombie(i).special = "Brute" Then Line (Zombie(i).x1 / 8, Zombie(i).y1 / 8)-(Zombie(i).x2 / 8, Zombie(i).y2 / 8), _RGB32(255, 0, 0), BF
If Zombie(i).special = "Slower" Then Line (Zombie(i).x1 / 8, Zombie(i).y1 / 8)-(Zombie(i).x2 / 8, Zombie(i).y2 / 8), _RGB32(64, 0, 64), BF
If Zombie(i).special = "Bomber" Then Line (Zombie(i).x1 / 8, Zombie(i).y1 / 8)-(Zombie(i).x2 / 8, Zombie(i).y2 / 8), _RGB32(128, 128, 128), BF
If Zombie(i).special = "Fire" Then Line (Zombie(i).x1 / 8, Zombie(i).y1 / 8)-(Zombie(i).x2 / 8, Zombie(i).y2 / 8), _RGB32(255, 128, 0), BF
If Zombie(i).special = "Biohazard" Then Line (Zombie(i).x1 / 8, Zombie(i).y1 / 8)-(Zombie(i).x2 / 8, Zombie(i).y2 / 8), _RGB32(0, 255, 0), BF
If Zombie(i).special = "Normal" Then Line (Zombie(i).x1 / 8, Zombie(i).y1 / 8)-(Zombie(i).x2 / 8, Zombie(i).y2 / 8), _RGB32(28, 125, 46), BF
End If
End If
Line (Player(1).x1 / 8, Player(1).y1 / 8)-(Player(1).x2 / 8, Player(1).y2 / 8), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), BF
_Dest MainScreen
For i = 1 To FireMax
If Fire(i).visible > 0 Then
If Fire(i).froozen > Fire(i).visible Then Fire(i).visible = Fire(i).visible + 1: If Fire(i).froozen = Fire(i).visible Then Fire(i).froozen = 0
Fire(i).x = Fire(i).x + (Fire(i).xm / 10)
Fire(i).y = Fire(i).y + (Fire(i).ym / 10)
Fire(i).xm = Fire(i).xm / 1.01
Fire(i).ym = Fire(i).ym / 1.01
' RotoZoom ETSX(Fire(i).x), ETSY(Fire(i).y), FireParticle(Int(Rnd * 3) + 1), 0.1 + (Fire(i).visible / 10), Int(Rnd * 10) - 5
Size = 0.1 + Fire(i).visible
_PutImage (ETSX(Fire(i).x) - Size, ETSY(Fire(i).y) - Size)-(ETSX(Fire(i).x) + Size, ETSY(Fire(i).y) + Size), FireParticle
If Fire(i).txt = 0 Then
For z = 1 To ZombieMax
If Zombie(z).active = 1 Then If Distance(Fire(i).x, Fire(i).y, Zombie(z).x, Zombie(z).y) < (Size * 2) Then Zombie(z).onfire = Fire(i).visible * 5
End If
If Int(Rnd * 20) = 3 Then Fire(i).visible = Fire(i).visible - 1
If Fire(i).visible > 10 And Fire(i).txt <> 4 And Distance(Fire(i).x, Fire(i).y, Player(1).x, Player(1).y) < Int(Size * 1.5) Then PlayerIsOnFire = 10 * Fire(i).visible
If Fire(i).visible > 20 And Fix(Fire(i).visible / 1.5) > 5 And Int(Rnd * 10) = 3 Then
FireLast = FireLast + 1: If FireLast > FireMax Then FireLast = 1
Fire(FireLast).txt = Fire(i).txt
Fire(i).visible = Fire(i).visible - 5
Fire(FireLast).froozen = Fix(Fire(i).visible * 2.5)
Fire(FireLast).visible = 2
Fire(FireLast).x = Fire(i).x + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
Fire(FireLast).y = Fire(i).y + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
For k = 1 To FireMax
If k <> i Then
If Distance(Fire(i).x, Fire(i).y, Fire(k).x, Fire(k).y) < (Size * 2) Then Fire(FireLast).visible = 5
End If
End If
If Fire(i).visible = 0 Then
Fire(i).txt = 0
Fire(i).xm = 0
Fire(i).ym = 0
Fire(i).froozen = 0
End If
End If
If ResizeDelay > 0 Then ResizeDelay = ResizeDelay - 1
If _Resize And ResizeDelay = 0 And _WindowHasFocus Then
Screen SecondScreen
_FreeImage MainScreen
ScreenSizeX = _ResizeWidth
ScreenSizeY = _ResizeHeight
If ScreenSizeX < 128 Then ScreenSizeX = 128
If ScreenSizeY < 128 Then ScreenSizeY = 128
MainScreen = _NewImage(ScreenSizeX, ScreenSizeY, 32)
Screen MainScreen
ResizeDelay = 5
End If
For i = 1 To Map.Triggers
If TriggerPlayerCollide(Player(1), Trigger(i)) Then
Select Case Trigger(i).class
Case "TP"
Player(1).x = Trigger(i).val1 * 2
Player(1).y = Trigger(i).val2 * 2
Case "DoorUse"
If PlayerInteract = 1 Then
DoorX = Fix(((Trigger(i).x2 + Trigger(i).x1) / 2) / Map.TileSize)
DoorY = Fix(((Trigger(i).y2 + Trigger(i).y1) / 2) / Map.TileSize)
Trigger(i).val3 = Trigger(i).val3 + 1: If Trigger(i).val3 > 1 Then Trigger(i).val3 = 0
If Trigger(i).val3 = 0 Then Tile(DoorX, DoorY, 2).ID = Trigger(i).val1: Tile(DoorX, DoorY, 2).solid = 1
If Trigger(i).val3 = 1 Then Tile(DoorX, DoorY, 2).ID = Trigger(i).val2: Tile(DoorX, DoorY, 2).solid = 0
IDTOTEXTURE = Tile(DoorX, DoorY, 2).ID: Tile(DoorX, DoorY, 2).rend_spritey = 0
If IDTOTEXTURE > 16 Then Tile(DoorX, DoorY, 2).rend_spritey = Tile(DoorX, DoorY, 2).rend_spritey + 1: IDTOTEXTURE = IDTOTEXTURE - 16
Tile(DoorX, DoorY, 2).rend_spritex = IDTOTEXTURE
Loop While IDTOTEXTURE > 16
End If
End Select
End If
If DeathTimer = 1 Then _SndPlay PlayerDeath
If DeathTimer < 1000 Then DeathTimer = DeathTimer + 3
Hud(1).ym = DeathTimer * 2
If Int(Rnd * 6) + 1 = 3 And DeathTimer < 400 Then SpawnBloodParticle Player(1).x - 20 + Int(Rnd * 21), Player(1).y - 20 + Int(Rnd * 21), -180 + Int(Rnd * 361), 20, "red": Part(LastPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 500) - 250: Part(LastPart).ym = Int(Rnd * 500) - 250: Part(LastPart).zm = Int(Part(LastPart).zm / 4)
DayAmount = DayAmount + 1
PlayerCantMove = 1
If DayAmount > 480 Then GoSub RestartEverything
Randomize Timer
If WaveWait = 0 Then
WaveWait = 600: WaveDisplayY = -thy: Wave = Wave + 1: WaveBudget = (Wave * 10) + Int(Rnd * 22)
If WaveBudget > 128 Then WaveBudget = 128
End If
If Wave = 16 Then WaveWait = -9999999: DelayUntilStart = 2000: Showtext = 1: WaveDisplayY = -thy * 2: GoTo EndWaveCode
If WaveWait = 1 Then
DayAmount = DayAmount - 1
For i = 1 To WaveBudget
Special = 0
If Int(Rnd * 3) + 1 = 1 Then Special = 1
If Special = 1 Then SpecialType = Int(Rnd * 6) + 1
If Special <> 1 Then
Rand = Int(Rnd * 80)
If Rand = 47 Then
Zombie(i).size = Int(Rnd * (DefZombie.size - 20 + 1)) + 20 ' DefZombie.size
Zombie(i).size = DefZombie.size
End If
Zombie(i).active = 1
Zombie(i).maxspeed = Int(Rnd * (500 - 300 + 1)) + 300
Zombie(i).damage = Int(Rnd * (10 - 2 + 1)) + 2
Zombie(i).speeding = Int(Rnd * (20 - 10 + 1)) + 10
Zombie(i).knockback = Int(Rnd * (8 - 5 + 1)) + 5
Zombie(i).special = "Normal"
Zombie(i).health = Int(Rnd * (DefZombie.maxhealth - DefZombie.minhealth + 1)) + DefZombie.minhealth
Zombie(i).weight = 1
End If
If Special = 1 Then
Zombie(i).active = 1
Select Case SpecialType
Case 1 ' Runner
Rand = Int(Rnd * 20120)
Zombie(i).size = Int(Rnd * (34 - 25 + 1)) + 25
Zombie(i).health = Int(Rnd * (Int(DefZombie.maxhealth / 1.5) - Fix(DefZombie.minhealth / 1.5) + 1)) + Fix(DefZombie.minhealth / 2)
Zombie(i).maxspeed = Int(Rnd * (1200 - 900 + 1)) + 900
Zombie(i).damage = Int(Rnd * (10 - 2 + 1)) + 2
Zombie(i).speeding = Int(Rnd * (40 - 30 + 1)) + 30
Zombie(i).knockback = Int(Rnd * (10 - 5 + 1)) + 5
Zombie(i).special = "Runner"
Zombie(i).weight = 2
Case 2 ' Brute
Rand = Int(Rnd * 5)
If Rand = 3 Then GoTo CreateZombie
Zombie(i).size = Int(Rnd * (100 - 70 + 1)) + 70
Zombie(i).health = Int(Rnd * ((DefZombie.maxhealth + 500) - DefZombie.minhealth + 1)) + DefZombie.minhealth + (Zombie(i).size * 2)
Zombie(i).maxspeed = Int(Rnd * (650 - 500 + 1)) + 500
Zombie(i).damage = Int(Rnd * (80 - 40 + 1)) + 40
Zombie(i).speeding = Int(Rnd * (20 - 10 + 1)) + 10
Zombie(i).knockback = Int(Rnd * (50 - 30 + 1)) + 30
Zombie(i).special = "Brute"
Zombie(i).weight = 20
Case 3 ' Slower
Zombie(i).size = Int(Rnd * (34 - 25 + 1)) + 25
Zombie(i).health = Int(Rnd * (Int(DefZombie.maxhealth + 20) - Fix(DefZombie.minhealth) + 1)) + Fix(DefZombie.minhealth)
Zombie(i).damage = Int(Rnd * (30 - 20 + 1)) + 20
Zombie(i).maxspeed = DefZombie.maxspeed
Zombie(i).speeding = Int(Rnd * (7 - 4 + 1)) + 4
Zombie(i).weight = 3
Zombie(i).knockback = Int(Rnd * (10 - 5 + 1)) + 5
Zombie(i).special = "Slower"
Case 4 ' Bomber
Rand = Int(Rnd * 7)
If Rand = 5 Then GoTo CreateZombie
Zombie(i).size = Int(Rnd * (34 - 25 + 1)) + 25
Zombie(i).health = Int(Rnd * (Int(DefZombie.maxhealth / 2) - Fix(DefZombie.minhealth / 2) + 1)) + Fix(DefZombie.minhealth / 2)
Zombie(i).maxspeed = Int(Rnd * (850 - 700 + 1)) + 700
Zombie(i).damage = Int(Rnd * (10 - 2 + 1)) + 2
Zombie(i).speeding = Int(Rnd * (30 - 20 + 1)) + 20
Zombie(i).knockback = Int(Rnd * (10 - 5 + 1)) + 5
Zombie(i).special = "Bomber"
Zombie(i).weight = 6
Case 5 ' Fire
Rand = Int(Rnd * 10)
If Rand = 5 Then GoTo CreateZombie
Zombie(i).size = Int(Rnd * (37 - 27 + 1)) + 27
Zombie(i).health = Int(Rnd * (Int(DefZombie.maxhealth) - Fix(DefZombie.minhealth) + 1)) + Fix(DefZombie.minhealth)
Zombie(i).maxspeed = Int(Rnd * (850 - 500 + 1)) + 500
Zombie(i).damage = Int(Rnd * (10 - 2 + 1)) + 2
Zombie(i).speeding = Int(Rnd * (10 - 5 + 1)) + 5
Zombie(i).knockback = Int(Rnd * (10 - 5 + 1)) + 5
Zombie(i).special = "Fire"
Zombie(i).weight = 2
Case 6 ' Biohazard
Rand = Int(Rnd * 200)
Zombie(i).size = Int(Rnd * (37 - 27 + 1)) + 27
Zombie(i).health = Int(Rnd * (Int(DefZombie.maxhealth) - Fix(DefZombie.minhealth) + 1)) + Fix(DefZombie.minhealth)
Zombie(i).maxspeed = Int(Rnd * (850 - 500 + 1)) + 500
Zombie(i).damage = Int(Rnd * (10 - 2 + 1)) + 2
Zombie(i).speeding = Int(Rnd * (10 - 5 + 1)) + 5
Zombie(i).knockback = -Int(Rnd * (10 - 5 + 1)) + 5
Zombie(i).special = "Biohazard"
Zombie(i).weight = 2
End Select
End If
Zombie(i).x = 4 + Int(Rnd * (Map.MaxWidth - 8))
Zombie(i).y = 4 + Int(Rnd * (Map.MaxHeight - 8))
If Tile(Fix(Zombie(i).x), Fix(Zombie(i).y), 2).solid = 1 Then GoTo CreateZombie
Zombie(i).x = Zombie(i).x * Map.TileSize
Zombie(i).y = Zombie(i).y * Map.TileSize
Zombie(i).healthFirst = Zombie(i).health
Zombie(i).sizeFirst = Zombie(i).size
End If
If WaveWait > 0 Then WaveWait = WaveWait - 1
Text$ = "Wave: " + Str$(Wave)
FontSizeUse = 70
GoSub HudText
dist = (Abs(WaveDisplayY - _Width / 2) / 50): WaveDisplayY = WaveDisplayY + 1 / (dist / 15)
WaveDisplayTHX = thx: WaveDisplayTHY = thy
_PutImage (_Width / 2 - WaveDisplayTHX / 2, WaveDisplayY - WaveDisplayTHY / 2), ImgToMenu
Text$ = (_Trim$(Str$(WaveBudget)) + " Infecteds coming...")
FontSizeUse = 40
GoSub HudText
WaveDisplayTHX = thx
_PutImage (_Width / 2 - WaveDisplayTHX / 2, WaveDisplayY + WaveDisplayTHY / 2), ImgToMenu
If DelayHud > 0 Then DelayHud = DelayHud - 1
If DelayHud > 0 Then HudChange = 0
If DelayHud = 0 And HudChange <> 0 Then DelayHud = 20: Hud(1).xm = HudChange * 800: Hud(1).ym = -200
If HudChange <> 0 Then SlotRotation = SlotRotation + HudChange * 20
SlotRotation = SlotRotation / 1.1
HudSlotSelected = HudSlotSelected + HudChange
HudSize = _Width + _Height
Hud(1).x = _Width / 2 + (Hud(1).xm / 10)
Hud(1).y = _Height + (Hud(1).ym / 10)
Hud(1).xm = Hud(1).xm / 1.025
Hud(1).ym = Hud(1).ym / 1.025
'If HudChangeOld = 0 And HudChange <> 0 Then Hud(1).rotation = Hud(1).rotation + HudChange * 5
HudChangeOld = HudChange
Hud(1).rotation = Hud(1).rotation + SlotRotation 'Hud(1).rotation + Distance
HighestHudAmount = 9999999
For i = 2 To 6
Hud(i).xm = Hud(i).xm / 1.2
Hud(i).ym = Hud(i).ym / 1.2
degree = i * 72
Hudxv = Sin((Hud(1).rotation + degree) * PIDIV180)
Hudyv = -Cos((Hud(1).rotation + degree) * PIDIV180)
Hud(i).x = (Hud(1).x + Hudxv * 128)
Hud(i).y = (Hud(1).y + Hudyv * 64)
If Hud(i).y < HighestHudAmount Then HighestHudAmount = Hud(i).y: HighestHud = i
If HudChange = 0 Then HudTopDistance = (Hud(HighestHud).x - Hud(1).x)
Hud(1).rotation = Hud(1).rotation - (HudTopDistance) / 7.5
HudChange = 0
For i = 2 To 6
Hud(i).size = 32
Hud(i).x1 = Hud(i).x - Hud(i).size + Hud(i).xm
Hud(i).x2 = Hud(i).x + Hud(i).size + Hud(i).xm
Hud(i).y1 = Hud(i).y - Hud(i).size + Hud(i).ym
Hud(i).y2 = Hud(i).y + Hud(i).size + Hud(i).ym
Side0 = HighestHud - 2: If Side0 <= 1 Then Side0 = Side0 + 5
Side3 = HighestHud + 2: If Side3 >= 7 Then Side3 = Side3 - 5
Side1 = HighestHud - 1: If Side1 = 1 Then Side1 = 6
Side2 = HighestHud + 1: If Side2 = 7 Then Side2 = 2
If HideUI = 0 Then
If i = HighestHud Then _MapTriangle (0, 0)-(16, 32)-(32, 0), HudSelected To(Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2)-(Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2) ' Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255): Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
If i = Side1 Then _MapTriangle (0, 0)-(16, 32)-(32, 0), HudNotSelected To(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y1)-(Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2) ' Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255): Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
If i = Side2 Then _MapTriangle (0, 0)-(16, 32)-(32, 0), HudNotSelected To(Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y1)-(Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2) ' Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255): Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
If i = Side3 Then _MapTriangle (0, 0)-(16, 32)-(32, 0), HudNotSelected To(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y1)-(Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2) ' Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255): Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
If i = Side0 Then _MapTriangle (0, 0)-(16, 32)-(32, 0), HudNotSelected To(Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y1)-(Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2) ' Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255): Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
_PutImage (Hud(1).x - 5, Hud(1).y - 5)-(Hud(1).x + 5, Hud(1).y + 5), PlayerHand(1)
' If i <> HighestHud Then Line (Hud(1).x, Hud(1).y)-(Hud(i).x, Hud(i).y), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
If i = HighestHud Then Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y1)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), BF
If i <> HighestHud Then Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y1)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(128, 128, 128), BF
If i = 2 Then
_PutImage (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y1)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), Guns_Pistol
percent = CalculatePercentage(SMGAmmoMax, SMGAmmo) / 10
pc = Fix(percent * 25.5)
pc2 = Abs(pc - 255)
Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2 - (Hud(i).size / 5))-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2 - (Hud(i).size / 5))-(Hud(i).x1 + (percent * 6.4), Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(pc2, pc, 0), BF
End If
If i = 3 Then
_PutImage ((Hud(i).x + Hud(i).xm) - (_Width(Guns_Shotgun) / 4), (Hud(i).y + Hud(i).ym) - (_Height(Guns_Shotgun) / 4))-(Hud(i).x + Hud(i).xm + (_Width(Guns_Shotgun) / 4), Hud(i).y + Hud(i).ym + (_Height(Guns_Shotgun) / 4)), Guns_Shotgun
percent = CalculatePercentage(ShotgunAmmoMax, ShotgunAmmo) / 10
pc = Fix(percent * 25.5)
pc2 = Abs(pc - 255)
Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2 - (Hud(i).size / 5))-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2 - (Hud(i).size / 5))-(Hud(i).x1 + (percent * 6.4), Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(pc2, pc, 0), BF
End If
If i = 4 Then
_PutImage (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y1)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), Guns_SMG
percent = CalculatePercentage(SMGAmmoMax, SMGAmmo) / 10
pc = Fix(percent * 25.5)
pc2 = Abs(pc - 255)
Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2 - (Hud(i).size / 5))-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2 - (Hud(i).size / 5))-(Hud(i).x1 + (percent * 6.4), Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(pc2, pc, 0), BF
End If
If i = 5 Then
_PutImage (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y1)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), Guns_Grenade
percent = CalculatePercentage(GrenadeAmmoMax, GrenadeAmmo) / 10
pc = Fix(percent * 25.5)
pc2 = Abs(pc - 255)
Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2 - (Hud(i).size / 5))-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2 - (Hud(i).size / 5))-(Hud(i).x1 + (percent * 6.4), Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(pc2, pc, 0), BF
End If
If i = 6 Then
_PutImage (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y1)-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), Guns_Flame
percent = CalculatePercentage(FlameAmmoMax, FlameAmmo) / 10
pc = Fix(percent * 25.5)
pc2 = Abs(pc - 255)
Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2 - (Hud(i).size / 5))-(Hud(i).x2, Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
Line (Hud(i).x1, Hud(i).y2 - (Hud(i).size / 5))-(Hud(i).x1 + (percent * 6.4), Hud(i).y2), _RGB32(pc2, pc, 0), BF
End If
End If
_Font BegsFontSizes(FontSizeUse)
thx = _PrintWidth(Text$)
thy = _FontHeight(BegsFontSizes(FontSizeUse))
If ImgToMenu <> 0 Then _FreeImage ImgToMenu
ImgToMenu = _NewImage(thx * 3, thy * 3, 32)
_Dest ImgToMenu
_ClearColor _RGB32(0, 0, 0): _PrintMode _KeepBackground: _Font BegsFontSizes(FontSizeUse): Print Text$
_Dest MainScreen
_Font BegsFontSizes(20)
For i = 1 To GrenadeMax
If Grenade(i).visible = 0 Then GoTo EndOfGrenadeLogic
Grenade(i).x = Grenade(i).x + (Grenade(i).xm / 10)
Grenade(i).y = Grenade(i).y + (Grenade(i).ym / 10)
Grenade(i).z = Grenade(i).z + (Grenade(i).zm / 10)
If Grenade(i).z > 0 Then Grenade(i).zm = Grenade(i).zm - 2
If Grenade(i).z < 0 And Grenade(i).zm < 0 Then
_SndPlayCopy ShellSounds(Int(1 + Rnd * 3)), 0.25
Grenade(i).zm = Int(Grenade(i).zm * -0.5)
Grenade(i).xm = Int(Grenade(i).xm / 2): Grenade(i).ym = Int(Grenade(i).ym / 2)
End If
If Grenade(i).froozen = -1 Then
x1 = Fix(Grenade(i).x / Map.TileSize) - 3
x2 = Fix(Grenade(i).x / Map.TileSize) + 3
y1 = Fix(Grenade(i).y / Map.TileSize) - 3
y2 = Fix(Grenade(i).y / Map.TileSize) + 3
If x1 < 0 Then x1 = 0
If y1 < 0 Then y1 = 0
If x2 > Map.MaxWidth Then x2 = Map.MaxWidth
If y2 > Map.MaxHeight Then y2 = Map.MaxHeight
For x = x1 To x2
For y = y1 To y2
If Tile(x, y, 2).fragile = 1 Then
For o = 1 To 5
Part(LastPart).x = x * Map.TileSize + Int(Rnd * Map.TileSize): Part(LastPart).y = y * Map.TileSize + Int(Rnd * Map.TileSize): Part(LastPart).z = 2: Part(LastPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 128) - 64: Part(LastPart).ym = Int(Rnd * 128) - 64: Part(LastPart).zm = 2 + Int(Rnd * 7)
Part(LastPart).froozen = -30: Part(LastPart).visible = 1600: Part(LastPart).partid = "GlassShard": Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "Glass"
Part(LastPart).rotation = Int(Rnd * 360) - 180: Part(LastPart).rotationspeed = Int(Rnd * 60) - 30: LastPart = LastPart + 1: If LastPart > ParticlesMax Then LastPart = 0
If Tile(x, y, 2).ID = 56 Then _SndPlayCopy GlassShadder(Int(1 + Rnd * 3)), 0.4
Tile(x, y, 2).ID = 0
Tile(x, y, 2).solid = 0
Tile(x, y, 2).rend_spritex = 0
Tile(x, y, 2).rend_spritey = 0
End If
Grenade(i).visible = 0
Grenade(i).froozen = 0
Explosion Grenade(i).x, Grenade(i).y, 100, 350
Circle (ETSX(Grenade(i).x), ETSY(Grenade(i).y)), 200, _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
_SndPlay SND_Explosion
End If
If Grenade(i).froozen < 0 Then Grenade(i).froozen = Grenade(i).froozen + 1
If Fix(Grenade(i).z) <= 0 Then Grenade(i).z = 0
If Grenade(i).xm > 0 Then Grenade(i).xm = Grenade(i).xm - 1
If Grenade(i).ym > 0 Then Grenade(i).ym = Grenade(i).ym - 1
If Grenade(i).xm < 0 Then Grenade(i).xm = Grenade(i).xm + 1
If Grenade(i).ym < 0 Then Grenade(i).ym = Grenade(i).ym + 1
If Tile(Fix((Grenade(i).x + 8) / Map.TileSize), Fix(Grenade(i).y / Map.TileSize), 2).solid = 1 Then Grenade(i).xm = Grenade(i).xm * -1.1: Grenade(i).ym = 0
If Tile(Fix((Grenade(i).x - 8) / Map.TileSize), Fix(Grenade(i).y / Map.TileSize), 2).solid = 1 Then Grenade(i).xm = Grenade(i).xm * -1.1: Grenade(i).ym = 0
If Tile(Fix(Grenade(i).x / Map.TileSize), Fix((Grenade(i).y + 8) / Map.TileSize), 2).solid = 1 Then Grenade(i).xm = 0: Grenade(i).ym = Grenade(i).ym * -1.1
If Tile(Fix(Grenade(i).x / Map.TileSize), Fix((Grenade(i).y - 8) / Map.TileSize), 2).solid = 1 Then Grenade(i).xm = 0: Grenade(i).ym = Grenade(i).ym * -1.1
Grenade(i).rotation = Grenade(i).rotation + Grenade(i).rotationspeed
If Grenade(i).rotationspeed > 0 Then Grenade(i).rotationspeed = Grenade(i).rotationspeed - 1
If Grenade(i).rotationspeed < 0 Then Grenade(i).rotationspeed = Grenade(i).rotationspeed + 1
RotoZoom ETSX(Grenade(i).x), ETSY(Grenade(i).y), Guns_Grenade, .6 + (Grenade(i).z / 50), Grenade(i).rotation + 90
For i = 1 To ZombieMax
If Zombie(i).active = 1 Then
' If debug = 1 Then
Select Case Zombie(i).special
Case "Runner"
'If Debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(Zombie(i).x1), ETSY(Zombie(i).y1))-(ETSX(Zombie(i).x2), ETSY(Zombie(i).y2)), _RGB32(255, 0, 255), BF
RotoZoom ETSX(Zombie(i).x), ETSY(Zombie(i).y), ZombieRunner, Zombie(i).size / 90, Zombie(i).rotation
Case "Brute"
' If Debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(Zombie(i).x1), ETSY(Zombie(i).y1))-(ETSX(Zombie(i).x2), ETSY(Zombie(i).y2)), _RGB32(255, 0, 0), BF
RotoZoom ETSX(Zombie(i).x), ETSY(Zombie(i).y), ZombieBrute, Zombie(i).size / 90, Zombie(i).rotation
Case "Slower"
' If Debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(Zombie(i).x1), ETSY(Zombie(i).y1))-(ETSX(Zombie(i).x2), ETSY(Zombie(i).y2)), _RGB32(64, 0, 64), BF
RotoZoom ETSX(Zombie(i).x), ETSY(Zombie(i).y), ZombieSlower, Zombie(i).size / 90, Zombie(i).rotation
Case "Bomber"
' If Debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(Zombie(i).x1), ETSY(Zombie(i).y1))-(ETSX(Zombie(i).x2), ETSY(Zombie(i).y2)), _RGB32(128, 128, 128), BF
RotoZoom ETSX(Zombie(i).x), ETSY(Zombie(i).y), ZombieBomber, Zombie(i).size / 90, Zombie(i).rotation
Case "Fire"
' If Debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(Zombie(i).x1), ETSY(Zombie(i).y1))-(ETSX(Zombie(i).x2), ETSY(Zombie(i).y2)), _RGB32(255, 128, 0), BF
RotoZoom ETSX(Zombie(i).x), ETSY(Zombie(i).y), ZombieFire, Zombie(i).size / 90, Zombie(i).rotation
Case "Biohazard"
' If Debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(Zombie(i).x1), ETSY(Zombie(i).y1))-(ETSX(Zombie(i).x2), ETSY(Zombie(i).y2)), _RGB32(0, 255, 0), BF
RotoZoom ETSX(Zombie(i).x), ETSY(Zombie(i).y), ZombieBiohazard, Zombie(i).size / 90, Zombie(i).rotation
Case "Normal"
' If Debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(Zombie(i).x1), ETSY(Zombie(i).y1))-(ETSX(Zombie(i).x2), ETSY(Zombie(i).y2)), _RGB32(255, 255, 128), BF
RotoZoom ETSX(Zombie(i).x), ETSY(Zombie(i).y), Zombie, Zombie(i).size / 90, Zombie(i).rotation
End Select
' End If
End If
For i = 1 To ZombieMax
If Zombie(i).active = 1 Then
If Zombie(i).special <> "" And Zombie(i).DistanceFromPlayer < 900 Then
If Zombie(i).special = "Runner" Then If Zombie(i).tick > 0 Then Zombie(i).tick = Zombie(i).tick - 1
If Zombie(i).special = "Fire" Then
If Zombie(i).DistanceFromPlayer < 450 And Int(Rnd * 10) = 4 Then
FireLast = FireLast + 1: If FireLast > FireMax Then FireLast = 1
Fire(FireLast).visible = 40: Fire(FireLast).froozen = 800
Fire(FireLast).x = Zombie(i).x + (Int(Rnd * 8) - 4): Fire(FireLast).y = Zombie(i).y + (Int(Rnd * 8) - 4)
Fire(FireLast).txt = 1: speed = (90 + Int(Rnd * 80))
angle = Zombie(i).rotation + Int(Rnd * 10) - 5: Fire(FireLast).xm = Sin(angle * PIDIV180) * speed
Fire(FireLast).ym = -Cos(angle * PIDIV180) * speed
End If
If Int(Rnd * 40) = 23 Then
FireLast = FireLast + 1: If FireLast > FireMax Then FireLast = 1
Fire(FireLast).x = Zombie(i).x + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
Fire(FireLast).txt = 1
Fire(FireLast).y = Zombie(i).y + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
If Distance(Fire(FireLast).x, Fire(FireLast).y, Player(1).x, Player(1).y) > 80 Then
Fire(FireLast).xm = Int(Rnd * 100) - 50: Fire(FireLast).ym = Int(Rnd * 100) - 50
If Int(Rnd * 100) = 54 Then
Fire(FireLast).froozen = 500 + Int(Rnd * 250): Fire(FireLast).visible = 10
Fire(FireLast).froozen = 70 + Int(Rnd * 120): Fire(FireLast).visible = 10
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Zombie(i).special = "Bomber" Then
If Zombie(i).DistanceFromPlayer < 400 And Zombie(i).DistanceFromPlayer > 6 Then
Zombie(i).SpecialDelay = Zombie(i).SpecialDelay + 1
If Zombie(i).SpecialDelay < 120 Then
Zombie(i).size = Zombie(i).size * 1.001: If Zombie(i).sizeFirst + 20 < Zombie(i).size Then Zombie(i).size = Zombie(i).sizeFirst + 20
End If
If Zombie(i).SpecialDelay > 120 Then
Zombie(i).size = Zombie(i).size * 1.05: If Zombie(i).size > 120 Then Zombie(i).size = 120
Zombie(i).health = (Zombie(i).health / 1.1) - 0.1
End If
If Zombie(i).SpecialDelay > 0 Then Zombie(i).SpecialDelay = Zombie(i).SpecialDelay - 1
dif = Zombie(i).sizeFirst - Zombie(i).size
Zombie(i).size = Zombie(i).size + (dif / 10)
dif = Zombie(i).healthFirst - Zombie(i).health
Zombie(i).health = Zombie(i).health + (dif / 10)
End If
End If
End If
If Zombie(i).special <> "Fire" Then
If Zombie(i).onfire > 0 Then
Zombie(i).onfire = Zombie(i).onfire - 1
If Int(Rnd * 6) = 2 Then
Zombie(i).health = Zombie(i).health - 2
FireLast = FireLast + 1: If FireLast > FireMax Then FireLast = 1
Fire(FireLast).visible = 6
Fire(FireLast).froozen = 20
Fire(FireLast).txt = 0
Fire(FireLast).x = Zombie(i).x + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
Fire(FireLast).y = Zombie(i).y + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
Fire(FireLast).xm = (Zombie(i).xm / 10) + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
Fire(FireLast).ym = (Zombie(i).ym / 10) + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
End If
End If
End If
If Zombie(i).DamageTaken > 0 Then
For S = 1 To Int(Zombie(i).DamageTaken / 4)
SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, Steps, "green"
Zombie(i).health = Zombie(i).health - Zombie(i).DamageTaken: Zombie(i).DamageTaken = 0
End If
If Zombie(i).tick > 0 Then Zombie(i).tick = Zombie(i).tick - 1
Zombie(i).x = Zombie(i).x + Zombie(i).xm / 100: Zombie(i).y = Zombie(i).y + Zombie(i).ym / 100
Zombie(i).x1 = Zombie(i).x - Zombie(i).size: Zombie(i).x2 = Zombie(i).x + Zombie(i).size: Zombie(i).y1 = Zombie(i).y - Zombie(i).size: Zombie(i).y2 = Zombie(i).y + Zombie(i).size
Zombie(i).xm = Zombie(i).xm + Fix(Sin(Zombie(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * Zombie(i).speeding)
Zombie(i).ym = Zombie(i).ym + Fix(-Cos(Zombie(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * Zombie(i).speeding)
If Zombie(i).xm > Zombie(i).maxspeed Then Zombie(i).xm = Zombie(i).maxspeed
If Zombie(i).ym > Zombie(i).maxspeed Then Zombie(i).ym = Zombie(i).maxspeed
If Zombie(i).xm < -Zombie(i).maxspeed Then Zombie(i).xm = -Zombie(i).maxspeed
If Zombie(i).ym < -Zombie(i).maxspeed Then Zombie(i).ym = -Zombie(i).maxspeed
Zombie(i).xm = Zombie(i).xm / (1.010 + (Zombie(i).speeding / 2000))
Zombie(i).ym = Zombie(i).ym / (1.010 + (Zombie(i).speeding / 2000))
If CollisionWithWallsEntity(Zombie(i)) Then
End If
If Zombie(i).tick = 0 Then
If Int(Rnd * 60) = 27 And Zombie(i).DistanceFromPlayer < 400 Then _SndPlayCopy ZombieWalk(Int(Rnd * 4) + 1), 0.08
o = 1: Do
o = o + 1
If i <> o And Zombie(o).active = 1 Then
dist = Distance(Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Zombie(o).x, Zombie(o).y)
If dist < Zombie(i).size Then
dx = Zombie(i).x - Zombie(o).x: dy = Zombie(i).y - Zombie(o).y
RotDist = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
RotDist = (RotDist * 180 / PI) + 90
If RotDist > 180 Then RotDist = RotDist - 179.9
Zombie(i).xm = Zombie(i).xm - Fix(Sin(RotDist * PIDIV180) * 250)
Zombie(i).ym = Zombie(i).ym - Fix(-Cos(RotDist * PIDIV180) * 250)
End If
End If
Loop While o <> ZombieMax
Zombie(i).tick = DefZombie.tickrate + (Int(Rnd * 20) - 10)
dx = Zombie(i).x - Player(1).x: dy = Zombie(i).y - Player(1).y
Zombie(i).rotation = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
Zombie(i).rotation = (Zombie(i).rotation * 180 / PI) + 90 + (-20 + Int(Rnd * 40))
If Zombie(i).rotation > 180 Then Zombie(i).rotation = Zombie(i).rotation - 179.9
Zombie(i).DistanceFromPlayer = Int(Distance(Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Player(1).x, Player(1).y))
If Zombie(i).DistanceFromPlayer < (Zombie(i).size * 1.8) Then
If Zombie(i).attacking = 0 Then Zombie(i).attacking = Int(Zombie(i).knockback / 3)
If Zombie(i).attacking = Int(Zombie(i).knockback / 3) Then
Zombie(i).xm = Zombie(i).xm / 15
Zombie(i).ym = Zombie(i).ym / 15
Player(1).DamageToTake = Int(Rnd * (DefZombie.maxdamage - DefZombie.mindamage + 1)) + DefZombie.mindamage
PlayerTakeDamage Player(1), Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Player(1).DamageToTake, Zombie(i).knockback
Player(1).DamageToTake = 0
End If
End If
If Zombie(i).attacking > 0 Then Zombie(i).attacking = Zombie(i).attacking - 1
End If
If Zombie(i).health <= 0 Then
Zombie(i).SpecialDelay = 0 ' ------------------- Ammo Dropping --------------------
If Int(Rnd * 2) + 1 = 2 Then
If Zombie(i).special = "Normal" Then
Rand = Int(Rnd * 2) + 1
If Rand = 1 Then
SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, 5, "ShotgunAmmo"
For y = 1 To Int(Rnd * 2) + 1
SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, 5, "PistolAmmo"
End If
End If
If Zombie(i).special = "Fire" Then SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, 5, "GasAmmo"
If Zombie(i).special = "Bomber" Then SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, 5, "GrenadeAmmo"
End If
If Zombie(i).special = "Brute" Then
Rand = Int(Rnd * 4)
For b = 1 To Rand
SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, 7, "ShotgunAmmo"
SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, 7, "PistolAmmo"
SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, 5, "GrenadeAmmo"
End If
If Zombie(i).special = "Bomber" Then
Explosion Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, 80, 320: _SndPlay SND_Explosion
For b = 1 To 80
SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, Int(Rnd * 100), "green"
End If
If Zombie(i).health <= -30 Then SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, 5, "GibSkull"
Zombie(i).active = 0
Zombie(i).onfire = 0
WaveBudget = WaveBudget - 1
For o = 1 To 10
SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, Steps, "green"
If Zombie(i).health <= -30 And Int(Rnd * 3) = 2 Then SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, 5, "GibBone"
If Zombie(i).health >= -30 And Int(Rnd * 8) = 2 Then SpawnBloodParticle Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y, Int(Rnd * 360) - 180, 5, "GibBone"
End If
If Zombie(i).x < 0 Or Zombie(i).y < 0 Then
Zombie(i).x = 100: Zombie(i).y = 100: Zombie(i).ym = 0: Zombie(i).xm = 0
Zombie(i).health = 0
Beep: Print "Zombie(" + Str$(i) + ") Out of bounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Beep: Beep
_Delay 0.6
End If
End If
For i = 1 To ParticlesMax
If Part(i).visible = 0 Then GoTo EndOfParticleLogic
If Part(i).playwhatsound = "Blood" And Part(i).froozen = 0 Then
dist = Distance(Player(1).x, Player(1).y, Part(i).x, Part(i).y)
If dist > 900 Then Part(i).visible = Part(i).visible - 1
If dist < 600 And Player(1).Health > 0 Then
If dist < 25 And Part(i).partid = "BloodSplat" Then
LastBloodPart = LastBloodPart + 1: If LastBloodPart > 32 Then LastBloodPart = 1
BloodPart(LastBloodPart).x = 64 ' Int(Rnd * _Width(HeartPercent))
BloodPart(LastBloodPart).y = -8
BloodPart(LastBloodPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 100) - 50
BloodPart(LastBloodPart).ym = 80 + Int(Rnd * 50)
BloodPart(LastBloodPart).visible = 1
Part(i).visible = 0: Part(i).xm = 0: Part(i).ym = 0: Part(i).playwhatsound = "": Player(1).Health = Player(1).Health + 0.1: GoTo EndOfParticleLogic
End If
If dist < 25 And Part(i).partid = "PistolAmmo" Then SMGAmmo = SMGAmmo + 40: Part(i).playwhatsound = "": Part(i).visible = 0: Part(i).xm = 0: Part(i).ym = 0: GoTo EndOfParticleLogic
If dist < 25 And Part(i).partid = "ShotgunAmmo" Then ShotgunAmmo = ShotgunAmmo + 9: Part(i).playwhatsound = "": Part(i).visible = 0: Part(i).xm = 0: Part(i).ym = 0: GoTo EndOfParticleLogic
If dist < 25 And Part(i).partid = "GasAmmo" Then FlameAmmo = FlameAmmo + 100: Part(i).playwhatsound = "": Part(i).visible = 0: Part(i).xm = 0: Part(i).ym = 0: GoTo EndOfParticleLogic
If dist < 25 And Part(i).partid = "GrenadeAmmo" Then GrenadeAmmo = GrenadeAmmo + 2: Part(i).playwhatsound = "": Part(i).visible = 0: Part(i).xm = 0: Part(i).ym = 0: GoTo EndOfParticleLogic
dx = Player(1).x - Part(i).x: dy = Player(1).y - Part(i).y
Part(i).rotation = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
Part(i).rotation = (Part(i).rotation * 180 / PI) + 90
If Part(i).rotation > 180 Then Part(i).rotation = Part(i).rotation - 179.9
Part(i).xm = Part(i).xm / 1.05
Part(i).ym = Part(i).ym / 1.05
Part(i).xm = Part(i).xm + -Sin(Part(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * 10 / (dist / 150)
Part(i).ym = Part(i).ym + Cos(Part(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * 10 / (dist / 150)
Part(i).x = Part(i).x + (Part(i).xm / 10)
Part(i).y = Part(i).y + (Part(i).ym / 10)
Part(i).z = 3 / (dist / 70)
If Part(i).z > 15 Then Part(i).z = 15
End If
End If
If Part(i).froozen <> 0 Then
Part(i).x = Part(i).x + (Part(i).xm / 10)
Part(i).y = Part(i).y + (Part(i).ym / 10)
Part(i).z = Part(i).z + (Part(i).zm / 10)
If Part(i).z > 0 Then Part(i).zm = Part(i).zm - 1
If Part(i).z < 0 And Part(i).zm < 0 Then
If Part(i).playwhatsound = "ShotgunShell" Then
_SndPlayCopy ShellSounds(Int(1 + Rnd * 3)), 0.2
Part(i).zm = Int(Part(i).zm * -0.9)
Part(i).xm = Int(Part(i).xm / 2): Part(i).ym = Int(Part(i).ym / 2)
Part(i).froozen = -200
End If
If Part(i).playwhatsound = "PistolShell" Then
pistsndold = pistsnd
pistsnd = Int(1 + Rnd * 3)
If pistsnd = pistsndold Then pistsnd = Int(1 + Rnd * 3)
_SndPlayCopy PistolShellSounds(pistsnd), 0.25
Part(i).zm = Int(Part(i).zm * -0.9)
Part(i).xm = Int(Part(i).xm / 2): Part(i).ym = Int(Part(i).ym / 2)
Part(i).froozen = -200
End If
If Part(i).playwhatsound = "Blood" Then
_SndPlayCopy BloodSounds(Int(1 + Rnd * 6)), 0.1
Part(i).zm = Int(Part(i).zm * -0.7)
Part(i).xm = Int(Part(i).xm / 1.4): Part(i).ym = Int(Part(i).ym / 1.4)
Part(i).froozen = -200
End If
If Part(i).playwhatsound = "Glass" Then
_SndPlayCopy GlassSound(Int(1 + Rnd * 4)), 0.2
Part(i).zm = Int(Part(i).zm * -0.9)
Part(i).xm = Int(Part(i).xm / 2): Part(i).ym = Int(Part(i).ym / 2)
Part(i).froozen = -200
End If
End If
If Part(i).froozen < 0 Then Part(i).froozen = Part(i).froozen + 1
If Fix(Part(i).z) <= 0 Then Part(i).z = 0
If Part(i).xm > 0 Then Part(i).xm = Part(i).xm - 1
If Part(i).ym > 0 Then Part(i).ym = Part(i).ym - 1
If Part(i).xm < 0 Then Part(i).xm = Part(i).xm + 1
If Part(i).ym < 0 Then Part(i).ym = Part(i).ym + 1
x = Fix(Part(i).x / Map.TileSize)
y = Fix(Part(i).y / Map.TileSize)
If x < 0 Then x = 0
If y < 0 Then y = 0
If x > Map.MaxWidth Then x = Map.MaxWidth
If y > Map.MaxHeight Then y = Map.MaxHeight
If Tile(x, y, 2).solid = 1 Then Part(i).xm = 0: Part(i).ym = 0
Part(i).rotation = Part(i).rotation + Part(i).rotationspeed
If Part(i).rotationspeed > 0 Then Part(i).rotationspeed = Part(i).rotationspeed - 1
If Part(i).rotationspeed < 0 Then Part(i).rotationspeed = Part(i).rotationspeed + 1
End If
If Not Part(i).playwhatsound = "Blood" Then Part(i).visible = Part(i).visible - 1
'_PutImage (ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y)), Particle_Shotgun_Shell
If Part(i).visible > 0 Then
If Part(i).partid = "PistolShell" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), Particle_Pistol_Shell, 0.3 + (Part(i).z / 4), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "ShotgunShell" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), Particle_Shotgun_Shell, 0.3 + (Part(i).z / 4), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "WallShot" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), WallShot, 0.8 + (Part(i).z / 4), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "Smoke" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), Particle_Smoke, 0.05 + (Part(i).z / 4), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "Explosion" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), Particle_Explosion, 0.1 + (Part(i).z / 4), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "BloodSplat" Then
If Part(i).BloodColor = "green" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), BloodsplatGreen, 1 + (Part(i).z / 4), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).BloodColor = "red" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), BloodsplatRed, 1 + (Part(i).z / 4), Part(i).rotation
End If
If Part(i).partid = "GlassShard" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), GlassShard, 1 + (Part(i).z / 2), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "GibSkull" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), Gib_Skull, 2 + (Part(i).z / 3), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "GibBone" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), Gib_Bone, 2 + (Part(i).z / 3), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "PistolAmmo" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), PistolShellAmmo, 1 + (Part(i).z / 3), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "GrenadeAmmo" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), Guns_Grenade, 1 + (Part(i).z / 3), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "ShotgunAmmo" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), ShellShotgunAmmo, 1 + (Part(i).z / 3), Part(i).rotation
If Part(i).partid = "GasAmmo" Then RotoZoom ETSX(Part(i).x), ETSY(Part(i).y), GasCanAmmo, 1 + (Part(i).z / 3), Part(i).rotation
End If
If WeaponHeat > 0 Then WeaponHeat = WeaponHeat - 1
If WeaponHeat > 45 Then WeaponHeat = 45
GoSub LoadingFromSlots
For i = 1 To 1
o = -1
If GunDisplay(i).visible = 1 Then
o = o + 1
GunDisplay(i).x = ((PlayerMember(i + o).x + PlayerMember(i * 2).x) / 2) 'Player(i).x + (Sin(Player(i).Rotation * PIDIV180) * 38)
GunDisplay(i).y = ((PlayerMember(i + o).y + PlayerMember(i * 2).y) / 2) 'Player(i).y + (-Cos(Player(i).Rotation * PIDIV180) * 38)
GunDisplay(i).x = GunDisplay(i).x + GunDisplay(i).xm
GunDisplay(i).y = GunDisplay(i).y + GunDisplay(i).ym
GunDisplay(i).xm = Int(GunDisplay(i).xm / 2)
GunDisplay(i).ym = Int(GunDisplay(i).ym / 2)
If Player(1).shooting = 0 Then FlameSoundPlaying = 0: _SndStop FlameThrowerSound
GoSub Shooting
If Player(1).shooting = 1 Then
GunDisplay(i).xm = -Int(Sin(GunDisplay(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * GunForce * 2)
GunDisplay(i).ym = -Int(-Cos(GunDisplay(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * GunForce * 2)
If Aiming = 0 Then
CameraXM = CameraXM + -Int(Sin(GunDisplay(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * GunForce)
CameraYM = CameraYM + -Int(-Cos(GunDisplay(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * GunForce)
End If
If Aiming = 1 Then
CameraXM = CameraXM + -Int(Sin(GunDisplay(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * (GunForce / 2))
CameraYM = CameraYM + -Int(-Cos(GunDisplay(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * (GunForce / 2))
End If
Hud(1).xm = Hud(1).xm - Int(Sin(GunDisplay(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * GunForce) * 5
Hud(1).ym = Hud(1).ym - Int(-Cos(GunDisplay(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * GunForce) * 2
Hud(HighestHud).xm = Hud(HighestHud).xm - Int(Sin(GunDisplay(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * GunForce)
Hud(HighestHud).ym = Hud(HighestHud).ym - Int(-Cos(GunDisplay(i).rotation * PIDIV180) * GunForce)
End If
dx = Player(i).x - GunDisplay(i).x: dy = Player(i).y - GunDisplay(i).y
GunDisplay(i).rotation = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
GunDisplay(i).rotation = (GunDisplay(i).rotation * 180 / PI) + 90
If GunDisplay(i).rotation > 180 Then GunDisplay(i).rotation = GunDisplay(i).rotation - 180
'GunDisplay(i).rotation = Player(i).Rotation + 90
If debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(GunDisplay(i).x - 16), ETSY(GunDisplay(i).y - 16))-(ETSX(GunDisplay(i).x + 16), ETSY(GunDisplay(i).y + 16)), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 75), BF
If GunDisplay(i).wtype = 1 Then RotoZoom ETSX(GunDisplay(i).x), ETSY(GunDisplay(i).y), Guns_Pistol, .3, GunDisplay(i).rotation + 90
If GunDisplay(i).wtype = 2 Then RotoZoom ETSX(GunDisplay(i).x), ETSY(GunDisplay(i).y), Guns_Shotgun, .45, GunDisplay(i).rotation + 90
If GunDisplay(i).wtype = 3 Then RotoZoom ETSX(GunDisplay(i).x), ETSY(GunDisplay(i).y), Guns_SMG, .5, GunDisplay(i).rotation + 90
If GunDisplay(i).wtype = 4 Then RotoZoom ETSX(GunDisplay(i).x), ETSY(GunDisplay(i).y), Guns_Grenade, .6, GunDisplay(i).rotation + 90
If GunDisplay(i).wtype = 5 Then RotoZoom ETSX(GunDisplay(i).x), ETSY(GunDisplay(i).y), Guns_Flame, .6, GunDisplay(i).rotation + 90
End If
If And ShootDelay = 0 And PlayerCantMove = 0 Then
Player(1).shooting = 1
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 1 And SMGAmmo = 0 Then
Player(1).shooting = 0
End If
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 2 And ShotgunAmmo = 0 Then
Player(1).shooting = 0
End If
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 3 And SMGAmmo = 0 Then
Player(1).shooting = 0
End If
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 4 And GrenadeAmmo = 0 Then
Player(1).shooting = 0
End If
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 5 And FlameAmmo = 0 Then
Player(1).shooting = 0
_SndStop FlameThrowerSound
End If
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 1 And SMGAmmo > 0 Then
_SndPlayCopy Guns_Sound_PistolShot, 0.3: If raycasting(GunDisplay(1).x, GunDisplay(1).y, GunDisplay(1).rotation + (Int(Rnd * 3) - 1), 14, 1) Then Beep
Line (ETSX(GunDisplay(1).x), ETSY(GunDisplay(1).y))-(ETSX(Ray.x), ETSY(Ray.y)), _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
ShootDelay = 14: GunForce = 10
Part(LastPart).x = GunDisplay(1).x: Part(LastPart).y = GunDisplay(1).y: Part(LastPart).z = 2 + Int(Rnd * 2)
Part(LastPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 80) - 40
Part(LastPart).ym = Int(Rnd * 80) - 40
Part(LastPart).zm = 2 + Int(Rnd * 4)
Part(LastPart).froozen = 12: Part(LastPart).visible = 800
Part(LastPart).partid = "PistolShell": Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "PistolShell"
Part(LastPart).rotation = Int(Rnd * 360) - 180
Part(LastPart).rotationspeed = Int(Rnd * 60) - 30
LastPart = LastPart + 1: If LastPart > ParticlesMax Then LastPart = 0
End If
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 2 And ShotgunAmmo > 0 Then
_SndPlayCopy Guns_Sound_ShotgunShot, 0.3: GunForce = 50
ShotgunAmmo = ShotgunAmmo - 1
For S = 1 To 5
If raycasting(GunDisplay(1).x, GunDisplay(1).y, GunDisplay(1).rotation - (Int(Rnd * 20) - 10), 10, 1) Then Beep
Line (ETSX(GunDisplay(1).x), ETSY(GunDisplay(1).y))-(ETSX(Ray.x), ETSY(Ray.y)), _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
ShootDelay = 50
Part(LastPart).x = GunDisplay(1).x: Part(LastPart).y = GunDisplay(1).y: Part(LastPart).z = 3 + Int(Rnd * 2)
Part(LastPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 120) - 60: Part(LastPart).ym = Int(Rnd * 120) - 60: Part(LastPart).zm = 2 + Int(Rnd * 4)
Part(LastPart).froozen = 12: Part(LastPart).visible = 800
Part(LastPart).partid = "ShotgunShell": Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "ShotgunShell"
Part(LastPart).rotation = Int(Rnd * 360) - 180
Part(LastPart).rotationspeed = Int(Rnd * 60) - 30
LastPart = LastPart + 1: If LastPart > ParticlesMax Then LastPart = 0
End If
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 3 And SMGAmmo > 0 Then
_SndPlayCopy SMGSounds(1 + Int(Rnd * 3)), 0.125
SMGAmmo = SMGAmmo - 1: GunForce = 13
WeaponHeat = WeaponHeat + 4
If raycasting(GunDisplay(1).x, GunDisplay(1).y, GunDisplay(1).rotation + ((Int(Rnd * Int(WeaponHeat / 2)) - Int(WeaponHeat / 4)) + Int(Rnd * 10) - 5), 8, 1) Then Beep
Line (ETSX(GunDisplay(1).x), ETSY(GunDisplay(1).y))-(ETSX(Ray.x), ETSY(Ray.y)), _RGB32(255, 0, 0): ShootDelay = 6
Part(LastPart).x = GunDisplay(1).x: Part(LastPart).y = GunDisplay(1).y: Part(LastPart).z = 2 + Int(Rnd * 2)
Part(LastPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 120) - 60: Part(LastPart).ym = Int(Rnd * 120) - 60: Part(LastPart).zm = 1 + Int(Rnd * 5)
Part(LastPart).froozen = 12: Part(LastPart).visible = 800
Part(LastPart).partid = "PistolShell": Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "PistolShell"
Part(LastPart).rotation = Int(Rnd * 360) - 180
Part(LastPart).rotationspeed = Int(Rnd * 60) - 30
LastPart = LastPart + 1: If LastPart > ParticlesMax Then LastPart = 0
End If
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 4 And GrenadeAmmo > 0 Then
GrenadeAmmo = GrenadeAmmo - 1
ShootDelay = 30
GunForce = 35
'LastGrenade = LastGrenade + 1
LastGrenade = LastGrenade + 1: If LastGrenade > GrenadeMax Then LastGrenade = 1
Grenade(LastGrenade).x = GunDisplay(1).x
Grenade(LastGrenade).y = GunDisplay(1).y
Grenade(LastGrenade).z = 15
Force = Distance(Mouse.x, Mouse.y, _Width / 2, _Height / 2) / 3: If Force > 200 Then Force = 200
Grenade(LastGrenade).xm = Sin(GunDisplay(1).rotation * PIDIV180) * Force
Grenade(LastGrenade).ym = -Cos(GunDisplay(1).rotation * PIDIV180) * Force
Grenade(LastGrenade).zm = 15 + Int(Rnd * 20)
Grenade(LastGrenade).rotation = -5 + Int(Rnd * 10)
Grenade(LastGrenade).rotationspeed = -30 + Int(Rnd * 15)
Grenade(LastGrenade).visible = 1
Grenade(LastGrenade).froozen = -160
End If
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 5 And FlameAmmo > 0 Then
If FlameSoundPlaying = 0 Then _SndVol FlameThrowerSound, 0.09: _SndLoop FlameThrowerSound
FlameSoundPlaying = 1
FlameAmmo = FlameAmmo - 1
ShootDelay = 2
GunForce = 6
FireLast = FireLast + 1: If FireLast > FireMax Then FireLast = 1
Fire(FireLast).visible = 2
Fire(FireLast).froozen = 100
Fire(FireLast).txt = 0
Fire(FireLast).x = GunDisplay(1).x + (Int(Rnd * 8) - 4)
Fire(FireLast).y = GunDisplay(1).y + (Int(Rnd * 8) - 4)
speed = (70 + Int(Rnd * 80))
angle = GunDisplay(1).rotation + Int(Rnd * 40) - 20
Fire(FireLast).xm = Sin(angle * PIDIV180) * speed
Fire(FireLast).ym = -Cos(angle * PIDIV180) * speed
End If
End If
'If _KeyDown(49) Then WantSlot = 2
'If _KeyDown(50) Then WantSlot = 3
'If _KeyDown(51) Then WantSlot = 4
If HighestHud = 2 Then
GunDisplay(1).wtype = 1
PlayerMember(1).angleanim = -36: PlayerMember(1).distanim = 40
PlayerMember(2).angleanim = 36: PlayerMember(2).distanim = 40
End If
If HighestHud = 3 Then
GunDisplay(1).wtype = 2
PlayerMember(1).angleanim = -29: PlayerMember(1).distanim = 67
PlayerMember(2).angleanim = 50: PlayerMember(2).distanim = 42
End If
If HighestHud = 4 Then
GunDisplay(1).wtype = 3
PlayerMember(1).angleanim = -29: PlayerMember(1).distanim = 67
PlayerMember(2).angleanim = 50: PlayerMember(2).distanim = 42
End If
If HighestHud = 5 Then
GunDisplay(1).wtype = 4
PlayerMember(1).angleanim = -29: PlayerMember(1).distanim = 67
PlayerMember(2).angleanim = 50: PlayerMember(2).distanim = 42
End If
If HighestHud = 6 Then
GunDisplay(1).wtype = 5
PlayerMember(1).angleanim = -29: PlayerMember(1).distanim = 67
PlayerMember(2).angleanim = 50: PlayerMember(2).distanim = 42
End If
'Xbe and 'Ybe
ArmLeftOrigin = Player(1).Rotation + 90
ArmRightOrigin = Player(1).Rotation - 90
PlayerMember(1).xo = Sin(ArmLeftOrigin * PIDIV180)
PlayerMember(1).yo = -Cos(ArmLeftOrigin * PIDIV180)
PlayerMember(2).xo = Sin(ArmRightOrigin * PIDIV180)
PlayerMember(2).yo = -Cos(ArmRightOrigin * PIDIV180)
xo1 = Player(1).x + PlayerMember(1).xo * 32
yo1 = Player(1).y + PlayerMember(1).yo * 32
xo2 = Player(1).x + PlayerMember(2).xo * 32
yo2 = Player(1).y + PlayerMember(2).yo * 32
If debug = 1 Then
Line (ETSX(xo1) - 2, ETSY(yo1) - 2)-(ETSX(xo1) + 2, ETSY(yo1) + 2), _RGB32(255, 0, 255), BF
Line (ETSX(xo2) - 2, ETSY(yo2) - 2)-(ETSX(xo2) + 2, ETSY(yo2) + 2), _RGB32(255, 0, 255), BF
End If
PlayerMember(1).xo = Player(1).x + PlayerMember(1).xo * 32
PlayerMember(1).yo = Player(1).y + PlayerMember(1).yo * 32
PlayerMember(2).xo = Player(1).x + PlayerMember(2).xo * 32
PlayerMember(2).yo = Player(1).y + PlayerMember(2).yo * 32
RotationDifference = Abs(Player(1).Rotation - PlayerRotOld)
If RotationDifference > 90 Then RotationDifference = 180 - RotationDifference
For i = 1 To 2
Angleadded = PlayerMember(i).angleanim + Player(1).Rotation ' If Angleadded > 180 Then Angleadded = Angleadded - 180
PlayerMember(i).xbe = PlayerMember(i).xo + Sin((Angleadded) * PIDIV180) * PlayerMember(i).distanim
PlayerMember(i).ybe = PlayerMember(i).yo + -Cos((Angleadded) * PIDIV180) * PlayerMember(i).distanim
If debug = 1 Then Print "Member(" + Str$(i) + "): "; Angleadded
If Not PlayerMember(i).x = PlayerMember(i).xbe And Not PlayerMember(i).y = PlayerMember(i).ybe Then
dx = (PlayerMember(i).x - PlayerMember(i).xbe): dy = (PlayerMember(i).y - PlayerMember(i).ybe)
PlayerMember(i).angle = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
PlayerMember(i).angle = (PlayerMember(i).angle * 180 / PI) + 90
If PlayerMember(i).angle >= 180 Then PlayerMember(i).angle = PlayerMember(i).angle - 179.9
End If
If Int(PlayerMember(i).x) = Int(PlayerMember(i).xbe) And Int(PlayerMember(i).y) = Int(PlayerMember(i).ybe) Then PlayerMember(i).xvector = 0: PlayerMember(i).yvector = 0
If debug = 1 Then Print "MemberRot(" + Str$(i) + "): "; PlayerMember(i).angle
PlayerMember(i).xvector = Sin(PlayerMember(i).angle * PIDIV180)
PlayerMember(i).yvector = -Cos(PlayerMember(i).angle * PIDIV180)
moving2 = moving: If moving2 > 12 Then moving2 = 12
If moving2 > 0 Then PlayerMember(i).speed = moving2 / 10 + Distance(PlayerMember(i).x, PlayerMember(i).y, PlayerMember(i).xbe, PlayerMember(i).ybe) / 20
'Alterar este codigo, causa bug envolvendo 180 graus.
If moving = 0 Then PlayerMember(i).speed = 0.2 + Distance(PlayerMember(i).x, PlayerMember(i).y, PlayerMember(i).xbe, PlayerMember(i).ybe) / 20
If moving > 0 Then
PlayerMember(i).x = PlayerMember(i).x - Int(Player(1).xm / moving2)
PlayerMember(i).y = PlayerMember(i).y - Int(Player(1).ym / moving2)
End If
' If Int(PlayerMember(i).y) = Int(PlayerMember(i).ybe) Then PlayerMember(i).y = PlayerMember(i).ybe: PlayerMember(i).speed = 0
'If Int(PlayerMember(i).x) = Int(PlayerMember(i).xbe) Then PlayerMember(i).x = PlayerMember(i).xbe: PlayerMember(i).speed = 0
PlayerMember(i).x = PlayerMember(i).x + PlayerMember(i).xvector * PlayerMember(i).speed
PlayerMember(i).y = PlayerMember(i).y + PlayerMember(i).yvector * PlayerMember(i).speed
If Distance(PlayerMember(i).x, PlayerMember(i).y, PlayerMember(i).xbe, PlayerMember(i).ybe) > 100 Then PlayerMember(i).x = Player(1).x: PlayerMember(i).y = Player(1).y
'_PutImage (PlayerMember(i).x - 8 - CameraX * Map.TileSize, PlayerMember(i).y - 8 - CameraY * Map.TileSize)-(PlayerMember(i).x + 8 - CameraX * Map.TileSize, PlayerMember(i).y + 8 - CameraY * Map.TileSize), PlayerHand
If debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(PlayerMember(i).x), ETSY(PlayerMember(i).y))-(ETSX(PlayerMember(i).xbe), ETSY(PlayerMember(i).ybe)), _RGB(0, 0, 0)
'Line (ETSX(PlayerMember(i).x), ETSY(PlayerMember(i).y))-(ETSX(PlayerMember(i).x), ETSY(PlayerMember(i).y)), _RGB(255, 255, 255)
If debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(xo1), ETSY(yo1))-(ETSX(PlayerMember(1).x), ETSY(PlayerMember(1).y)), _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
If debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(xo2), ETSY(yo2))-(ETSX(PlayerMember(2).x), ETSY(PlayerMember(2).y)), _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
Aiming = 0
If Mouse.click2 Then
Aiming = 1
If Fix(AimingTime) = 0 Then AimingTime = 15
AimingTime = AimingTime * 1.1
If AimingTime > 600 Then AimingTime = 600
CameraXM = CameraXM + (Sin(GunDisplay(1).rotation * PIDIV180) * (10 + (AimingTime / 20)))
CameraYM = CameraYM + (-Cos(GunDisplay(1).rotation * PIDIV180) * (10 + (AimingTime / 20)))
Player(1).xm = Int(Player(1).xm / 1.1)
Player(1).ym = Int(Player(1).ym / 1.1)
AimingTime = 0
End If
Player(1).xb = Player(1).x
Player(1).yb = Player(1).y
PlayerRotOld = Player(1).Rotation
dx = Int(_Width / 2) - Mouse.x: dy = Int(_Height / 2) - Mouse.y
Player(1).Rotation = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
Player(1).Rotation = (Player(1).Rotation * 180 / PI) + 90
If debug = 1 Then Print "Player Rotation: "; Player(1).Rotation
If PlayerIsOnFire > 0 Then
PlayerIsOnFire = PlayerIsOnFire - 1
If Int(Rnd * 6) = 2 Then
Player(1).Health = Player(1).Health - 0.5
FireLast = FireLast + 1: If FireLast > FireMax Then FireLast = 1
Fire(FireLast).visible = 5
Fire(FireLast).froozen = 18
Fire(FireLast).x = Player(1).x + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
Fire(FireLast).y = Player(1).y + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
Fire(FireLast).txt = 4
Fire(FireLast).xm = (-Player(1).xm) + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
Fire(FireLast).ym = (-Player(1).ym) + (Int(Rnd * 30) - 15) * 2
End If
End If
If Player(1).Rotation > 180 Then Player(1).Rotation = Player(1).Rotation - 180
If Int(Player(1).Rotation) > -7 And Int(Player(1).Rotation) < 1 And Mouse.y > _Height / 2 Then Player(1).Rotation = 180
'If Int(Player(1).Rotation) = -2 And Mouse.y > _Height / 2 Then Player(1).Rotation = 180
movingx = 0: movingy = 0: If ismoving = 0 And moving > 0 Then moving = moving - 1
If moving > 20 Then moving = 20
ismoving = 0:
If Player(1).TouchX = 0 Then
If _KeyDown(100) Then Player(1).xm = Player(1).xm - 3: movingx = 1: If ismoving = 0 Then moving = moving + 1: ismoving = 1
If _KeyDown(97) Then Player(1).xm = Player(1).xm + 3: movingx = 1: If ismoving = 0 Then moving = moving + 1: ismoving = 1
End If
If Player(1).TouchY = 0 Then
If _KeyDown(119) Then Player(1).ym = Player(1).ym + 3: movingy = 1: If ismoving = 0 Then moving = moving + 1: ismoving = 1
If _KeyDown(115) Then Player(1).ym = Player(1).ym - 3: movingy = 1: If ismoving = 0 Then moving = moving + 1: ismoving = 1
End If
If Player(1).TouchX > 0 Then Player(1).TouchX = Player(1).TouchX - 1
If Player(1).TouchX < 0 Then Player(1).TouchX = Player(1).TouchX + 1
If Player(1).TouchY > 0 Then Player(1).TouchY = Player(1).TouchY - 1
If Player(1).TouchY < 0 Then Player(1).TouchY = Player(1).TouchY + 1
For i = 1 To 5
If movingx = 0 Then If Player(1).xm < 0 Then Player(1).xm = Player(1).xm + 1
If movingx = 0 Then If Player(1).xm > 0 Then Player(1).xm = Player(1).xm - 1
If movingy = 0 Then If Player(1).ym < 0 Then Player(1).ym = Player(1).ym + 1
If movingy = 0 Then If Player(1).ym > 0 Then Player(1).ym = Player(1).ym - 1
If Player(1).xm < -70 Then Player(1).xm = Player(1).xm + 5
If Player(1).xm > 70 Then Player(1).xm = Player(1).xm - 5
If Player(1).ym < -70 Then Player(1).ym = Player(1).ym + 5
If Player(1).ym > 70 Then Player(1).ym = Player(1).ym - 5
Player(1).y = Player(1).y - Player(1).ym / 10: Player(1).x = Player(1).x - Player(1).xm / 10
If Player(1).y > Map.MaxHeight * Map.TileSize Then Player(1).y = Map.MaxHeight * Map.TileSize
If Player(1).y < Map.TileSize Then Player(1).y = Map.TileSize
If Player(1).x > Map.MaxWidth * Map.TileSize Then Player(1).x = Map.MaxWidth * Map.TileSize
If Player(1).x < Map.TileSize Then Player(1).x = Map.TileSize
MakeHitBoxPlayer Player(1)
If Noclip = 0 Then If CollisionWithWallsPlayer(Player(1)) Then donebetween = 1
rendcamerax1 = Fix(Fix(CameraX * Map.TileSize) / Map.TileSize)
rendcamerax2 = Fix((Fix(CameraX * Map.TileSize) + _ResizeWidth) / Map.TileSize) + 1
rendcameray1 = Fix(Fix(CameraY * Map.TileSize) / Map.TileSize)
rendcameray2 = Fix((Fix(CameraY * Map.TileSize) + _ResizeHeight) / Map.TileSize) + 1
If rendcamerax1 < 0 Then rendcamerax1 = 0
If rendcameray1 < 0 Then rendcameray1 = 0
If rendcamerax2 > Map.MaxWidth Then rendcamerax2 = Map.MaxWidth
If rendcameray2 > Map.MaxHeight Then rendcameray2 = Map.MaxHeight
For x = rendcamerax1 To rendcamerax2 'Map.MaxWidth
For y = rendcameray1 To rendcameray2 'Map.MaxHeight
z = 1
If RenderLayer1 = 1 Then If Tile(x, y, z).ID <> 0 Then _PutImage (WTS(x, CameraX), WTS(y, CameraY))-(WTS(x, CameraX) + (Map.TileSize * Zoom), WTS(y, CameraY) + (Map.TileSize * Zoom)), Tileset, 0, (Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex * Map.TextureSize, Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey * Map.TextureSize)-(Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex * Map.TextureSize + (Map.TextureSize - 1), Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey * Map.TextureSize + (Map.TextureSize - 1))
z = 2
If RenderLayer2 = 1 Then If Tile(x, y, z).ID <> 0 Then _PutImage (WTS(x, CameraX), WTS(y, CameraY))-(WTS(x, CameraX) + (Map.TileSize * Zoom), WTS(y, CameraY) + (Map.TileSize * Zoom)), Tileset, 0, (Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex * Map.TextureSize, Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey * Map.TextureSize)-(Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex * Map.TextureSize + (Map.TextureSize - 1), Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey * Map.TextureSize + (Map.TextureSize - 1))
For x = rendcamerax1 To rendcamerax2 'Map.MaxWidth
For y = rendcameray1 To rendcameray2 'Map.MaxHeight
z = 3
If RenderLayer3 = 1 Then If Tile(x, y, z).ID <> 0 Then _PutImage (WTS(x - 1, CameraX), WTS(y, CameraY))-(WTS(x - 1, CameraX) + (Map.TileSize * Zoom), WTS(y, CameraY) + (Map.TileSize * Zoom)), Tileset, 0, (Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex * Map.TextureSize, Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey * Map.TextureSize)-(Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex * Map.TextureSize + (Map.TextureSize - 1), Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey * Map.TextureSize + (Map.TextureSize - 1))
For P = 1 To PlayerLimit
If debug = 1 Then Line (ETSX(Player(P).x1), ETSY(Player(P).y1))-(ETSX(Player(P).x2), ETSY(Player(P).y2)), _RGB32(P * 120, 255, 255), BF
RotoZoom ETSX(Player(P).x), ETSY(Player(P).y), PlayerSprite(PlayerSkin2), 0.25, Player(P).Rotation
For i = 1 To 2
_PutImage (PlayerMember(i).x - 8 - CameraX * Map.TileSize, PlayerMember(i).y - 8 - CameraY * Map.TileSize)-(PlayerMember(i).x + 8 - CameraX * Map.TileSize, PlayerMember(i).y + 8 - CameraY * Map.TileSize), PlayerHand(PlayerSkin2)
Mouse.x = _MouseX
Mouse.y = _MouseY = _MouseButton(1)
Loop While _MouseInput
MenuClicking = 0
If MenuClicking = 0 And = 0 And MenuClickingPre = 1 Then MenuClicking = 1
MenuClickingPre =
If LastToUse < 0 Then LastToUse = 0
If = 0 Then LastToUse = LastToUse * -1
If delay > 0 Then delay = delay - 1
Mouse.x1 = Mouse.x - 1: Mouse.x2 = Mouse.x + 1: Mouse.y1 = Mouse.y - 1: Mouse.y2 = Mouse.y + 1
DontRepeatFor = 0
'If ResizeDelay2 > 0 Then ResizeDelay2 = ResizeDelay2 - 1
'If _Resize Then GoSub ScreenAdjustForSize
For i = 1 To 3
If RayM(i).owner = 1 Then
dx = RayM(i).x - RayM(i).damage: dy = RayM(i).y - RayM(i).knockback
rotation = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
RayM(i).angle = (rotation * 180 / PI) + 90
If RayM(i).angle > 180 Then RayM(i).angle = RayM(i).angle - 179.9
xvector = Sin(RayM(i).angle * PIDIV180): yvector = -Cos(RayM(i).angle * PIDIV180)
RayM(i).x = RayM(i).x + xvector * (1 + (Distance(RayM(i).x, RayM(i).y, RayM(i).damage, RayM(i).knockback) / 5))
RayM(i).y = RayM(i).y + yvector * (1 + (Distance(RayM(i).x, RayM(i).y, RayM(i).damage, RayM(i).knockback) / 5))
End If
For i = lasti To 1 Step -1
If DontRepeatFor = 1 Or CantClickAnymoreOnHud = 1 Then Exit For
If LastToUse > 0 Then DontRepeatFor = 1: i = LastToUse
If Menu(i).d_hover > 32 Then Menu(i).d_hover = Menu(i).d_hover - 2
If MenuAnim.extra < 29 And UICollide(Mouse, Menu(i)) Or LastToUse > 0 Then
menx = Int((Menu(i).x1 + Menu(i).x2) / 2)
meny = Int((Menu(i).y1 + Menu(i).y2) / 2)
dx = menx - Mouse.x
dy = meny - Mouse.y
rotation = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
TempAngle = (rotation * 180 / PI) + 90
If TempAngle > 180 Then TempAngle = TempAngle - 179.5
Menu(i).OffsetX = Sin(TempAngle * PIDIV180) * (Distance(menx, meny, Mouse.x, Mouse.y) / 17): Menu(i).OffsetY = -Cos(TempAngle * PIDIV180) * (Distance(menx, meny, Mouse.x, Mouse.y) / 17)
For o = 1 To 5
If Menu(i).d_hover < 32 Then Menu(i).d_hover = Menu(i).d_hover + 1
DontRepeatFor = 1
If = -1 And delay = 0 Then
GoSub MenuButtonStyle
clicked = i
End If
If MenuClicking = 1 And Menu(i).clicktogo <> "" Then
RayM(1).x = Menu(i).x1 + Menu(i).OffsetX
RayM(1).y = Menu(i).y1 + Menu(i).OffsetY
RayM(1).damage = 0
RayM(1).knockback = 0
RayM(1).owner = 1
RayM(2).x = Menu(i).x2 + Menu(i).OffsetX
RayM(2).y = Menu(i).y2 + Menu(i).OffsetY
RayM(2).damage = _Width
RayM(2).knockback = _Height
RayM(2).owner = 1
RayM(3).x = ((Menu(i).x1 + Menu(i).x2) / 2) + Menu(i).OffsetX
RayM(3).y = ((Menu(i).y1 + Menu(i).y2) / 2) + Menu(i).OffsetY
RayM(3).damage = Fix(_Width / 2)
RayM(3).knockback = Fix(_Height / 2)
RayM(3).owner = 1
MenuClickedID = i
MenuTransitionImage = _CopyImage(MenusImages(MenuClickedID)) = Int(Menu(i).red / 1.03) = Int(Menu(i).green / 1.03) = Int(Menu(i).blue / 1.03)
MenuAnim.extra = 255
CanChangeMenu = 0
If Menu(i).clicktogo <> "" Then
ToLoad$ = Menu(i).clicktogo
End If
End If
End If
For i = 1 To lasti
If Menu(i).style = 3 And Menu(i).d_clicked = 2 Then GoSub InputStyleKeyGet
GoSub MenuWhatClicked
If CanChangeMenu = 0 Then
If Loaded$ <> ToLoad$ Then GoSub load
CanChangeMenu = 0
End If
'Drawing Routine:
For i = 1 To lasti
Menu(i).x1 = Menu(i).x1 + Menu(i).OffsetX
Menu(i).x2 = Menu(i).x2 + Menu(i).OffsetX
Menu(i).y1 = Menu(i).y1 + Menu(i).OffsetY
Menu(i).y2 = Menu(i).y2 + Menu(i).OffsetY
For o = 1 To 3
If Menu(i).d_hover < 0 Then Menu(i).d_hover = Menu(i).d_hover + 1
If Menu(i).d_hover >= 4 Then Menu(i).d_hover = Menu(i).d_hover - 4
If Menu(i).text <> "No Draw" Then Line ((Menu(i).x1 - Menu(i).d_hover / 4) - 16, (Menu(i).y1 - Menu(i).d_hover / 4) + 16)-((Menu(i).x2 + Menu(i).d_hover / 4) - 16, (Menu(i).y2 + Menu(i).d_hover / 4) + 16), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 100), BF
For i = 1 To lasti
If Menu(i).text <> "No Draw" Then Line (Menu(i).x1 - Menu(i).d_hover / 4, Menu(i).y1 - Menu(i).d_hover / 4)-(Menu(i).x2 + Menu(i).d_hover / 4, Menu(i).y2 + Menu(i).d_hover / 4), _RGB32(Menu(i).red, Menu(i).green, Menu(i).blue), BF
If Menu(i).style = 1 Then If Menu(i).text <> "W Bh" Then If Menu(i).text <> "No Draw" Or Menu(i).textsize < 2 Then _PutImage ((Menu(i).x1 / 2 + Menu(i).x2 / 2) - _Width(MenusImages(i)) / 2 - Menu(i).d_hover / 4, (Menu(i).y1 / 2 + Menu(i).y2 / 2) - _Height(MenusImages(i)) / 2 - Menu(i).d_hover / 4)-((Menu(i).x1 / 2 + Menu(i).x2 / 2) + _Width(MenusImages(i)) / 2 + Menu(i).d_hover / 4, (Menu(i).y1 / 2 + Menu(i).y2 / 2) + _Height(MenusImages(i)) / 2 + Menu(i).d_hover / 4), MenusImages(i)
If Menu(i).style = 2 Then
_PutImage ((Menu(i).x1 / 2 + Menu(i).x2 / 2) - _Width(MenusImages(i)) / 2 - Menu(i).d_hover / 4, (Menu(i).y1 / 2 + Menu(i).y2 / 2) - _Height(MenusImages(i)) / 2 - Menu(i).d_hover / 4)-((Menu(i).x1 / 2 + Menu(i).x2 / 2) + _Width(MenusImages(i)) / 2 + Menu(i).d_hover / 4, (Menu(i).y1 / 2 + Menu(i).y2 / 2) + _Height(MenusImages(i)) / 2 + Menu(i).d_hover / 4), MenusImages(i)
Line (Menu(i).x1 + CalculatePercentage((Menu(i).x2 - Menu(i).x1), 5) - Menu(i).d_hover / 8, Menu(i).y1 + CalculatePercentage((Menu(i).y2 - Menu(i).y1), 48) - Menu(i).d_hover / 8)-(Menu(i).x2 - CalculatePercentage((Menu(i).x2 - Menu(i).x1), 5) + Menu(i).d_hover / 8, Menu(i).y2 - CalculatePercentage((Menu(i).y2 - Menu(i).y1), 48) + Menu(i).d_hover / 8), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 128), BF
Line (Menu(i).x1 + Menu(i).visual - CalculatePercentage((Menu(i).x2 - Menu(i).x1), 2), Menu(i).y1 + CalculatePercentage((Menu(i).y2 - Menu(i).y1), 5))-(Menu(i).x1 + Menu(i).visual + CalculatePercentage((Menu(i).x2 - Menu(i).x1), 2), Menu(i).y2 - CalculatePercentage((Menu(i).y2 - Menu(i).y1), 5)), _RGBA32(0, 255, 0, 128), BF
End If
If Menu(i).style = 3 Then If Menu(i).text <> "W Bh" Or Menu(i).text <> "No Draw" Or Menu(i).textsize < 2 Then _PutImage ((Menu(i).x1 / 2 + Menu(i).x2 / 2) - _Width(MenusImages(i)) / 2 - Menu(i).d_hover / 4, (Menu(i).y1 / 2 + Menu(i).y2 / 2) - _Height(MenusImages(i)) / 2 - Menu(i).d_hover / 4)-((Menu(i).x1 / 2 + Menu(i).x2 / 2) + _Width(MenusImages(i)) / 2 + Menu(i).d_hover / 4, (Menu(i).y1 / 2 + Menu(i).y2 / 2) + _Height(MenusImages(i)) / 2 + Menu(i).d_hover / 4), MenusImages(i)
Menu(i).x1 = Menu(i).x1 - Menu(i).OffsetX
Menu(i).x2 = Menu(i).x2 - Menu(i).OffsetX
Menu(i).y1 = Menu(i).y1 - Menu(i).OffsetY
Menu(i).y2 = Menu(i).y2 - Menu(i).OffsetY
Menu(i).OffsetX = Menu(i).OffsetX / 1.06
Menu(i).OffsetY = Menu(i).OffsetY / 1.06
'Loop While CanLeave = 0
For i = 1 To 32
If Menu(i).extra3 <> 0 And Menu(i).d_hover <> 0 Then
End If
If MenuAnim.extra > 0 Then
MenuAnim.x1 = RayM(1).x
MenuAnim.y1 = RayM(1).y
MenuAnim.x2 = RayM(2).x
MenuAnim.y2 = RayM(2).y
If Fix(MenuAnim.x1) <= 0 Then If Fix(MenuAnim.y1) <= 0 Then RayM(1).owner = 0
If Int(MenuAnim.x2) >= _Width Then If Int(MenuAnim.y2) >= _Height Then RayM(2).owner = 0
Line (MenuAnim.x1, MenuAnim.y1)-(MenuAnim.x2, MenuAnim.y2), _RGBA32(,,, MenuAnim.extra), BF
'_SetAlpha Fix(MenuAnim.extra), MenusImages(MenuClickedID)
'If Menu(MenuClickedID).text <> "W Bh" Or Menu(MenuClickedID).textsize < 2 Then _PutImage (RayM(3).x - _Width(MenusImages(MenuClickedID)) / 2, RayM(3).y - _Height(MenusImages(MenuClickedID)) / 2)-(RayM(3).x + _Width(MenusImages(MenuClickedID)) / 2, RayM(3).y + _Height(MenusImages(MenuClickedID)) / 2), MenusImages(MenuClickedID)
_SetAlpha Fix(MenuAnim.extra), _RGBA32(1, 1, 1, 1) To _RGB32(255, 255, 255, 255), MenuTransitionImage
If Menu(MenuClickedID).text <> "W Bh" Or Menu(MenuClickedID).textsize < 2 Then _PutImage (RayM(3).x - _Width(MenuTransitionImage) / 2, RayM(3).y - _Height(MenuTransitionImage) / 2)-(RayM(3).x + _Width(MenuTransitionImage) / 2, RayM(3).y + _Height(MenuTransitionImage) / 2), MenuTransitionImage
If RayM(1).x <= 1 Then
If RayM(1).y <= 1 Then
If RayM(2).x >= _Width - 1 Then
If RayM(2).y >= _Height - 1 Then
RayM(1).x = RayM(1).damage: RayM(2).x = RayM(2).damage
RayM(1).y = RayM(1).knockback: RayM(2).y = RayM(2).knockback
RayM(1).owner = 0: RayM(2).owner = 0: RayM(3).owner = 0
MenuAnim.extra = (MenuAnim.extra / 1.05) - 0.5
CanChangeMenu = 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'_SetAlpha 255, MenusImages(MenuClickedID)
_SetAlpha 255, _RGBA32(1, 1, 1, 1) To _RGB32(255, 255, 255, 255), MenuTransitionImage
If ResizeDelay2 = 0 Then
Screen SecondScreen
_FreeImage MainScreen
MainScreen = _NewImage(_ResizeWidth, _ResizeHeight, 32)
Screen MainScreen
For i = 1 To lasti
GoSub redosize
GoSub redotexts
ResizeDelay2 = 80
End If
If Menu(i).style = 1 Then
LastToUse = i
Menu(i).d_hover = 50
Menu(i).d_clicked = 1
End If
If Menu(i).style = 2 Then
LastToUse = i
Menu(i).d_hover = 50
Menu(i).extra3 = ((Mouse.x - Menu(i).x1) * 100) / (Menu(i).x2 - Menu(i).x1)
If Mouse.x < Menu(i).x1 Then Menu(i).extra3 = 0
If Mouse.x > Menu(i).x2 Then Menu(i).extra3 = 100
Menu(i).visual = CalculatePercentage((Menu(i).x2 - Menu(i).x1), Menu(i).extra3)
Menu(i).extra3 = Menu(i).extra3 * (Menu(i).extra2 / 100)
Menu(i).text = RTrim$(LTrim$(Str$(Menu(i).extra3)))
GoSub redotexts
End If
If Menu(i).style = 3 Then
Menu(i).d_clicked = 2
CantClickAnymoreOnHud = 1
End If
key$ = InKey$
keyhit = _KeyHit
If keyhit = 8 Then
key$ = ""
If Len(Menu(i).text) > 0 Then Menu(i).text = Mid$(Menu(i).text, 0, Len(Menu(i).text))
_Dest MainScreen
GoSub redotexts
End If
If keyhit = 13 Then
key$ = ""
CantClickAnymoreOnHud = 0: Menu(i).d_clicked = 0: key$ = ""
Menu(i).text = LTrim$(RTrim$(Menu(i).text))
End If
If key$ <> "" And Len(Menu(i).text) < Menu(i).extra2 Then
Menu(i).text = Menu(i).text + key$
GoSub redotexts
End If
If key$ <> "" And Len(Menu(i).text) >= Menu(i).extra2 Then
_NotifyPopup "Begs World", ("Text Limit for this box is " + LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(Menu(i).extra2)))) + ".", "info"
End If
_Dest MainScreen
webpage$ = ""
If Loaded$ = "menu" Then GoSub Menu
If Loaded$ = "choosedificulty" Then GoSub Difficulty
For i = 1 To lasti
Menu(i).d_clicked = 0
_PutImage (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), Background1
menx = ((Menu(1).x2 + Menu(1).x1) / 2) + Menu(1).OffsetX
meny = ((Menu(1).y2 + Menu(1).y1) / 2) + Menu(1).OffsetY
_PutImage (menx - _Width(VantiroTitulo) / 2, meny - _Height(VantiroTitulo) / 2)-(menx + _Width(VantiroTitulo) / 2, meny + _Height(VantiroTitulo) / 2), VantiroTitulo
menx = ((Menu(4).x2 + Menu(4).x1) / 2) + Menu(4).OffsetX
meny = ((Menu(4).y2 + Menu(4).y1) / 2) + Menu(4).OffsetY
SkinRot = SkinRot / 1.005
SkinRot = SkinRot + RotateSkinSpeed
RotateSkinSpeed = RotateSkinSpeed / 1.05
RotoZoom menx, meny, PlayerSprite(PlayerSkin), 0.7, SkinRot
If Menu(5).d_clicked = 1 Then
End If
If Menu(3).d_clicked = 1 Then
quit = 1
End If
If Menu(4).d_clicked = 1 And delay = 0 Then
delay = 10
RotateSkinSpeed = Int(Rnd * 100) - 50
_SndPlay PlayerDamage
End If
If Menu(6).d_clicked = 1 And delay = 0 Then
delay = 20
PlayerSkin = PlayerSkin - 1
If PlayerSkin < 1 Then PlayerSkin = 1
Menu(7).text = ("(" + Str$(PlayerSkin) + "/4)")
i = 7
GoSub redotexts
End If
If Menu(8).d_clicked = 1 And delay = 0 Then
delay = 20
PlayerSkin = PlayerSkin + 1
If PlayerSkin > 4 Then PlayerSkin = 4
Menu(7).text = ("(" + Str$(PlayerSkin) + "/4)")
i = 7
GoSub redotexts
End If
If Menu(2).d_clicked = 1 Then
GameDificulty = 0.5
quit = 6
End If
If Menu(3).d_clicked = 1 Then
GameDificulty = 1
quit = 6
End If
If Menu(4).d_clicked = 1 Then
GameDificulty = 2
quit = 6
End If
Menu(i).visual = (Menu(i).extra3 * 100) / (Menu(i).x2 - Menu(i).x1)
Menu(i).text = RTrim$(LTrim$(Str$(Menu(i).extra3)))
GoSub redotexts
If Menu(5).d_clicked = 1 Then ToLoad$ = ToLoad2$: GoSub load
If Menu(6).d_clicked = 1 Then Shell _Hide _DontWait webpage$: ToLoad$ = ToLoad2$: GoSub load
If Menu(17).d_clicked Then
username$ = Menu(4).text
Open "assets/begs world/settings/PlayerSettings.bhconfig" For Output As #1
Print #1, Menu(4).text
Close #1
End If
If ToLoad$ = "Back$" Then ToLoad$ = ToLoad2$
_Dest MainScreen
If Not _FileExists("assets/pc/menu/" + RTrim$(LTrim$(ToLoad$)) + ".bhmenu") Then
FileMissing$ = ToLoad$
FileMissingtype$ = "Menu file"
ToLoad$ = "warningfilemissing"
End If
Open ("assets/pc/menu/" + RTrim$(LTrim$(ToLoad$)) + ".bhmenu") For Input As #1
Input #1, lasti
For i = 1 To lasti
Input #1, i, Menu(i).x1d, Menu(i).y1d, Menu(i).x2d, Menu(i).y2d, Menu(i).Colors, Menu(i).text, Menu(i).textsize, Menu(i).style, Menu(i).clicktogo, Menu(i).extra, Menu(i).extra2
GoSub redosize
Menu(i).textsize = Menu(i).y2 - Menu(i).y1
Menu(i).red = _Red32(Menu(i).Colors)
Menu(i).green = _Green32(Menu(i).Colors)
Menu(i).blue = _Blue32(Menu(i).Colors)
Menu(i).OffsetX = 0
Menu(i).OffsetY = 0
GoSub LoadingExtraSignatures
If Not Menu(i).text = "W Bh" Then GoSub redotexts
Close #1
delay = 60
ToLoad2$ = Loaded$
Loaded$ = ToLoad$ = 0
For i = 1 To MenuMax
Menu(i).d_clicked = 0
Menu(i).d_hover = 0
If Menu(i).text = "webpage$" Then Menu(i).text = webpage$
If Menu(i).text = "$username$" Then Menu(i).text = username$
If Menu(i).text = "$WhatMissingType$" Then Menu(i).text = (FileMissingtype$ + " Not found!")
If Menu(i).text = "$WhatMissing$" Then Menu(i).text = (FileMissing$ + " Is missing!")
If Menu(i).text = "" Then Menu(i).text = " "
If ImgToMenu <> 0 Then _FreeImage ImgToMenu
'If MenusImages(i) <> 0 Then _FreeImage MenusImages(i)
If Menu(i).textsize = -1 Then Menu(i).textsize = Menu(i).y2 - Menu(i).y1
_Font BegsFontSizes(Menu(i).textsize)
thx = _PrintWidth(Menu(i).text)
thy = _FontHeight(BegsFontSizes(Menu(i).textsize))
ImgToMenu = _NewImage(thx * 3, thy * 3, 32)
_Dest ImgToMenu
_ClearColor _RGB32(0, 0, 0): _PrintMode _KeepBackground: _Font BegsFontSizes(Menu(i).textsize - 1): Print Menu(i).text + " "
If MenusImages(i) <> 0 Then _FreeImage MenusImages(i)
MenusImages(i) = _NewImage(thx, thy, 32)
_Dest MainScreen
_PutImage (0, 0), ImgToMenu, MenusImages(i)
_Font BegsFontSizes(20)
Menu(i).x1 = Menu(i).x1d * _Width / 2
Menu(i).x2 = Menu(i).x2d * _Width / 2
Menu(i).y1 = Menu(i).y1d * _Height / 2
Menu(i).y2 = Menu(i).y2d * _Height / 2
If Menu(i).x1d < 0 Then Menu(i).x1 = Menu(i).x1 * -1
If Menu(i).x2d < 0 Then Menu(i).x2 = Menu(i).x2 * -1
If Menu(i).y1d < 0 Then Menu(i).y1 = Menu(i).y1 * -1
If Menu(i).y2d < 0 Then Menu(i).y2 = Menu(i).y2 * -1
Sub Explosion (x As Double, y As Double, strength As Double, Size As Double)
For o = 1 To 5
Part(LastPart).x = x
Part(LastPart).y = y
Part(LastPart).z = 4
Part(LastPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 512) - 256
Part(LastPart).ym = Int(Rnd * 512) - 256
Part(LastPart).zm = 8 + Int(Rnd * 10)
Part(LastPart).froozen = -90
Part(LastPart).visible = 30
Part(LastPart).partid = "Smoke"
Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "None"
Part(LastPart).rotation = Int(Rnd * 360) - 180
Part(LastPart).rotationspeed = Int(Rnd * 128) - 64
LastPart = LastPart + 1: If LastPart > ParticlesMax Then LastPart = 0
Part(LastPart).x = x
Part(LastPart).y = y
Part(LastPart).z = 1
Part(LastPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 8) - 4
Part(LastPart).ym = Int(Rnd * 8) - 4
Part(LastPart).zm = 20 + Int(Size / 40)
Part(LastPart).froozen = -64
Part(LastPart).visible = 5
Part(LastPart).partid = "Explosion"
Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "None"
Part(LastPart).rotation = Int(Rnd * 360) - 180
Part(LastPart).rotationspeed = Int(Rnd * 128) - 64
LastPart = LastPart + 1: If LastPart > ParticlesMax Then LastPart = 0
Part(LastPart).x = x
Part(LastPart).y = y
Part(LastPart).z = 25
Part(LastPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 8) - 4
Part(LastPart).ym = Int(Rnd * 8) - 4
Part(LastPart).zm = 10
Part(LastPart).froozen = -200
Part(LastPart).visible = 90
Part(LastPart).partid = "Smoke"
Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "None"
Part(LastPart).rotation = Int(Rnd * 360) - 180
Part(LastPart).rotationspeed = Int(Rnd * 100) - 50
LastPart = LastPart + 1: If LastPart > ParticlesMax Then LastPart = 0
For i = 1 To ZombieMax
If Zombie(i).health > 0 Then
dist = Distance(x, y, Zombie(i).x, Zombie(i).y)
If dist < Size Then
Zombie(i).DamageTaken = Int(strength / (dist / 50))
End If
End If
dist = Distance(x, y, Player(1).x, Player(1).y)
If dist < Size Then
'Player(1).DamageToTake = Int(strength / (dist / 30))
PlayerTakeDamage Player(1), x, y, Int(strength / (dist / 30)), Int(dist / 10)
End If
End Sub
Function raycastingsimple (x As Double, y As Double, angle As Double, limit As Integer)
Dim xvector As Double: Dim yvector As Double
xvector = Sin(angle * PIDIV180): yvector = -Cos(angle * PIDIV180)
Ray.x = x: Ray.y = y
limit = limit - 1
Ray.x = Ray.x + xvector * 6: Ray.y = Ray.y + yvector * 6
If limit = 0 Then Exit Do
tx = Fix((Ray.x) / Map.TileSize): ty = Fix((Ray.y) / Map.TileSize): If Tile(tx, ty, 2).transparent = 0 Then Exit Do
Loop While quit < 4
raycastingsimple = 1
End Function
Function raycasting (x As Double, y As Double, angle As Double, damage As Double, owner As Double)
Dim xvector As Double: Dim yvector As Double
xvector = Sin(angle * PIDIV180): yvector = -Cos(angle * PIDIV180)
Ray.x = x: Ray.y = y: Ray.owner = owner
quit = 0
Steps = Steps + 1
steps2 = steps2 + 1
Ray.x = Ray.x + xvector * 2: Ray.y = Ray.y + yvector * 2
If steps2 = 5 Then
tx = Fix((Ray.x) / Map.TileSize): ty = Fix((Ray.y) / Map.TileSize): If Tile(tx, ty, 2).solid = 1 Then
quit = quit + 2
If Tile(tx, ty, 2).fragile = 1 Then
For o = 1 To 5
Part(LastPart).x = Ray.x
Part(LastPart).y = Ray.y
Part(LastPart).z = 2
Part(LastPart).xm = Int(Rnd * 128) - 64
Part(LastPart).ym = Int(Rnd * 128) - 64
Part(LastPart).zm = 2 + Int(Rnd * 7)
Part(LastPart).froozen = -20
Part(LastPart).visible = 900
Part(LastPart).partid = "GlassShard"
Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "Glass"
Part(LastPart).rotation = Int(Rnd * 360) - 180
Part(LastPart).rotationspeed = Int(Rnd * 60) - 30
LastPart = LastPart + 1: If LastPart > ParticlesMax Then LastPart = 0
If Tile(tx, ty, 2).ID = 56 Then _SndPlayCopy GlassShadder(Int(1 + Rnd * 3)), 0.4
Tile(tx, ty, 2).ID = 0
Tile(tx, ty, 2).solid = 0
'Tile(tx, ty, 2).rend_spritex = 0
'Tile(tx, ty, 2).rend_spritey = 0
End If
If Tile(tx, ty, 2).fragile = 0 Then
Part(LastPart).x = Ray.x
Part(LastPart).y = Ray.y
Part(LastPart).z = 2
Part(LastPart).xm = 0
Part(LastPart).ym = 0
Part(LastPart).zm = 2 + Int(Rnd * 3)
Part(LastPart).froozen = -20
Part(LastPart).visible = 800
Part(LastPart).partid = "WallShot"
Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "Wall"
Part(LastPart).rotation = Int(Rnd * 360) - 180
Part(LastPart).rotationspeed = Int(Rnd * 60) - 30
LastPart = LastPart + 1: If LastPart > ParticlesMax Then LastPart = 0
Exit Do
End If
End If
steps2 = 0
For i = 1 To ZombieMax
If Zombie(i).active = 1 Then
If RayCollideEntity(Ray, Zombie(i)) Then
If Int(Rnd * 20) = 11 Then _SndPlayCopy ZombieShot(Int(Rnd * 16) + 1), 0.2
If Zombie(i).DamageTaken = 0 Then EntityTakeDamage Zombie(i), Ray.x, Ray.y, damage
changeofblood = Int(Rnd * 30)
If changeofblood < damage + 5 Then SpawnBloodParticle Ray.x, Ray.y, angle, Steps, "green"
If GunDisplay(1).wtype = 2 Then quit = quit + 1: If damage > 0 Then damage = damage - 1
If GunDisplay(1).wtype <> 2 Then quit = 99999
End If
End If
End If
Loop While quit < 7
For i = 1 To ZombieMax
If Zombie(i).active = 1 Then
Zombie(i).health = Zombie(i).health - Zombie(i).DamageTaken: Zombie(i).DamageTaken = 0
End If
End Function
Sub SpawnBloodParticle (x As Double, y As Double, angle As Double, Steps As Long, BloodType As String)
LastPart = LastPart + 1: If LastPart > ParticlesMax Then LastPart = 0
Part(LastPart).x = x
Part(LastPart).y = y
Part(LastPart).z = 2 + Int(Rnd * 12)
rand = 20 + Int(Rnd * 100)
Part(LastPart).xm = Int(Sin((angle + Int(Rnd * 40) - 20) * PIDIV180) * (rand))
Part(LastPart).ym = Int(-Cos((angle + Int(Rnd * 40) - 20) * PIDIV180) * (rand))
Part(LastPart).zm = (2 + Int(Rnd * 14))
Part(LastPart).froozen = -60
Part(LastPart).visible = 2000
Part(LastPart).BloodColor = BloodType
Part(LastPart).partid = "BloodSplat"
Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "Blood"
If Part(LastPart).BloodColor = "GibSkull" Then Part(LastPart).partid = BloodType: Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "Bone"
If Part(LastPart).BloodColor = "GibBone" Then Part(LastPart).partid = BloodType: Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "Bone"
If Part(LastPart).BloodColor = "PistolAmmo" Then Part(LastPart).partid = BloodType: Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "Blood"
If Part(LastPart).BloodColor = "ShotgunAmmo" Then Part(LastPart).partid = BloodType: Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "Blood"
If Part(LastPart).BloodColor = "GasAmmo" Then Part(LastPart).partid = BloodType: Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "Blood"
If Part(LastPart).BloodColor = "GrenadeAmmo" Then Part(LastPart).partid = BloodType: Part(LastPart).playwhatsound = "Blood"
Part(LastPart).rotation = Int(Rnd * 360) - 180
Part(LastPart).rotationspeed = Int(Rnd * 60) - 30
End Sub
Function Distance (x1, y1, x2, y2)
Distance = 0
Dist = Sqr(((x1 - x2) ^ 2) + ((y1 - y2) ^ 2))
Distance = Dist
End Function
Sub PlayerTakeDamage (Player As Player, X, Y, Damage, Knockback)
dx = Player.x - X: dy = Player.y - Y
Rotation = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
Rotation = (Rotation * 180 / PI) + 90
If Rotation > 180 Then Rotation = Rotation - 180
xvector = Sin(Rotation * PIDIV180)
yvector = -Cos(Rotation * PIDIV180)
Player.Health = Player.Health - Damage
Player.xm = Player.xm / 5
Player.ym = Player.ym / 5
Player.ym = Int(Player.ym + yvector * (Damage * Knockback))
Player.xm = Int(Player.xm + xvector * (Damage * Knockback))
SpawnBloodParticle Player.x - Player.size + Int(Rnd * Player.size * 2), Player.y - Player.size + Int(Rnd * Player.size * 2), Rotation + 180, 2, "red"
If Player.Health > 0 Then _SndPlay PlayerDamage
End Sub
Sub EntityTakeDamage (Player As Entity, X, Y, Damage)
dx = Player.x - X: dy = Player.y - Y
Rotation = ATan2(dy, dx) ' Angle in radians
Rotation = (Rotation * 180 / PI) + 90
If Rotation > 180 Then Rotation = Rotation - 180
xvector = Sin(Rotation * PIDIV180)
yvector = -Cos(Rotation * PIDIV180)
Player.ym = Int(Player.ym - ((yvector * (Damage * 35) / Player.weight)))
Player.xm = Int(Player.xm - ((xvector * (Damage * 35) / Player.weight)))
If ( * 10) < Damage Then gib = 1
Player.DamageTaken = Abs(Damage)
If gib = 0 And - Damage < 0 Then = 0
End Sub
Sub MakeHitBoxPlayer (Player As Player)
Player.x1 = Player.x - Player.size: Player.x2 = Player.x + Player.size: Player.y1 = Player.y - Player.size: Player.y2 = Player.y + Player.size
End Sub
Function CollisionWithWallsPlayer (Player As Player)
CollisionWithWallsPlayer = 0
PY1 = Player.y1 - Player.ym / 10: PY2 = Player.y2 - Player.ym / 10: PX1 = Player.x1 - Player.xm / 10: PX2 = Player.x2 - Player.xm / 10
tx1 = Fix((PX1 - 1) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY1 + 10) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.xm > 0 Then Player.x = Player.x + Player.xm / 10: Player.xm = -5: Player.TouchX = 3
tx1 = Fix((PX1 - 1) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY2 - 10) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.xm > 0 Then Player.x = Player.x + Player.xm / 10: Player.xm = -5: Player.TouchX = 3
tx1 = Fix((PX2 + 1) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY1 + 10) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.xm < 0 Then Player.x = Player.x + Player.xm / 10: Player.xm = 5: Player.TouchX = 3
tx1 = Fix((PX2 + 1) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY2 - 10) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.xm < 0 Then Player.x = Player.x + Player.xm / 10: Player.xm = 5: Player.TouchX = 3
tx1 = Fix((PX1 + 10) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY1 - 1) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.ym > 0 Then Player.y = Player.y + Player.ym / 10: Player.ym = -5: Player.TouchY = 3
tx1 = Fix((PX1 + 10) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY2 + 1) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.ym < 0 Then Player.y = Player.y + Player.ym / 10: Player.ym = 5: Player.TouchY = 3
tx1 = Fix((PX2 - 10) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY1 - 1) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.ym > 0 Then Player.y = Player.y + Player.ym / 10: Player.ym = -5: Player.TouchY = 3
tx1 = Fix((PX2 - 10) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY2 + 1) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.ym < 0 Then Player.y = Player.y + Player.ym / 10: Player.ym = 5: Player.TouchY = 3
CollisionWithWallsPlayer = -1
End Function
Function CollisionWithWallsEntity (Player As Entity)
CollisionWithWallsEntity = 0
PY1 = Player.y1 + Player.ym / 100: PY2 = Player.y2 + Player.ym / 100: PX1 = Player.x1 + Player.xm / 100: PX2 = Player.x2 + Player.xm / 100
tx1 = Fix((PX1 - 1) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY1 + 10) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.xm < 0 Then Player.x = Player.x - Player.xm / 100: Player.xm = 5
tx1 = Fix((PX1 - 1) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY2 - 10) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.xm < 0 Then Player.x = Player.x - Player.xm / 100: Player.xm = 5
tx1 = Fix((PX2 + 1) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY1 + 10) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.xm > 0 Then Player.x = Player.x - Player.xm / 100: Player.xm = -5
tx1 = Fix((PX2 + 1) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY2 - 10) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.xm > 0 Then Player.x = Player.x - Player.xm / 100: Player.xm = -5
tx1 = Fix((PX1 + 10) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY1 - 1) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.ym < 0 Then Player.y = Player.y - Player.ym / 100: Player.ym = 5
tx1 = Fix((PX1 + 10) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY2 + 1) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.ym > 0 Then Player.y = Player.y - Player.ym / 100: Player.ym = -5
tx1 = Fix((PX2 - 10) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY1 - 1) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.ym < 0 Then Player.y = Player.y - Player.ym / 100: Player.ym = 5
tx1 = Fix((PX2 - 10) / Map.TileSize): ty1 = Fix((PY2 + 1) / Map.TileSize)
If Tile(tx1, ty1, 2).solid = 1 Then If Player.ym > 0 Then Player.y = Player.y - Player.ym / 100: Player.ym = -5
CollisionWithWallsEntity = -1
End Function
Sub Angle2Vector (Angle!, xv!, yv!)
xv! = Sin(Angle! * PIDIV180)
yv! = -Cos(Angle! * PIDIV180)
End Sub
Function CalculatePercentage (Number As Double, Percentage As Double)
Dim Result As Double
'Result = (Percentage / 100) * Number
Result = (Percentage / Number) * 100
CalculatePercentage = Result
End Function
Function ATan2 (y As Single, x As Single)
Dim AtanResult As Single
If x = 0 Then
If y > 0 Then
AtanResult = PI / 2
ElseIf y < 0 Then
AtanResult = -PI / 2
AtanResult = 0
End If
AtanResult = Atn(y / x)
If x < 0 Then
If y >= 0 Then AtanResult = AtanResult + PI
Else AtanResult = AtanResult - PI
End If
End If
ATan2 = AtanResult
End Function
Function ETSX (e)
s = e - CameraX * Map.TileSize
ETSX = Int(s)
End Function
Function ETSY (e)
s = e - CameraY * Map.TileSize
ETSY = Int(s)
End Function
Function WTS (w, Camera)
s = (w - Camera) * Map.TileSize
WTS = Int(s)
End Function
Function STW (s, m, Camera)
w = (s / m) + Camera
STW = w
End Function
Sub RotoZoom (X As Long, Y As Long, Image As Long, Scale As Single, Rotation As Single)
Dim px(3) As Single: Dim py(3) As Single
W& = _Width(Image&): H& = _Height(Image&)
px(0) = -W& / 2: py(0) = -H& / 2: px(1) = -W& / 2: py(1) = H& / 2
px(2) = W& / 2: py(2) = H& / 2: px(3) = W& / 2: py(3) = -H& / 2
sinr! = Sin(-Rotation / 57.2957795131): cosr! = Cos(-Rotation / 57.2957795131)
For i& = 0 To 3
x2& = (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) * Scale + X: y2& = (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) * Scale + Y
px(i&) = x2&: py(i&) = y2&
_MapTriangle (0, 0)-(0, H& - 1)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image& To(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
_MapTriangle (0, 0)-(W& - 1, 0)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image& To(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))
End Sub
Sub FireLogic
End Sub
Function LoadMapSettings (MapName As String)
LoadMapSettings = 0
Open ("assets/pc/maps/" + MapName + ".map") For Input As #1
Input #1, trash$ 'Layers header
Input #1, Map.Layers
Input #1, trash$ 'Max Width for map
Input #1, Map.MaxWidth
Input #1, trash$ 'Max Height for map
Input #1, Map.MaxHeight
Input #1, trash$ 'Tile size per tile
Input #1, Map.TileSize
Input #1, trash$ 'Triggers on the map
Input #1, Map.Triggers
Input #1, trash$ 'Tile texture size
Input #1, Map.TextureSize
Input #1, currentlayer
'Close #1
LoadMapSettings = -1
Map.TileSize = Map.TileSize * 4
End Function
Function LoadMap (MapName As String)
LoadMap = 0
limit = Map.MaxHeight * Map.MaxWidth * Map.Layers
For z = 1 To Map.Layers
For y = 0 To Map.MaxHeight
For x = 0 To Map.MaxWidth
' If x <> Map.MaxWidth Then
Input #1, Tile(x, y, z).ID
If Tile(x, y, z).ID = -404 Then NVM = 1
If NVM = 1 Then Exit For
If z = 2 And Tile(x, y, z).ID <> 0 Then Tile(x, y, z).solid = 1
If Tile(x, y, z).ID = 0 Then Tile(x, y, z).transparent = 1
IDTOTEXTURE = Tile(x, y, z).ID
If Tile(x, y, z).ID = 56 Then Tile(x, y, z).fragile = 1: Tile(x, y, z).transparent = 1
Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey = Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritey + 1
End If
Tile(x, y, z).rend_spritex = IDTOTEXTURE - 1
Loop While IDTOTEXTURE > 16
If NVM = 1 Then Exit For
If NVM = 1 Then Exit For
If NVM = 0 Then If z <> Map.Layers - 1 Then Input #1, trash$
Input #1, trash$
Input #1, trash$
Input #1, trash$
Input #1, trash$
For r = 1 To Map.Triggers
Input #1, Line$
poss = InStr(Line$, "name=") + 6
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).triggername = Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss)
poss = InStr(Line$, "x=") + 3
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).x1 = Val(Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss)) * 2
poss = InStr(Line$, "y=") + 3
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).y1 = Val(Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss)) * 2
poss = InStr(Line$, "width=") + 7
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).sizex = Val(Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss)) * 2
poss = InStr(Line$, "height=") + 8
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).sizey = Val(Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss)) * 2
Trigger(r).x2 = Trigger(r).x1 + Trigger(r).sizex
Trigger(r).y2 = Trigger(r).y1 + Trigger(r).sizey
Input #1, trash$
Input #1, Line$
poss = InStr(Line$, "value=") + 7
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).class = Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss)
Input #1, Line$
poss = InStr(Line$, "value=") + 7
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).val1 = Val(Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss))
Input #1, Line$
poss = InStr(Line$, "value=") + 7
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).val2 = Val(Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss))
Input #1, Line$
poss = InStr(Line$, "value=") + 7
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).val3 = Val(Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss))
Input #1, Line$
poss = InStr(Line$, "value=") + 7
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).val4 = Val(Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss))
Input #1, Line$
poss = InStr(Line$, "value=") + 7
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).needclick = Val(Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss))
Input #1, Line$
poss = InStr(Line$, "value=") + 7
endpos = InStr(poss, Line$, Chr$(34))
Trigger(r).text = Mid$(Line$, poss, endpos - poss)
Input #1, trash$
Input #1, trash$
Close #1
LoadMap = -1
End Function
Function RayCollideEntity (Rect1 As Raycast, rect2 As Entity)
RayCollideEntity = 0
If Rect1.x >= rect2.x1 Then
If Rect1.x <= rect2.x2 Then
If Rect1.y >= rect2.y1 Then
If Rect1.y <= rect2.y2 Then
RayCollideEntity = -1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Function UICollide (Rect1 As Mouse, Rect2 As Menu)
UICollide = 0
If Rect1.x2 >= Rect2.x1 + Rect2.OffsetX Then
If Rect1.x1 <= Rect2.x2 + Rect2.OffsetX Then
If Rect1.y2 >= Rect2.y1 + Rect2.OffsetY Then
If Rect1.y1 <= Rect2.y2 + Rect2.OffsetY Then
UICollide = -1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Function TriggerPlayerCollide (Rect1 As Player, Rect2 As Trigger)
TriggerPlayerCollide = 0
If Rect1.x2 >= Rect2.x1 Then
If Rect1.x1 <= Rect2.x2 Then
If Rect1.y2 >= Rect2.y1 Then
If Rect1.y1 <= Rect2.y2 Then
TriggerPlayerCollide = -1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function