12-17-2024, 06:37 PM
Updating to v4.0 broke my code so I had to edit it to match the new file structure of the headers and to take into account a difference in tcslen in this compiler version versus the old one. tcslen is reporting as 1 character shorter than the old version. But I've remedied that. For now.
Code: (Select All)
ReDim As String myArray(0)
tokenize "This;is;an;example;string", ";", myArray()
Dim As Integer x
For x = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
Print myArray(x)
Sub tokenize (toTokenize As String, delimiters As String, StorageArray() As String)
Declare CustomType Library
Function strtok%& (ByVal str As _Offset, delimiters As String)
End Declare
Dim As _Offset tokenized
Dim As String tokCopy: tokCopy = toTokenize + Chr$(0)
Dim As String delCopy: delCopy = delimiters + Chr$(0)
Dim As _Unsigned Long lowerbound: lowerbound = LBound(StorageArray)
Dim As _Unsigned Long i: i = lowerbound
tokenized = strtok(_Offset(tokCopy), delCopy)
While tokenized <> 0
ReDim _Preserve StorageArray(lowerbound To UBound(StorageArray) + 1)
StorageArray(i) = PointerToString(tokenized)
tokenized = strtok(0, delCopy)
i = i + 1
ReDim _Preserve StorageArray(UBound(StorageArray) - 1)
End Sub
Function PointerToWideString$ (pointer As _Offset)
Declare CustomType Library
Function wcslen%& (ByVal str As _Offset)
End Declare
$End If
Declare CustomType Library
Sub StringCchCopyW (ByVal pszDest As _Offset, ByVal cchDest As _Offset, ByVal pszSrc As _Offset)
End Declare
Dim As _Offset length: length = wcslen(pointer) * 2 'The length does not account for the 2-byte nature of Unicode so we multiply by 2
Dim As String __dest: __dest = Space$(length)
StringCchCopyW _Offset(__dest), Len(__dest), pointer
PointerToWideString = __dest
End Function
Function PointerToString$ (pointer As _Offset)
Declare CustomType Library ".\internal\c\c_compiler\include\tchar"
Function tcslen%& Alias "_tcslen" (ByVal str As _Offset)
End Declare
Declare Library ".\internal\c\c_compiler\include\strsafe"
End Declare
Declare CustomType Library
Sub StringCchCopyA (ByVal pszDest As _Offset, ByVal cchDest As _Offset, ByVal pszSrc As _Offset)
End Declare
Dim As _Offset length: length = tcslen(pointer) + 1
Dim As String __dest: __dest = Space$(length)
StringCchCopyA _Offset(__dest), Len(__dest), pointer
PointerToString = __dest
End Function
$End If
The noticing will continue