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Thanks for the hard work! All this effort is very much appreciated!
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12-15-2024, 11:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2024, 11:14 PM by bert22306.)
Blistering fast:
I ran my number-crunching speed test, as I typically do with new versions of QB64. The test consists of timing how long it takes to compute all the prime numbers from 3 to x, where I run five different x values, and time each one in five separate tests.
All five tests showed obvious improvements. The punch line is that for the longest test, where x = 1,200,007, the time required went from ~ 1.8+ seconds for version 3.14.1 to 1.10 to 1.16something seconds in version 4.0.0. (Same computer, of course.)
Must be the new c++ compiler? Anyway, that's a really substantial improvement. So, thanks, developers!!
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(12-14-2024, 10:17 AM)SMcNeill Wrote: GRAB IT FROM THE GITHUB:
Multichannel sound, a native IIF function, logging, and new constants?
These are features I've been wanting since I first tried QB64, so thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!
What's that patreon link for donations again?
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thank you for the new release. channel 4 ho!
i must confess, i have been hesitant to upgrade after 3.11. it forced me to update my debian bookworm system for libpng. otherwise qb64pe compiled successfully and works without problems. i also tried it on debian bullseye system with lxqt. also compiled successfully with one warning (sorry didn't record where) but no problems and works as expected.
i believe the help page for _FLOAT should say that it's possible to have an "F" as sentinel of exponent for scientific notation instead of "E" for SINGLE or "D" for DOUBLE. this is because the new _TOSTR$ function could return _FLOAT value as a string including "F" as is demonstrated in one of the examples on its page.
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A question about the ternary operator: There is no problem with two numbers, but with three numbers. Is this fundamentally impossible with the way it is implemented in QB64, or is it just because of my incorrect bracketing?
I spent over two hours yesterday trying to get it to work, but to no avail. I tried to use the bracketing to achieve the TruePart - FalsePart scheme, but without success.
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I think what you want to do is nest _IIFs.
Code: (Select All)
clamped = _IIF(value < minValue, minValue, _IIF(value > maxValue, maxValue, value))
Posts: 380
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I am guessing from the image that you want to get the max of 3 numbers.
Code: (Select All)
maxOfThree = _IIF(a > b, _IIF(a > c, a, c), _IIF(b > c, b, c))
Posts: 191
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(Yesterday, 09:14 PM)a740g Wrote: I am guessing from the image that you want to get the max of 3 numbers.
Code: (Select All)
maxOfThree = _IIF(a > b, _IIF(a > c, a, c), _IIF(b > c, b, c))
Less writing:
Code: (Select All)
maxOfThree = _MAX(_MAX(a, b), c)
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Yesterday, 10:04 PM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 10:12 PM by bert22306.)
Steve!! Your speed test for graphics quit working with qn64pe v4.0.0!
First, the error message in compilelog.txt:
internal\c\c_compiler\bin\c++.exe -O2 -std=gnu++17 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-conversion-null -DGLEW_STATIC -DFREEGLUT_STATIC -Iinternal\c\libqb/include -Iinternal\c/parts/core/freeglut/include -Iinternal\c/parts/core/glew/include -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SOCKETS -DDEPENDENCY_NO_PRINTER -DDEPENDENCY_NO_ICON -DDEPENDENCY_NO_SCREENIMAGE internal\c/qbx.cpp -c -o internal\c/qbx.o
In file included from internal\c/qbx.cpp:1743:
internal\c/../temp/main.txt:255:90: error: arithmetic on a pointer to void
255 | memmove(_SUB_SAVE32_STRING3_TEMP->chr,(void*)*(ptrszint*)(((char*)_SUB_SAVE32_UDT_M)+(0))+(((*_SUB_SAVE32_LONG_W**_SUB_SAVE32_LONG_Y)+*_SUB_SAVE32_LONG_X)* 4 ),3);
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
1 error generated.
mingw32-make: *** [Makefile:407: internal\c/qbx.o] Error 1
Seems to me that this mingw32-make has to be modofied for the new compiler, yes?
Then your code:
Code: (Select All) Screen _NewImage(1280, 720, 32)
Cls , _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
For i = 1 To 20
Line (Rnd * 1280, Rnd * 720)-(Rnd * 1280, Rnd * 720), _RGB32(Rnd * 256, Rnd * 256, Rnd * 256), BF
t# = Timer
Save32 0, 0, 1279, 719, 0, "temp.bmp"
t1# = Timer
ThirtyTwoBit 0, 0, 1279, 719, 0, "temp2.bmp"
t2# = Timer
Print Using "###.### seconds with Save32"; t1# - t#
Print Using "###.### seconds with ThirtyTwoBit"; t2# - t1#
'KILL "temp.bmp"
'KILL "temp2.bmp"
Sub Save32 (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, image&, Filename$)
'Super special STEVE-Approved BMP Export routine for use with 32-bit color images.
Type BMPFormat ' Description Bytes QB64 Function
ID As String * 2 ' File ID("BM" text or 19778 AS Integer) 2 CVI("BM")
Size As Long ' Total Size of the file 4 LOF
Blank As Long ' Reserved 4
Offset As Long ' Start offset of image pixel data 4 (add one for GET)
Hsize As Long ' Info header size (always 40) 4
PWidth As Long ' Image width 4 _WIDTH(handle&)
PDepth As Long ' Image height (doubled in icons) 4 _HEIGHT(handle&)
Planes As Integer ' Number of planes (normally 1) 2
BPP As Integer ' Bits per pixel(palette 1, 4, 8, 24) 2 _PIXELSIZE(handle&)
Compression As Long ' Compression type(normally 0) 4
ImageBytes As Long ' (Width + padder) * Height 4
Xres As Long ' Width in PELS per metre(normally 0) 4
Yres As Long ' Depth in PELS per metre(normally 0) 4
NumColors As Long ' Number of Colors(normally 0) 4 2 ^ BPP
SigColors As Long ' Significant Colors(normally 0) 4
End Type ' Total Header bytes = 54
Dim BMP As BMPFormat
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim temp As String * 3
Dim m As _MEM, n As _MEM
Dim o As _Offset
m = _MemImage(image&)
Dim Colors8%(255)
If x1% > x2% Then Swap x1%, x2%
If y1% > y2% Then Swap y1%, y2%
_Source image&
pixelbytes& = 4
OffsetBITS& = 54 'no palette in 24/32 bit
BPP% = 24
NumColors& = 0 '24/32 bit say zero
BMP.PWidth = (x2% - x1%) + 1
BMP.PDepth = (y2% - y1%) + 1
ImageSize& = BMP.PWidth * BMP.PDepth
BMP.Size = ImageSize& * 3 + 54
BMP.Blank = 0
BMP.Offset = 54
BMP.Hsize = 40
BMP.Planes = 1
BMP.BPP = 24
BMP.Compression = 0
BMP.ImageBytes = ImageSize&
BMP.Xres = 3780
BMP.Yres = 3780
BMP.NumColors = 0
BMP.SigColors = 0
Compression& = 0
WidthPELS& = 3780
DepthPELS& = 3780
SigColors& = 0
f = FreeFile
n = _MemNew(BMP.Size)
_MemPut n, n.OFFSET, BMP
o = n.OFFSET + 54
y = y2% + 1
w& = _Width(image&)
y = y - 1: x = x1% - 1
x = x + 1
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + (w& * y + x) * 4, temp
_MemPut n, o, temp
o = o + 3
Loop Until x = x2%
Loop Until y = y1%
_MemFree m
Open Filename$ For Binary As #f
t$ = Space$(BMP.Size)
_MemGet n, n.OFFSET, t$
Put #f, , t$
_MemFree n
Close #f
End Sub
Sub ThirtyTwoBit (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, image&, Filename$)
Dim Colors8%(255)
If x1% > x2% Then Swap x1%, x2%
If y1% > y2% Then Swap y1%, y2%
_Source image&
pixelbytes& = _PixelSize(image&)
If pixelbytes& = 0 Then Beep: Exit Sub 'no text screens
FileType$ = "BM"
QB64$ = "QB64" 'free advertiising in reserved bytes
If pixelbytes& = 1 Then OffsetBITS& = 1078 Else OffsetBITS& = 54 'no palette in 24/32 bit
InfoHEADER& = 40
PictureWidth& = (x2% - x1%) + 1
PictureDepth& = (y2% - y1%) + 1
NumPLANES% = 1
If pixelbytes& = 1 Then BPP% = 8 Else BPP% = 24
Compression& = 0
WidthPELS& = 3780
DepthPELS& = 3780
If pixelbytes& = 1 Then 'byte padder prevents image skewing
NumColors& = 256 'set 256 colors even if they are not used by the screen mode
If (PictureWidth& Mod 4) Then ZeroPad$ = Space$(4 - (PictureWidth& Mod 4))
Else '24/32 bit images use 3 bytes for RGB pixel values
NumColors& = 0 '24/32 bit say zero
If ((PictureWidth& * 3) Mod 4) Then ZeroPad$ = Space$((4 - ((PictureWidth& * 3) Mod 4)))
End If
ImageSize& = (PictureWidth& + Len(ZeroPad$)) * PictureDepth&
FileSize& = ImageSize& + OffsetBITS&
f = FreeFile
Open Filename$ For Binary As #f
Put #f, , FileType$
Put #f, , FileSize&
Put #f, , QB64$
Put #f, , OffsetBITS&
Put #f, , InfoHEADER&
Put #f, , PictureWidth&
Put #f, , PictureDepth&
Put #f, , NumPLANES%
Put #f, , BPP%
Put #f, , Compression&
Put #f, , ImageSize&
Put #f, , WidthPELS&
Put #f, , DepthPELS&
Put #f, , NumColors&
Put #f, , SigColors& '51 offset
If pixelbytes& = 1 Then '4 or 8 BPP use 256 color Palette
u$ = Chr$(0)
For c& = 0 To 255 'PUT as BGR order colors
cv& = _PaletteColor(c&, image&)
Colr$ = Chr$(_Blue32(cv&))
Put #f, , Colr$
Colr$ = Chr$(_Green32(cv&))
Put #f, , Colr$
Colr$ = Chr$(_Red32(cv&))
Put #f, , Colr$
Put #f, , u$ 'Unused byte
End If
For y% = y2% To y1% Step -1 'place bottom up
For x% = x1% To x2%
c& = Point(x%, y%)
If pixelbytes& = 1 Then
a$ = Chr$(c&)
Colors8%(c&) = 1
Else: a$ = Left$(MKL$(c&), 3)
End If
Put #f, , a$
Put #f, , ZeroPad$
For n = 0 To 255
If Colors8%(n) = 1 Then SigColors& = SigColors& + 1
Next n
Put #f, 51, SigColors&
Close #f
End Sub
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Yesterday, 10:36 PM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 10:37 PM by Kernelpanic.)
(Yesterday, 09:28 PM)RhoSigma Wrote: (Yesterday, 09:14 PM)a740g Wrote: I am guessing from the image that you want to get the max of 3 numbers.
Code: (Select All)
maxOfThree = _IIF(a > b, _IIF(a > c, a, c), _IIF(b > c, b, c))
Less writing:
Code: (Select All)
maxOfThree = _MAX(_MAX(a, b), c)
Thanks to a740g and RhoSigma for the effort. @RhoSigma, it works!
I love this kind of thing: simple and clear! Thanks!
Code: (Select All)
'Tenaeren Operator in QB64 ab Vers. 4.0 - 16. Dez. 2024
'Dank an a740g und RhoSigma - 17. Dez 2024
Option _Explicit
Dim As Long zahl1, zahl2, zahl3, max
Locate 3, 3
Print "Dreifach tenaerer Operator in QB64"
Locate 4, 3
Print "=================================="
Locate 6, 3
Input "Zahl 1: ", zahl1
Locate 7, 3
Input "Zahl 2: ", zahl2
Locate 8, 3
Input "Zahl 3: ", zahl3
max = _Max(_Max(zahl1, zahl2), zahl3)
Locate 10, 3
Print Using "Die groesste Zahl ist: ####"; max