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Sound Ball
I'm not sure how good this really is, but I made a ball that bounces up and down to music. I got the ball graphic code from ChatGPT. 

Code: (Select All)

'Sound Ball by SierraKen
'Dec. 17, 2024

_Title "Sound Ball"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Dim tim As Single
Dim tim2 As Single
Dim yn$
Dim file$
Dim press As Single
'Dim radius As Single, centerx As Single, centery As Single
Dim angleX As Single, angleY As Single
Dim xx As Single, yy As Single
Dim lat As Single, lon As Single
Dim prevX As Single, prevY As Single

Const radius = 150
Const centerx = 400
Const centery = 300
angleX = 0
angleY = 0
Const pi = _Pi

file$ = ""
Line (300, 100)-(550, 200), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), BF
Color _RGB32(255, 0, 0), _RGB(255, 255, 255)
_PrintString (330, 150), "Click Here To Load Music"
        While _MouseInput
            If _MouseButton(1) And _MouseX > 300 And _MouseX < 550 And _MouseY > 100 And _MouseY < 200 Then press = 1
    Loop Until press = 1
    Line (300, 100)-(550, 200), _RGB32(255, 0, 0), BF
    tim = Timer
        tim2 = Timer
        If tim2 - tim > .5 Then
            Line (300, 100)-(550, 200), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), BF
            Timer Off
            Exit Do
        End If
    tim = 0: tim2 = 0
    Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
    file$ = _OpenFileDialog$(, "Music File")
    If file$ = "" Then
        Locate 6, 70: Print "              "
        Locate 6, 38
        Input "Would you like to continue (Y/N)", yn$
        If Left$(yn$, 1) = "y" Or Left$(yn$, 1) = "Y" Then
            GoTo start2:
        End If
    End If
Loop Until press = 1
press = 0
yn$ = ""
DefLng A-Z
Option _Explicit
Option _ExplicitArray

Dim a$
Print "Loading...";
Dim Song As Long
Song = _SndOpen(file$) ' Replace this with your (rad, mid, it, xm, s3m, mod, mp3, flac, ogg, wav) sound file
If Song < 1 Then
End If
_SndPlay Song

Dim SampleData As _MEM
SampleData = _MemSound(Song, 1) ' This can now be 0 or 1
If SampleData.SIZE = 0 Then
    Print "Failed to access sound sample data."
End If

Dim y As Long, i As _Unsigned _Integer64, sf As Single
Dim sz As _Unsigned _Integer64

sz = _CV(_Unsigned _Integer64, _MK$(_Offset, SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE)) ' sz is the total size of the sound in bytes

Do Until Not _SndPlaying(Song) Or i + (_Width * sz) > SampleData.SIZE
    _Limit 500
    a$ = InKey$
    If a$ = Chr$(27) Then _SndClose Song: End

    If (sz = 8 Or sz = 4) And (SampleData.TYPE And 256) Then
        For y = 0 To 100
            sf = _MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + y * sz, Single) 'get sound data
            If sf * 300 = 0 Then GoTo skip:
            ' Update rotation angles
            angleX = angleX + (sf * 90)
            angleY = angleY + (sf * 90)
            ' Draw latitude lines
            For lat = -pi / 2 To pi / 2 Step pi / 12

                For lon = 0 To 2 * pi Step pi / 36
                    SphericalTo2D lat, lon, xx, yy, angleX, angleY
                    yy = yy + (sf * 360)
                    If lon > 0 Then Line (prevX, prevY)-(xx, yy), _RGB32(0, 200, 50)
                    prevX = xx
                    prevY = yy
                Next lon
            Next lat

            ' Draw longitude lines
            For lon = 0 To 2 * pi Step pi / 12
                For lat = -pi / 2 To pi / 2 Step pi / 36
                    SphericalTo2D lat, lon, xx, yy, angleX, angleY
                    yy = yy + (sf * 360)
                    If lat > -pi / 2 Then Line (prevX, prevY)-(xx, yy), _RGB32(0, 50, 200)
                    prevX = xx
                    prevY = yy
                Next lat
            Next lon


        ' Update rotation angles
        angleX = angleX + 0.02
        angleY = angleY + 0.01
    End If
    i = Fix(_SndGetPos(Song) * _SndRate) * sz ' Calculate the new sample frame position
_SndClose Song 'closing the sound releases the mem blocks
GoTo start:

' Subroutine to convert spherical coordinates to 2D projection
Sub SphericalTo2D (lat As Single, lon As Single, xx As Single, yy As Single, angleX As Single, angleY As Single)
    ' Convert latitude and longitude to 3D coordinates
    Dim x3D As Single, y3D As Single, z3D As Single
    x3D = radius * Cos(lat) * Cos(lon)
    y3D = radius * Cos(lat) * Sin(lon)
    z3D = radius * Sin(lat)

    ' Apply rotation around the X-axis
    Dim tempY As Single, tempZ As Single
    tempY = y3D * Cos(angleX) - z3D * Sin(angleX)
    tempZ = y3D * Sin(angleX) + z3D * Cos(angleX)
    y3D = tempY
    z3D = tempZ

    ' Apply rotation around the Y-axis
    Dim tempX As Single
    tempX = x3D * Cos(angleY) + z3D * Sin(angleY)
    z3D = -x3D * Sin(angleY) + z3D * Cos(angleY)
    x3D = tempX

    ' Project the 3D point onto 2D screen
    xx = centerx + x3D
    yy = centery - y3D
End Sub


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