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List of file sound extensions
In the Wiki for _SndOpen the following exist:

Code: (Select All)
        ' plays music file
        '  supports file types:
        '    WAV, AIFF, AIFC, FLAC, OGG, MP3, IT, XM, S3M, MOD,
        '    RAD, AHX, HVL, MUS, HMI, HMP, HMQ, KAR, LDS, MDS,
        '    MIDS, RCP, R36, G18, G36, RMI, MID, MIDI, XFM, XMI, QOA
However, I noticed .m4a is missing!? Is it supported or just not added yet..

M4a is still licensed last I checked.  It's not free for all.
I tested:

  h = _SndOpen("sample1.m4a")

and it returned 0 for the handle.
is it important for a distribution of a game?  you will have to be careful to distribute M4A because it might produce a frown.  if you convert to that format because you like the quality or something else, you could do better with FLAC or maybe even MP3 with 256kbps or higher.

i used M4A format a long time ago.  it was when itunes program was needed to process them anyhow.  this was after M4P which otherwise was allowed to be burned into a music cd.
I have no need to play a .M4A file. It was just that when I was adding 15 more sound file extensions which were recently added I
had a guy working with me who said what they all are and I read him the list and he said "Hey! There is no .M4A.." so I
tested the fact and the _SndOpen would not open the sample .M4A which I got from the following site:

Sample .m4a files.

A sample .M4A is attached here:

btw: this file runs in WinAmp

Attached Files
.zip   SAMPLE.ZIP (Size: 1.92 MB / Downloads: 50)
As I mentioned, m4a, mp4, and all those other m4 files are *licensed* and not open source.  You have to pay $$$ to use them in your software, and since QB64PE is freeware and doesn't cost anything, it's not a format we have access to.

Volume (per unit*/annual reset) Per Unit Fee
For the first 1 to 500,000 units $0.98
For units 500,001 to 1,000,000 $0.78
For units 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 $0.68
For units 2,000,001 to 5,000,000 $0.45
For units 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 $0.42
For units 10,000,001 to 20,000,000 $0.22
For units 20,000,001 to 50,000,000 $0.20
For units 50,000,001 to 75,000,000 $0.15
For units 75,000,001 and more $0.10
Ok, Thanks Steve - that's what I thought was going on.

Um, does that indicate these file extensions are only available on Apple products such as the Ipod or Iphone??

(12-17-2024, 06:41 AM)SMcNeill Wrote: As I mentioned, m4a, mp4, and all those other m4 files are *licensed* and not open source.  You have to pay $$$ to use them in your software, and since QB64PE is freeware and doesn't cost anything, it's not a format we have access to.

Volume (per unit*/annual reset) Per Unit Fee
For the first 1 to 500,000 units $0.98
For units 500,001 to 1,000,000 $0.78
For units 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 $0.68
For units 2,000,001 to 5,000,000 $0.45
For units 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 $0.42
For units 10,000,001 to 20,000,000 $0.22
For units 20,000,001 to 50,000,000 $0.20
For units 50,000,001 to 75,000,000 $0.15
For units 75,000,001 and more $0.10
Wow, that adds up! For m4a and mp4 files, I'd just convert them. I've been using VideoProc Converter AI for audio/video and it works pretty well, but it isn't free.  Any recommendations for a good free media converter?
(12-18-2024, 09:35 PM)madscijr Wrote: Wow, that adds up! For m4a and mp4 files, I'd just convert them. I've been using VideoProc Converter AI for audio/video and it works pretty well, but it isn't free.  Any recommendations for a good free media converter? <-- There's nothing better, and it'll run all your audio/video needs, without having to download any codecs or anything else.

(Note that the video there doesn't show how to set bit rates or channels and such, but those are customizable as well in VLC. Just click the little wrench icon for settings near the mp3 name/type when you choose mp3 as your converted type.)
(12-18-2024, 11:16 PM)SMcNeill Wrote:
(12-18-2024, 09:35 PM)madscijr Wrote: Wow, that adds up! For m4a and mp4 files, I'd just convert them. I've been using VideoProc Converter AI for audio/video and it works pretty well, but it isn't free.  Any recommendations for a good free media converter?  <-- There's nothing better, and it'll run all your audio/video needs, without  having to download any codecs or anything else.
(Note that the video there doesn't show how to set bit rates or channels and such, but those are customizable as well in VLC.  Just click the  little wrench icon for settings near the mp3 name/type when you choose mp3 as your converted type.)
I can vouch for VLC as a player - been using it for years, and it can handle anything! 
I haven't used it to convert file formats, but did try swapping in a different audio file for a video soundtrack and it worked. Good call.

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