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Let's Make a Wheel!
Well, we already have one called a mouse wheel. I know how much bplus loves them so I thought I'd put a mouse highlighting "wheel" function into a menu routine I am morphing into a library.

Now this works as a roughed out 'Demo' but I'd appreciate some critique before I keep working on it.

Code: (Select All)
_ScreenMove _Middle
_Font 16
Dim Shared MenuBdrFg, MenubrdBg, MenuSdwFg, MenuSdwBg, MenuFg, MenuBg, MenuHlFg, MenuHlBg
Restore color_palette_data
For i = 1 To 15
    Read j, k
    If k <> -1 Then Palette j, k
For i = 1 To 8
    Read j
    Select Case i
        Case 1: MenuBdrFg = j
        Case 2: MenubrdBg = j
        Case 3: MenuSdwFg = j
        Case 4: MenuSdwBg = j
        Case 5: MenuFg = j
        Case 6: MenuBg = j
        Case 7: MenuHlFg = j
        Case 8: MenuHlBg = j
    End Select
CurStyle = 1
MenuWidth = 0
bgc1 = 9: bgc2 = 1 ' Background appearance.
While -1
    Color MenuHlFg, MenuHlBg
    Color 14, 1
    Locate 2, 1: Print String$(80, 196);
    Locate _Height - 1, 1: Print String$(80, 196);
    Color bgc1, bgc2
    For i = 3 To _Height - 2
        Locate i, 1: Print String$(80, 176);
    Color 14, 1
    Locate 1
    text$ = "Menu Options"
    Print center$(text$);
    Locate _Height
    text$ = "[F1] Help  [Esc] Quit"
    Print center$(text$);
    Restore menu_data: dcnt = 0: mhl = 0
        Read dta$
        If dta$ = "eof" Then Exit Do
        If _Height \ 2 <= (dcnt * (spacing + 1) + 1) \ 2 + pop Then Exit Do ' Data exceeds window max menu height.
        dcnt = dcnt + 1
        ReDim _Preserve a$(dcnt)
        If Len(dta$) > MenuWidth - 4 Then
            MenuWidth = Len(dta$) + 4
            MenuLeft = _Width \ 2 - Len(dta$) \ 2 - 2 + 1
        End If
    Restore menu_data
    For i = 1 To dcnt
        Read dta$
        a$(i) = Space$(MenuWidth - 4)
        Select Case style
            Case 0: j = 1
            Case 1: j = (MenuWidth - 4) \ 2 - Len(dta$) \ 2 + 1
        End Select
        Mid$(a$(i), j) = dta$
    MenuHeight = dcnt * (spacing + 1) - spacing + 2
    MenuTop = _Height \ 2 - MenuHeight \ 2 + 1
action$ = ""
    Color MenuBdrFg, MenubrdBg

    center_menu pop, a$(), dcnt, MenuWidth, MenuHeight, MenuTop, MenuLeft, spacing

        _Limit 60

        MyMouse_and_Keyboard lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, shift%, clkcnt, drag, b$
        Select Case b$
            Case Chr$(0) + "H"
                mw = -1: b$ = ""
            Case Chr$(0) + "P"
                mw = 1: b$ = ""
            Case Chr$(13)
                b$ = LTrim$(Str$(mhl))
        End Select
        If my = _Height Then ' Special to footer menu.
            If FooterMap$ = "" Then
                For i = 1 To _Width
                    FooterMap$ = FooterMap$ + Chr$(Screen(_Height, i))
            End If
            j = _InStrRev(Mid$(FooterMap$, 1, mx), "[") + 1
            If j Then
                temp$ = RTrim$(Mid$(FooterMap$, j, InStr(Mid$(FooterMap$, j) + "[", "[") - 1))
                If mx < j + Len(temp$) Then
                    If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "LINK" Then mshow$ = "LINK": _MouseShow "LINK"
                    If lb = 2 Then
                        b$ = Mid$(temp$, 1, InStr(temp$, "]") - 1)
                    End If
                    If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$
                End If
                If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$
            End If
        Else ' Main or popup menu.
            If Len(b$) Then
                action$ = "key"
            ElseIf mw Then
                action$ = "wheel"
            ElseIf oldmy And my <> oldmy Or oldmy And mx <> oldmx Then
                If my > MenuTop - pop And my < MenuTop - pop + MenuHeight - 1 And mx > MenuLeft - pop + 1 And mx < MenuLeft - pop + MenuWidth - 2 Then
                    action$ = "mouse-in"
                    If action$ <> "wheel" And action$ <> "key" Then
                        action$ = "mouse-out"
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            j = 0
            Select Case action$
                Case "wheel", "key"
                    If mhl + mw > 0 And mhl + mw <= UBound(a$) Then
                        j = mhl + mw
                    End If
                Case "mouse-in"
                    j = (my - MenuTop + pop + spacing) / (spacing + 1)
                Case "mouse-out"
                    If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$
                    If mhl Then
                        s1 = CsrLin: s2 = Pos(0): c1 = _DefaultColor: c2 = _BackgroundColor
                        Locate MenuTop - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, MenuLeft - pop + 2 - 1: Color MenuFg, MenuBg: Print " " + a$(mhl) + " "; ' Unhighlight.
                        mhl = 0
                    End If
            End Select
            If j And Int(j) = j Then
                If j <> mhl Then
                    s1 = CsrLin: s2 = Pos(0): c1 = _DefaultColor: c2 = _BackgroundColor
                    If mhl Then Locate MenuTop - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, MenuLeft - pop + 2 - 1: Color MenuFg, MenuBg: Print " " + a$(mhl) + " "; ' Unhighlight former.
                    Locate MenuTop - pop + j + (j - 1) * spacing, MenuLeft - pop + 2 - 1: Color MenuHlFg, MenuHlBg: Print " " + a$(j) + " ";: Locate s1, s2: Color c1, c2: mhl = j ' Highlight current.
                End If
                Select Case action$
                    Case "mouse-in"
                        If lb = 2 Then b$ = LTrim$(Str$(j))
                        If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "LINK" Then mshow$ = "LINK": _MouseShow "LINK"
                    Case "wheel", "key"
                        If mb = 2 Or lb = 2 Then b$ = LTrim$(Str$(j))
                        If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$
                End Select
            End If
        End If
        Select Case b$
            Case "1": spacing = 0
            Case "2": spacing = 1
            Case "3": spacing = 2
            Case "4": style = 1 - style
            Case "5"
                Select Case bgc2
                    Case 0: bgc2 = 1
                    Case 1: bgc2 = 0
                End Select
            Case "6": CurStyle = 1 - CurStyle
            Case "7"
                pop = 1 - pop
            Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(59), "F1"
                Restore help_data: help$=""
                    Read d$
                    If d$ = "eof" Then Exit Do
                    help$ = help$ + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + d$
                _MessageBox " App Help", help$, ""
            Case Chr$(27), "Esc": Exit While
        End Select
        If Len(b$) Then Exit Do
        oldmy = my: oldmx = mx

' MenuBdrFg, MenubrdBg, MenuSdwFg, MenuSdwBg, MenuFg, MenuBg, MenuHlFg, MenuHlBg
Data 1,-1,2,-1,3,-1,4,-1,5,-1,6,-1,7,63,8,-1,9,-1,10,-1,11,-1,12,-1,13,-1,14,-1,15,-1
Data 1,7,8,1,0,7,15,1
Data eof

Data "1) Single-Space Display Menu"
Data "2) Double-Space Display Menu"
Data "3) Triple-Space Display Menu"
Data "4) Toggle Block/Center Style"
Data "5) Toggle Background"
Data "6) Toggle Link Cursor On/Off"
Data "7) Toggle Flat/Popup Window"
Data eof

Data This demo includes this
Data handy dandy help window
Data where we simply add data
Data statements to produce
Data then help text displayed
Data in this pop-up window.
Data eof

Function center$ (text$)
    Locate , _Width \ 2 - Len(text$) \ 2 + 1
    center$ = text$
End Function

Sub center_menu (pop, a$(), dcnt, MenuWidth, MenuHeight, MenuTop, MenuLeft, spacing)
    ' Centers height evenly for odd window heights and 1-space towards top for even.
    Locate MenuTop - pop, MenuLeft - pop
    For h = 1 To dcnt
        If h = 1 Then
            Color MenuBdrFg, MenubrdBg: Print Chr$(218) + String$(MenuWidth - 2, 196) + Chr$(191)
            j = CsrLin
            For i = 1 To MenuHeight - 2
                If CsrLin < _Height Then Locate j, MenuLeft - pop Else Locate , MenuLeft - pop
                Color MenuBdrFg, MenubrdBg: Print Chr$(179);
                Color MenuBdrFg, MenubrdBg: Print Space$(MenuWidth - 2);
                Color MenuBdrFg, MenubrdBg: Print Chr$(179);
                j = j + 1
            Locate j, MenuLeft - pop
            Color MenuBdrFg, MenubrdBg: Print Chr$(192) + String$(MenuWidth - 2, 196) + Chr$(217);
            If pop Then ' Shadow effect.
                Color MenuSdwFg, MenuSdwBg ' Shadow below.
                Locate CsrLin + 1, MenuLeft - pop + 2
                For i = 1 To MenuWidth
                    j = Screen(CsrLin, Pos(0))
                    Print Chr$(j);
                Locate MenuTop - pop + 1 ' Shadow to the right.
                For i = 1 To MenuHeight - 1
                    Locate , MenuLeft - pop + MenuWidth
                    j = Screen(CsrLin, Pos(0))
                    Print Chr$(j);
                    j = Screen(CsrLin, Pos(0))
                    Print Chr$(j)
            End If
        End If
        Color MenuFg, MenuBg
        Locate MenuTop - pop + h + (h - 1) * spacing, MenuLeft - pop + 2
        Print a$(h);
    Next h
End Sub

Sub MyMouse_and_Keyboard (lb, mb, rb, my, mx, mw, shift%, clkcnt, drag, b$)
    Static oldmy, oldmx, z1, hover, mwy, oldmwy
    If Len(autokey$) Then
        b$ = Mid$(autokey$, 1, InStr(autokey$ + ",", ",") - 1)
        autokey$ = Mid$(autokey$, InStr(autokey$ + ",", ",") + 1)
        b$ = InKey$
    End If
    If z1 Then If Abs(Timer - z1) > .3 Then z1 = 0: clkcnt = 0
    If lb > 0 Then
        If lb = 1 Then
            lb = -1
            lb = 0
        End If
    End If
    If rb > 0 Then If rb = 1 Then rb = -1 Else rb = 0
    If mb > 0 Then If mb = 1 Then mb = -1 Else mb = 0
    While _MouseInput
        mwy = mwy + _MouseWheel
    my = _MouseY
    mx = _MouseX
    b_hover = 0
    For i = 1 To nob ' number of buttons.
        If my >= y_btl(i) And my <= y_bbr(i) And mx >= x_btl(i) And mx <= x_bbr(i) Then
            b_hover = i
            Exit For
        End If
    If lb = -1 Then
        If oldmy And oldmx <> mx Or oldmy And oldmy <> my Then
            If mx <> oldmx Then drag = Sgn(mx - oldmx) ' Prevent zero which can occur if mouse moves off row when being dragged horizontally.
        End If
    End If
    If drag = 0 Then
        If mwy <> oldmw Then
            mw = Sgn(mwy - oldmwy): mwy = 0
            mw = 0
        End If
        oldmwy = mwy
        If _KeyDown(100303) Or _KeyDown(100304) Then shift% = -1 Else If shift% Then shift% = 0
    End If
    If lb = -1 And _MouseButton(1) = 0 Then
        lb = 2: drag = 0: hover = 0
    ElseIf rb = -1 And _MouseButton(2) = 0 Then
        rb = 2
    ElseIf mb = -1 And _MouseButton(3) = 0 Then
        mb = 2
    End If
    If _MouseButton(1) Then
        If lb = 0 Then
            lb = 1
            If z1 = 0 Then
                z1 = Timer ' Let first click go through.
                clkcnt = clkcnt + 1
            End If
        End If
    ElseIf _MouseButton(2) And rb = 0 Then
        rb = 1
    ElseIf _MouseButton(3) And mb = 0 Then
        mb = 1
    End If
    oldmy = my: oldmx = mx
End Sub

Am I missing anything? The wheel choices can be activated with Enter, left or middle mouse click. There is no need to put the pointer in the menu to use the mouse. I thought about having the wheel initiate highlighting from the bottom up if the first roll if negative, upwards, but maybe that's too corny.... Steve would know.

Also line 103 to 147.... these....

Code: (Select All)
If Len(b$) Then
action$ = "key"
ElseIf mw Then
action$ = "wheel"
ElseIf oldmy And my <> oldmy Or oldmy And mx <> oldmx Then
If my > MenuTop - pop And my < MenuTop - pop + MenuHeight - 1 And mx > MenuLeft - pop + 1 And mx < MenuLeft - pop + MenuWidth - 2 Then
action$ = "mouse-in"
If action$ <> "wheel" And action$ <> "key" Then
action$ = "mouse-out"
End If
End If
End If
j = 0
Select Case action$
Case "wheel", "key"
If mhl + mw > 0 And mhl + mw <= UBound(a$) Then
j = mhl + mw
End If
Case "mouse-in"
j = (my - MenuTop + pop + spacing) / (spacing + 1)
Case "mouse-out"
If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$
If mhl Then
s1 = CsrLin: s2 = Pos(0): c1 = _DefaultColor: c2 = _BackgroundColor
Locate MenuTop - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, MenuLeft - pop + 2 - 1: Color MenuFg, MenuBg: Print " " + a$(mhl) + " "; ' Unhighlight.
mhl = 0
End If
End Select
If j And Int(j) = j Then
If j <> mhl Then
s1 = CsrLin: s2 = Pos(0): c1 = _DefaultColor: c2 = _BackgroundColor
If mhl Then Locate MenuTop - pop + mhl + (mhl - 1) * spacing, MenuLeft - pop + 2 - 1: Color MenuFg, MenuBg: Print " " + a$(mhl) + " "; ' Unhighlight former.
Locate MenuTop - pop + j + (j - 1) * spacing, MenuLeft - pop + 2 - 1: Color MenuHlFg, MenuHlBg: Print " " + a$(j) + " ";: Locate s1, s2: Color c1, c2: mhl = j ' Highlight current.
End If
Select Case action$
Case "mouse-in"
If lb = 2 Then b$ = LTrim$(Str$(j))
If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "LINK" Then mshow$ = "LINK": _MouseShow "LINK"
Case "wheel", "key"
If mb = 2 Or lb = 2 Then b$ = LTrim$(Str$(j))
If CurStyle And mshow$ <> "DEFAULT" Then mshow$ = "DEFAULT": _MouseShow mshow$
End Select
End If

... determine the behavior of using arrow up/down keys, wheel, and mouse pointer with the routine. If anyone sees some optimization that can be applied to these 44 lines, I'm all ears. No Steve, not corn ears. Now that would be corny.

Merry Christmas Eve eve @Pete

Testing your code, I had error pop up when going from triple space to double to single error!

Not critical as if I continue and continue again for 2nd error popup, it seems everything is back as it should be.

I am impressed how wheel handles the different spacing. still playing with it...

Question: Have you been changing anything in MyMouse routine?
b = b + ...

Fixed. I had to add in an action$ = ""  when it re-loops; otherwise the variable a$(j) was one higher than the upper-bounds due to the popup changing coordinates.

It's the same MyMouse routine.


Things are going quite well for me.
Only in the help (F1) should you reset the 'help$' variable, otherwise the popup gets longer and longer the more often you call up the help.
(12-24-2024, 04:33 PM)Steffan-68 Wrote: Things are going quite well for me.
Only in the help (F1) should you reset the 'help$' variable, otherwise the popup gets longer and longer the more often you call up the help.

Ah, great point! +2.

I made that edit to the first post.

Pete Smile
Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.

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