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QBJS v0.9.0 - Release
i guess this "pwa" thing is something only windows users could enjoy.  because i cannot get it to appear for me on vivaldi.  i am on linux, debian mate with "bookworm" (current lts) base.  and installed from deb file offered by the home website of the browser.

i have tried to refresh.  to find how to install extensions.  but i'm not used anymore to a browser other than firefox.  i installed vivaldi because i needed a chromium-compatible web browser to go around a problem with a service site that otherwise expects me to use their mobile app.

firefox esr is my other choice, but we all know what's the answer for that.

[Image: qbjs-in-vivaldi.png]
(Yesterday, 10:34 PM)hsiangch_ong Wrote: i guess this "pwa" thing is something only windows users could enjoy.  because i cannot get it to appear for me on vivaldi.  i am on linux, debian mate with "bookworm" (current lts) base.  and installed from deb file offered by the home website of the browser.

It’s not strictly a windows feature.  The screenshots on the original post are from an Edge browser running on Linux Mint.  I’m afraid I’m not too familiar with Vivaldi, but perhaps this page might help:
Hi @dbox,

I am stumped once again why this works in QB64 but not QBJS. I took out Timer and tried a couple of versions of mouse button catching but best I can do is move 3 blocks and then nothing???

Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "GUI Sliding Blocks Game "
'Randomize Timer
Dim As Long s, q, r, c, c0, r0, i, update, solved, mc, test, m, mb, mx, my, bx, by
Dim flash$
' get from user the desired board size = s
    Locate 1, 3: Input "(0 quits) Enter your number of blocks per side 3 - 9 you want > ", s
    If s = 0 Then End
Loop Until s > 2 And s < 10

' screen setup: based on the square blocks q pixels a sides
q = 540 / s 'square size, shoot for 540 x 540 pixel board display
Screen _NewImage(q * s + 1, q * s + 1, 32) ': _ScreenMove 360, 60

'initialize board = solution
Dim board(s, s)
For r = 1 To s
    For c = 1 To s
        board(c, r) = c + (r - 1) * s
board(s, s) = 0: c0 = s: r0 = s

'scramble board for puzzle
For i = 0 To s ^ 5 ' mix blocks
    Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
        Case 1: If c0 < s Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0 + 1, r0): board(c0 + 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 + 1
        Case 2: If c0 > 1 Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0 - 1, r0): board(c0 - 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 - 1
        Case 3: If r0 < s Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 + 1): board(c0, r0 + 1) = 0: r0 = r0 + 1
        Case 4: If r0 > 1 Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 - 1): board(c0, r0 - 1) = 0: r0 = r0 - 1
    End Select

update = -1 'OK user here you go!
    If update Then 'display status and determine if solved
        solved = -1: update = 0
        For r = 1 To s
            For c = 1 To s
                If board(c, r) Then
                    If board(c, r) <> (r - 1) * s + c Then solved = 0
                    Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
                    Line ((c - 1) * q + 1, (r - 1) * q + 2)-(c * q - 2, r * q - 2), _RGB32(0, 0, 255), BF
                    _PrintString ((c - 1) * q + .4 * q, (r - 1) * q + .4 * q), Right$(" " + Str$(board(c, r)), 2)
                    If board(s, s) <> 0 Then solved = 0
                    Color _RGB32(0, 0, 0), _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
                    Line ((c - 1) * q, (r - 1) * q)-(c * q, r * q), , BF
                End If
        If solved Then 'flash the Solved Report until user closes window else report status
            flash$ = "Solved!" + Str$(mc) + " Moves." ' in " + Str$(Int(Timer - t)) + " secs."
            While 1: _Title flash$: _Delay .2: _Title "  ": _Delay .2: Wend
            _Title Str$(mc) + " Moves." ' in " + Str$(Int(Timer - t)) + " secs." + Str$(test)
        End If
    End If

    'get next mouse click, check if on block next to empty space make move or beep
    While _MouseInput: Wend
    mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
    If mb And solved = 0 Then 'get last place mouse button was down
        _Delay .25 ' for user to release mb
        'mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
        'While mb 'left button down, wait for mouse button release
        'm = _MouseInput: mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY

        'convert mouse position to board array (x, y) are we near empty space?
        bx = Int(mx / q) + 1: by = Int(my / q) + 1: update = -1
        If bx = c0 + 1 And by = r0 Then
            board(c0, r0) = board(c0 + 1, r0): board(c0 + 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 + 1: mc = mc + 1
        ElseIf bx = c0 - 1 And by = r0 Then
            board(c0, r0) = board(c0 - 1, r0): board(c0 - 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 - 1: mc = mc + 1
        ElseIf bx = c0 And by = r0 + 1 Then
            board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 + 1): board(c0, r0 + 1) = 0: r0 = r0 + 1: mc = mc + 1
        ElseIf bx = c0 And by = r0 - 1 Then
            board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 - 1): board(c0, r0 - 1) = 0: r0 = r0 - 1: mc = mc + 1
        End If
    End If

This code I think would be great Sample:
b = b + ...
(11 hours ago)bplus Wrote: Hi @dbox,

I am stumped once again why this works in QB64 but not QBJS. I took out Timer and tried a couple of versions of mouse button catching but best I can do is move 3 blocks and then nothing???
Hey @bplus, I found that putting a _Limit 60 before the final Loop statement seemed to do the trick.

Quote:This code I think would be great Sample:
Oh yeah, that's a great one!  I can definitely add it to the samples.  What did you name this one again?
@dbox Call the fish thing Texting Fish.

That was it! It just needed a _limit to delay the loop around. I think I fixed someone else problem the same! Yikes what a memory.

I cleaned up the code for Sliding Block Puzzle, you can replace that "15 Squares Puzzle" with this, it's way better!

You can't see it here but title flashes when puzzle is solved with number of moves and time in secs then jumps into another puzzle.

Also I noticed 2 things comparing QBJS code and QB64:
1) str$(number) in QBJS does not leave that space before a positive number as in QB64, so you have to _TRIM$() in QB64 so they look the same in print.
2) the _delay amounts aren't matching up, ie flashing that solved message in QB64 is way faster than in QBJS. had to fiddle to get a compromise.
Yeah I am still into having both codes work as closley to the same way as possible.
b = b + ...

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