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That's a neat full-screen Petr. Personally I like the windowed version but that's just me. Anyone is free to use mine or Petr's code to make a game or whatever they wish with it. I hope to make something cool with this soon myself! Thanks for the help guys.
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(08-10-2022, 04:25 PM)SierraKen Wrote: James, I just tried your code. Even though it works a bit differently, I don't like how the man moves a fraction of a distance, then stops, then moves again, when you just press and hold down the arrow key, so I left it how it was.
That's interesting because I do not experience any lag at all. I'm running Windows 11, with 8 Gigs of ram with 2.4 ghz with a buetooth keyboard. Only mentioning because I have seen people mention lag with qb64 but I haven't seen any.
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(08-10-2022, 06:38 PM)James D Jarvis Wrote: (08-10-2022, 04:25 PM)SierraKen Wrote: James, I just tried your code. Even though it works a bit differently, I don't like how the man moves a fraction of a distance, then stops, then moves again, when you just press and hold down the arrow key, so I left it how it was.
That's interesting because I do not experience any lag at all. I'm running Windows 11, with 8 Gigs of ram with 2.4 ghz with a buetooth keyboard. Only mentioning because I have seen people mention lag with qb64 but I haven't seen any.
I'm not sure if it's lag or just the way KEYHIT works because you have to hit the key, and then it probably registered a second time to keep going. It only stopped that one time and then it kept moving. But I'm not sure why it doesn't do that on your computer. I run Windows 10 with 16 GB RAM quadcore.
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08-10-2022, 06:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-10-2022, 07:03 PM by James D Jarvis.)
(08-10-2022, 06:41 PM)SierraKen Wrote: (08-10-2022, 06:38 PM)James D Jarvis Wrote: (08-10-2022, 04:25 PM)SierraKen Wrote: James, I just tried your code. Even though it works a bit differently, I don't like how the man moves a fraction of a distance, then stops, then moves again, when you just press and hold down the arrow key, so I left it how it was.
That's interesting because I do not experience any lag at all. I'm running Windows 11, with 8 Gigs of ram with 2.4 ghz with a buetooth keyboard. Only mentioning because I have seen people mention lag with qb64 but I haven't seen any.
I'm not sure if it's lag or just the way KEYHIT works because you have to hit the key, and then it probably registered a second time to keep going. It only stopped that one time and then it kept moving. But I'm not sure why it doesn't do that on your computer. I run Windows 10 with 16 GB RAM quadcore.
I tried my little change with your newest version of the code and I can see a speed difference when using KEYHIT but not a stop and go, it is more obvious when there is a direction change. I think it may due to how the logic works using select case.
EDIT: nope, probably is the use of _keyhit. Restructured the logic in a different means and _keyhit was a bigger difference than the logic setup. Thanks... I have a program that was using keyhit I may change over after seeing this difference.
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You're welcome James. I'm working on the next version with a cave, should be interesting. With a random cave and a random town, the game could last forever. LOL
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08-10-2022, 07:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2022, 12:11 AM by SierraKen.)
Here is a cleaned up version of the original town-only one. I did add the outside of a random cave, but you can't go inside it (yet).
(Code deleted, much better version later on.)
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I tossed some ants in it just to see what would happen. My ant draw graphics clearly don't account for the camera change yet. Just sharing for the fun. The ant footprints and deadants only work in the top corner, and I have no clue where the red ants are.
Code: (Select All) 'Scrolling Map Example by SierraKen - August 9, 2022
'This is just a demonstration scrolling map I made to use with games someday.
'plus some ants i threw in, they really aren't working right yet
Print " Random Large Map Maker"
Print " with ants"
Print: Print
Print " by SierraKen"
Print "and infesteded by James D. Jarvis"
Print: Print
Print "This is just an example to make something with a moving background."
Print "Use the arrow keys to move and Esc to quit."
Print "Currently the map only has randomly placed houses and rocks,"
Print "but feel free to add anything you wish. I placed notes in the QB64 code."
Print " AND i threw some sloppy code for ants in it"
Print: Print
Input "Press Enter to start."; a$
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Type object
x As Single
y As Single
End Type
Dim Shared player As object
Dim Shared camera As object
Dim Shared map As Long
Dim playerSpeed As Single
Dim housex(30)
Dim housey(30)
Dim rx(250)
Dim ry(250)
Dim Shared ant$, ax(100), ay(100), am(100), aa(100), ascl(100), aklr(100), ah(100), asp(100), af(100)
Dim Shared rax(100), ray(100), ram(100), raa(100), rascl(100), raklr(100), rah(100), rasp(100), raf(100)
Dim Shared rac
_Title "Loading....."
player.x = _Width / 2
player.y = _Height / 2
map = _NewImage(_Width * 5, _Height * 5, 32)
maxax = _Width * 5
maxay = _Height * 5
_Dest map
Cls , _RGB32(0, 200, 0)
_Limit 2000
'Graphics Here
For p = 1 To 6
px = Rnd * 3500
py = Rnd * 3500
Circle (px, py), Int(40 + Rnd * 40), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
Paint (px, py), _RGB32(100, 255, 255)
Next p
For h = 1 To 30
housex(h) = Rnd * 3500
housey(h) = Rnd * 3500
For check = 0 To h - 1
If housex(check) > housex(h) - 150 And housex(check) < housex(h) + 150 And housey(check) > housey(h) - 225 And housey(check) < housey(h) + 225 Then GoTo again:
Next check
housex2 = (Rnd * 100) + 50
housey2 = (Rnd * 100) + 50
Line (housex(h), housey(h))-(housex(h) + housex2, housey(h) + housey2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), B
Paint (housex(h) + 5, housey(h) + 5), _RGB32(216, 127, 78), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
For sz = .25 To (housex2 / 2) Step .1
Circle (housex(h) + (housex2 / 2), housey(h)), sz, _RGB32(255, 255, 255), 2 * _Pi, _Pi, 1
Next sz
tt = 0
Paint (housex(h) + 2, housey(h) - (housey2 / 2) + 2), _RGB32(216, 127, 78), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
Line (housex(h) + (housex2 / 2) - 10, housey(h) + (housey2 - 20))-(housex(h) + (housex2 / 2) + 10, housey(h) + housey2), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), B
Next h
For r = 1 To 250
rx(r) = Rnd * 4000
ry(r) = Rnd * 4000
For check = 0 To 30
If housex(check) > rx(r) - 150 And housex(check) < rx(r) + 150 And housey(check) > ry(r) - 225 And housey(check) < ry(r) + 225 Then GoTo again2:
Next check
size = Rnd * 20
Circle (rx(r), ry(r)), size, _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
Next r
Paint (1, 1), _RGB32(127, 172, 127), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
_Dest 0
_Source map
playerSpeed = 8
Const keyUP = 18432
Const keyDOWN = 20480
Const keyLEFT = 19200
Const keyRIGHT = 19712
Const ESC = 27
_PutImage (camera.x, camera.y), map
_Title "Map Explorer - by SierraKen"
_Dest 0
_Source map
ant$ = "m+4,-2m+4,+2m-4,+2m-4,-2br8r5m+2,-2m+1,+2m-1,+2m-2,-2bm-3,+0e5g5f5h5u5d10u6dg5e5h5"
For a = 1 To 100
ax(a) = 0 - Int(Rnd * 20)
ay(a) = Int(Rnd * 300) + 100
am(a) = Int(Rnd * 3) + 2
aa(a) = Int(Rnd * 10) - Int(Rnd * 10)
ascl(a) = Int(Rnd * 6) + 3
aklr(a) = Int(Rnd * 10)
ah(a) = Int(Rnd * 10) + ascl(a) * 2
asp(a) = ascl(a) - 2
af(a) = 0
' rax(a) = 800 + Int(Rnd * 20)
' ray(a) = Int(Rnd * 300) + 100
' ram(a) = Int(Rnd * 3) + 2
' raa(a) = 180 + Int(Rnd * 10) - Int(Rnd * 10)
' rascl(a) = Int(Rnd * 6) + 3
' raklr(a) = 178 - Int(Rnd * 4)
' rah(a) = Int(Rnd * 10) + rascl(a) * 2
' rasp(a) = rascl(a) - 2
' raf(a) = 0
rax(a) = 0
ray(a) = 0
ram(a) = 0
raa(a) = 180 + Int(Rnd * 10) - Int(Rnd * 10)
rascl(a) = 0
raklr(a) = Int(200 + Rnd * 10)
rah(a) = 0
rasp(a) = 0
raf(a) = 0
Next a
ro = _Pi / 180
rac = 0
_PutImage (camera.x, camera.y), map
t = 1
_PutImage (camera.x, camera.y), map
'input handlign edited by me
If _KeyDown(keyUP) Then
player.y = player.y - playerSpeed: t = t + 1
If player.y < 0 Then player.y = 0
Else If _KeyDown(keyDOWN) Then
player.y = player.y + playerSpeed: t = t + 1
If player.y > _Height(map) Then player.y = _Height(map)
Else If _KeyDown(keyLEFT) Then
player.x = player.x - playerSpeed: t = t + 1
If player.x < 0 Then player.x = 0
Else If _KeyDown(keyRIGHT) Then
player.x = player.x + playerSpeed: t = t + 1
If player.y > _Height(map) Then player.y = _Height(map)
Else If _KeyDown(ESC) Then
End If: End If: End If: End If: End If
For a = 1 To 100
If Rnd * 6 > 4 Then
If af(a) < 1 Then
ax(a) = ax(a) + asp(a) * Sin((aa(a) + 90) * ro)
ay(a) = ay(a) + asp(a) * Cos((aa(a) + 90) * ro)
End If
If a <= rac And raf(a) < 1 Then
rax(a) = rax(a) + rasp(a) * Sin((raa(a) + 90) * ro)
ray(a) = ray(a) + rasp(a) * Cos((raa(a) + 90) * ro)
End If
If a <= rac Then af(a) = af(a) - 1
If a <= rac Then raf(a) = raf(a) - 1
If ax(a) < -20 Or ax(a) > 850 Then
ax(a) = 0 - (Int(Rnd * 10) + 5)
ay(a) = Int(Rnd * maxay) + 100
aa(a) = 0
ascl(a) = Int(Rnd * 6) + 3
End If
If ay(a) < -10 Or ay(a) > 650 Then
ay(a) = Int(Rnd * maxay) + 100
ax(a) = 0 - (Int(Rnd * 10) + 5)
aa(a) = 0
ascl(a) = Int(Rnd * 6) + 3
End If
If a <= rac And rax(a) < -20 Or rax(a) > 850 Then
rax(a) = maxax + 10 - (Int(Rnd * 10) + 5)
ray(a) = Int(Rnd * maxay) + 100
raa(a) = 180
rascl(a) = Int(Rnd * 6) + 3
End If
If a <= rac And ray(a) < -10 Or ray(a) > 650 Then
ray(a) = Int(Rnd * maxay) + 100
rax(a) = maxax + 10 - (Int(Rnd * 10) + 5)
raa(a) = 180
rascl(a) = Int(Rnd * 6) + 3
End If
End If
dant aa(a), aklr(a), ascl(a), ax(a), ay(a)
dant raa(a), raklr(a), rascl(a), rax(a), ray(a)
dc = Int(Rnd * 20) + 1
Select Case dc
Case 1 TO 3
aa(a) = aa(a) - (Int(Rnd * 6) + 2)
Case 4 TO 17
Case 18 TO 20
aa(a) = aa(a) + (Int(Rnd * 6) + 2)
End Select
_Source b&
If Point(ax(a) + ascl(a) * 4, ay(a)) = _RGB32(100, 255, 255) And Point(ax(a) + ascl(a) * 4, ay(a)) = _RGB32(100, 255, 255) Then
aa(a) = Int(aa(a) + 30)
ah(a) = ah(a) - 1
If Rnd * 20 > 18.5 Then
_Dest map
PSet (ax(a), ay(a)), _RGB32(200, 200, 200)
_Dest 0
End If
End If
dc = Int(Rnd * 20) + 1
Select Case dc
Case 1 TO 3
raa(a) = raa(a) - (Int(Rnd * 6) + 2)
Case 4 TO 17
Case 18 TO 20
raa(a) = raa(a) + (Int(Rnd * 6) + 2)
End Select
_Source b&
If Point(rax(a) + rascl(a) * 4, ray(a)) = _RGB32(100, 255, 255) And Point(rax(a) + rascl(a) * 4, ray(a)) = _RGB32(100, 255, 255) Then
raa(a) = Int(raa(a) + 30)
rah(a) = rah(a) - 1
If Rnd * 20 > 18.5 Then
_Dest map
PSet (rax(a), ray(a)), 4
_Dest 0
End If
End If
For n = 1 To 100
bxx = ax(n) + ascl(n) * 2 * Sin((aa(n) + 90) * ro)
byy = ay(n) + ascl(n) * 2 * Cos((aa(n) + 90) * ro)
If Int(bxx / 4) = Int((rax(a) + 3) / 4) And Int(byy / 4) = Int((ray(a) + 3) / 4) Then
ah(n) = ah(n) - Int(1 + Rnd * rascl(a))
rah(a) = rah(a) - Int(1 + Rnd * ascl(n))
aa(n) = aa(n) + Int(30 + Rnd * 20)
raa(a) = raa(a) - Int(30 + Rnd * 20)
rasp(a) = 0
asp(n) = 0
' Circle ((ax(n) + rax(a)) / 2, (ay(n) + ray(a) / 2)), ascl(n) + rascl(a), 115
_Dest map
PSet (rax(a), ray(a))
Draw "ta" + Str$(Int(Rnd * 360)) + "c" + Str$(Int(4 + Rnd * 4)) + "r4"
_Dest 0
If raf(a) < 1 Then raf(a) = 12
If af(n) < 1 Then af(n) = 12
End If
Next n
For n = 1 To 100
bxx = rax(n) + rascl(n) * 2 * Sin((raa(n) + 90) * ro)
byy = ray(n) + rascl(n) * 2 * Cos((raa(n) + 90) * ro)
If Int((ax(a) + 3) / 4) = Int(bxx / 4) And Int((ay(a) + 3) / 4) = Int(byy / 4) Then
ah(a) = ah(a) - Int(1 + Rnd * rascl(n))
rah(n) = rah(n) - Int(1 + Rnd * ascl(a))
aa(a) = aa(a) + Int(30 + Rnd * 20)
raa(n) = raa(n) - Int(30 + Rnd * 20)
asp(a) = 0
rasp(n) = 0
Circle ((ax(a) + rax(n)) / 2, (ay(a) + ray(n) / 2)), ascl(a) + rascl(n), 115
_Dest map
PSet (ax(a), ay(a))
Draw "ta" + Str$(Int(Rnd * 360)) + "c" + Str$(_RGB32(200, 200, 200)) + "r4"
_Dest 0
If raf(a) < 1 Then raf(n) = 12
If af(a) < 1 Then af(a) = 12
End If
Next n
asp(a) = asp(a) + Int(Rnd * 2)
If asp(a) > ascl(a) * 1.5 Then asp(a) = ascl(a)
rasp(a) = rasp(a) + Int(Rnd * 2)
If rasp(a) > rascl(a) * 1.5 Then rasp(a) = rascl(a)
If ah(a) < 1 Then
_Dest map
PSet (ax(a), ay(a))
Draw "s" + Str$(ascl(a) - 1)
Draw "ta" + Str$(aa(a)) + "c" + Str$(_rgb32(200,200,200)) + "m+4,-2m+4,+2m-4,+2m-4,-2br8r5m+2,-2m+1,+2m-1,+2m-2,-2"
_Dest 0
ay(a) = Int(Rnd * maxay)
ax(a) = 0 - (Int(Rnd * 10) + 5)
aa(a) = 0
ascl(a) = Int(Rnd * 6) + 3
ah(a) = Int(Rnd * 10) + ascl(a) * 2
End If
If a <= rac And rah(a) < 1 Then
_Dest map
PSet (rax(a), ray(a))
Draw "s" + Str$(rascl(a) - 1)
Draw "ta" + Str$(raa(a)) + "c" + Str$(_rgb32(200,200,200)) + "m+4,-2m+4,+2m-4,+2m-4,-2br8r5m+2,-2m+1,+2m-1,+2m-2,-2"
_Dest 0
ray(a) = Int(Rnd * maxay)
rax(a) = maxax + 10 - (Int(Rnd * 10) + 5)
raa(a) = 180
rascl(a) = Int(Rnd * 6) + 3
rah(a) = Int(Rnd * 10) + rascl(a) * 2
End If
'Draw Head
For sz = .25 To 10 Step .25
Circle (player.x + camera.x, player.y + camera.y), sz, _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next sz
'Draw Smile
Circle (player.x + camera.x, player.y + camera.y + 2), 7, _RGB32(255, 0, 0), _Pi, 2 * _Pi, .5
'Draw Eyes
Circle (player.x + camera.x - 4, player.y + camera.y - 2), 1, _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
Circle (player.x + camera.x + 4, player.y + camera.y - 2), 1, _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10, player.y + camera.y - 10)-(player.x + camera.x + 10, player.y + camera.y - 9), _RGB32(155, 0, 0), BF
Line (player.x + camera.x - 5, player.y + camera.y - 9)-(player.x + camera.x + 5, player.y + camera.y - 15), _RGB32(155, 0, 0), BF
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10, player.y + camera.y + 10)-(player.x + camera.x + 10, player.y + camera.y + 40), _RGB32(155, 0, 0), BF
If t > 12 Then t = 1
If t > 0 And t < 6 Then
'Left Arm
For wid2 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10 - wid2, player.y + camera.y + 10)-(player.x + camera.x - 20 - wid2, player.y + camera.y + 30), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid2
'Right Arm
For wid1 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x + 10 + wid1, player.y + camera.y + 10)-(player.x + camera.x + 20 + wid1, player.y + camera.y + 30), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid1
'Left leg
For wid2 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10 + wid2, player.y + camera.y + 40)-(player.x + camera.x - 10 + wid2, player.y + camera.y + 60), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid2
'Right leg
For wid1 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x + 10 - wid1, player.y + camera.y + 40)-(player.x + camera.x + 10 - wid1, player.y + camera.y + 60), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid1
End If
If t > 5 And t < 13 Then
'Left Arm
For wid2 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10 - wid2, player.y + camera.y + 10)-(player.x + camera.x - 30 - wid2, player.y + camera.y + 30), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid2
'Right Arm
For wid1 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x + 10 + wid1, player.y + camera.y + 10)-(player.x + camera.x + 30 + wid1, player.y + camera.y + 30), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid1
'Left leg
For wid2 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x - 10 + wid2, player.y + camera.y + 40)-(player.x + camera.x - 15 + wid2, player.y + camera.y + 60), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid2
'Right leg
For wid1 = .1 To 3 Step .1
Line (player.x + camera.x + 10 - wid1, player.y + camera.y + 40)-(player.x + camera.x + 15 - wid1, player.y + camera.y + 60), _RGB32(255, 166, 127)
Next wid1
End If
_Limit 60
Sub adjustCamera
If player.x + camera.x > _Width / 2 Or player.x + camera.x < _Width / 2 Then
camera.x = _Width / 2 - player.x
End If
If camera.x > 0 Then camera.x = 0
If camera.x < -(_Width(map) - _Width) Then camera.x = -(_Width(map) - _Width)
If player.y + camera.y > _Height / 2 Or player.y + camera.y < _Height / 2 Then
camera.y = _Height / 2 - player.y
End If
If camera.y > 0 Then camera.y = 0
If camera.y < -(_Height(map) - _Height) Then camera.y = -(_Height(map) - _Height)
End Sub
Sub dant (ang, klr, scl, x, y)
Draw "s" + Str$(scl)
PSet (x, y)
Draw "c" + Str$(_RGB32(klr, 10, 10)) + "ta" + Str$(ang) + ant$
End Sub
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Hi Ken, not a big fan of WASD, my favorite way to move is mouse eg b+ Asteroids!
Oh but I gotta see ants! Maybe I'll get some spiders ;-))
b = b + ...
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Oh man! those ants are in a different space zone!
b = b + ...
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(08-10-2022, 08:32 PM)bplus Wrote: Oh man! those ants are in a different space zone!
Probably have to add another layer.