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Request: Suggestion for IDE
This may sound like a silly suggestion but it would be nice if the mouse pointer disappeared after a few seconds of inactivity. I can't count the number of times, just today, I've had to move the mouse pointer out of the way because it was blocking the code exactly where I was typing.

Any mouse movement would then again bring the mouse pointer back into view.

I know this sounds like a simple request but I've taken a peek from time to time at the QB64 source code. Those who maintain that code are saints in my view. If it's something fairly easy to add could a future revision include this? I understand if this would be placed low on the priority list or not even considered however.

Thanks Terry. Notepad on Windows does this and it makes complete sense to me.

I've opened an issue for this on GitHub:
The mouse pointer doesn't disappear in Notepad++ either - just tried it for 3 minutes. And that's good so!

I want to see where the mouse pointer is right now. I work on the computer with a mixture of keys and mouse pointer; as probably very many. In an IDE like that of QB64, of course, the same. Where is the problem? I personally don't see any.
I find this feature useful, maybe because I use a notebook and it happens often that typing fast on keyboard I touch fastly the touchpad and it moves pointer of text at position of mouse...I find this experience very hard to digest... but the problem is not QB64IDE but all those editors that don't let hide mouse pointer after inactivity!
In Windows it is possible set the mouse behaviour...
1. open Control panel
2. open Devices and Printers
3. open Mouse property
4. click on tab  pointer's Options
5. activate the option: Hide pointer during typing

and it is done!

it is a pity that QB64 IDE is indifferent to this setting of Windows OS!
But it is still  indifferent to the language setting of OS.
We can affirm that QB64 is indipendent application, prideful of its indipendence for native istance.
That God blesses QB64!
(10-05-2022, 10:26 PM)Kernelpanic Wrote: The mouse pointer doesn't disappear in Notepad++ either - just tried it for 3 minutes. And that's good so!

I want to see where the mouse pointer is right now. I work on the computer with a mixture of keys and mouse pointer; as probably very many. In an IDE like that of QB64, of course, the same. Where is the problem? I personally don't see any.

Perhaps as an option to enable or disable then. I rarely use the mouse in the QB64 IDE as I have memorized most keystrokes over the years.
Maybe check Windows settings or try a 3dr party app?

so I think I have said here
"it is a pity that QB64 IDE is indifferent to this setting of Windows OS!"
how can QB64 check OS settings about mouse?
(10-06-2022, 11:09 AM)TempodiBasic Wrote: @Pete
so I think I have said here
"it is a pity that QB64 IDE is indifferent to this setting of Windows OS!"
how can QB64 check OS settings about mouse?

It's possible to check the registry but I don't think that would be very easy to do. I don't think it would make much difference, anyways.
The noticing will continue
(10-06-2022, 02:29 AM)Pete Wrote: Maybe check Windows settings or try a 3dr party app?


I didn't even consider that. Thanks for the suggestion.
In Word, the cursor disappears after two or three letters. Well, then when I want to go to a certain point, I have to move the mouse to see where it is and then click on the spot I want to edit. But then I always automatically move the cursor to the side. And that's how I do it in the IDE - in everyone. So I see no problem with the cursor.

Changing something there only means: more code, more possibilities for error.

A standard work on the subject of computers and code in general (Nr 1 is better, second hand): Code Complete

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