10-10-2022, 06:16 PM
Building a Trek shooter based on the zoom_circle program I posted a few days ago. Currently the player space ship can just zoom about the screen while an enemy craft crawls along.
Code: (Select All)
'Zoom Trek
'by James D. Jarvis, still very ealry in development
'low end control example with angular navigation, dubious physics, and screenwrap
' w - accelerate
' s - decelerate
' a - turn to port
' d- turn to starboard
't - activate tracking to tragte alien vessel
'<esc> - end program
Screen _NewImage(900, 680, 32)
Dim Shared klr As _Unsigned Long
Type shiptype
shape As Integer
nm As String
fuel As Double
hdg As Double
hc As Double
mr As Double
px As Double
py As Double
shield As Integer
shieldmax As Integer
shieldregen As Integer
shieldrc As Integer
sregenon As Integer
hull As Integer
k As _Unsigned Long
br As Double
beamname As String
torpname As String
bcost As Integer
tcost As Integer
tnum As Integer
bdam As Integer
tdam As Integer
brange As Integer
trange As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared ps As shiptype
Dim Shared AV(10) As shiptype
Dim Shared na As Integer
Dim Shared stardate, target
defineship 0, ps 'player starting as commonwealth you can chage this but missions will not reflect change beyond player ship
For msn = 1 To 1
View Print 35 To 40
tx = ps.px + 3.5 * Sin(0.01745329 * hdg)
ty = ps.py + 3.5 * Cos(0.01745329 * hdg)
stardate = Timer
missions msn
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, 535), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
_Limit 30
' Circle (ppx, ppy), 4, _RGB32(250, 250, 100) 'the zoom_circle saucer
' drawcraft 1, ppx, ppy, hdg, _RGB32(250, 250, 250)
drawcraft ps.shape, ps.px, ps.py, ps.hdg, ps.k
handlealiens "draw"
Line (1, 1)-(535, 535), _RGB32(100, 200, 100), B
Line (10, 10)-(525, 525), _RGB32(100, 200, 100), B
'Circle (tx, ty), 2, _RGB32(255, 255, 255) 'this nubbin is to show where the cricle is heading
kk$ = InKey$
'Locate 1, 1: Print "Fuel : "; Int(ps.fuel)
'Locate 1, 20: Print "Velocity :"; Int(ps.mr * 200)
Select Case kk$
Case "w"
If ps.fuel > 0 Then
ps.mr = ps.mr + 0.05 * (100000 / ps.fuel)
ps.fuel = ps.fuel - (1 * ps.br)
End If
Case "s"
If ps.fuel > 0 Then
ps.fuel = ps.fuel - Sqr(ps.mr / (0.05 * ps.br))
ps.mr = ps.mr - 0.05
If ps.mr < 0 Then ps.mr = 0
End If
Case "a"
If ps.fuel > 0 Then
ps.fuel = ps.fuel - Sqr(Sqr(ps.mr / (0.05 * ps.br)))
ps.hc = ps.hc + 2
ps.mr = ps.mr * 0.995
End If
Case "d"
If ps.fuel > 0 Then
ps.fuel = ps.fuel - Sqr(Sqr(ps.mr / 0.05))
ps.hc = ps.hc - 2
ps.mr = ps.mr * .995
End If
Case " ", "b" 'fire beam weapon
If target < 1 Then
Sound 880, 3
Print "NO TARGET DECLARED (Press T to activate target tracking)"
End If
Case "t" 'activate or shift tracking
For a = 1 To na
Print a; ") "; AV(a).nm,
Next a
Input "Enter Target # "; target
If target > 0 Or target <= na Then
For t = 1 To na
If t = target And AV(t).px > 0 Then
target = 0
End If
Next t
target = 0
End If
End Select
handlealiens "move"
ps.px = ps.px + ps.mr * Sin(0.01745329 * ps.hdg)
ps.py = ps.py + ps.mr * Cos(0.01745329 * ps.hdg)
ps.hdg = ps.hdg + ps.hc
ps.hc = ps.hc * .75
If ps.px < 15 Then ps.px = 500
If ps.px > 515 Then ps.px = 15
If ps.py < 15 Then ps.py = 500
If ps.py > 515 Then ps.py = 15
tx = ps.px + 3.5 * Sin(0.01745329 * ps.hdg)
ty = ps.py + 3.5 * Cos(0.01745329 * ps.hdg)
Loop Until kk$ = Chr$(27) Or kk$ = "ABORT"
If kk$ = "ABORT" Then
Print "MISSION "; msn; " ABORT"
Print "Attempt next mission? (Y or N)"
ask$ = Input$(1)
ask$ = UCase$(ask$)
Loop Until aks$ = "Y" Or ask$ = "N"
If ask$ = "N" GoTo endgame
GoTo endgame
End If
Next msn
Sub drawcraft (craftid, cx, cy, hdg, klr As _Unsigned Long)
Select Case craftid
Case 1
Draw "bm" + Str$(cx) + "," + Str$(cy) + "C" + Str$(klr) + "ta" + Str$(hdg) + " bu5l4d5u10br8d10u5l4d10"
tx = cx + 5 * Sin(0.01745329 * hdg)
ty = cy + 5 * Cos(0.01745329 * hdg)
Circle (tx, ty), 3, klr
Case 2
Draw "bm" + Str$(cx) + "," + Str$(cy) + "C" + Str$(klr) + "ta" + Str$(hdg) + " bu5l4d5u6br8d6u5l4d10"
tx = cx + 5 * Sin(0.01745329 * hdg)
ty = cy + 5 * Cos(0.01745329 * hdg)
Circle (tx, ty), 2, klr
Case 3
Circle (cx, cy), 6, klr
Draw "bm" + Str$(cx) + "," + Str$(cy) + "C" + Str$(klr) + "ta" + Str$(hdg) + " l6u6br12d6l6u6"
Case 4
Circle (cx, cy), 9, klr
Circle (cx, cy), 3, klr
tx = cx + 6 * Sin(0.01745329 * hdg)
ty = cy + 6 * Cos(0.01745329 * hdg)
Circle (tx, ty), 2, klr
End Select
End Sub
Sub defineship (id As Integer, ds As shiptype)
Select Case id
Case 0 'Commonwealth cruiser
ds.shape = 1
ds.fuel = 100000
ds.hdg = 90
ds.br = 1.1
ds.hc = 0
ds.mr = 0
ds.px = 0
ds.py = 0
ds.shield = 1000
ds.shieldmax = 1000
ds.shieldregen = 10
ds.shieldrc = 10
ds.sregenon = 1
ds.hull = 3000
ds.k = _RGB32(250, 250, 250)
ds.nm = "Commonwealth Cruiser"
ds.beamname = "Maser"
ds.torpname = "Proton Torpedo MII"
ds.bcost = 1
ds.tcost = 1
ds.tnum = 300
ds.bdam = 300
ds.tdam = 1500
ds.brange = 200
ds.trange = 300
Case 1 'Kraal Destroyer
ds.shape = 2
ds.fuel = 90000
ds.br = 1.0
ds.hdg = 90
ds.hc = 0
ds.mr = 0
ds.px = 0
ds.py = 0
ds.shield = 900
ds.shieldmax = 900
ds.shieldregen = 9
ds.shieldrc = 10
ds.sregenon = 1
ds.hull = 2000
ds.k = _RGB32(250, 50, 0)
ds.nm = "Kraal Destroyer"
ds.beamname = "UVaser"
ds.torpname = "Proton Torpedo MI"
ds.bcost = 1
ds.tcost = 1
ds.tnum = 300
ds.bdam = 250
ds.tdam = 1000
ds.brange = 100
ds.trange = 200
Case 2 'Gorgon Raider
ds.shape = 3
ds.fuel = 125000
ds.br = 2
ds.hdg = 90
ds.hc = 0
ds.mr = 0
ds.px = 0
ds.py = 0
ds.shield = 500
ds.shieldmax = 500
ds.shieldregen = 8
ds.shieldrc = 15
ds.sregenon = -1
ds.hull = 5000
ds.k = _RGB32(100, 250, 50)
ds.nm = "Gorgon Imperial Raider"
ds.beamname = "Laser"
ds.torpname = "Atomic-WarpStorm"
ds.bcost = 1
ds.tcost = 3000
ds.tnum = -99
ds.bdam = 200
ds.tdam = 3000
ds.brange = 150
ds.trange = 200
Case 3 'Andromeda Invader
ds.shape = 4
ds.fuel = 250000
ds.br = 1
ds.hdg = 90
ds.hc = 0
ds.mr = 0
ds.px = 0
ds.py = 0
ds.shield = 2000
ds.shieldmax = 2000
ds.shieldregen = 20
ds.shieldrc = 10
ds.sregenon = 1
ds.hull = 6000
ds.k = _RGB32(100, 250, 50)
ds.nm = "Andromeda Invader"
ds.beamname = "Demat Beam"
ds.torpname = "Quark Torpedo"
ds.bcost = 1
ds.tcost = 30
ds.tnum = 1000
ds.bdam = 400
ds.tdam = 5000
ds.brange = 150
ds.trange = 100
Case 4 'Kraal Corsair
ds.shape = 2
ds.fuel = 100000
ds.br = 1.05
ds.hdg = 90
ds.hc = 0
ds.mr = 0
ds.px = 0
ds.py = 0
ds.shield = 950
ds.shieldmax = 950
ds.shieldregen = 10
ds.shieldrc = 11
ds.sregenon = 1
ds.hull = 1800
ds.k = _RGB32(240, 50, 40)
ds.nm = "Kraal Corsair"
ds.beamname = "UVaser"
ds.torpname = "Proton Torpedo MI"
ds.bcost = 1
ds.tcost = 1
ds.tnum = 100
ds.bdam = 250
ds.tdam = 1000
ds.brange = 100
ds.trange = 200
Case 5 'Kraal
ds.shape = 2
ds.fuel = 150000
ds.br = 1.2
ds.hdg = 90
ds.hc = 0
ds.mr = 0
ds.px = 0
ds.py = 0
ds.shield = 1150
ds.shieldmax = 1150
ds.shieldregen = 12
ds.shieldrc = 15
ds.sregenon = 1
ds.hull = 2500
ds.k = _RGB32(240, 50, 40)
ds.nm = "Kraal BattleCruiser"
ds.beamname = "Overcharged UVaser"
ds.torpname = "Proton Torpedo MII"
ds.bcost = 2
ds.tcost = 1
ds.tnum = 200
ds.bdam = 300
ds.tdam = 1500
ds.brange = 150
ds.trange = 280
End Select
End Sub
Sub shipdatadisplay
_PrintString (580, 10), "Stardate " + Str$(Timer)
_PrintString (580, 60), ps.nm
_PrintString (580, 80), "Fuel " + Str$(Int(ps.fuel))
_PrintString (580, 100), "Velocity " + Str$(Int(ps.mr * 200))
_PrintString (580, 120), "Shields " + Str$(ps.shield)
_PrintString (580, 140), "Hull Integrity " + Str$(ps.hull)
_PrintString (580, 160), ps.torpname
If ps.tnum > -1 Then
_PrintString (580, 180), "Ammo: " + Str$(ps.tnum)
Select Case ps.tnum
Case -99
_PrintString (580, 180), "-- Online --"
Case -13
_PrintString (580, 180), "** OFFLINE **"
End Select
End If
If target > 0 Then
_PrintString (580, 200), "************************"
_PrintString (580, 216), " TARGET TRACKING REPORT "
_PrintString (580, 232), "************************"
_PrintString (580, 250), AV(target).nm
If Int(Rnd * 100) < 20 Then
msg$ = "Shields : ?????????????????"
msg$ = "Shields : " + Str$(AV(target).shield)
End If
_PrintString (580, 270), msg$
If Int(Rnd * 100) < 20 Then
msg$ = "Hull : ?????????????????"
msg$ = "Hull : " + Str$(AV(target).hull)
End If
_PrintString (580, 290), msg$
dx = Abs(ps.px - AV(target).px): dy = Abs(ps.py - AV(target).py)
dd = Sqr(dx * dx + dy + dy)
_PrintString (580, 310), "Range to Target :" + Str$(Int(dd))
End If
End Sub
Sub missions (m)
Select Case m
Case 1
Print "**** STARWATCH COMMAND to "; ps.nm; " ****"
Print " <press any key to engage warp drive> "
any$ = Input$(1)
na = 1
defineship 1, AV(1)
AV(1).hdg = 90: AV(1).mr = .1: AV(1).px = 300: AV(1).py = 100: AV(1).hull = AV(1).hull / 2
For a = 2 To 10
defineship 1, AV(a)
AV(a).fuel = 0: AV(a).px = 0
Next a
ps.px = 250: ps.py = 250: ps.hdg = 90: ps.hc = 0: ps.mr = 0
target = 0
End Select
End Sub
Sub handlealiens (sequence$)
Select Case sequence$
Case "draw"
For a = 1 To na
If AV(a).px > 0 Then
drawcraft AV(a).shape, AV(a).px, AV(a).py, AV(a).hdg, AV(a).k
End If
Next a
Case "move"
For a = 1 To na
If AV(a).px > 0 And AV(a).mr > 0 Then
xtp = AV(a).px - ps.px
ytp = AV(a).py - ps.py
dtp = Sqr(Abs(xtp) * Abs(xtp) + Abs(ytp) * Abs(ytp))
AV(a).hdg = AV(a).hdg + AV(a).hc
AV(a).hc = AV(a).hc * .75
AV(a).px = AV(a).px + AV(a).mr * Sin(0.01745329 * AV(a).hdg)
AV(a).py = AV(a).py + AV(a).mr * Cos(0.01745329 * AV(a).hdg)
If AV(a).px < 15 Then AV(a).px = 500
If AV(a).px > 515 Then AV(a).px = 15
If AV(a).py < 15 Then AV(a).py = 500
If AV(a).py > 515 Then AV(a).py = 15
End If
Next a
End Select
End Sub