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Just wondering as I am still trying to better understand collisions, if anyone here would be interested in shedding some light on this subject.
I'm currently trying to get my mind around the idea of angular collision responses. Specifically if a moving ball is to collide with odd angled surfaces (2D only). Looking into this, I've discovered yet again that my math skills are nearly zero, so this could perhaps be easy for others here. Or maybe it's difficult - I don't know.
Vectors are at play here and apparently the math involves multiplying vectors, which is new to me. The "dot product" seems to be the way to do this, rather than using degrees and more code. But honestly it's a bit confusing to me at this point.
So just to illustrate the idea...if the ball in this scenario was bouncing off these walls, would this be a nightmare to program? Or is this not as bad as it seems?
Code: (Select All) Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Randomize Timer
Dim c1 As Long
c1 = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
x1 = 50
y1 = 50
flag = 0
While flag = 0
x2 = (Rnd * 80) + 80 + x1
If x2 > 750 Then
x2 = 750
flag = 1
End If
y2 = Rnd * 60 + 20
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
flag = 0
While flag = 0
y2 = (Rnd * 80) + 80 + y1
If y2 > 550 Then
y2 = 550
flag = 1
End If
x2 = 750 - (Rnd * 60 + 20)
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
flag = 0
While flag = 0
x2 = x1 - ((Rnd * 80) + 80)
If x2 < 50 Then
x2 = 50
flag = 1
End If
y2 = 550 - (Rnd * 60 + 20)
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
flag = 0
While flag = 0
y2 = y1 - ((Rnd * 80) + 80)
If y2 < 50 Then
y2 = 50
flag = 1
End If
x2 = Rnd * 60 + 20
If flag = 1 Then x2 = 50
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
Circle (400, 300), 10, c1
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10-15-2022, 02:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-15-2022, 02:25 AM by bplus.)
It might get a little hairy with all the lines but according to ball location you'd only have to check one line, maybe?
Here is study with a ball and angled paddle, uses LineIntersectCircle code:
Code: (Select All) _Title "Angle Paddle Test, mouse wheel down is clockwise" 'b+ started 2020-03-08 from _vince idea
Const xmax = 800, ymax = 600, xc = 400, yc = 300
Dim Shared P, P2, Pd2
P = _Pi: P2 = 2 * P: Pd2 = P / 2
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_Delay .2 'need time for screen to load before attempting to move it.
_ScreenMove _Middle
Randomize Timer
bx = xc: by = yc: br = 20: bs = 5: ba = _D2R(60)
mr = 50: ma = 0
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
Line (0, 0)-(xmax, ymax), &H10000000, BF
bdx = bs * Cos(ba): bdy = bs * Sin(ba)
Locate 1, 1: Print "ma"; _R2D(ma) \ 1; " ba"; _R2D(ba) \ 1
bx = bx + bdx
If bx < br Then bx = br: bdx = -bdx
If bx > xmax - br Then bx = xmax - br: bdx = -bdx
by = by + bdy
If by < br Then by = br: bdy = -bdy
If by > ymax - br Then by = ymax - br: bdy = -bdy
ba = _Atan2(bdy, bdx)
While _MouseInput ' paddle
ma = ma + _MouseWheel * P2 / 72 '5 degrees change
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
mx1 = mx + mr * Cos(ma)
my1 = my + mr * Sin(ma)
mx2 = mx + mr * Cos(ma + P)
my2 = my + mr * Sin(ma + P)
Line (mx1, my1)-(mx2, my2), &HFFFF8800
'draw a handle to track the side the ball is on
hx1 = mx + br * Cos(ma + Pd2): hy1 = my + br * Sin(ma + Pd2)
hx2 = mx + br * Cos(ma - Pd2): hy2 = my + br * Sin(ma - Pd2)
d1 = _Hypot(hx1 - bx, hy1 - by): d2 = _Hypot(hx2 - bx, hy2 - by)
If d1 < d2 Then
Line (hx2, hy2)-(mx, my), &HFFFF8800
paddleNormal = _Atan2(my - hy2, mx - hx2)
Line (hx1, hy1)-(mx, my), &HFFFF8800
paddleNormal = _Atan2(my - hy1, mx - hx1)
End If
tx = -99: ty = -99
dist = _Hypot(bx - mx, by - my) ' collision?
If dist < br + mr Then ' centers close enough
contacts = lineIntersectCircle%(mx1, my1, mx2, my2, bx, by, br, ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2)
If contacts Then Print "Contact"; contacts ': _DELAY .5 'OK so far
If contacts = 1 Then 'just touched (or passed through)
If _Hypot(ix1 - mx, iy1 - my) < br Then tx = ix1: ty = iy1
ElseIf contacts = 2 Then
'contact point would have been in middle of 2 points
tx = (ix1 + ix2) / 2: ty = (iy1 + iy2) / 2
End If
If tx > 0 Then ' rebound ball
Circle (tx, ty), 2 'show contact point
'relocate bx, by
bx = tx + br * Cos(paddleNormal) 'this is where the ball would be at contact
by = ty + br * Sin(paddleNormal)
'find the angle of reflection
ba = _Atan2(bdy, bdx)
aReflect = Abs(paddleNormal - ba) 'apparently I have to flip the next clac by PI
If ba < paddleNormal Then ba = paddleNormal + aReflect + P Else ba = paddleNormal - aReflect + P
End If
End If
Circle (bx, by), br 'ball
_Limit 60
' return 0 no Intersect, 1 = tangent 1 point touch, 2 = 2 point intersect
Function lineIntersectCircle% (lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2, cx, cy, r, ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2)
'needs SUB slopeYintersect (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, slope, Yintercept)
If lx1 <> lx2 Then
slopeYintersect lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2, m, Y0 ' Y0 otherwise know as y Intersect
A = m ^ 2 + 1
B = 2 * (m * Y0 - m * cy - cx)
C = cy ^ 2 - r ^ 2 + cx ^ 2 - 2 * Y0 * cy + Y0 ^ 2
D = B ^ 2 - 4 * A * C 'telling part of Quadratic formula = 0 then circle is tangent or > 0 then 2 intersect points
If D < 0 Then ' no intersection
ix1 = -999: iy1 = -999: ix2 = -999: iy2 = -999: lineIntersectCircle% = 0
ElseIf D = 0 Then ' one point tangent
x1 = (-B + Sqr(D)) / (2 * A)
y1 = m * x1 + Y0
ix1 = x1: iy1 = y1: ix2 = -999: iy2 = -999: lineIntersectCircle% = 1
Else '2 points
x1 = (-B + Sqr(D)) / (2 * A): y1 = m * x1 + Y0
x2 = (-B - Sqr(D)) / (2 * A): y2 = m * x2 + Y0
ix1 = x1: iy1 = y1: ix2 = x2: iy2 = y2: lineIntersectCircle% = 2
End If
Else 'vertical line
If r = Abs(lx1 - cx) Then ' tangent
ix1 = lx1: iy1 = cy: ix2 = -999: iy2 = -999: lineIntersectCircle% = 1
ElseIf r < Abs(lx1 - cx) Then 'no intersect
ix1 = -999: iy1 = -999: ix2 = -999: iy2 = -999: lineIntersectCircle% = 0
Else '2 point intersect
ydist = Sqr(r ^ 2 - (lx1 - cx) ^ 2)
ix1 = lx1: iy1 = cy + ydist: ix2 = lx1: iy2 = cy - ydist: lineIntersectCircle% = 2
End If
End If
End Function
Sub slopeYintersect (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, slope, Yintercept) ' fix for when x1 = x2
slope = (Y2 - Y1) / (X2 - X1)
Yintercept = slope * (0 - X1) + Y1
End Sub
PS I am not using vectors formally and physics might not be perfect but looks OK to me.
Update: just discovered glitch when paddle is 270 degrees, probably dividing by 0 somewhere.
b = b + ...
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(10-15-2022, 02:16 AM)bplus Wrote: It might get a little hairy with all the lines but according to ball location you'd only have to check one line, maybe?
Here is study with a ball and angled paddle, uses LineIntersectCircle code:
Code: (Select All) _Title "Angle Paddle Test, mouse wheel down is clockwise" 'b+ started 2020-03-08 from _vince idea
Const xmax = 800, ymax = 600, xc = 400, yc = 300
Dim Shared P, P2, Pd2
P = _Pi: P2 = 2 * P: Pd2 = P / 2
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_Delay .2 'need time for screen to load before attempting to move it.
_ScreenMove _Middle
Randomize Timer
bx = xc: by = yc: br = 20: bs = 5: ba = _D2R(60)
mr = 50: ma = 0
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
Line (0, 0)-(xmax, ymax), &H10000000, BF
bdx = bs * Cos(ba): bdy = bs * Sin(ba)
Locate 1, 1: Print "ma"; _R2D(ma) \ 1; " ba"; _R2D(ba) \ 1
bx = bx + bdx
If bx < br Then bx = br: bdx = -bdx
If bx > xmax - br Then bx = xmax - br: bdx = -bdx
by = by + bdy
If by < br Then by = br: bdy = -bdy
If by > ymax - br Then by = ymax - br: bdy = -bdy
ba = _Atan2(bdy, bdx)
While _MouseInput ' paddle
ma = ma + _MouseWheel * P2 / 72 '5 degrees change
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
mx1 = mx + mr * Cos(ma)
my1 = my + mr * Sin(ma)
mx2 = mx + mr * Cos(ma + P)
my2 = my + mr * Sin(ma + P)
Line (mx1, my1)-(mx2, my2), &HFFFF8800
'draw a handle to track the side the ball is on
hx1 = mx + br * Cos(ma + Pd2): hy1 = my + br * Sin(ma + Pd2)
hx2 = mx + br * Cos(ma - Pd2): hy2 = my + br * Sin(ma - Pd2)
d1 = _Hypot(hx1 - bx, hy1 - by): d2 = _Hypot(hx2 - bx, hy2 - by)
If d1 < d2 Then
Line (hx2, hy2)-(mx, my), &HFFFF8800
paddleNormal = _Atan2(my - hy2, mx - hx2)
Line (hx1, hy1)-(mx, my), &HFFFF8800
paddleNormal = _Atan2(my - hy1, mx - hx1)
End If
tx = -99: ty = -99
dist = _Hypot(bx - mx, by - my) ' collision?
If dist < br + mr Then ' centers close enough
contacts = lineIntersectCircle%(mx1, my1, mx2, my2, bx, by, br, ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2)
If contacts Then Print "Contact"; contacts ': _DELAY .5 'OK so far
If contacts = 1 Then 'just touched (or passed through)
If _Hypot(ix1 - mx, iy1 - my) < br Then tx = ix1: ty = iy1
ElseIf contacts = 2 Then
'contact point would have been in middle of 2 points
tx = (ix1 + ix2) / 2: ty = (iy1 + iy2) / 2
End If
If tx > 0 Then ' rebound ball
Circle (tx, ty), 2 'show contact point
'relocate bx, by
bx = tx + br * Cos(paddleNormal) 'this is where the ball would be at contact
by = ty + br * Sin(paddleNormal)
'find the angle of reflection
ba = _Atan2(bdy, bdx)
aReflect = Abs(paddleNormal - ba) 'apparently I have to flip the next clac by PI
If ba < paddleNormal Then ba = paddleNormal + aReflect + P Else ba = paddleNormal - aReflect + P
End If
End If
Circle (bx, by), br 'ball
_Limit 60
' return 0 no Intersect, 1 = tangent 1 point touch, 2 = 2 point intersect
Function lineIntersectCircle% (lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2, cx, cy, r, ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2)
'needs SUB slopeYintersect (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, slope, Yintercept)
If lx1 <> lx2 Then
slopeYintersect lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2, m, Y0 ' Y0 otherwise know as y Intersect
A = m ^ 2 + 1
B = 2 * (m * Y0 - m * cy - cx)
C = cy ^ 2 - r ^ 2 + cx ^ 2 - 2 * Y0 * cy + Y0 ^ 2
D = B ^ 2 - 4 * A * C 'telling part of Quadratic formula = 0 then circle is tangent or > 0 then 2 intersect points
If D < 0 Then ' no intersection
ix1 = -999: iy1 = -999: ix2 = -999: iy2 = -999: lineIntersectCircle% = 0
ElseIf D = 0 Then ' one point tangent
x1 = (-B + Sqr(D)) / (2 * A)
y1 = m * x1 + Y0
ix1 = x1: iy1 = y1: ix2 = -999: iy2 = -999: lineIntersectCircle% = 1
Else '2 points
x1 = (-B + Sqr(D)) / (2 * A): y1 = m * x1 + Y0
x2 = (-B - Sqr(D)) / (2 * A): y2 = m * x2 + Y0
ix1 = x1: iy1 = y1: ix2 = x2: iy2 = y2: lineIntersectCircle% = 2
End If
Else 'vertical line
If r = Abs(lx1 - cx) Then ' tangent
ix1 = lx1: iy1 = cy: ix2 = -999: iy2 = -999: lineIntersectCircle% = 1
ElseIf r < Abs(lx1 - cx) Then 'no intersect
ix1 = -999: iy1 = -999: ix2 = -999: iy2 = -999: lineIntersectCircle% = 0
Else '2 point intersect
ydist = Sqr(r ^ 2 - (lx1 - cx) ^ 2)
ix1 = lx1: iy1 = cy + ydist: ix2 = lx1: iy2 = cy - ydist: lineIntersectCircle% = 2
End If
End If
End Function
Sub slopeYintersect (X1, Y1, X2, Y2, slope, Yintercept) ' fix for when x1 = x2
slope = (Y2 - Y1) / (X2 - X1)
Yintercept = slope * (0 - X1) + Y1
End Sub
PS I am not using vectors formally and physics might not be perfect but looks OK to me.
Update: just discovered glitch when paddle is 270 degrees, probably dividing by 0 somewhere.
Thanks, I'll study this code!
In the meantime I've found a bit of vector basics help:
And I had bookmarked this earlier:
(My problem is I don't understand this stuff...)
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10-15-2022, 10:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-15-2022, 11:25 PM by James D Jarvis.)
I experimented a little, I didn't get the complete results I hoped for... but something happens a little like you'd hope, some of the time. I had to make the lines at the boundaries fatter so they wouldn't get missed too often while the program looked for them so the line drawing to do that is in there too.
Code: (Select All) 'caveball
ms& = _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
border& = _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Randomize Timer
Dim c1 As Long
Dim klr As _Unsigned Long
Dim empty As _Unsigned Long
Screen border&
c1 = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
x1 = 50
y1 = 50
flag = 0
While flag = 0
x2 = (Rnd * 80) + 80 + x1
If x2 > 750 Then
x2 = 750
flag = 1
End If
y2 = Rnd * 60 + 20
fatline x1, y1, x2, y2, 2, c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
flag = 0
While flag = 0
y2 = (Rnd * 80) + 80 + y1
If y2 > 550 Then
y2 = 550
flag = 1
End If
x2 = 750 - (Rnd * 60 + 20)
fatline x1, y1, x2, y2, 2, c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
flag = 0
While flag = 0
x2 = x1 - ((Rnd * 80) + 80)
If x2 < 50 Then
x2 = 50
flag = 1
End If
y2 = 550 - (Rnd * 60 + 20)
fatline x1, y1, x2, y2, 2, c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
flag = 0
While flag = 0
y2 = y1 - ((Rnd * 80) + 80)
If y2 < 50 Then
y2 = 50
flag = 1
End If
x2 = Rnd * 60 + 20
If flag = 1 Then x2 = 50
fatline x1, y1, x2, y2, 2, c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
bx = 400
by = 400
speed = 2
Screen ms&
bang = 11
_Limit 60
_PutImage , border&, ms&
bang = bang + bm
bx = bx + speed * Cos(0.01745329 * bang)
by = by + speed * Sin(0.01745329 * bang)
bm = 0
For bv = bang - 120 To bang + 120 Step 10
checkx = bx + (12 * bang / bv) * Cos(0.01745329 * bv)
checky = by + (12 * bang / bv) * Sin(0.01745329 * bv)
klr = Point(checkx, checky)
If klr = c1 And bm = 0 Then
bm = bm + bv
' bx = bx + 2 * Cos(0.01745329 * bang)
'by = by + 2 * Sin(0.01745329 * bang)
End If
Circle (bx, by), 10, c1
kk$ = InKey$
Loop Until kk$ = Chr$(27)
Sub circleBF (cx As Long, cy As Long, r As Long, klr As _Unsigned Long)
rsqrd = r * r
y = -r
While y <= r
x = Sqr(rsqrd - y * y)
Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), klr, BF
y = y + 1
End Sub
Sub fatline (x0, y0, x1, y1, r, klr As _Unsigned Long)
If Abs(y1 - y0) < Abs(x1 - x0) Then
If x0 > x1 Then
lineLow x1, y1, x0, y0, r, klr
lineLow x0, y0, x1, y1, r, klr
End If
If y0 > y1 Then
lineHigh x1, y1, x0, y0, r, klr
lineHigh x0, y0, x1, y1, r, klr
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub lineLow (x0, y0, x1, y1, r, klr As _Unsigned Long)
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
yi = 1
If dy < 0 Then
yi = -1
dy = -dy
End If
'D = (2 * dy) - dx
d = (dy + dy) - dx
y = y0
For x = x0 To x1
circleBF x, y, r, klr
If d > 0 Then
y = y + yi
' D = D + (2 * (dy - dx))
d = d + ((dy - dx) + (dy - dx))
' D = D + 2 * dy
d = d + dy + dy
End If
Next x
End Sub
Sub lineHigh (x0, y0, x1, y1, r, klr As _Unsigned Long)
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
xi = 1
If dx < 0 Then
xi = -1
dx = -dx
End If
' D = (2 * dx) - dy
D = (dx + dx) - dy
x = x0
For y = y0 To y1
circleBF x, y, r, klr
If D > 0 Then
x = x + xi
' D = D + (2 * (dx - dy))
D = D + ((dx - dy) + (dx - dy))
' D = D + 2 * dx
D = D + dx + dx
End If
Next y
End Sub
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The first time I tried it, the ball got stuck in the Florida pan handle. The second time, somewhere in Texas. Isn't it supposed to keep going until ESC?
I only noticed one area of "overlap" where it looked like part of the ball crossed the boundary.
Over-all, pretty neat irregular collision detection technique.
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It is odd the way it just hangs every now and again. Not sure how'd that happen, maybe the spots it checks end up switching back and forth across the line?
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It's a problem with your numbers exceeding type limits. The variable bang never gets lowered, it only goes higher until it errors out.
For fun, I reset the variable to zero, to make a race track simulation...
Code: (Select All) DIM bv AS _INTEGER64
ms& = _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32)
border& = _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32)
SCREEN border&
c1 = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
x1 = 50
y1 = 50
flag = 0
WHILE flag = 0
x2 = (RND * 80) + 80 + x1
IF x2 > 750 THEN
x2 = 750
flag = 1
y2 = RND * 60 + 20
fatline x1, y1, x2, y2, 2, c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
flag = 0
WHILE flag = 0
y2 = (RND * 80) + 80 + y1
IF y2 > 550 THEN
y2 = 550
flag = 1
x2 = 750 - (RND * 60 + 20)
fatline x1, y1, x2, y2, 2, c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
flag = 0
WHILE flag = 0
x2 = x1 - ((RND * 80) + 80)
IF x2 < 50 THEN
x2 = 50
flag = 1
y2 = 550 - (RND * 60 + 20)
fatline x1, y1, x2, y2, 2, c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
flag = 0
WHILE flag = 0
y2 = y1 - ((RND * 80) + 80)
IF y2 < 50 THEN
y2 = 50
flag = 1
x2 = RND * 60 + 20
IF flag = 1 THEN x2 = 50
fatline x1, y1, x2, y2, 2, c1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
bx = 400
by = 400
speed = 2
bang = 11
LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT bx; by; bv; " ";
_PUTIMAGE , border&, ms&
bang = bang + bm
bx = bx + speed * COS(0.01745329 * bang)
by = by + speed * SIN(0.01745329 * bang)
bm = 0
FOR bv = bang - 120 TO bang + 120 STEP 10
checkx = bx + (12 * bang / bv) * COS(0.01745329 * bv)
checky = by + (12 * bang / bv) * SIN(0.01745329 * bv)
klr = POINT(checkx, checky)
IF klr = c1 AND bm = 0 THEN
bm = bm + bv
CIRCLE (bx, by), 10, c1
kk$ = INKEY$
LOOP UNTIL kk$ = CHR$(27)
rsqrd = r * r
y = -r
WHILE y <= r
x = SQR(rsqrd - y * y)
LINE (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), klr, BF
y = y + 1
SUB fatline (x0, y0, x1, y1, r, klr AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
IF ABS(y1 - y0) < ABS(x1 - x0) THEN
IF x0 > x1 THEN
lineLow x1, y1, x0, y0, r, klr
lineLow x0, y0, x1, y1, r, klr
IF y0 > y1 THEN
lineHigh x1, y1, x0, y0, r, klr
lineHigh x0, y0, x1, y1, r, klr
SUB lineLow (x0, y0, x1, y1, r, klr AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
yi = 1
IF dy < 0 THEN
yi = -1
dy = -dy
'D = (2 * dy) - dx
d = (dy + dy) - dx
y = y0
FOR x = x0 TO x1
circleBF x, y, r, klr
IF d > 0 THEN
y = y + yi
' D = D + (2 * (dy - dx))
d = d + ((dy - dx) + (dy - dx))
' D = D + 2 * dy
d = d + dy + dy
SUB lineHigh (x0, y0, x1, y1, r, klr AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
xi = 1
IF dx < 0 THEN
xi = -1
dx = -dx
' D = (2 * dx) - dy
D = (dx + dx) - dy
x = x0
FOR y = y0 TO y1
circleBF x, y, r, klr
x = x + xi
' D = D + (2 * (dx - dy))
D = D + ((dx - dy) + (dx - dy))
' D = D + 2 * dx
D = D + dx + dx
Jut get rid of my bang = 0 ' JUST FOR FUR RACE TRACK EFFECT... and watch the counter I put in. When it errors, it displays a bogus scientific number notation, and the ball freezes.
I hope that is of some help.
Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.
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10-16-2022, 12:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-16-2022, 12:53 AM by james2464.)
Thanks for taking a shot at this....I think it's safe to say that I'm very much in over my head with this.
I've been searching all over for the answers and the info I keep getting is "if you don't understand this, go back to the earlier lesson". And I'm almost at the point of just looking up 'vector' in the dictionary
Your program does very much demonstrate the idea, so thanks again!
This video explains the reflection of a vector, but I don't know what 'n' is. At 10:27 he says "don't forget if n is unit length you know that n.n is 1 and you can cross that out". But there are still more n's in the formula and I can't figure out what they are supposed to represent. He just said n=1 !! Or n.n = 1 anyway. I just wish there were numbers involved instead of just letters. That would be a huge help.
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10-16-2022, 12:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-16-2022, 01:19 AM by Pete.)
Hmm, _INTEGER64 fixes the freezing problem, but now we have a problem with the ball escaping when that type is exceeded. I tried to reset the numbers, but it is unclear to me the point that needs to be done. I tried one fix, and it worked for awhile and then the ball moved in other directions that did not trigger the reset.
More testing and we are getting warmer, but I'm seeing other instances where that refresh line I put in simply isn't called. It needs to be called every time a directional change occurs. I'm not quite seeing what we need for that, yet.
Shoot first and shoot people who ask questions, later.
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OK I worked up a demo of bouncing a circle around the insides of polygons.
I am not using point for collision detection but actual code that checks line (segment) intersections with circles.
I use regular polygons about a central point for easy normal line angles perpendicular to polygon boundary lines that point to center.
b = b + ...